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Knock-down resistance in Musca domestica, which provides cross-resistance between DDT and pyrethroids, has been genetically separated from three different resistant populations. After careful purification of each factor, the cross-over rates between them and the visible mutants brown body and green eye were estimated. This indicated that these factors are probably identical. The influence and implications of the knock-down resistance factor, kdr, on the total resistance of populations that include it are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Resistance to pyrethroids in insects is rare, but its recent rapid development in the field suggests that this resistance may be facilitated by previous exposure to or by resistance to insecticides of unrelated groups. To test this houseflies of strain 49r2b, originally resistant to dimethoate in the field, were selected eight times during ten generations with either pyrethrum extract or bioresmethrin with or without piperonyl butoxide or with dimethoate. Selecting with any of the pyrethroids led to resistance to these insecticides and in particular to pyrethrum/piperonyl butoxide. Selecting with pyrethrum/piperonyl butoxide resulted in strongest resistance to the pyrethroids tested, whereas selecting with bioresmethrin/piperonyl butoxide resulted in least resistance. These results show that dimethoate-resistant flies selected with pyrethroids can readily develop resistance to these insecticides, but development of resistance can be minimised by using bioresmethrin/piperonyl butoxide. The implications of these findings on the sequential use of insecticides are discussed.  相似文献   

Houseflies (Musca domestica) originating from agricultural buildings in Jalasjarvi (Vaasa province of Finland) were found to be resistant to contact with a variety of organophosphorus insecticides, including dichlorvos. Tolerance to topical application of bromophos, crotoxyphos, and trichlorfon was fairly high, to dimethoate and dichlorvos it was moderate, and to tetrachlorvinphos it was very low. Much higher degrees of resistance were obtained after exposure to surface deposits.Evidence is presented to suggest that the mechanism of resistance in the Jalasjarvi flies is probably based on reduced penetration. With dichlorvos less of the absorbed chemical penetrates the central nervous system (the thoracic ganglionic complex) of the resistant fly than penetrates that of the susceptible fly. No differences were apparent between the strains in the otherwise small rates of degradation of dichlorvos.  相似文献   

A series of insecticidal dihydropyrazoles and related compounds have been shown to exhibit negative cross-resistance to a resistant (super-kdr) strain of houseflies with site-insensitivity to pyrethroids. The level of cross-resistance is similar to that observed previously for a range of N-alkylamides against the same strain.  相似文献   

To assess the feasibility of pyrethroids for rice insect control, we examined susceptibilities of six field populations of rice stem borer Chilo suppressalis (Walker) to 10 pyrethroids using the topical application method in laboratory in 2004 and 2005. Our results showed that the seven pyrethroids with high fish-toxicity (i.e., β-cyfluthrin, λ-cyhalothrin, β-cypermethrin, deltamethrin, S-fenvalerate, α-cypermethrin, and fenpropathrin) were more effective against C. suppressalis than the three compounds with low fish-toxicity (i.e., cycloprothrin, etofenprox, and silafluofen). The results also showed that all 10 of the pyrethroids were much more effective than methamidophos and monosultap for C. suppressalis control. In addition, we found that susceptibilities of some field populations of C. suppressalis to some high fish-toxicity pyrethroids were significantly reduced, and our results indicated that a Ruian (RA) field population showed a year-to-year variation in susceptibility to most tested pyrethroids between 2004 and 2005. Our data indicated that the tolerance levels increased dramatically in RA population, especially to β-cyfluthrin and deltamethrin. This study provided the first assessment of resistance to pyrethroids in field populations of C. suppressalis. In addition, a close correlation between resistance ratios to the 10 compounds and differences of the structures of these compounds was established in the RA05 population, which was resistant to most of the pyrethroids tested while it was still very susceptible to fenvalerate with no cross resistance. Finally, the feasibility and precaution were discussed in selecting pyrethroids as alternatives to replace high toxicity organophosphates for C. suppressalis control and insecticide resistance management.  相似文献   

Pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus F. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) is a major univoltine pest of oilseed rape in many European countries. Winter oilseed rape is cultivated on several million hectares in Europe and the continuous use of pyrethroid insecticides to control pollen beetle populations has resulted in high selection pressure and subsequent development of resistance. Resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in this pest is now widespread and the levels of resistance are often sufficient to result in field control failures at recommended application rates. Recently, metabolic resistance mediated by cytochrome P450 monooxygenases was implicated in the resistance of several pollen beetle populations from different European regions. Here, we have also investigated the possible occurrence of a target-site mechanism caused by modification of the pollen beetle para-type voltage-gated sodium channel gene. We detected a single nucleotide change that results in an amino acid substitution (L1014F) within the domain IIS6 region of the channel protein. The L1014F mutation, often termed kdr, has been found in several other insect pests and is known to confer moderate levels of resistance to pyrethroids. We developed a pyrosequencing-based diagnostic assay that can detect the L1014F mutation in individual beetles and tested more than 350 populations collected between 2006 and 2010 in 13 European countries. In the majority of populations tested the mutation was absent, and only samples from two countries, Denmark and Sweden, contained pollen beetles heterozygous or homozygous for the L1014F mutation. The mutation was first detected in a sample from Denmark collected in 2007 after reports of field failure using tau-fluvalinate, and has since been detected in 7 out of 11 samples from Denmark and 25 of 33 samples from Sweden. No super-kdr mutations (e.g. M918T) known to cause resistance to pyrethroids were detected. The implications of these results for resistance management strategies of pollen beetle populations in oilseed rape crops are discussed.  相似文献   

A neurophysiological assay developed previously was used to assess the incidence of nerve insensitivity resistance to synthetic pyrethroids in field strains of Helicoverpa armigera. Almost 70% of individuals from a sample of a highly pyrethroid-resistant population from Jiangsu Province, China were nerve-insensitive. Subsequent selection resulted in a strain homogeneous for expression of this mechanism. Likewise, over 95% of a sample from a strain of the insects from Andhra Pradesh, India were nerve-insensitive and a homogeneous strain was developed. Development of a nerve-insensitive laboratory strain of Heliothis virescens was undertaken but homozygosity could not be obtained. It is suggested that high fitness costs may be associated with this mechanism. The incidence of nerve insensitivity in Heliothine pests is reviewed and the role of phenotypic expression assays in molecular studies highlighted. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

The pattern of organophosphate resistance in field populations of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) was monitored in Pakistan from 1994 through 1997 using an IRAC leaf-dip method. Generally, moderate to high resistance was found to an orthophosphorate, monocrotophos and to a dithiophosphorate, ethion. Resistance to the commonly used thiophosphorates, chlorpyrifos and profenofos, was very low during 1994 and 1995 but showed an upward trend during 1996 and 1997. Resistance factors to the other thiophosphorates such as quinalphos, parathion-methyl, methamidophos and triazophos remained very low. Baseline lethal concentrations for ethion, methamidophos and triazophos were at least four to five times higher than those for the other organophosphates tested, suggesting their low intrinsic efficacy against H armigera. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The characteristics of a new high-level, field-derived resistance to pyrethroids in Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) were investigated using impregnated-paper and treated-grain assays. Piperonyl butoxide almost completely suppressed the resistance, suggesting that the major resistance mechanism was microsomal oxidation. Resistance extended to all pyrethroids tested and to carbaryl but not to organophosphorus insecticides or to methoprene. Resistance was strongest against α—CN phenoxybenzyl cyclopropanecarboxylate pyrethroids and was correlated with structural modifications of the pyrethroid molecule, results also consistent with oxidative resistance. This resistance will ultimately result in failures to control T. castaneum if pyrethroids, such as deltamethrin, cypermethrin or cyfluthrin, are used in the field, even if they are synergised with piperonyl butoxide. The resistance does not jeopardise organophosphorus materials (e.g. fenitrothion, chlorpyrifos-methyl, pirimiphos-methyl, methacrifos) or methoprene.  相似文献   

Esterases hydrolyzing α-naphthyl acetate (α-NA), β-naphthyl acetate (β-NA), and p-nitrophenyl acetate (p-NPA) were investigated colorimetrically in larval homogenates of synthetic pyrethroid susceptible (S) and resistant (R) strains of Spodoptera littoralis (Boised). The hydrolytic activity towards the three substrates in cybolt, decamethrin, and fenvalerate R strains were from 3 to 6.5 times as high as in the S strain. The increase in esterase activity was closely associated with the development of resistance in the R strains. DEF (S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate) proved to be an inhibitor for all esterases, with a particularly potent action on p-NPA-hydrolyzing enzymes. The inhibitory action was more pronounced in R strains than in the S strain. Pretreatment with DEF increased the toxicity of pyrethroid compounds in the R strains more than in the S strain and hence decreased the levels of resistance in these strains. This is evidence that the esterases contribute to the resistance against synthetic pyrethroids in S. littoralis larvae.  相似文献   

The rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker), an important insect pest of rice in China, has developed resistances to several classes of insecticides in field. In order to investigate multiple resistance mechanisms, synergistic tests were conducted with the Ruian (RA) population and Lianyungang (LYG) population, two representative populations to different insecticides. Results showed that diethyl maleate (DEM), S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF) and piperonyl butoxide (PBO), had no significant synergistic or inhibitory effect on the high level of resistance to monosultap (313.4-fold) and moderate level to chlorpyrifos (36.9-fold) in Ruian field population from the year 2011 (RA11). DEF significantly synergized the activity of triazophos in RA11 population (536.8-fold), with synergism ratio of 1.92. DEF and PBO significantly suppressed 43.3% and 40.4% of resistance to fipronil in RA11 population (48.4-fold), respectively, with the synergistic ratios of 1.76 and 1.69. When pretreated with PBO, the activity of deltamethrin against RA11 population were significantly synergized, with synergism ratio of 9.57, and with reducing resistance levels from 152.5- to 15.9-fold. The results of this study indicated that resistance to several classes of insecticide among the field populations of C. suppressalis might be provided by the combination of the multiple resistance mechanisms. Metabolic resistance mechanism might be the major reason for the evolution for resistance to deltamethrin and fipronil, while resistance to monosultap, triazophos and chlorpyrifos is not associated with metabolic resistance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri, is a major pest of citrus because it vectors the putative causal agent of huanglongbing disease. Insecticides are currently the basis of psyllid management programs, and the number of annual insecticide applications has increased significantly. In this paper, a series of investigations of insecticide resistance among field populations of adult and immature ACP in Florida is described. RESULTS: In 2009, the highest level of resistance for adult ACP, as compared with the laboratory susceptible (LS) population, was found with imidacloprid with an LD50 resistance ratio (RR50) of 35 in one population. This was followed by chlorpyriphos (RR50 = 17.9, 13.3, 11.8 and 6.9), thiamethoxam (RR50 = 15 and 13), malathion (RR50 = 5.4 and 5.0) and fenpropathrin (RR50 = 4.8). In 2010, mortality of adults from all five sites sampled was lower than with the LS population at three diagnostic concentrations of each insecticide tested. Among nymph populations, indications of resistance were observed with carbaryl (RR50 = 2.9), chlorpyriphos (RR50 = 3.2), imidacloprid (RR50 = 2.3 and 3.9) and spinetoram (RR50 = 4.8 and 5.9). General esterase, glutathione S‐transferase and monooxygenase levels were also elevated in field‐collected adult and nymph ACP as compared with the LS population. CONCLUSION: The present results suggest that varying levels of insecticide susceptibility exist in ACP populations across the citrus‐growing areas of Florida. Increased levels of detoxifying enzymes in these populations may partially explain these differences. The present results indicate that insecticide resistance may become an emerging problem for ACP control if effective resistance management is not practiced. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase from an organophosphate-resistant strain of housefly exhibited a decrease in sensitivity to Rabon in vitro, to the extent of 206-fold for the soluble enzyme and 38-fold for the particulate. These effects upon the bimolecular reaction constant, ki, were due to a 573-fold decrease in affinity of the inhibitor for the soluble and 103-fold for the particulate enzyme, coupled with a small increase in reactivity.  相似文献   

The synergistic effect of triphenyl phosphate (a carboxyesterase inhibitor), sesamex (inhibitor of microsomal oxidation) and O,O-diethyl O-phenyl phosphorothioate on the toxicity of malathion and malaoxon for one susceptible and two resistant strains of housefly was studies. It was found that in the resistant strain G (characterized by high carboxyesterase activity) both malathion and malaoxon were synergized by triphenyl phosphate, but only malaoxon (and not malathion) by sesamex. The other resistant strain E 1, moderately tolerant for malathion but highly resistant to malaoxon, differed from strain G in that triphenyl phosphate had no effect; its response to sesamex was similar to that of strain G. The third synergist, O,O-diethyl O-phenyl phosphorothioate, combined the properties of triphenyl phosphate and sesamex. It was found to be the best of the three compounds used.Biochemical in vitro studies showed that both resistant strains could degrade malaoxon oxidatively at a rate at least 10 × higher than that of the susceptible strain. This oxidation could be inhibited by very low concentrations of the thiono analogue; a malaoxon to malathion ratio of 10:1 gave an inhibition of about 70% at a malaoxon concentration of 5 × 10?6M. The product of this oxidation is malaoxon β-monocarboxylic acid. This metabolite was also found 1 hr after application of malaoxon in vivo.The results mentioned in this paper indicate that houseflies may become resistant to malaoxon by an increased rate of oxidative carboxyester bond cleavage.  相似文献   

湖北省甜菜夜蛾田间种群抗药性监测   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
2006年采用浸叶法监测了湖北武汉、荆州、宜昌、襄樊和麻城5个地区甜菜夜蛾田间种群对10种药剂的抗药性。结果表明,5个种群对氯氰菊酯均已产生了高水平抗性(抗性倍数50.5~263.6);对毒死蜱属中—高水平抗性(抗性倍数36.0~371.5);对灭多威属低—中水平抗性(抗性倍数7.8~20.7);对虫酰肼、氟啶脲、多杀菌素和甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐的抗性都处于敏感—中水平抗性;除武汉种群对茚虫威的抗性达到高抗水平外,各种群对甲氧虫酰肼、虫螨腈和茚虫威的抗性都处于敏感—低水平抗性。5个甜菜夜蛾田间种群中以武汉种群和宜昌种群抗性水平相对较高。  相似文献   

Naturally derived insecticides such as pyrethrum and man-made insecticides such as DDT and the synthetic pyrethroids act on the voltage-gated sodium channel proteins found in insect nerve-cell membranes. The correct functioning of these channels is essential for the normal transmission of nerve impulses, and this process is disrupted by binding of the insecticides, leading to paralysis and eventual death. Some insect pest populations have evolved modifications of the sodium channel protein that inhibit the binding of the insecticide and result in the insect developing resistance. This perspective outlines the current understanding of the molecular processes underlying target-site resistance to these insecticides (termed kdr and super-kdr), and how this knowledge may in future contribute to the design of novel insecticidal compounds.  相似文献   

普通大蓟马Megalurothrips usitatus在海南省对豇豆造成严重危害且抗药性逐渐增强。本研究测定了2019年至2021年海南省普通大蓟马对氯菊酯和甲氰菊酯的抗性。结果表明,海口、乐东和三亚3个地理种群对甲氰菊酯处于极高水平抗性,对氯菊酯处于高水平抗性,且抗性逐年增强。对普通大蓟马钠离子通道序列分析发现存在M283R突变,该突变位于钠离子通道同源结构域Ⅰ。突变频率检测显示,2019年至2021年连续3年海口种群该突变位点的突变频率分别为1/30、1/30、3/30,有升高趋势。本研究发现海南省普通大蓟马从2019年到2021年对拟除虫菊酯类药剂的抗药性呈逐年上升趋势。  相似文献   

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