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The use of the fungicides benomyl and thiophanate-methyl on experimental orchard plots for 3 years and of benomyl on a commercial orchard for 1 year resulted in a drastic reduction of earthworm populations. The species of earthworms affected were Lumbricus terrestris, L. castaneus, L. festivus, L. rubellus, Allolobophora caliginosa, A. chlorotica, A., longa, A. rosea, A. tuberculata and Octolasium cyaneum. L. terrestris and A. chlorotica were more affected than the other species, both being virtually eliminated after 2 years' spraying. The depleted populations of species other than L. terrestris and A. chlorotica recovered to normal levels after a 2-year rest period following a single year's treatment with benomyl (1.40 kg/ha). The role of the surface-feeding L. terrestris is discussed in relation to the spray fall-out on the sward and to grass management.  相似文献   

In pot experiments the fungicides benomyl and thiophanate-methyl controlledVerticillium wilt of strawberry when applied as a soil drench after planting. Both compounds were ineffective as foliar sprays and as root dips prior to planting. Soil drenches applied to commercially grown runner plants in the waiting field (August) and to the same plants in the greenhouse (December or January) increased the yield. On infested ground, a soil drench with thiophanate-methyl promoted the occurrence of crown rot caused byPhytophthora cactorum.  相似文献   

Changes in the proportion of benzimidazole-resistant strains in populations of Venturia nashicola were monitored in pear orchards. Successive applications of thiophanate-methyl increased the level of resistance in the populations. When the application of benzimidazoles was stopped and other fungicides were applied, the proportion of highly resistant strains gradually decreased and the proportion of intermediately resistant, weakly resistant and sensitive strains increased. It is suggested that this phenomenon is an example of genetic homeostasis within microbial populations.  相似文献   

为明确杨梅中农药残留风险及去除效果,利用QuEChERS样品前处理方法结合高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)法测定了来自市场流通和生产环节的239个批次杨梅样品中检出率和残留量相对较高的4种农药(2,4-D、咪鲜胺、嘧菌酯和多菌灵)残留量.采用点评估方法评价了杨梅中4种农药的膳食暴露风险,并分别选择清水冲洗...  相似文献   

为筛选出最佳清洗方法,提高芹菜的食用安全性,采用正交试验设计,研究了自来水、食盐、食醋、小苏打和果蔬清洗剂对田间芹菜样品 (以下简称田间样品) 及实验室模拟芹菜样品 (以下简称实验室模拟样品) 中吡虫啉残留的去除效果。结果表明:各种清洗方式对田间样品及实验室模拟样品中吡虫啉残留均有一定的去除作用。其中,田间样品去除率分别为自来水18%~46%、食盐溶液42%~75%、食醋溶液39%~68%、小苏打溶液14%~42%和果蔬清洗剂溶液29%~75%,去除能力由高到低依次为食盐溶液 = 果蔬清洗剂溶液 > 食醋溶液 > 自来水 > 小苏打溶液。实验室模拟样品去除率分别为自来水35%~63%、食盐溶液13%~31%、食醋溶液23%~42%、小苏打溶液13%~40%和果蔬清洗剂溶液25%~44%,去除能力由高到低依次为自来水 > 果蔬清洗剂溶液 > 食醋溶液 > 小苏打溶液 > 食盐溶液。以去除率为评价依据,清洗液的清洗时间、温度、质量分数和浸泡次数对去除率均有不同程度的影响。研究结果对于去除芹菜等蔬菜中吡虫啉残留,降低膳食摄入风险,具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

The effects of metham-sodium (MES) soil treatment, a varying number of benomyl foliar sprays (two, three and six) and combined treatments on control of lettuce drop disease were studied at two sites in Israel naturally infested with the pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. MES killed 85% of the S. sclerotiorum sclerotia in the top 10 cm of soil where initial populations were 0.6 and 1.6 viable sclerotia per kg soil at the two sites. Of the remaining viable sclerotia. only 30% produced apothecia. MES treatment alone reduced numbers of apothecia to 5% of those counted in the unsprayed control treatment. Numbers of ascospores deposited on the crop in the MES-treated plots were 7-20% of those deposited on control plots. Lettuce drop decreased the total yield by 30% in unsprayed control plots; MES application reduced the loss to 4% and also increased the number of marketable plants. Benomyl sprays alone also significantly reduced numbers of apothecia and disease development and consequently increased yield, although not to the extent observed with the MES treatment alone. Combined treatments produced the best disease control, but this improvement was not accompanied by any major increase in yield compared to that with MES treatment alone.  相似文献   

Plots of lettuce were grown in the field in soil treated with the herbicides propyzamide and chlorpropham, either separately, or as a mixture, or with one of the fungicides iprodione, vinclozolin or benomyl. Four harvests were made and at each, the mean fresh weight per lettuce treated with the mixture propyzamide plus chlorpropham, or with iprodione, was greater than that of the control. Propyzamide, chlorpropham or benomyl reduced lettuce fresh weight compared with the untreated controls, but vinclozolin had no effect. The concentration of total carotene in the lettuce was increased by treatment with propyzamide, chlorpropham, propyzamide plus chlorpropham, or iprodione. Treatment with vinclozolin or benomyl had no effect.  相似文献   

The antifungal spectra of thiophanate, thiophanate-methyl and its derivative 2-(3-methoxycarbonyl-2-thioureido) aniline (NF 48), were similar to that of benomyl. The order of effectivenessin vitro was: benomyl>NF 48> thiophanate-methyl > thiophanate, benomyl being by far the most and thiophanate by far the least active compound.The effect on mycelial growth of two fungi with an irregular inhibition pattern are presented in detail, viz. ofColletotrichum acutatum andGliocladium roseum. In the first case mycelial growth was inhibited to over 50% at low concentrations; the inhibition, however, was not further enhanced with increasing concentrations. Mycelial growth ofGliocladium roseum was maximally suppressed at low concentrations of the fungicides, whereas in this case an increase of the concentrations resulted in a decrease of inhibitory activity until a constant level had been reached. Conidiobolus eurymites, unlike the other Zygomycetes tested, proved to be sensitive to the four fungicides.Samenvatting Het fungitoxisch spectrum van de systemische fungiciden thiofanaat, thiofanaat-methyl en een derivaat hiervan, NF 48, bleek gelijk te zijn aan dat van benomyl.In vitro was de volgorde in remmende werking op de myceliumgroei: benomyl > NF 48> thiofanaat-methyl > thiofanaat. Van deze verbindingen was benomyl verreweg het meest en thiofanaat duidelijk het minst fungitoxisch. Thiofanaatmethyl en NF 48 gaven in dit opzicht slechts weinig verschil te zien.De invloed van de fungiciden op de myceliumgroei van twee schimmels met een onregelmatig remmingspatroon is weergegeven in de Fig. 1 en 2. Bij geringe concentraties van de fungiciden in het medium werd de myceliumgroei vanColletotrichum acutatum reeds tot ruim 50% geremd. Verdere toename van de fungiciden, zelfs tot zeer hoge concentraties (1000 M), had echter geen sterkere remming ten gevolge. BijGliocladium roseum bleek de myceliumgroei het sterkst geremd bij lage concentraties (bv. voor benomyl bij ca 4 M). Verhoging van de concentraties had een afname in remmende werking ten gevolge tot een niveau van 75% remming was bereikt.In tegenstelling tot de andere Zygomyceten, die tot nu toe op gevoeligheid ten aanzien van benomyl onderzocht werden, bleekConidiobolus eurymites, een saprofyt uit de bodem, gevoelig te zijn voor alle vier fungiciden.  相似文献   

Azoxystrobin was recently registered in Japan for the control of purple seed stain of soybean caused by Cercospora kikuchii, because the pathogen has developed resistance to thiophanate-methyl. To investigate the effects of these fungicides on the frequency of C. kikuchii strains resistant to thiophanate-methyl and on the genotype structure of the population, we sowed purple-stained seeds, approximately 40% of which were infected with resistant strains, as inocula with asymptomatic seeds and applied thiophanate-methyl and azoxystrobin during the reproductive growth of soybeans. The isolation frequency of resistant strains increased more than 99% by thiophanate-methyl but was not significantly increased by azoxystrobin. In amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) DNA fingerprinting, genotypic diversity was significantly decreased by thiophanate-methyl but was not affected by azoxystrobin. In addition, the similarity of the AFLP genotype structure was increased by thiophanate-methyl but not by azoxystrobin. These results suggest that thiophanate-methyl selectively inhibited the proliferation of sensitive strains, which resulted in a small number of genotypes, most of which were resistant strains. Azoxystrobin was found to nonselectively inhibit proliferation of the pathogen, which retained a large number of genotypes including thiophanate-methyl-sensitive or thiophanate-methyl-resistant strains or both. The nucleotide sequence data for the cytochrome b gene are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession number AB231863.  相似文献   

The metabolism of benomyl was studied in carrots treated with high rates of benomyl, and in strawberries and apples treated at normal rates. The same metabolites were observed in both cases though, at normal rates, their concentrations were low but significant. Detected by means of gas-liquid chromatography they were: carbendazim, 2-aminobenzimidazole (2-AB), benzimidazole, 2-aminobenzonitrile, o-phenylene-diamine and the conjugates of carbendazim and 2-AB. o-Phenylenediamine has not hitherto been reported as a metabolite of benomyl. Two unidentified compounds were also observed by gas-liquid chromatography; their mass spectra were obtained by means of combined gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Samenvatting Monsters van een humusarme zandgrond uit een kas in Naaldwijk werden gemengd met benomyl (10 ppm). Dit gebeurde 6 maanden, 3 maanden, 6 en 3 maanden en éen week voor de schimmelanalyse. Saprofytische schimmels werden geïsoleerd van gewassen gronddeeltjes,Pythium-soorten van gezeefde grondkruimels. De isolatiepercentages van de op organische deeltjes meest voorkomende schimmels en vanPythium op grondkruimed zijn in Tabel 2 weergegeven. Een verschuiving in de schimmelpopulatie ten gunste van de benomyl-ongevoelige soorten kon niet worden aangetoond. Dit kan verklaard worden door de lage stofwisselingsaktiviteit van de bodemschimmelflora.  相似文献   

With respect to sensitivity to benomyl in vitro four categories of fungi were distinguished; taxonomically related fungi usually proved to belong to the same category. Within the form-class Deuteromycetes a correlation appeared to exist between sensitivity to this fungicide and morphogenesis of conidia.Phoma betae, in contrast to all otherPhoma spp., was shown to be highly resistant to benomyl. This, however, may be expected on account of its perfect state. The data on the in vitro antifungal activity of benomyl conformed to those on the effectiveness of benomyl against plant diseases.  相似文献   

施肥和降水年型对旱地玉米产量及水分利用的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在我国北方半湿润偏旱区的山西省寿阳旱农试验区,经过长达10a的定位试验结果表明,施肥可使水分利用效率明显提高,是不施肥处理的2.25倍;旱地玉米产量和水分利用效率,同时受生育期降水量和播前土壤贮水量两个因素的影响。干旱年份,玉米产量的提高更依赖于土壤水分、养分的协调供应,施肥的增产效果受到土壤水分亏缺的限制,合理施肥、培肥土壤、保蓄水分,可增强旱地玉米抵御干旱的能力;丰水年份和正常年份,肥料的增产作用得到充分发挥,丰水年份应注意蓄水保墒。  相似文献   

Benomyl is a strong fungistat against certain groups of fungi and it does not have much effect on most plant-parasitic nematodes.Heterodera spp., however, are affected, and the literature indicated a strong effect onHeterodera rostochiensis in the field. Laboratory tests demonstrated that hatching of larvae fromH. rostochiensis cysts is strongly inhibited by benomyl in vitro. In a pot trial, benomyl effectively suppressed formation of new cysts on the roots of potatoes grown in sand, clay soil or lightsandy loam. There was no such effect in soil rich in organic matter probably because of strong adsorption of benomyl. Control ofH. rostochiensis by benomyl in soil could be due to suppressed hatch or to other mechanisms, such as inhibition of larval penetration of roots. In view of its long persistence in the soil and of its various side-effects, benomyl does not seem very promising for practical control ofHeterodera rostochiensis.Samenvatting Benomyl is bekend als een middel met sterk fungistatische eigenschappen ten aanzien van bepaalde groepen schimmels. Het heeft in het algemeen weinig effect op planteparasitaire aaltjes. Cystevormende aaltjes echter, en in het bijzonderHeterodera rostochiensis, zijn, volgens aanwijzingen uit de literatuur gevoeliger voor benomyl.Onder laboratoriumomstandigheden bleek het uitkomen van de larven vanH. rostochiensis uit de cysten sterk door benomyl te worden geremd (Tabel 1 en 2). In een potproef werd door een grondbehandeling met benomyl de vorming van nieuwe cysten op aardappelwortels onderdrukt, afhankelik van de grondsoort (Tabel 3). Naarmate de grond meer organische stof of klei bevat, is het effect minder groot. Bijgebruik van rivierzand trad reeds bij een dosering van ongeveer 1 ppm benomyl een volledige on derdrukking van cystevorming op. Maar bij potgrond (59% organische stof) was er, ook bij een tien maal hogere dosering, geen effect. Verder onderzoek zal moeten uitwijzen of het effect in grond, berust op de remming van het uitkomen van larven uit de cysten, of (ook) op de beïnvloeding van andere aspecten van het parasitair gedrag van dit aaltje, zoals de penetratie in de wortels.Gezien de grote persistentie van benomyl in de grond, en de nevenwerkingen, lijkt het middel minder geschikt voor toepassing in de praktijk.Guest worker of TNO, Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research.  相似文献   

BP神经网络方法在土壤墒情预测中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用多年实测土壤水分资料和气象资料,建立了考虑多个因素如:外界气象因素及土壤特性、作物生长等对土壤墒情影响的BP人工神经网络模型。应用结果表明:所建立的模型具有较好的预测效果;用BP人工神经网络建立土壤墒情预测模型的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

Phytoplasmas associated with lettuce phyllody (LP) and wild lettuce phyllody (WLP) in southern Iran were partially characterized by molecular analyses and host-range studies. Agents of both diseases were transmitted by Neoaliturus fenestratus , a leafhopper colonizing lettuce and wild lettuce, to lettuce, wild lettuce, sowthistle and periwinkle, but not to safflower, sunflower, calendula and sesame. Both phytoplasmas induced bud proliferation, virescence, phyllody and witches' broom in infected plants. Total DNA extracted from infected lettuce and wild lettuce or from vector tissues was subjected to PCR using phytoplasma-specific primer pair P1/P7 or nested PCR using P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. PCR product of nested PCR (1·2 kbp) was subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). RFLP analysis of nested PCR product identified the LP, WLP and N. fenestratus -associated phytoplasmas as members of the pigeon pea witches' broom group, 16SrIX. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence also clustered LP and WLP phytoplasmas with other known members of the 16SrIX group. While no significant differences could be detected between LP and WLP phytoplasmas, both isolates differed from Lebanese wild lettuce phyllody in molecular properties.  相似文献   

为了评估甲基硫菌灵在猕猴桃上使用的安全性,采用QuEChERS-超高效液相色谱-串联质谱分析方法,对甲基硫菌灵及其代谢物多菌灵在猕猴桃上的残留量进行了分析,明确了其消解规律及半衰期,通过进行膳食摄入风险评估,以推荐甲基硫菌灵在猕猴桃上的最大残留限量 (MRL),并对其代谢物多菌灵的残留量进行了安全性评价。结果表明:在0.01、0.1和1.0 mg/kg 3个添加水平下,甲基硫菌灵的回收率为85%~102%,相对标准偏差 (RSD) 为1.0%~7.1%;多菌灵的回收率为86%~101%,RSD为2.1%~5.2%;两者的定量限均为0.01 mg/kg。甲基硫菌灵在猕猴桃上的消解符合一级反应动力学方程,半衰期为10.1~10.5 d,属易消解农药。70%甲基硫菌灵可湿性粉剂在猕猴桃上按照推荐剂量及1.5倍推荐剂量 (875和1 166.7 mg/kg) 分别施药3次和4次,推荐采收间隔期为21 d,膳食风险商为78.7%,推荐MRL值为5 mg/kg,该结果通常不会对一般人群健康产生不可接受的风险。依据GB 2763多菌灵在猕猴桃上的MRL值0.5 mg/kg,代谢物多菌灵存在较大的超标风险。建议有关部门制定甲基硫菌灵在猕猴桃上的MRL值,并重新评估多菌灵在猕猴桃上的MRL值。  相似文献   

European Journal of Plant Pathology - Maize rough dwarf disease (MRDD) is one of the most important viral diseases around the world. Rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) and maize rough dwarf...  相似文献   

A 5-year field study was conducted on the effect of plant residue management on soil erosion, runoff, bulk density, penetration resistance, and organic carbon. There were three treatments: burning residues on field (BR), returning residues unto the soil surface after harvesting (TR), and removing residues from soil surface (RR) (control treatment). At the end of the 5-year treatment, a rainfall simulation at 90?mm?h?1 was applied to each plot. After rainfall simulation started, the runoff volume and soil loss amount in samples were collected at four sampling times. The results showed that the runoff volume for BR (from 145.5?±?12.2 to 190.0?±?11.8?mL) differed significantly (p?≤?0.01) from that of RR (from 32.3?±?5.5 to 67.5?±?11.1?mL) and TR (from 10.0?±?0.7 to 16.7?±?3.3?mL). A significant difference (p?≤?0.01) was also observed between RR and TR regarding runoff volume and soil loss amount in different sampling times, except for the first sampling time (2–4?min). The runoff volume in BR and TR was 215% higher and 294% lower than that of the control (RR), respectively. As compared to the control (RR), soil loss decreased by 96.5% in TR but increased by 192% in BR. The BR increased soil bulk density and penetration resistance by 4.9% and 12.4%, whereas TR reduced them by 2.1% and 15.8%, respectively, as compared to the control (RR). The results indicated that the highest (0.35) and lowest (0.03) runoff coefficients were obtained for BR and TR treatments, respectively. It is concluded that returning plant residues to soil is the best residue management practice in decreasing soil runoff volume and controlling soil erosion in semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

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