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Measurements of arterial blood gas tensions and acid-base status provide a means of assessing how well the respiratory system is functioning. This information is essential for thorough evaluation of a compromised neonatal calf but arterial blood sampling is difficult immediately after birth. A technique for collecting blood from the brachial artery of the newborn calf is described. This technique, which uses an easily located site, has been successfully used in field studies to determine arterial blood gas values in such calves.  相似文献   

Trials were conducted to verify the possibility of poultry blood sampling with filter papers for subsequent examination of the eluates for the presence (and level) of haemagglutination-inhibition antibodies against the Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Qualitative examination was performed in 294 paired samples of sera and eluates, representing 10 selective sets, coming from three vaccinated poultry flocks. The numbers of positive sera (dilution ratios 1:20 and higher) and positive eluates of filter papers (dilution ratios of 1: 2 and higher) were compared and it was found that there were 238 positive paired samples (81%) and 30 were negative (10.2%), hence, there were like reactions in 268 paired samples (91.2% of the total number of samples examined). It was only in 25 paired samples that positivity was recorded just in the sera: 22 times with a titre of 1:20 and three times with a titre of 1:40. In one case, positivity was recorded just in the eluate. The final titres were compared in 181 paired samples of sera and eluates, all diluted at a ratio of 1:2, and it was found that the concentration of the haemagglutination-inhibition antibodies in the eluates corresponded to serum dilution ratio of 1:20. Under this assumption, the antibodies were found to have the same titre in 164 paired samples (55.8%) during the quantitative evaluation. A lower titre was recorded in 82 eluate samples (27.9%) and a higher antibody titre in 48 eluate samples (16.3%) (in comparison with the antibody titres in the respective sera). The over-all average geometrical titre (GMT) of antibodies was 1:65 in the eluates and 1:75 in the sera.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Studies into the effects of the environment on health and performance of agricultural animals are of clear-cut relevance to farming practice. The theoretical and practical importance of lymphocyte transformation to any assessment of immunological reactivity under defined environmental conditions, therefore, is reported in this paper. Communicated is methodical experience obtained from isolation of lymphocytes from peripheral blood of calves, lymphocyte culturing, and morphological evaluation of lymphocyte transformation. Views are given on the suitability of the lymphocyte transformation test. The following results have been obtained: Centrifugation of defibrinated blood, using "Visotrast-370", is recommended for lymphocyte isolation. Morphological evaluation will ensure a high degree of precision when 1 x 10(6) cells in one millilitre culturing fluid are to be cultured over three days, the culturing fluid consisting of 20 per cent of autologous serum and 80 per cent of Eagle medium, antibiotics, and a portion of 1-vol.% of phytohaemagglutinin (Wellcome). The lymphocyte transformation test, for its methodical accuracy, is good enough to detect and identify environmental effects on immunological reactivity of calf. It is likely to reflect the immunological response to an antigen application.  相似文献   

Abstract: The objective of this study was to compare and investigate differences in glucose and lactate concentrations in sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate (NaF/Ox) plasma and serum in healthy cats and cats with metabolic disease. Glucose and lactate concentrations were determined in routinely processed serum and NaF/Ox plasma obtained from healthy (n = 30), hyperthyroid (n = 27) and diabetic (n = 30) cats, and in samples from 6 healthy cats stored at 25°C or 4°C for 0,1, 2, 4, or 8 hours. The packed cell volume (PCV) of blood collected in NaF/Ox was compared with that of blood collected in EDTA. Mean glucose concentration was significantly (P < .05) lower in NaF/Ox plasma than in serum in all groups of cats, by 0.7–2.5 mmol/L (11–45 mg/dL); the difference was greater in cats with hyperglycemia. Mean lactate concentration was significantly higher in serum than in NaF/Ox plasma in all groups of cats, by 0.4–1.2 mmol/L (3.6–10.8 mg/dL); the difference was greater in hyperthyroid and diabetic cats. In vitro, only serum stored on the clot for ≥ 1hour at 25°C had significantly lower glucose and higher lactate concentrations. The PCV of NaF/Ox-anticoagulated blood was lower than that of EDTA-anticoagulated blood, by 7.0%± 1.4% (P<.01). In conclusion, collection of feline blood in NaF/Ox was necessary to prevent in vitro increases in lactate concentration; however, NaF/Ox artifactually decreased plasma glucose concentration because of RBC shrinkage. The PCV should not be determined on blood collected in NaF/Ox.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the haemostatic profiles of a group of 11 female and seven male calves from the day of birth until they were 60 days of age. Similar results were found for both sexes. At birth the plasma activity of the procoagulant proteins, Factors VII, VIII:C, IX, X and XI and fibrinogen were all close to the adult values. Factors VII, VIII:C and fibrinogen increased transiently during the first seven days of life but the increases were not sufficient to influence routine coagulation screening assays such as the activated partial thromboplastin time and the prothrombin time. At birth, the plasma concentration of the protease inhibitor, α2-macroglobulin, was approximately 50 per cent of adult values and increased slowly during the first seven days of life; the plasma concentration of antithrombin III was higher than that of α2-macroglobulin. The changes in the plasma concentration of fibronectin paralleled the changes in fibrinogen and Factor VIII:C from birth to 60 days of age; the concentrations of total plasma protein and plasma albumin remained stable and within the adult ranges throughout the 60 days. The plasma concentration of glucose increased transiently during the first 48 hours after birth.  相似文献   

Practical experiences of the phantom method for collection of genital secretions from stallions are reported. Taking a phantom used in the Richard-G?tze-Haus Tier?rztliche Hochschule Hannover as a prototype two further models slightly modified have been constructed, baring a flat hollow in the right side of the caudal phantom body for manual inserting of the Artificial Vagina. These three models fulfill four important conditions for routine use: (1) sufficient sexual attractivity for the stallions; 80-85% successful collections of presecretions out of a total of 1050 using the dummy and 70% successful semen collections from more than 240 in total; (2) solid and resistant construction; (3) easy cleaning and desinfection of the surface of the phantom to get representative samples; (4) firm installation on a hygienic floor.  相似文献   

Atrial cannulation for long-term sequential blood collection in gilts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polyvinyl chloride tubing (ID, 1.27 mm; OD, 2.29 mm) was placed via the jugular vein into the right atrium of thirty-five 120- to 200-day-old gilts. Catheters remained patent for 14 to 88 days (mean, 41 days). The major cause of loss of function was damage inflicted by the gilt (20 catheters), whereas only 3 catheters lost patency because of blockage. Using a pulley and counterweight system the exteriorized end of the catheter was suspended above the gilt, facilitating blood collection and minimizing disturbance of the gilts.  相似文献   

Pneumo-enteritis is the clinical manifestation of adenovirus infection in calf. Proliferative alveolitis, endobronchitis, and peribronchitis with intranuclear inclusions in the epithelial cells, histiocytes, and macrophages were histologically recorded. Proliferative changes with minor pleomorphism of cells were recorded from lymph nodes and lymph follicles of spleen and intestines. The epithelial cells of the renal tubules and liver exhibited degenerative changes, while the endothelium of the capillaries was activated. Five Serotype-1 adenoviruses were isolated from the lung, liver, and kidneys of the foetuses. IE were recordable from the epithelial cells of kidneys and lung. Other calves were examined following natural infection with adenovirus and virus of the mucosa disease. Dystrophic and necrotic changes were recorded from their digestive organs, lymphocytolysis from spleen and lymph nodes (a characteristic change related to mucosa disease), and nephrosis with adenovirus inclusions from the epithelial cells of the renal tubules.  相似文献   

We investigated vascular access ports for feline blood donation. Eight cats were anesthetized for conventional blood collection by jugular venipuncture at the beginning and end of the study. In-between conventional collections, vascular access ports were used for collection with or without sedation every 6 to 8 wk for 6 mo. Ports remained functional except for one catheter breakage, but intermittent occlusions occurred. Systolic blood pressure was lower during conventional collection. Behavioral abnormalities occurred during 3 port collections. Packed red cells prepared from collected blood were stored at 4°C for 25 d and assessed for quality pre- and post-storage. With both collection methods, pH and glucose level declined, and potassium level, lactate dehydrogenase activity and osmotic fragility increased. There were no differences between methods in pre-storage albumin and HCO(3)(-) levels, and pre and post-storage hematocrit, lactate dehydrogenase activity, and glucose and potassium levels. Pre-storage pH and pCO(2) were higher with conventional collection, and pre- and post-storage osmotic fragility were greater with port collection. One port became infected, but all cultures of packed red cells were negative. Tissue inflammation was evident at port removal. In a second study of conventional collection in 6 cats, use of acepromazine in premedication did not exacerbate hypotension. The use of vascular access ports for feline blood donation is feasible, is associated with less hypotension, and may simplify donation, but red cell quality may decrease, and effects on donors must be considered.  相似文献   

A technique for blood collection via the femoral vein was developed for use in nonanesthetized rats. The technique was useful for single or serial blood collection. Volumes of 0.1 to 1 ml were collected for serum biochemical or venous blood gas determinations. The technique was effective, reproducible, did not require anesthesia, and was less stressful than other methods of blood collection in the rat.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to establish reference values for the composition of blood leucocyte populations in neonatal calves by differential leucocyte counts and immunophenotyping. Neonatal calves 1 h post partum (p.p.) were found to have a very high absolute number of granulocytes while the number of peripheral blood mononuclear cells was lower than in calves aged 3-9 weeks. The relative numbers of T cell subpopulations were similar in newborn and older calves, but newborn calves had lower percentages of B cells and MHC class II positive cells. Within the first 4 h of life the relative numbers of CD2+, CD6+, and CD8+ T cells declined in colostrum-fed as well as in colostrum-deprived calves. In contrast, the percentage of MHC class II positive cells and monocytes increased from 1 h to 4 h p.p. particularly in colostrum-fed calves. Although there is some evidence for immaturity of lymphocytes in neonatal calves, the immune system of these animals seems to be fully present at birth.  相似文献   

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