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现制水磨石地面质量通病的防治牡丹江林业工程公司王贵仁,车克强随着人民生活水平的提高,装修工程量显著增加,在高级装修中,常常采用水磨石地面,它的优点是美现耐用,地面颜色和分格可自由选择,而且还可以制成各种各样的美术图案,缺点是常发生一切空鼓、裂缝等质量... 相似文献
LJC—200型搅浆撒砂联合机的设想刘勤,王秀波,刘宝山(黑龙江省木材采运研究所)(大兴安岭地区公路管理处)贾凤霞,王振标(黑龙江省朗乡林业局)(黑龙江省山河屯林业局)多年的实践证明,砂石路面扫浆压砂的养路工艺是养路作业一种先进的生产工艺。据调查,按... 相似文献
竹制溶解浆生产新工艺的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对漂白硫酸盐竹浆板进行细菌性木聚糖酶单独处理和细菌性木聚糖酶与碱协同处理.结果表明:采用细菌性木聚糖酶处理后的浆料α-纤维素含量能够满足短纤溶解级浆粕要求;采用细菌性木聚糖酶(120IU/g)与NaOH(质量分数4%)协同处理,浆料α-纤维素质量分数可以达到98.64%,已基本能够满足所有溶解级浆粕的要求.碱处理同时可以降低浆料中的灰分和铁离子含量.实验证明,采用硫酸盐竹浆板的酶处理工艺,完全可以替代蒸煮前的预水解工艺,生产合格的竹制溶解级浆粕. 相似文献
如何解决施工过程中工程桩的成孔问题,是亟待解决的施工问题.本文简单介绍了干作业钻孔扩底桩的成孔处理方法. 相似文献
A new type of sampler for dry deposition in a forest canopy was designed and tested to confirm its usefulness. The new sampler
is made of Teflon chips packed in a nylon net, and tied on a rod like a branch in the canopy. The validity and characteristics
of the new sampler were checked by comparing it with the conventional bucket sampler and the foliar extraction method using
hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) trees. The comparison between the deposited amounts on the dummy branch and those on the bucket indicates that the dummy
could trap gaseous matter more effective than the bucket. From a comparison with the foliar extracting method, it is concluded
that the trapping of particulate matter by the new dummy branch is comparable to that of natural needle leaves. However, its
efficiency for gaseous matter is relatively small. This disadvantage should be improved by applying other materials to the
dummy. Moreover, it is found that the uptake of gas especially SO2 through the stomata is an important point in the discussion about dry deposition. To evaluate the amounts of dry deposition
in the forest canopy more precisely, combination with the additional method should be useful.
This study was supported in part by a grant-in-aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports,
and Culture, Japan. 相似文献
Forest amphibians, especially salamanders, prefer forests with shaded, cool, and moist forest floors. Timber harvesting opens the forest canopy and exposes the forest floor to direct sunlight, which can increase forest floor temperatures and reduce soil moisture. These microclimatic changes can potentially degrade the harvested stand for amphibian habitat or affect other biotic resources or ecological processes at the forest floor and in the understory. The degree of forest floor disturbance is directly related to the intensity of harvesting, however, the duration of this effect is unknown. We conducted a study of forest floor temperature and relative humidity over a 12-year chronosequence (1993–2004) of timber harvests. We compared simultaneous, paired measurements of temperature and relative humidity at three positions (soil, forest floor, air) in harvested and control sites over three seasonal survey sessions. Vegetation composition and structure were measured at each survey location. Ambient weather conditions were recorded at three open-field locations across the study area. 相似文献
本文对冬季混凝土工程施工中存在的问题进杆了全面论述,并从实际出发提出了冬季混凝土工程在施工中应注意事项。 相似文献
烤烟叶片田间生长过程中叶片干鲜比值的变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
田间状况下对烤烟下、中、上三个部位叶片生长发育过程中叶片干鲜比值的变化进行了研究。结果表明:在烤烟田间叶片生长发育过程中,随着烟叶部位的上升,叶片干鲜比值表现为随之增加的变化规律,不同烟叶部位之间叶片干鲜比值的差异显著,而不同叶龄之间叶片干鲜比值的差异不显著。随着叶龄的增大,三个烟叶部位叶片干鲜比值的变化不尽一致,下部叶表现出随之缓慢降低的变化规律,中部叶表现为“锯齿”型的变化,上部叶表现为随之逐渐增加的变化规律。相关分析表明,叶龄与叶片干鲜比值之间呈不显著正相关。 相似文献