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Newborn, male, Holstein calves, were continuously housed for three weeks in calf hutches at 17 degrees C or in a thermal environment which varied rhythmically on a daily basis either between -20 degrees C and -8 degrees C (experiment A) or between -30 degrees C and -18 degrees C (experiment B). Compared to warm-housed calves, cold-housed calves in experiment A had metabolic rates which were significantly higher (p less than 0.001) in a standing position but which were not significantly different (p less than 0.05) in a recumbent position. Recumbent and standing cold-housed calves in experiment B had an increased (p less than 0.05) metabolic rate compared to warm-housed controls. Heat loss was less (p less than 0.05) for recumbent cold-housed calves in experiment B than for standing calves in a thermoneutral environment. Localized subcutaneous hemorrhages of hindlimbs were a consistent necropsy finding among all cold-housed calves. Average daily gains of cold-housed calves were not significantly different from warm-housed controls. Clinical, physiological and pathological findings indicated that cold treatments used in the present study did not cause serious harm to calves. It was concluded that calves housed in properly managed hutches are remarkably cold tolerant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of thermal stimulation at 39°C on the fusion and elongation of skeletal muscle cells. During a 5 day differentiation process of C2C12 cells, nine groups subjected to varying lengths of thermal stimulation at 39°C were established. Afterward, all groups were immunostained using anti‐muscle heavy‐chain antibody to test for myotube formation. Quantification of the myotube area demonstrated a significant increase in the group subjected to thermal stimulation at 39°C during the latter half of the differentiation compared with the control group, but the fusion index was significantly higher in the group that received hyperthermic treatment during the first half of the differentiation period. Moreover, the longitudinal length of myotubes was significantly increased in the groups that were subjected to thermal stimulation at 39°C during the latter half of the differentiation period. The distance between the center of myotubes and the nucleus farthest away from the center was substantially extended in the group receiving thermal stimulation at 39°C only on the fourth day of the differentiation. Together, these results demonstrate that thermal stimulation at 39°C facilitates myoblast fusion and elongation.  相似文献   

The relationship was investigated between turkey hen fertility and the total number and the number of viable spermatozoa inseminated, after semen storage for 6 h at 5 degrees C. The minimum numbers of total and viable spermatozoa necessary for high fertility during the first 15 weeks of production were respectively 175 and 150 X 10(6) weekly. The number of viable spermatozoa produced by breeding males decreased with age. Adjusting the insemination dose of viable spermatozoa weekly over 15 weeks resulted in a consistent high rate of fertility.  相似文献   

Interferon (IFN)-gamma is essential but not sufficient to control leishmaniasis. It is known that IFN-gamma is one of the major macrophage-activating cytokines, and the activated macrophages are a principal source of interleukin (IL)-12, which induces autocrine macrophage activation. In this study, the combined effect of IFN-gamma and IL-12 on the susceptibility of macrophages to Leishmania major infection was evaluated. Macrophages pretreated with IFN-gamma and/or IL-12 were infected with the parasites. Four hr post-infection (p.i.), the levels of infection and parasite load in the macrophages treated with the combination of IFN-gamma and IL-12 (IFN-gamma/IL-12) were significantly lower than those in the nontreated cells. However, the macrophages treated with either IFN-gamma or IL-12 did not show resistance to L. major infection. In addition, 72 hr p.i., the IFN-gamma/IL-12-treated and IFN-gamma-treated macrophages showed significantly lower levels of infection and parasite load than the nontreated cells, and higher levels of resistance was observed in the IFN-gamma/IL-12-treated macrophages than in the IFN-gamma-treated macrophages. Although IFN-gamma/IL-12 treatment of macrophages prior to the infection led to the induction of resistance, as described above, this resistance was not induced when these cytokines and the parasites were added simultaneously to the macrophage culture. These results suggest that IFN-gamma/IL-12 treatment prior to the infection restricts the early phase of the infection.  相似文献   

Freezing is a routine method of storage for plasma that is to be used in evaluating certain aspects of hemostatic function in many species. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of storage at -70 degrees C for 6 mo on canine plasma samples. On fresh and frozen plasma from 12 clinically healthy dogs, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin clotting time, fibrinogen determination, antithrombin III activity, fragment D and E assay, and protamine sulfate test were performed. Clinical agreement analysis was utilized to determine the effect of such storage on all assays. Individual differences detected between fresh and frozen samples were all within 2 standard deviations of the mean difference. With the exception of the activated partial thromboplastin time, storing canine plasma at -70 degrees C for 6 mo has no significant effect on hemostatic function, as assessed by these tests.  相似文献   

This study determined the Pectoralis (P) major mixed muscle protein turnover (PT) in two meat broiler lines, Line A and Line B, during the finishing grow-out feeding period (21–42 days) as affected by the dietary metabolizable energy (ME) levels and ambient temperatures. Experimental finishing diets consisted of 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120% ME of recommended nutrient guidelines for energy level. Fractional synthesis rates (FSR) or fractional degradation rates (FDR) were measured in P. major at day 36 and 42. Protein and fat mass gain were measured, and respective energy retention efficiencies as protein and fat (EREp and EREf) were determined. Metabolic heat production (HP) was also reported. Experimental feeding studies were conducted in cool season (24 hr mean: 69.91˚F and 63.98% RH) and in hot season (24 hr mean: 77.55˚F and 86.04% RH). Results showed that FSR or FDR values were not affected by dietary ME levels at day 36, whereas reduced FSR (p < .05) were observed at day 42 fed diets with reduced ME levels (≤100% ME) which could have resulted from greater maintenance energy requirement of maturing broilers at that age. Broilers fed reduced ME diets (≤100% ME) maintained protein mass (equivalent to broilers fed ≥100%–120% ME) by reduced FDR and increased feed intake. Grow-out ambient temperature did not affect FSR or FDR values across ME levels. Line B retained higher protein mass, lower fat mass and greater HP compared to Line A. This was followed by higher feed intake in Line B. Further, Line B exhibited higher EREp and lower EREf across dietary ME levels. In summary, PT homeostasis and body composition changes in broiler lines studied seemed to be regulated by the birds’ intent to normalize energy intake as per physiological need by controlling feed intake.  相似文献   

The effects of ractopamine (RAC) and ractopamine stereoisomers (RR, RS, SR, and SS) on cyclic AMP (cAMP) production, total protein, and DNA concentrations in mouse skeletal muscle cells (C2C12) were evaluated. The RAC (10 microM) caused an approximately 30% increase in cell number, protein, and DNA concentrations in myoblasts after 48 h; no differences were found in myotubes. The RAC-stimulated increase of these variables in myoblasts was blocked by the presence of equimolar concentrations of propranolol. At a later passage, myoblasts failed to exhibit an increase in cell number, protein, or DNA upon exposure to RAC. Both myoblasts and myotubes increased cAMP production in response to 10 microM RAC. The RAC isomers ranked RR > SR > RS approximately SS in ability to stimulate cAMP production, with essentially no response to SS. The SR produced about 50% of the RR response. Coincubation of propranolol (10 microM) and RAC (10 microM) prevented RAC-stimulated cAMP production in myotubes but not in myoblasts (approximately 35% of cAMP produced by RAC alone). Turkey satellite cells (derived from biceps femoris of 12-wk-old toms) produced essentially no increased cAMP when exposed to 10 microM RAC stereoisomers. Stability of RAC was evaluated under laboratory storage and culture conditions. The RAC was stable for more than 4 mo when stored in deuterated DMSO (>98% purity) at room temperature or in aqueous solutions at -80 degrees C, as determined from sequential nuclear magnetic resonance studies. Radiolabeled RAC was incubated for 72 h in the presence of serum-containing medium, with or without C2C12 cells. Ninety-eight percent of the parent compound found in the medium at time zero was present in the medium as parent at the end of 72 h. The cellular cAMP response to RAC through beta-adrenergic receptors seems to be stereospecific. If the state of myoblasts and myotubes in vitro reflects the in vivo state, then the ractopamine effect in vivo on cellular processes (including cell division and protein and DNA accumulation) may be independent of beta-adrenergic receptors in muscle.  相似文献   

1. The effects of acute heat stress (2 h at 32 degrees C and 75% RH) on body temperature and indices of respiratory thermoregulation and skeletal muscle function were examined in two divergently selected male grandparent lines of broiler and layer-type chickens at two ages (35 and 63 d), or at a similar body weight (approximately 2.2 kg). 2. The two chicken lines exhibited markedly different baseline blood acid-base and skeletal muscle characteristics. At the same age or live weight, birds from the broiler line had significantly higher venous blood carbon dioxide tensions associated with lower blood pH. Plasma creatine kinase (CK) activities reflecting muscle membrane damage were also greatly elevated in the broiler line. 3. Exposure to acute heat stress caused an increase in deep body temperature, panting-induced acid-base disturbances and elevated plasma CK activity in both lines of chicken, an effect that increased with age. The extent of disturbances in acid-base regulation and heat-stress-induced myopathy were more pronounced in the broiler than the layer line at the same age or similar live weights. 4. It is suggested that genetic selection for high muscle growth in broiler lines has compromised their capacity to respond to an acute thermal challenge, leading to detrimental consequences for muscle function. This reduction in heat tolerance may have important implications for bird welfare and subsequent meat quality.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to quantify the extent of variability in the texture of cooked poultry breast meat and to attempt to identify which intrinsic and extrinsic factors contribute to this.

2. Free range (FR) and standard (STD) broilers were killed and processed under commercial conditions and the M. pectoralis major muscle assessed for ultimate pH (pHu), sarcomere length, cooking loss and texture 24 h and 7 d after slaughter.

3. Although FR broilers were females with an average age of 60 d, whereas the STD broilers were 45 d old and predominantly male, there were no significant differences in mean values obtained for pHu, sarcomere length, cooking loss and shear force results between the two bird types.

4. While aging for 7 d increased the pHu and cooking loss means, sarcomere length means remained unchanged and shear force values decreased by 6% and 9% for FR and STD birds respectively.

5. Variability in shear force values also decreased on aging for 7 d, no birds having values above 4 kg/cm2 on day 7 whereas 16% were above this value on day 1.

6. There were significant correlations between the results for shear force, pHu and sarcomere length, indicating that increased shear force values were associated with a decrease in both pHu and sarcomere length.

7. These correlations suggest that variability in the texture of cooked M. pectoralis major from FR and STD chickens is strongly influenced by those post‐mortem biochemical changes which lead to the development of rigor during the early stages of processing.  相似文献   

Left sides from 18 beef carcasses (9 steers and 9 heifers), selected to represent a wide range of marbling scores, were evaluated to determine the relationship between longissimus composition and the composition of other major muscles. The adductor (A), biceps femoris (BF), deep pectoral (DP) gluteal group (GL), infraspinatus (I), longissimus (L), psoas major (PM), rectus abdominis (RA), rectus femoris (RF), semimembranosus (SM), semitendinosus (ST), serratus ventralis (SV), spinalis (SP), supraspinatus (SU) and triceps brachii (TB) were removed, trimmed of external fat, weighed and ground for proximate analysis. Fat content of all muscles was related linearly (P less than .001) to L fat content (R2 values ranged from .67 to .84). The ST had the lowest mean fat content (4.4%) and SP had the highest mean percentage of fat (16.1%). The L ranged from 3.59% to 15.42% fat with a mean of 8.61%. Longissimus fat percentage can be used to predict the fat content of the other major muscles of the beef carcass.  相似文献   

大豆寡糖对肉仔鸡肠道pH值和盲肠短链脂肪酸的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在玉米-大豆浓缩蛋白型低寡糖基础日粮中分别添加0、0.50%、1.00%或2.00%的大豆寡糖,研究了不同添加量大豆寡糖对肉仔鸡肠道pH值和盲肠短链脂肪酸的影响。选用192只1日龄AA肉公鸡,随机分成4个处理组,每个处理设6个笼(重复),每笼8只鸡。结果表明:大豆寡糖对18、36日龄肉仔鸡十二指肠和空肠食糜pH值的影响无明显规律,各处理组之间无显著性差异(P0.05);随着大豆寡糖水平的增加,盲肠食糜pH值呈下降的趋势(P0.05),1.00%大豆寡糖添加组18、36日龄肉仔鸡盲肠食糜pH值为最低水平,且显著低于对照组(P0.05)。低寡糖日粮中添加不同剂量大豆寡糖,大幅度增加肉仔鸡盲肠食糜中乙酸和短链脂肪酸总量的浓度(P0.05);添加1.00%或2.00%大豆寡糖,显著增加18日龄肉仔鸡盲肠食糜中丁酸占短链脂肪酸总量的摩尔百分比(P0.05)。  相似文献   

脂肪做为高能量饲料原料 ,经常被添加于肉用仔鸡日粮中以提高日粮能量浓度、提高增重速度和改善饲料效率。随着消费者对肉鸡胴体品质的要求不断提高 ,减少脂肪沉积 ,降低腹脂含量 ,提高胸肌产量 ,成为肉鸡营养研究中的重要课题。影响肉鸡腹脂沉积的因素很多 ,其中最主要的是营养和遗传因素。Cole等 ( 1 992 )认为 ,日粮中能量和粗蛋白质水平是影响腹脂的重要因素 ,并发现 6周龄肉用仔鸡腹脂含量受日粮能量的影响更大。用于饲料的脂肪一般可分为三大类 :动物脂肪、植物脂肪和混合脂肪。由于脂肪酸的组成、脂肪饱和程度、脂肪酸链的长短不…  相似文献   

Criteria that are required to confirm heartwater in ruminants and mice are discussed. In ruminants it entails the macroscopical and microscopical lesions as well as the identification of Cowdria ruminantium in brain smears or histological sections. Macroscopical lesions in the majority of animals that die of the disease include effusion of body cavities, hydropericardium, oedema of the lungs, brain, mediastinum, and its associated lymph nodes, and splenomegaly. The effect of specific chemotherapy on the morphology of heartwater organisms in vivo is outlined. A severe nephrosis in heartwater-infected Angora goats, treated after the first day of the febrile reaction, is described.  相似文献   

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