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Summary Reducing sugar and sucrose contents of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) from six cultivars were monitored both during the growing season and after a four months storage period at 10°C. Significant correlations were found between tuber sugar contents (sucrose, reducing and total) measured at harvest and the reducing sugar content after storage. Similarly, in five of the six cultivars, the sucrose loss and the corresponding reducing sugar gain during storage were significantly correlated.  相似文献   

Solids content and amylose/amylopectin ratios were determined in different parts of tubers of White Rose, Red La Soda, Kennebec, Russet Burbank, Norchip and Lenape at harvest, after storage at 7 C for 2 and 4 mo, and after reconditioning at 20 C for 3 wk following each storage period. In all cultivars, solids content was greatest in stem-end, lower in bud-end and lowest in core tissue. The relationships for distribution of solids among the different parts of the tubers was not changed by storage treatments in any of the cultivars. Amylose/amylopectin ratios were similar in all parts of the tuber. Both the solids content and amylose/amylopectin ratio were changed by storage, but not uniformly in all cultivars.  相似文献   

Tuber tissues of 123 commercial cultivars were tested for their ability to synthesize solamarine glycoalkaloids. Eleven cultivars including ‘Kennebec’ and ‘White Rose’ synthesized major concentrations of solamarines, ranging between 42 and 85% of total glycoalkaloid, when tuber slices were exposed to light during wound-healing. Tuber tissues of the other 112 cultivars did not synthesize solamarines, or they synthesized only trace concentrations of these unusual glycoalkaloids. Nine of the 11 solamarine-synthesizing cultivars have a common ancestor, USDA 96-56. This parental clone synthesizes major solamarine concentrations and it also carries the R1 gene for late blight resistance that it inherited fromSolatium demissum. Results of solamarine analyses of foliage from 47 USDA 96-56 selfed progeny suggest that this parental clone is the source of a major gene(s) for solamarines present in 9 of the commercial cultivars. However, there appeared to be an alternative source of a gene(s) for solamarines because ‘White Rose’, with onlyS. tuberosum ancestors, also synthesized major solamarine concentrations. There was no association between the R1 gene for late blight resistance and the ability to synthesize solamarines in 31 USDA 96-56 selfed progeny that were analyzed for both characters.  相似文献   

Summary The occorrence of potato mop-top virus (PMTV) was assessed by two different soil sampling methods. PMTV was prevalent in southwestern Sweden but was not detected in the northern part of the country. In storage trials more symptoms developed in tubers kept at 9°C than 4 °C. irrespective of the cultivar. Cutting the tubers enhanced post storage symptom develoment in some cultivars. Of 14 cultivars grown in Sweden, those used for crisp products were more inclined to develop spraing than the others. A comparison of the severity of PMTV symptoms in field trials in Sweden. Denmark and Finland indicated substantial geographic variation in the relative susceptibility of different cultivars suggesting variation among isolates of the virus. From glasshouse experiments it was found that inoculations done at flower bud development or at flowering resulted in most spraing. Cultivar trials in pots produced a low level of spraing symptoms in general.  相似文献   

甘南县地处黑龙江省西部,属第三积温区,适宜马铃薯的栽培,2001年在甘南县镇东郊村家进行了小面积大棚马铃薯复种留种薯试验、示范,获得了显著增产、增收的效果。2002年示范面积达5000m2,农民获得了好收成。其主要做法是:大棚马铃薯始收期在6月7日,6月25日收完,比地膜覆盖早上市20d,价格高出0.80元/kg,比地膜增收15000元/hm2。加上复种马铃薯进行夏播留种,幼龄产量21750kg/hm2,售价1.20元/kg,两茬收入近9万元/hm2。其主要栽培技术有以下几方面。1 早熟耐密,整薯率高的品种大棚种植主要选用早熟的“早大白”品种,其不但熟期短而且结薯集…  相似文献   

Potato ring rot, caused by the bacterium Clavibacter michiganensis subspecies sepedonicus, is considered to be one of the internationally most important seed potato diseases (Smith et al.; Eur J Plant Pathol 107:739–748, 2001) and has been a problem in Norwegian potato production since its first detection in 1964. Since 1965, Norway has had its own national legislation for the control of the disease. In recent years, this legislation has evolved to be more similar to the EU Commission Directive 2006/56/EC. In 1999, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority initiated an eradication program for potato ring rot with the aim of selling potatoes to other European countries. During the project period (1999–2008), efficient systems for sampling, analysis and eradication measures were built. From 1999 to 2002, the occurrence of potato ring rot in commercial potato production was monitored in all counties. Sampling was carried out according to the instructions of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, while testing of samples was (from 2000 onwards) carried out by Bioforsk laboratories with modern serological and molecular detection methods. When ring rot was detected in a potato lot, the grower had to implement strict eradication measures. The survey was followed up with two monitoring periods, 2003–2004 and 2005–2008. During the project period, 328 cases of potato ring rot were found. The counties Hedmark, Nordland, Troms, and Tr?ndelag accounted for most of these. The main objectives of this study were to describe the occurrence of potato ring rot in Norwegian potato production and to evaluate the effectiveness of the eradication measures employed for the control of the disease. This survey showed that the overall ring rot situation did improve considerably during the project period (1999–2008), both in relation to prior periods, and when comparing the surveying and monitoring periods. Problem areas where monitoring must be continued remain.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - In recent years, Mekong Delta of Vietnam is severely affected by salinity intrusion and water scarcity due to climate variability. In this study, a comprehensive...  相似文献   

马铃薯渣综合利用研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了马铃薯渣营养成分及主要性质,综述了马铃薯渣综合利用研究现状,包括生产高蛋白饲料、制备膳食纤维和果胶,制备燃料酒精和薯渣新型吸附剂和粘结剂、制备饲料种曲、方便面油料包可食性膜和有机化工产品等。剖析了马铃薯渣综合利用中存在的问题,即综合利用率低、食用安全性问题、技术推广困难。展望了马铃薯渣的开发应用前景与发展趋势。马铃薯渣提取膳食纤维和果胶,薯渣加工附加值提高,经济效益较高;固态发酵马铃薯渣生产蛋白饲料或生产配合饲料是薯渣处理最具发展潜力的方向。利用薯渣制作发酵培养基是进行薯渣增值的研究方向;利用薯渣制备燃料酒精及生物质混合燃料是理想的薯渣利用途径;利用马铃薯渣联合生产膳食纤维和燃料酒精是薯渣综合利用研究值得探索的新思路。  相似文献   

Summary A rapid quantitative determination of the individual glycoalkaloids solanine and chaconine is described. The glycoalkaloids were extracted by blending with methanol and the dry residues obtained were worked up by extraction withn-butanol. After separation of them by thin layer chromatography, they were assayed by in situ fluorodensitometry of the chromatograms. The recoveries levels obtained by the newly developed extraction and work-up procedure were similar to those obtained by the method of Sachse and Bachmann. Potato tubers and leaves, and industrial potato protein were analysed with this method and its precision was equal or better than that of other methods. It can also be used as a semiquantitative thin layer chromatography assay of potato glycoalkaloids.
Zusammenfassung Beschrieben wird eine schnelle und quantitative Bestimmung der Glykoalkaloide Solanin und Chaconin. Die Prim?r-Extraktion der Glykoalkaloide durch Eluieren mit Methanol wurde mit der nach der Methode von Sachse und Bachmann durchgeführten Extraktion unter Rückfluss verglichen. Nach dem Aufarbeiten der Extrakte durch Ausf?llung wurden die Glykoalkaloide dünnschichtchromatografisch (DC) getrennt und die Chromatograpmme durch in situ Fluorodensitometrie gemessen. Da sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede (α=0,05) zwischen den beiden Extraktionsmethoden ergaben (Tabelle 1) wurde die weniger arbeitsintensive Methode des Eluierens für die Extraktion der anderen Proben gew?hlt. Um die zeitaufwendige Methode des Ausf?llens zu umgehen, prüften wir für die Aufarbeitung zwei Modifikationen der von Crabbe & Fryer (1980) benutztenn-Butanol-Extraktion. Der trockene Rückstand der Prim?rextraktion wurde in einer Mischung gleicher Teile von Butanol, ges?ttigt mit einprozentigem Ammoniak und 1% Ammoniak ges?ttigt mitn-Butanol aufgenommen. Nach der Trennung der Schichten wurde die Butanolschicht für die quantitative DC verwendet. Bei der zweiten Modifikation wurde der trockene Rückstand in verdünnter Essigs?ure gel?st und zentrifugiert. Die klare saure L?sung wurde alkalisch gemacht und mitn-Butanol ausgechüttelt. Da in diesem Fall die Verwendung ges?ttigter L?sungsmittel nicht m?glich war, wurde ein Korrekturfaktor für die Volumenver?nderung dern-Butanol-Schicht bestimmt. Nach dem Schütteln blieben von den ursprünglich 10 mln-Butanol 9,5 ml übrig. Die Ergebnisse dieser beiden Aufarbeitungsmethoden wurden mit den durch Ausf?llung erhaltenen Ergebnissen verglichen (Tabelle 2). Bei der einfachenn-Butanol-Extraktion war die Trennung der Glykoalkaloide durch DC bei Proben mit einem geringen Glykoalkaloidgehalt insofern gest?rt als sich zu hohe Glykoalkaloidwerte ergaben. Die Extraktion mit Essigs?ure/n-Butanol ergab Werte, die gleich hoch oder geringfügig h?her waren, als nach der Ausf?llung. Die DC-Trennung der Glykoalkaloide wurde nicht durch andere fluoreszierende Substanzen gest?rt. Die Wiederfindungsrate der gesamten Methode: Eluieren und Essigs?ure/n-Butanol-Extraktion entsprach der Methode von Sachse & Bachmann (1969) und zeigte eine nahezu vollst?ndige Extraktion der Glykoalkaloide an (Tabelle 3). Die Methode ist genau und empfindlich wie Tabelle 4 für die Glykoalkaloidwerte mehrerer Proben zeigt. Eine ann?hernde Bestimmung des Glykoalkaloidgehaltes kann durch einen visuellen Vergleich von Proben- und Standardflecken durchgeführt werden. Für diese halbquantitative DC genügt die einfachen-Butanol-Extraktion.

Résumé Une méthode de détermination quantitative rapide de la solanine et de la chaconine est décrite. La première extraction des glucoalcalo?des par mélange avec le méthanol a été comparée avec l'extraction sous réfrigérant à reflux, selon la méthode de Sachse et Bachmann. Après le traitement des extraits par précipitation, les glucoalcalo?des ont été séparés par chromathographie sur couche mince (TLC) et évalué par fluorodensitométrie directement sur les chromatogrammes. Dans la mesure où aucune différence significative (α=0,05) n'a été trouvée entre les deux méthodes d'extraction (tableau 1), celle demandant le moins de travail a été choisie pour l'extraction de ces substances dans les autres échantillons. Pour gagner du temps sur la méthode de précipitation, nous avons procédé à deux modifications au niveau de l'extraction aun. butanol utilisée par Crabbe & Fryer (1980). La première consistait à dissoudre la résidu sec de l'extraction précédente dans un mélange, en parties égales, den. butanol saturé avec 1% d'ammoniaque et de 1% d'ammoniaque saturé den. butanol. Après séparation des deux phases, la phasen. butanol a été utilisée pour l'essai quantitatif en chromatographie sur couche mince. La seconde modification consistait à dissoudre la résidu sec dans de l'acide acétique dilué et à centrifuger la solution acide. Cette solution clarifiée était alcalisée et l'extraction était faite aun.butanol; l'utilisation d'un solvant saturé étant impossible dans ce cas, un facteur de correction de volume a été déterminé pour len.butanol. Après agitation on conservait 9,5 ml des 10 ml d'origine de la phasen.butanol. Les résultats de ces deux procédés ont été comparés avec ceux obtenus par la méthode de précipitation (tableau 2). Avec la seule extraction aun.butanol la séparation des glucoalcalo?des par chromatographie a été perturbée pour les échantillons ayant une faible teneur en donnant des valeurs trop élevées. L'extraction à l'acide acétique/n.butanol a donné des valeurs égales ou légèrement supérieures à celles de la méthode de précipitation. La séparation des glucoalcalo?des n'a pas été perturbée par les autres composés fluorescents. Les valeurs obtenues par la méthode totale=mélange avec méthanol et extraction à l'acide acétique/n.butanol ont été approximativement les mêmes que celles obtenues par la méthode de Sachse & Bachmann (1969); elles indiquent une presque complète extraction des glucoalcalo?des (tableau 3). La méthode est précise et sensible comme le montrent les valeurs indiquées dans le tableau 4. Une évaluation approximative de la teneur en glucoalcalo?des peut être obtenue par comparaison visuelle entre l'échantillon et des bandes témoins standard. Pour cette chromatographie semi-quantitative la simple extraction aun.butanol est suffisante.

The focus of this study was to evaluate two mineral oils (Superior 70 and Vazyl-Y) in reducing the seasonal spread of Potato Virus Y (PVY). Three concentrations of oil (0, 5, and 10 L ha?1 of Superior 70; 0, 7.5, and 15 L ha?1 of Vazyl-Y) and three spray regimes for both oils (every 3–4, 7, and 10–11 days) were tested. Two weeks after top-kill, two tubers from each of 49 plants free of virus at emergence were harvested from treatment plots, sprouted, and tested for PVY with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results revealed that in the case of Superior 70, PVY spread in mineral oil treated plots ranged from 2.1 to 12.2 %, while in the control plots it ranged from 20.4 to 37.7 % across three cultivars. In the case of Vazyl-Y, PVY spread in mineral oil treated plots ranged from 2.1 to 26.5 %, while in the control plots it ranged from 49.9 to 85.7 % across three cultivars. These data show that there was a significant reduction in PVY due to spray of mineral oils. In addition, mineral oil was quantified in plants from the Superior 70 treated and the control plots to understand the dynamics of mineral oil during the season. While there was little to no oil measured in the leaves at the early stages of plant growth, a considerable amount of mineral oil was detected close to plant maturity. A basic model of the concentration of oil in the treated foliage was formulated to confirm our understanding of the factors at play. The model could explain from 50 to 90 % of the variation in oil content observed in the field. Plant growth and size are important factors affecting oil content in mineral oil treated foliage.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of liquid and solid media on the growth of micropropagated potato shoots (cvs Spunta, Kennebec and Huinkul) was studied in relation to the availability of nutrients and water in the culture medium. Nitrogen and sugar assimilation in the shoot and the water content of the shoots were evaluated. The water content of the plant tissues was not affected by the physical state of the medium. The liquid medium caused a greater accumulation of dry matter in the shoot without changing assimilate partition. The liquid medium increased shoot growth without affecting the number of nodes. The higher growth rate of shoots in liquid medium was correlated with increases in their organic nitrogen and sugar contents, indicating that nutrient assimilation was favoured in liquid media.  相似文献   

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