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Economy is a major force in determining the hierarchy of urban system. As regional economy globalizes, urban systems in many countries are making their transition from the scale-based hierarchy to the networked system, while that in China still maintains an administrative stratification. The paper discussed the triumph of Baigou Town in the East Baoding Sub-center Campaign. It significantly shattered the administrative hierarchy of the urban system in China, which owes largely to the new type of economical development, i.e. government-led fixed assets investment and real estate development, as demonstrated in the urban expansion. Under the pattern of "territory" logic, spatial planning not only lost efficacy, but also stimulated bottom-up over development in local areas. The paper recommended foreign action- and collaboration-oriented urban planning theories, and that the absolute top-down spatial blueprint planning must be abandoned, and a harmonious synergy of planning roles, work content and methodology be facilitated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a decomposed optimization model for power network planning. The planning problem is divided into master problem to determine the investment decisions and subproblems to deterimne the operation decisions. In the proposed model, the effects of multi load levels,stochastic line outages,power loss cost and load curtailment cost on the investment decisions are considered. The results of the examples prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problem of long-range generation expansion planning. A dynamic model for long-range expansion planning is set up and an algorithm-a two-step programming is presented, which is used here in a case.  相似文献   

The optimal model of investment combination has been constructed with 0-1 linear programming. The subject-to equations of the model are also discussed, and the solution of investment combination is acquired through special software. A case study demonstrates that the model of investment combination can effectively resolve the decision of annual planning of investment items in enterprise.  相似文献   

近年来,农村人口向城镇大量流动加之城镇人口的自然增长,城镇人口对于城镇用地的需求十分强烈;另外,随着经济的发展,城镇固定资产投资逐年增加,致使城镇各业用地需求旺盛。因此城镇的扩张与人口向城镇的流动和政府对城镇的投资是密不可分的。本文试图通过引用系统工程理念中的压力-状态-响应(P-S-R)模型,分析导致城镇建设用地扩张的人口和固定资产投资的压力机制,并构建了测算建设用地需求模型。基于黔江区2004-2008年的数据,测得黔江区合理的城镇扩张规模,避免城镇粗放型的扩张。测得黔江区建设用地增量380.92 hm2。  相似文献   

潘健 《中国农学通报》2014,30(5):314-320
以山西省晋城市土地利用规划为例,采用三维建模法和可视化分析法,将电子沙盘技术与相关规划数据结合,利用ArcGIS和skyline等软件实现土地利用规划演示系统的构建,形成一套成本低廉、易于复制的技术流程,增强其科学性和可行性。结果表明,通过生成三维电子沙盘和叠合土地利用规划数据来开发土地利用规划演示系统,经济效益优于平面规划演示平台,能够有效改观规划成果的视觉效果,提高原有数据的利用率,便于专家领导及相关公众直接参与和评判规划,其他地区也可以得到参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Districts of Chongqing is selected as the study area, which has a rapid rate of urbanization and eco-environmental pressure. The fundamental data of this study is the remote images and urban planning images of Chongqing city in 1988, 1993, 2000 and 2007. After data processing by RS and GIS, model calibration is applied to obtain the best parameters for the SLEUTH model. Then, the SLEUTH model is used for the simulation of the urban growth over the past 20 years. On the basis, the SLEUTH model is applied to predict the situation of urban expansion of the region in the next 10 years. The simulation results show that the calibrated model has a higher simulated precision for the urban expansion of study area, and the pace of urbanization has become relatively rapid in the study area, which may be closely related to the current land planning, road construction, industrial structure and economic policy.  相似文献   

阜康市城市土地供给侧政策绩效综合评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
旨在剖析阜康市城市土地供给侧结构方面存在的难题,从城市土地供给侧政策的结构效益、经济效益和公平效益三视角,运用主成分分析模型构建阜康市城市土地供给侧政策综合绩效评价体系。结果表明2009—2013 年阜康市城市土地供给侧政策绩效虽呈波动状态,但评分总体较好,土地供给侧政策实施效果整体良好。在供给结构调整方面,阜康市城市土地供给结构还需进一步调整,工矿仓储用地占用比重较大,商服和住宅用地比重较小;在经济效益方面,保持着较高的土地供给率和土地市场公开出让率,但土地投资强度较低;在公平效益方面,城市人均道路面积、人均公共管理与公共服务用地面积、经适房比重得到一定程度的扩大,但总体仍处于较低水平。最后,为阜康市土地供给侧结构调整优化提出优化供地结构、注重存量土地内部挖潜、转变低效供地利用、以“三规合一”为导向等建议,以实现未来城市土地供给的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This thesis uses the theory and method of the system dynamics to analyze the characteristics of the urban land planning system and set up the urban land planning system dynamic model, The model could describe the influence and request of factors of the society. economy and environment to the urban planning by using the system, the quantitative and the dynamic methods. By adjusting the parameter and repeating model imitation, the model could provide the possibility of realizing the present land planning and provide the quantitative analysis method for the planning department to make or adjust the land planning, and assist the government department to make decisions.  相似文献   

密云库北区域典型村庄生态经济评估与规划设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
密云水库位于北京市密云县北部山区,由于干旱少雨,其来水量由20世纪50年代平均来水量17亿m3下降到近十年的0.7亿m3,水库水质的变化与水库近区域,尤其是密云水库一级保护区的经济行为关系更为密切。本文以密云水库一级保护区典型村庄为案例,对其产业选择及产业发展进行了剖析,并对生态经济状况进行能值评估,结果表明,该村净能值产出率<1,全村生态经济运行可行性不强,能值投资率(5.67)高于中国农业能值投资率的平均值(4.93),该村对经济资源投入的依赖性较大,同时,环境负荷率为5.67,对环境造成了一定压力,可持续指数(1.13)偏低,全村属于资源密集型的经济开发系统。在能值评估的基础上,提出了以旅游循环农业为核心的生态设计方案,为水源保护区生态经济的协调发展提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Yellowstone National Park is one of the most successful tourism destinations in the world, its development experience in terms of cultural tourism are valuable for Hebei, whose competitiveness is weak comparatively in spite of rich tourism resources. Specifically, the successful experience of Yellowstone National Park in tourism development embodies 8 aspects: planning, infrastructure construction, ticket strategy, management mechanism, investment management, environmental management, identification system design, and tourism products. On this basis, 5 suggestions are recommended to upgrade tourism in Hebei Province based on its actual situation, namely appropriate proportions of ticket and revenue, scientific management, environmental protection and education, scientific planning, and resource classification.  相似文献   

In order to satisfy the safety of vehicle braking and the fuel economy,a control strategy for regenerative braking force distribution is proposed by considering of battery SOC and braking severity.In addition,a CVT speed ratio control strategy is proposed to operate the motor in the high efficiency area to improve motor generating efficiency.A simulation model of mild hybrid electric vehicle is set up.Simulation result on ECE+EUDC typical driving cycles show that the effectively regenerating energy of braking of hybrid vehicle with CVT is lager than that of hybrid vehicle with MT by 2.5%.  相似文献   

Fuzzy decision was applied to the generation expansion planning and a method of fuzzy decision of generation expansion planning has been presented in this paper.  相似文献   

The main theortical basis that management accountant can be regarded as electricity-generating commerce is brought forward.The main contents of management accountant,such as cost analysis,quantity benefit analysis,estimate analysis,the decision analysis,the budget,cost control,responsibility center,the possibility of the indetermination analysis theories on generating electricity,feasibility and advantages,are analyzed and demonstrated in detail.Based on these works and combining knowledge of computer,related knowledge about power and the latest rules of electric power market,the functional design for the power plant biding for on-net assistant system is completed.The power plant bid decision-making stragegy includes following functions: receiving and declareing the data of the electric power market,protecting cost analysis,protecting price decision,predicting load,safe area analysis,superior distribution,settle accounts,sensitivity analysis,controlling plan management and risk analysis etc.  相似文献   

A model and a heuristic algorithm for reliabilty op timi zation in generalized stochastic flow networks are proposed in this paper. The stochastic characteristic of the demands at terminal nodes is considered in the model. The algorithm proposed is powerful and can be applied to optimal planning of transmission capacity for large scale stochastic flow networks, because it can facilitate a fast location of optimal capacity expansion from the information obtained by the last iteration by making full use of the relationships of the k-weak link set and failure events set to the paramsters in generalized stochastic flow networks  相似文献   

The quantities of taxes, as an important and difficult factor of finance, influences directly profits that corporations really got. Tax planning in enterprises could be regard as one portfolio investment of securities. Being concerned of cost and risk, portfolio theory is used as a new way in study of tax planning to evaluate validity of planning program and make optimal choice to achieve the portfolio-effect which is more planning profits and less planning risks.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora is a major invasive plant in the coastal tideland of China that has serious negative impact on local economy and ecology.This paper took Hugang New Town in Xiangshan County,Zhejiang Province for example,concluded the method of controlling S.alterniflora by integrating mechanical mowing and hydraulic reclamation in view of the threatening expansion of this species and serious land shortage in the local area.Moreover,it explored the ecological planning method of reclamation area based on this method.In view of the ecological sensitivity of the reclamation area,urban ecological planning concept was introduced into both processes of the development:penetrative reclamation and urban planning.The reclamation project has to meet such requirements as site selection,scope,water surface ratio etc.,the planning ensures the ecological sustainability in functional orientation,spatial structure,green space system and development intensity.  相似文献   

通过对国内外农作物种质资源库建设概况的梳理总结,从种质库的规划设计、施工建设、运行管理3个方面,提出明确规划定位、加强顶层设计,施工建设严把质量关、安全关,运行管理标准化、实现可持续发展,以及给予长期稳定资金投入、构建全国种质资源库协作网的建议和思考。  相似文献   

从1963年至今,中国与肯尼亚农业科技交流合作经历了从单向无偿援助向互利合作方式的转变,并通过政府高层往来、中非农业合作论坛、农业投资及研讨会、互派专家和留学生、高校与科研机构支持等途径,以农业科技合作示范与种质资源利用、中国农业高新科技在肯尼亚推广应用、短期技术研修与培训班开设、学历农业人才培养等内容方式,在中国优良农作物引种推广、栽培管理技术体系输出、科学合作研究、农业科技人才培养、生物多样性保护、扩大农产品市场等方面取得了不少成就,但仍然面临前期调研不够、途径内容不多、成效比较有限、投资不足等挑战以及语言、文化和历史等问题,需要从制定长期规划、建立高层次协调机制、加强基础调查研究、拓展途径与内容、加大投资力度、完善财税政支持体系、继续重视人才培养、坚持绿色合作与可持续发展等方面综合应对。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multi - objective fuzzy decision - making approach for power network planning under uncertainty ,which simutaneously considers not only the least investment cost,the minimum power loss,the maximum reliability,and the least environmental impacts, but also the uncertainty about the future load growth and the capital investment availability. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified with numerical examples.  相似文献   

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