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With development of broadband network application, the accessing technology of broadband network becomes an active area. Some accessing technologies, such as ADSL and HFC, have been used. But these methods do not be used widely due to their high costs. The authors discuss the widely used Ethernet technology and show how it can be deployed in broadband access network, addressing some problems need to face. Several solutions will be given, and conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

The immobilization cell technology is a new biological engineering technique. The key for this technology is the characteristics of the immobilization supporter materials used. In this work, the categories and characteristics of the supporter materials in this technology are presented. The applications of the immobilization supporter materials in environmental pollutant treatment are also reviewed.  相似文献   

A new bio enzyme catalyser carrier for water treatment was developed successfully by orthogonal test. The optimal ratio of raw materials and production condition for this new carrier have been obtained by this study.  相似文献   

热水加速老化处理对棉花种子活力的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
宋平 《种子》1990,(6):28-30
本试验采用65℃热水浸泡脱绒种子的方法,分析了不同时间老化处理对3个陆地棉品种(Gossypium hirsutum)种子活力的影响。结果表明,65℃热水能加速棉花种子的老化。随着处理时间的延长,棉花种子活力逐渐下降,在处理30~40分钟之间有一活力变化临界点。认为65℃热水浸泡脱绒种子30~35分钟,可以作为一种检测棉花种子活力和抗老化能力的快速有效方法。人工老化处理,是检测种子活力的有效方法之一。在棉花种子活力检测中,常常采用把种子放在老化箱内,施以高温高湿(41℃、100%相对湿度)的方法来加速种子老化。但是,100%的相对湿度往往引起水箱滴水,不同部位滴水影响不同,因而影响试验的准确性。同时,高温、高湿下处理时间过长(41℃、6~7天),会使种子表面长霉,从而影响以后的发芽试验。Bout land和Welch(1985)提出用热水处理来加速棉花种子的变质,认为种子浸入50℃以上的热水中处理,比常规的高温高湿老化处理变质更快、更均匀。种子活力的丧失,实质上是由于种子所含的蛋白质及其它生理活性物质的变性所致。据研究,65℃接近于蛋白质变性的最高温度。因此,本试验采用65℃热水浸泡棉花种子的方法,观察热水老化处理后,棉花种子活力的变化。目的是为了寻求一种较为简单易行的、加速棉花种子老化的试验方法。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the composition and the treatment process of sludge and energy consumption of dewaterizers in urban water treatment plant, the new development of sludge treatment techniques and the comprehensive uses of the sludge are evaluated. The calculation formulas for power consumption and economical benefit of wastewater recovery are presented with examples, offering a basis for economical evaluation to energy consumption of the technology of wastewater recovery in water works .  相似文献   

The improved Analytic Hierarchy Process is adopted for the optimal decision of waste water treatment process. The unified test of traditional method is avoided owing to using the three scale method and inducting the optimum transfer matrix and then converting into the unified judgement matrix. It is proven by example that it is feasible to use the improved Analytic Hierarchy Process in the optimal decision of the waste water treatment process.  相似文献   

Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive Analysis (SEM EDS) were used to study the elements of particles in drinking water treatment effluents, to conduct the distribution characteristics of particles and distribution probability of main elements, and to analyse the possible structure of individual element in the Granular Activated Carbon(GAC) effluents particles. It was indicated that there were more elements in particles at GAC inlet and outlet, in which the major elements were Ca、Fe、Al 、Si 、C、O. And the concentration of non metal elements was absolutely higher than that of metal elements. The shapes of particles were various, in which most of them were irregular and very few were baculiform, spherical or flocculent. The molar ratio of (C+O) to (Ca+Fe+Al+Mg) in particles had a wide range, from 1.0 to 40, in eight samples, in which ratios of two samples were 1.0-3.0 and five were over 7.0.  相似文献   

香蕉是对低温非常敏感的水果。为探索安全、有效防控香蕉采后冷害的方法,以巴西香蕉为试材,分别采用0℃p H 2.4电生酸性功能水和p H 11.3的电生碱性功能水冷激处理30 min(以蒸馏水冷激处理为对照),于(4±1)℃、相对湿度85%条件下贮藏16 d,研究电生功能水冷激处理对香蕉耐冷性的影响。结果表明:与对照组相比,在(4±1)℃条件下贮藏16 d时,酸性和碱性功能水冷激处理使香蕉的冷害指数分别降低了12%、7%(P0.05);可显著提高果实硬度和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,降低细胞膜透性,减少丙二醛(MDA)和H2O2的积累量,其中酸性功能水处理组效果更为显著。表明电生功能水冷激处理在一定程度上可提高低温胁迫下香蕉的耐冷性,减少冷害的发生。  相似文献   

热水处理对木纳格葡萄保鲜效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了热水处理对轻度加工木纳格葡萄贮藏保鲜效果的影响。试验结果表明,45℃条件下8min热处理能够明显地降低果实腐烂率,抑制葡萄相对电导率的上升与果肉硬度、CAT活性下降,提高果实的POD活性,从而提高葡萄果实贮藏品质与延长货架期。  相似文献   

The application of membrane separation technology in water and wastewater field is introduced in this paper. It is demonstrated that membrane separation technology is the future of the development of water and wastewater treatment, as well as water industry, compared with conventional treatment methods from three aspects: technology, economy and operation and management, the relative priority of the membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

The forecasting of water quality variation is very important in the process of sewage treatment, which helps the control system work reliably and steadily. In this paper, the compensative fuzzy neural network (CFNN) based on compensative fuzzy logic and neural network and its study arithmetic are introduced. Considering its features as fast speed, steady studying course, global dynamic optimization, CFNN is applied to establish water quality forecasting model. The practical example indicates that the model is not sensitive to initial parameters and has better forecasting precision and faster convergence.  相似文献   

An artificial neural network (ANN) model was established based on data of paint waste water treated by coagulation oxidation process, using the improved back propagation algorithm. The model was then used to fit and predict some experimental data. The results indicated that the errors between computed data and experimental data were much small. Furthermore, the ANN model could correctly reflect the mechanism of some factors which affected the efficiency of paint waste water treatment.  相似文献   

微污染水源人工湿地处理效果与植物作用分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用水平流人工湿地系统对沉砂后的微污染水源水进行了预处理试验,考察了处理效能与湿地植物作用。结果表明:水平流人工湿地系统对COD,TP,TN和NH4+-N平均去除率分别为49.89%,50.44%,53.41%和48.45%;湿地植物作用研究表明:一方面,植物通过吸收直接去除氮、磷,在生长季节作用更明显。而且在床体前部植物生长效果略好于后部,对氮、磷吸收也略高于后部。另一方面植物根系可以过滤、截留去除水中污染物,并为微生物提供附着表面,从而发挥了微生物的降解作用,这在人工湿地系统起重要的作用。  相似文献   

前期研究表明“5%空心菜+10%填料+泼藻”水质调控集成模式值得推广,为进一步验证效果,以吉富罗非鱼养殖池塘为对象,研究不同空心菜种植配比其对池塘水质氮、磷净化效果。通过设置5%、8%和10%空心菜种植比例,测定TN、NH3-N、TP、CODMn、TSS、pH和DO等水质指标,并进行环境、效益评估。结果表明:空心菜种植对罗非鱼池塘水体中TN、NH3-N、TP、CODMn、TSS均有一定程度的降低,空心菜种植对TN去除率在10%~15%之间,对TP去除率在20%~40%之间,5%空心菜种植组还对NH3-N、CODMn有较好的去除效果,且效益较好适合推广。  相似文献   

钙盐沉淀法处理农村含氟饮用水试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
薛力  呼世斌 《中国农学通报》2010,26(20):353-356
采用钙盐沉淀法,研究氯化钙投加量,pH值和静置时间三个因素对除氟效果的影响,确定最优的除氟条件;试验在不同氯化钙投加量(分别为100%、150%、200%、250%)下,分析静置时间和反应pH值对除氟的影响;通过试验,确定出三因素的最佳组合为氯化钙的投加量为250%,pH 8.5,静置时间最少50min。在该条件下,可将水中的氟离子浓度由20mg/L降低到7 mg/L左右;应用此方法可以有效减轻地方性氟中毒。  相似文献   

The liquid sludge water is produced from coagulation/filtration units and filtration operation of water treatment plant. The utilization of liquid sludge water from water treatment plant is an efficient way to save water resource. The potential problems in recycling the liquid sludge water are discussed in this paper from the aspects of its biological, physical and chemical properties. The microbiological safety of filtered water can be improved by recycling the liquid sludge water after coagulation and sedimentation or membrane filtration pretreatment. The status of utilization of the liquid sludge water at home and abroad is presented as well.  相似文献   

介绍茭白的保鲜技术流程、保鲜贮藏管理、采后生理指标测试,旨在为提升宁波市茭白的保鲜水平提供一些理论依据和开发思路。  相似文献   

咸水淡化技术是开发利用海洋资源最合理的方式。文章从咸水直接灌溉带来的土壤盐渍化危害入手,概述了咸水处理与精准灌溉的意义,介绍了微咸水淡化流程和精准灌溉流程,提出了微咸水处理及精准灌溉的结合方式,展望了咸水淡化和节水灌溉的发展趋势,并分析了制约咸水淡化技术发展的能源和工艺2个因素。本研究得出,节水灌溉技术未来将集远程灌溉管理和综合调控分析于一体,真正实现智能化灌溉管理。将太阳能技术与纳滤技术相结合会创造广阔的市场前景,纳米颗粒膜和光热转化碳纤维等材料将是海水淡化研究的热点。因此,咸水淡化技术与精准灌溉相结合,其资源利用效率将大幅提高,土壤环境亦会得到极大改善,与未来生态科技的发展趋势将更加契合。  相似文献   

光伏提水技术在西藏的推广前景   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了西藏能源短缺的农牧区发展光伏提水技术提供科学依据,本研究介绍了太阳能光伏提水技术的发展现状,分析了西藏地区的太阳能资源储量,以及光伏提水技术在西藏地区的推广应用优势及潜力,并对其进行了经济评价。  相似文献   

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