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The expression of traditional Chinese literati is based on connection, seeking emotion and harmony. With various forms, though, this style of expression shares the same value in some art forms, like traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and paintings, and Chinese architecture. Based on the commonalities of various forms of literature and art, this paper offered an insight into Chinese architecture in light of poetic and pictorial expression of traditional Chinese literati. In order to illuminate the corresponding connection between traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and paintings, and Chinese architecture, this paper discussed the expression of Chinese architecture corresponding to the essence of traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy and paintings respectively from the perspective of philosophy, aesthetics, and culture study of Chinese architecture. Via analogous analysis, which includes the analogy between the emotion of architecture and the feelings in traditional poetry, the analogy between the order of architecture and the spirit of calligraphy, and the analogy between the artistic conception and the picturesque scene, the poetic and pictorial expression of Chinese architecture was clarified. This paper emphasized that Chinese architecture needs to jump out of the concrete image, eradicate the interdisciplinary boundaries, and stress the integration of arts and humanities in a higher level, to express Chinese architecture in a Chinese way. That means making Chinese architecture modern in forms and techniques, and traditional in spirit and artistic conception.  相似文献   

Tibetan traditional garden(Lingka) represented by the Norbuglingka is an important component of the Chinese traditional garden system. It is worth the attention from the academic fi eld because of the garden style with regional features and outstanding national and religious cultures. By researching the development history of Tibetan traditional Lingka and Han Garden and comparing the differences between their development stages and styles, it was found that both of them originated from the love and hankering for nature, but they presented different forms and characters because of different religious beliefs, natural ecological views, activities in garden, garden cultures, and so on. For the communication between Tibet and the Central Plain, Tibetan Lingka and Han garden have infl uenced and benefi ted each other, and fi nally shown the current patterns.  相似文献   

Building roof garden can widen the green area and expand the green space effectively.It has the ecological function for improving the environment, beautification function for molding a person's sentiment and colorful practical function. It can promote the ecological balance of the city and optimize the environment for human residence to meet the needs of people to approach the nature and return to the nature. In designing roof garden, the favorite factors, such as wide field of vision, good illumination, large temperature difference, little pollution, small people flow as well as adverse factors concerning the field, bearing capacity, soil and wind power should be taken into account. In the meantime, to create an outer ecological space with abundant cultural connotation, it is necessary to take safety as prerequisite, ecology as basis,artistic quality as its core, function as its purpose and economy as its guarantee.  相似文献   

Traditional garden is a vital element of traditional cultural heritage in China, and it is a common concern of the public to protect, inherit and develop traditional cultural heritage. This paper, on the basis of investigating current protection of royal gardens, private gardens in southern regions of the Yangtze River, and gardens in different regions, summarized 4 fundamental modes of traditional garden protection, namely protective development mode, developmental protection mode, controlled protection mode, no-protection mode. Advantages and disadvantages of different modes were reviewed, protective development was proposed as a traditional garden protection mode adaptive to actual conditions of China.  相似文献   

Classical Chinese garden is a compound artwork of material and spiritual construction,and Xishu Garden is a regional product with outstanding characteristics and high quality among classical Chinese gardens,it has special spiritual construction and outstanding regional characteristics.Regional cultural characteristics of Xishu garden are analyzed from the perspectives of philosophy consciousness,spirit of history and comprehensive art,especially the gardening view based on Taoism,memorial significance,spirit of history and style it inherits from the Tang and Song Dynasties.Enlightenment of Xishu Garden on modern landscape architecture is elaborated.  相似文献   

Architectural decoration is a key demonstration of architectural styles, and traditional Chinese architectural forms originating from diversified architectural decorative arts. This paper explored facade decorative art of traditional architecture from the perspectives of carving art decoration, roof type, stylobate and railing, window and door type, and ground pavement, and also elaborated artistic methods of different forms in each aspect. On the basis of investigating Shengjinta historic and archaistic block, the paper also introduced application of decorative arts, and provided references for applying facade decorative arts of traditional architecture in the future archaistic blocks.  相似文献   

The Grand Sight Garden in Chinese traditional novel "The Story of the Stone" takes an important position in Chinese traditional landscape architecture.In this paper,the aesthetic value of the Grand Sight Garden is analyzed and the real meaning and practical value of this fictitious "garden" is discussed from two aspects: composition structure and artistic conception.  相似文献   

贺晓娟 《中国农学通报》2005,21(12):311-311
以中国四大名园之一的扬州个园作为实例,分析中国古典园林中意境的表达方式。提出了意 境表达可以通过感觉器官和文学艺术形式为线索,诱发游赏者对园林空间景物产生情感激动和理念 联想的观点,进而使园林意境得以顺利、准确的表达。并在此基础得出意境在中国园林中的主要美学 特征,以便对今后的园林造景提供历史借鉴。  相似文献   

In view of status quo and prospects of hand-painted animation,it is an important topic to promote the development of hand-painted animation,achieve its unique artistic effect,explore the approaches of realizing hand-painted pastel animation,grasp spiritual connotations of hand-painted pastel art in animation,and maintain the artistic vitality of hand-painted animation.This study focused on expression means of various arts,enriching artistic means of producing hand-painted pastel animations,improving the efficiency of hand-painted pastel animations,so as to form a complete artistic realization theoretical system of hand-painted pastel animations,and provide a technical and theoretical foundation for the development of traditional hand-painted animations.  相似文献   

Learning, inheritance and development of undergraduates' traditional artistic accomplishments is of realistic signifi cance in the modern society, integration of traditional artistic accomplishments in practice teaching will broaden the channels of modern undergraduates acquiring traditional artistic accomplishments. Learning traditional artistic accomplishments should be the colorful and vivid practice class on and off campus, moreover, students' recognition of traditional artistic accomplishments should be strengthened, and their understanding about traditional arts should be deepened. Full utilization of social resources of traditional arts helps learn the connotations of traditional artistic accomplishments, so that traditional artistic accomplishments will realize its theoretical and practical signifi cance in the rapidly-developing modern society.  相似文献   

In this paper, how to apply the pith of the Chinese traditional philosophy to landscape garden design in real estate developing project is discussed with emphasis on applying the harmonious and integrating philosophy idea of "unity of the heaven and human beings" to landscape garden design. At the same time, some problems of landscape garden design in real estate developing project nowadays are analyzed.  相似文献   

西方造园思想发展简述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵琳  丛晶 《中国农学通报》2005,21(12):307-307
中世纪及其以前的庭园是规则式园林,反映借助自然之物来美化人工环境的思想。文艺复兴运动将欧洲的园林艺术带入了一个新的发展时期,反映自然美和人工美并不悖的观点。法国的古典园林使欧洲的规则式园林艺术达到一个不可逾越的高峰,反映人力能够改变自然,人工美高于自然美的哲学思想。18世纪英国自然风景园的出现,反映人工美应服从于自然美,造园应与自然相协调的观念。  相似文献   

东平县商老庄乡生态农业观光园规划设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究一个县域尺度内欠发达地区生态农业观光园的规划、开发建设项目,对商老庄乡生态农业观光园规划设计进行实践研究,在区域内现有基础上依据景观生态学和游憩学的相关理论,运用景区规划和园林设计的理念,因地制宜设置传统农业种养殖、休闲观光、现代农业科技示范、农业科普教育、传统文化活动等项目,形成富有地方特色、环境优美集吃住行游购娱为一体的观光农业旅游胜地,为东平县社会主义新农村建设提供一个可以借鉴的发展模式。  相似文献   

To maintain internal walls of the residential houses and prolong service life of the walls, the paper introduced the efficiency of ink painting in wall maintenance and also in enriching cultural connotations of the residential spaces. The paper explored a practical approach for people participating in cultural and artistic activities based on the author's experience, which would contribute to the inheritance and development of outstanding traditional cultures and arts.  相似文献   

现代艺术在城市园林设计中运用的讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
摘要:随着当今社会的发展,大众的生活水平、文化水平、对艺术的认识水平不断提高,人们的审美水平在日益的增长。现代艺术设计是新时代的产物,而设计与艺术是无法分隔开的。城市园林设计是现代最为综合的艺术,它与现代艺术形式之间有着必然的联系。如今,城市园林设计飞速发展,艺术设计在艺术学领域也在蓬勃兴起。本文简要对城市园林设计的内涵做了界定,阐述了城市园林设计与现代艺术之间的关系,从园林中的小品、雕塑、植物造景等多个方面,分析了现代艺术影响下的城市园林设计。  相似文献   

Paper-cutting is a traditional Chinese art,and Fuyang paper-cutting is a miracle of Chinese paper-cutting art.As Fuyang paper-cutting art is gradually promoted by artists during the historical inheritance,its traditional form has changed,a batch of new-style paper-cutting artworks have been created,Wang Xiaying is a leading figure in its inheritance.From the perspective of manifestation means and modeling language,this paper found that Wang Xiaying on the basis of inheriting traditional paper-cutting learned from other arts,applied innovative techniques to break through limitations in modeling,and realized the innovation of paper-cutting art.It was concluded that traditional paper-cutting arts could only achieve sustainable development by integrating with new elements.  相似文献   

巧克力越来越受到消费者的青睐,尤其是节日时便成了宠儿。究其原因在于巧克力的艺术韵味。多姿多彩的表现形式彰显了巧克力的艺术。巧克力艺术的内涵赋予了它灵魂,成为人们交流情感的载体,平淡生活的调味剂。复杂的制作过程,人们对其艺术内涵的追逐抬高了巧克力的身价。  相似文献   

Building technology and architectural art often restrict each other. Considering the feature of high efficiency and unique aesthetics of metal building structure, this paper tries to probe the organic combination of metal building technology with architectural arts from view points of architectural philosophy, architectural art and architectural space and so on.  相似文献   

摘要:目前,虚拟现实技术在园林中的应用尚处于探索时期,但随着计算机软硬件水平的提高和可视化技术的不断发展更新,虚拟现实技术在园林中应用的领域逐渐广阔,对园林设计的影响也越来越大。本文以一个城市广场的园林设计为例,结合Quest3D技术制作开发了一个园林漫游展示系统。介绍了园林漫游展示系统的设计过程,研究了园林场景的建模、植物和水体模型的控制、光照和阴影设置、摄像机设置等问题。探讨了Quest3D技术在园林设计中的应用,研究了园林交互展示的相关技术,总结了构建园林漫游展示系统的方法和过程,为园林设计的展示提供一种有效的方法和途径。  相似文献   

This text describes the sanctums in Eling park and Panxi park in Chongqing,whose latter-day stone sculpture is full of mystery.Further more,through the analysis and comparison of their times features and artistic styles,it has shown the special charm in these two carvings as cultural heritage and artistic curiosity.  相似文献   

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