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妊娠母猪的阶段饲喂   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
母猪的繁殖性能与母猪繁殖周期的各阶段的营养密切相关,某一阶段的营养会影响此阶段、后一阶段乃至全程的生产性能。因此,妊娠母猪也应像生长猪一样采取阶段饲喂。本文主要阐述了妊娠前期、中期和后期母猪饲养管理方面的研究。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the net energy (NE) values and energy efficiency of wheat bran (WB), sugar beet pulp (SBP), corn gluten feed (CGF), soybean hulls (SBH), and defatted rice bran (DFRB) fed to pregnant sows. Thirty‐six multiparous pregnant sows were randomly assigned to six dietary treatments with six replicates per treatment. Each period lasted for 21 days including 14 days for adaptation. On day 15, sows were moved into respiration chambers for heat production (HP) measurement and provided feed at 544 kJ/kg BW0.75/day. On day 20, sows were fasted to measure the fasting heat production (FHP). Experimental diets included corn‐soybean meal basal diet and five diets containing 29.20% WB, SBP, CGF, SBH, and DFRB, respectively. Results showed that inclusion of WB, SBP, CGF, SBH, and DFRB to basal diet decreased (p < 0.05) the apparent total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients. The average adjusted total HP and FHP were 418 kJ/kg BW0.75/day and 326 kJ/kg BW0.75/day, respectively. The average NE:ME ratio of experiment diets was 82.5%. In conclusion, the NE values of WB, SBP, CGF, SBH, and DFRB were 9.05, 8.59, 8.37, 7.64, and 7.93 MJ/kg DM, respectively.  相似文献   

母猪妊娠阶段的饲养管理十分重要,尤其是在冬春季节,由于日照时间少,外界气候寒冷,温度忽高忽低,如果没有做好妊娠母猪的饲养管理工作,会对母猪造成应激刺激,影响其机体的抵抗能力,易感染多种疾病。冬季妊娠母猪在饲养管理、疾病防控等方面有特殊要求,需要充分掌握母猪在妊娠阶段的具体生理特征,做到科学养殖、科学管理,避免因为冬春季节养殖管理不当造成妊娠母猪繁殖能力下降,初生仔猪体重较小。为提高母猪的生产性能,增加养殖场效益。该文主要论述冬季妊娠母猪的饲养管理。  相似文献   

本试验利用母猪行为以及唾液皮质醇和淀粉酶含量探索空间限制对母猪生理心理状态造成的影响。试验选择大白妊娠母猪64头,随机平均分成2组,分别采用限位栏(180 cm×60 cm×110 cm)和群养模式(568 cm×448 cm×50 cm)饲养,群养模式下每圈8头母猪,共4圈。于试验1、3、5、6、8、10、11、13、15周第1、2天分别采用10 min间隔扫描取样法记录母猪行为和采集试验母猪唾液样本,检测唾液皮质醇水平和唾液淀粉酶含量。结果表明:限位栏母猪表现无食咀嚼、啃栏、啃槽行为的次数显著高于群养母猪。限位栏母猪的唾液皮质醇和淀粉酶表现出相反的分泌趋势,无食咀嚼与唾液淀粉酶含量之间存在显著的正相关关系(r=0.336,P=0.048)。群养模式下试验母猪的唾液皮质醇水平、淀粉酶含量与无食咀嚼行为之间没有显著性相关的关系。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate whether cooled floor pads combined with chilled drinking water could alleviate negative impacts of heat stress on lactating sows. Thirty sows (Landrace × Yorkshire, Parity = 1 to 6) were housed in individual farrowing stalls in two rooms with temperatures being controlled at 29.4°C (0700–1900 hours) and 23.9°C (1900–0700 hours). Sows in one room (Cool), but not in the other room (Control) were provided cooled floor pads (21–22°C) and chilled drinking water (13–15°C). Behavior of sows (15 sows/treatment) was video recorded during farrowing, and days 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 after farrowing. Videos were viewed continuously to register the birth time of each piglet, from which total farrowing duration and birth intervals were calculated. The number of drinking bouts and the duration of each drinking bout were registered for each sow through viewing videos continuously for 2 h (1530–1730 hours) each video-recording day. Postures (lying laterally, lying ventrally, sitting, and standing) were recorded by scanning video recordings at 5-min intervals for 24 h each video-recording day, and time budget for each posture was calculated. Rectal temperature and respiration rate were measured for all sows the day before and after farrowing, and then once weekly. Sow and litter performance was recorded. Data were analyzed using the Glimmix procedure of SAS. The cooling treatment did not affect sow behavior or litter performance. Sows in the Cool room had lower rectal temperature (P = 0.03) and lower respiration rate (P < 0.001), consumed more feed (P = 0.03), tended to have reduced weight loss (P = 0.07), and backfat loss (P = 0.07) during lactation than sows in the Control room. As lactation progressed, sows increased drinking frequency (P < 0.001) and time spent lying ventrally (P < 0.0001), standing (P < 0.001), and sitting (P < 0.0001), and decreased time spent lying laterally (P < 0.0001) in both Cool and Control rooms. While cooled floor pads combined with chilled drinking water did not affect sow behavior, they did alleviate heat stress partially, as indicated by decreased rectal temperature, respiration rate, weight, and backfat loss, and increased feed intake in lactating sows.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine whether pig responses to heat stress (HS) were directly due to heat exposure (regardless of feeding level and pattern) or were indirectly due to the reduction of feed intake (FI) and to determine if increasing feeding frequency (splitting heat increments) can improve pig response to HS. A total of 48 pigs (66.1 ± 1.7 kg) were allocated to four groups in three replicates. After 7 d in thermoneutral (TN) conditions (22 °C; period 1 [P1; day −7 to −1]), pigs were placed in either TN or HS (32 °C) conditions for 20 d (period 2 [P2; day 0 to 19]). The diet was provided either ad libitum (AL; 2 distributions/d) or pair-fed (PF8; 8 distributions/d) using HS–AL pigs as the reference group. Thus, the four experimental groups were TN–AL, HS–AL, TN–PF8, and HS–PF8. The daily ration of PF8 pigs was distributed at every 90-min intervals from 0900 to 1930 hours. Data were analyzed using the PROC MIXED procedure with replicate (n = 3), experimental group (n = 4), and their interactions as fixed effects, and the REPEATED statement was used for repeated measures data. Pigs had a similar average daily feed intake (ADFI) during P1 (P > 0.05). In P2, HS–AL and PF8 pigs had lower ADFI (−19%), average daily gain (−25%), and final body weight (−6.1 kg) than TN–AL pigs (P < 0.01). TN–AL pigs had thicker backfat than TN–PF8 pigs (P < 0.05), while the HS pigs had intermediate results. HS pigs had a higher perirenal fat percentage based on the contrast analysis between PF8 pigs (P < 0.05). Thermoregulatory responses of pigs increased with HS exposure but did not differ between HS or between TN groups (P > 0.05). For TN pigs, variation in muscle temperature (Tmuscle) depended on feeding and physical activity, while for HS pigs, Tmuscle gradually increased throughout the day. The Tmuscle of PF8 pigs increased with each additional meal but plateaued earlier for HS–PF8 than TN–PF8 pigs; an increase in Tmuscle per meal was also lower in HS–PF8 than TN–PF8 (P < 0.05). Exposure to HS decreased plasma T3 and T4 (P < 0.05) and increased plasma creatinine (P < 0.05). Between the PF8 groups, HS pigs also had a transient increase in plasma insulin on day 8 (P < 0.05). The effect of HS on FI decreased the growth rate of pigs but there are heat-induced effects, such as altered physiological responses, which might explain the direct HS effects seen in other literature especially in terms of increased adiposity. The increased feed provision frequency in the present study did not improve the HS response of pigs.  相似文献   

为了探究饲喂发酵饲料对妊娠母猪的产仔性能、肠道微生物发酵参数及微生物菌群组成的影响,选取经产母猪16头,随机分为2组,对照组饲喂常规饲料,试验组饲喂发酵饲料。试验从母猪妊娠85 d开始,采集妊娠105 d的母猪粪便用于发酵参数测定及高通量测序,记录母猪的产仔数和产活仔数和仔猪初生重。结果:与对照组比较,饲喂发酵饲料显著提高了母猪粪便中乙酸、丁酸、异丁酸、异戊酸和戊酸的含量(P<0.05),但对产仔数、产活仔数及平均初生重无显著影响(P>0.05)。微生物测序结果表明,2组菌群的多样性和结构存在相似性。在门水平上,饲喂发酵饲料显著降低了Fibrobacteres的相对丰度;在属水平,饲喂发酵饲料显著降低了Oscillospira和Fibrobacter属的相对丰度(P<0.05),对Blautia和Bacteroides相对丰度有提高的趋势(P<0.1)。综上所述,饲喂发酵饲料可改变母猪肠道微生物菌群结构,促进后肠发酵,有助于改善母猪的肠道健康,但对母猪的产仔性能无显著影响。  相似文献   

Predation risk is one of the most important selective forces in nature and has significant effects on the behavior and physiology of prey individuals. Prey species have evolved several different traits to reduce and avoid this predation pressure. This research aimed to determine the behavioral and physiological responses of striped field mice to predator risk. In the present study, we compared the agonistic behavior in male and female striped field mice (Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771) of the same sexes under the odor derived from a male Himalayan weasel (Mustela sibirica). Dyads were subjected to 5 min staged encounters in neutral arenas once a week for 3 weeks during which agonistic and social behaviors were recorded and fecal hormone concentrations were determined using pre‐column derivatization and high performance liquid chromatography methods. Furthermore, we also tested the effects of weasel odor on the adrenal glands. The results showed that: (i) male striped field mice did not exhibit any change in body weight and physiological characteristics but their aggressive behavior changed over time, and (ii) females responded to predation risk by significantly decreasing body mass and through increases in fecal cortisol levels and adrenal gland indices. These data show significant sex differences in the body weight, adrenal gland indices and fecal cortisol levels of striped field mouse under predation risk.  相似文献   

Five pregnant pigs of the Swedish Landrace Breed were treated with dexamethasone i.m. injections during early and late pregnancy. The daily dose of dexamethasone was never more than 100 mg. There were no significant changes in the maternal plasma levels of estrone and progesterone during dexamethasone injections. The dexamethasone initiated neither abortion nor parturition.  相似文献   

Sperm morphology and the fertilizing capacity of ejaculated spermatozoa were examined in 6 Swedish Landrace boars before and after heat stress. The boars were exposed to 35° C during 100 h in a climatic room. Fertility was measured by insemination of gilts before and at various times after heat stress. Each gilt (n = 44) was inseminated with a total of 5×109 spermatozoa diluted to 10O ml with EDTA-glucose diluent and fertilization was assessed by examining recovered ova 2 days after insemination.Changes in semen quality varied among the boars from a very weak response in 2 boars to pronounced semen alterations occurring 2–6 weeks after heat stress in the other boars. A close relationship was found between seminal changes and fertilization rates, all ejaculates which had high fertilization rates being of the same quality as the pre-exposure ejaculates. The ejaculates that had poor fertility were characterized by lowered sperm motility and increased numbers of spermatozoa with abnormal heads, proximal cytoplasmic droplets and nuclear pouch formations.  相似文献   

Solar radiation and high ambient temperatures negatively affect feeding time, performance, and animal welfare in several species. The provision of shade is a simple method that helps to minimize the negative effects. To determine whether shade influences feeding behavior, feed intake, and daily weight gain (DWG) in female goat kids, 40 dairy goat kids were used in 2 similar pens whose feeders were shaded (n = 20) or unshaded (n = 20) during 60 days. From May to July, behavioral data were collected through 10-minute scan samples during a 24-hour period for a total of 300 hours. Both pens were shaded on the opposite side to the feeder with 15 m2 each in a resting area. All goat kids were observed for their position inside the pen, and the number of times they were seen eating was recorded. When the concentrate was provided (between 13:00 and 13:30 hours, as usually in the farm), the time was recorded until >50% of the animals stopped feeding and went back to the resting area (concentrate test). Food wastes were collected and weighed daily to calculate the food consumption. Ambient and black globe temperatures were daily recorded. Body weight was recorded every week to calculate DWG. A higher percentage of animals feeding was recorded in the shaded feeders than that in the unshaded feeders (P < 0.05). Food refusal was higher in the unshaded feeders (30 ± 1.8%) than that in the shaded feeders (25 ± 1.9%; P = 0.05). The concentrate test duration was 26.6 minutes (±1.3) in the shaded feeders and 16.1 minutes (±1) in the unshaded feeders (P < 0.05). The concentrate test duration was negatively correlated to the ambient temperature in the unshaded animals (r = ?0.50 and r2 = 0.25; P = 0.02), and it was not significant in the shaded ones (r = ?0.23, r2 = 0.05; P > 0.05). DWG was not different between groups (0.08 ± 0.03 kg per group; P > 0.05). Results suggest that shade on feeders helps to ameliorate some negative effects of solar radiation increasing feeding time and feed intake in female goat kids. This could be of great interest to prevent performance and welfare negative affectations.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同开食时间对雏鸡早期的生长性能及内脏器官发育的影响.试验选取1080只0日龄、体重相近的新扬州鸡雏鸡,根据开食时间不同,随机分成6个组,每个组3个重复,每个重复60只(30只公鸡,30只母鸡).出壳后一周内,每天从每个重复中随机挑选8只雏鸡(4公4母),分别称其活重后致死,取卵黄囊、肝脏、心脏、胰腺、法氏囊和小肠分别称重,测量小肠长度.结果表明,出壳后禁食36h对7日龄鸡体重没有显著负面影响,出壳后最长禁食时间不应超过60h.  相似文献   

Constipation in gestating and lactating sows is common and the inclusion of dietary fiber may help to alleviate this problem. We investigated the effects of inulin (INU) and isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO), two sources of soluble dietary fiber, on gastrointestinal motility-related hormones, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), fecal microflora, and reproductive performance in pregnant sows. On day 64 of gestation, 30 sows were randomly divided into three groups and fed as follows: a basal diet, a basal diet with 0.5% INU, and a basal diet with 0.5% IMO. We found that INU and IMO significantly modulated the levels of gastrointestinal motility-related hormones, as evidenced by an increase in substance P (P < 0.05), and a decrease in the vasoactive intestinal peptide concentrations (P < 0.05), indicating the capacity of INU and IMO to alleviate constipation. Furthermore, IMO enhanced the concentrations of acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric, and valeric acids in the feces (P < 0.05). High-throughput sequencing showed that IMO and INU increased the fecal microflora α- and β-diversity (P < 0.05). Methanobrevibacter was more abundant (P < 0.05), whereas the richness of Turicibacter was lower in the INU and IMO groups than in the control group (P < 0.05). In addition, IMO significantly increased litter size (P < 0.05). Overall, our findings indicate that INU and IMO can relieve constipation, optimize intestinal flora, and promote reproductive performance in pregnant sows.  相似文献   

Highly prolific sows often experience peripartum hypophagia, resulting in decreased production rate. Leptin, ghrelin, and resistin are known as feed intake–regulating hormones in many species, but it is yet unknown how feeding strategy and body condition will affect these hormones around parturition in sows. In the present study, a total of 63 sows, parity 2 to 7 were divided over 2 treatment groups which were fed either restricted (RESTRICT) or ad libitum (ADLIB) during the peripartum period (day 106 of gestation until day 7 of lactation). Within each treatment group, sows were assigned to 1 of 3 body condition groups based on back fat thickness at day 106 of gestation: <18 mm (LEAN), between 18 and 22 mm (MODERATE), and >22 mm (FAT). Postprandial blood samples were taken on days 107, 109, and 112 of gestation and on days 1, 3, and 5 of lactation. With RIA, leptin, ghrelin, and resistin of each sample were analyzed. For both leptin and resistin, the hormonal profile gradually increased throughout the peripartum period (P < 0.001), whereas ghrelin peaked on day 109 of gestation compared with day 107 of gestation and day 1 of lactation. Other time points were intermediate between those two (P < 0.001). The peripartum profile of leptin was significantly higher for FAT sows than for the 2 other condition groups. No effect of body condition on ghrelin and resistin concentrations was observed. None of the 3 measured hormones were affected by feeding strategy. In conclusion, during the peripartum period feed intake of sows did not affect leptin, ghrelin, or resistin profiles. Leptin was the only hormone investigated that reflected body condition. Although body condition and late gestation feed intake have been previously described as risk factors for peripartum hypophagia, they did not induce hypophagia in any of the sows or affect the profile of the observed feed intake–regulating hormones during the peripartum period.  相似文献   



Heart rate and plasma cortisol concentration are often used in evaluation of physiological reactions to stress and fear, but arterial blood pressure is rarely measured in farm animals. Goats are prey animals and can be expected to react strongly to a predator, especially when they have kids. We hypothesized that exposure to a dog elicits a flight response during pregnancy and a fight response when goats have kids to defend. Arterial blood pressure and heart rate should increase in both these cases, due to a synchronized discharge of the sympathetic nervous system.


Seven goats were exposed to a dog for 15 minutes at 12 ± 3 days before, and again at 10 ± 1 days after, parturition. Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and activity were registered by telemetry. Behavioral data were collected during 5 minute sessions, followed by blood samples obtained via intrajugular catheters. Plasma cortisol concentration was analyzed by radioimmunoassay.


At the appearance of the dog, the mean arterial blood pressure of the goats increased from 90 ± 8 to 111 ± 8 mmHg (p < 0.001) during pregnancy and from 96 ± 8 to 108 ± 8 mmHg during lactation (p < 0.001). Heart rate did not change at dog exposure during lactation, but increased from 117 ± 6 to 126 ± 10 beats/min (p < 0.01) during pregnancy. Dog exposure resulted in plasma cortisol concentration increasing from 17 ± 1 to 43 ± 7 nmol/l (p < 0.01) during pregnancy and from 21 ± 1 to 49 ± 6 nmol/l (p < 0.01) during lactation. In response to the dog, goats vocalized at a higher frequency and started to ruminate later during lactation compared to pregnancy.


When goats were exposed to a dog during pregnancy, their heart rate, blood pressure, and plasma cortisol increased, in contrast to lactation when only their blood pressure and plasma cortisol increased. However, when they were lactating, goats vocalized more and started to ruminate later compared to when they were pregnant.  相似文献   

Automatic feeding systems in pig production allow for the recording of individual feeding behavior traits, which might be influenced by the social interactions among individuals. This study fitted mixed models to estimate the direct and social effects on visit duration at the feeder of group-housed pigs. The dataset included 74,413 records of each visit duration time (min) event at the automatic feeder from 135 pigs housed in 14 pens. The sequence of visits at the feeder was employed as a proxy for the social interaction between individuals. To estimate animal effects, the direct effect was apportioned to the animal feeding (feeding pig), and the social effect was apportioned to the animal that entered the feeder immediately after the feeding pig left the feeding station (follower). The data were divided into two subsets: “non-immediate replacement” time (NIRT, N = 6,256), where the follower pig occupied the feeder at least 600 s after the feeding pig left the feeder, and “immediate replacement” time (IRT, N = 58,255), where the elapsed time between replacements was less than or equal to 60 s. The marginal posterior distribution of the parameters was obtained by Bayesian method. Using the IRT subset, the posterior mean of the proportion of variance explained by the direct effect (Prpσ^d2) was 18% for all models. The proportion of variance explained by the follower social effect (Prpσ^f2) was 2%, and the residual variance (σ^e2) decreased, suggesting an improved model fit by including the follower effect. Fitting the models with the NIRT subset, the estimate of Prpσ^d2 was 20% but the Prpσ^f2 was almost zero and σ^e2 was identical for all models. For the IRT subset, the predicted best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) of direct (Direct BLUP) and social (Follower BLUP) random effects on visit duration at the feeder of an animal was calculated. Feeder visit duration time was not correlated with traits, such as weight gain or average feed intake (P > 0.05), whereas for the daily feeder occupation time, the estimated correlation was positive with the Direct BLUP (r^ = 0.51, P < 0.05) and negative with the Follower BLUP (r^= −0.26, P < 0.05). The results suggest that the visit duration of an animal at the single-space feeder was influenced by both direct and social effects when the replacement time between visits was less than 1 min. Finally, animals that spent a longer time per day at the feeder seemed to do so by shortening the meal length of the preceding individual at the feeder.  相似文献   

稻草在自然风干过程中的养分变化及适宜青贮时间研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究利用成熟期收获的武香粳14新鲜稻(Octavia sativa)草进行自然风干处理,研究稻草在自然风干条件下饲用品质的变化动态,并进行青贮,分析青贮发酵品质和微生物群落的动态变化,明确稻草在自然风干过程中的养分动态以及稻草适宜青贮加工的时间界限,为解决农区稻草焚烧、提高稻草饲用率提供指导。结果表明,新鲜稻草在自然风干72 h内的饲用品质呈现持续下降趋势,其中9 h之内的下降幅度平缓,24 h之后下降幅度加快,非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)从16.65%降至13.54%;随着风干时间的延长,淀粉含量呈直线下降趋势,从6.80%降至3.32%,下降幅度在50%以上;可溶性碳水化合物(WSC)含量随着风干时间的延长呈现降-升-降的趋势,风干0-3 h内呈下降趋势,3-24 h内呈上升趋势,而后又缓慢下降;干物质体外消化率(IVDMD)则呈逐渐下降趋势,从风干0 h 的44.56%下降到24 h的37.55%, 72 h后下降为34.90%。稻草经不同时长风干后的青贮发酵品质的变化趋势为风干9 h内,乳酸(LA)含量从44.87降到24.45 mgg-1,而在风干24 h后则降为12.41 mgg-1,风干48 h后降为8.74 mgg-1,风干72 h后仅为4.50 mgg-1;氨态氮/总氮(AN/TN)含量的变化对照(自然风干0 h)为44.63 mgg-1,风干3 h后则降为21.39 mgg-1,之后在风干6-9 h时又出现回升,9 h后持续下降;pH值在0-72 h内持续上升。综合饲用品质和青贮发酵品质的变化,稻草经3 h风干青贮发酵品质最好,风干24 h内青贮加工较为适宜,风干24 h后再青贮则青贮品质急剧下降。  相似文献   

Breeding strategies based on feed efficiency are now implemented in most animal species using residual feed intake (RFI) criteria. Although relevant, the correlated responses of feeding behaviour traits resulting from such selection on RFI are poorly documented. We report the estimated feeding behaviour at three time levels (visit, meal and day) and genetic parameters between the feeding behaviour traits and their links with RFI and its components. Feed intake, feeding duration at three time levels (per visit, meal and day), feeding rate, number of visits and time‐between‐visits were estimated for 951 Romane lambs fed via automatic concentrate feeders. Heritability estimates of feeding behaviour traits ranged from 0.19 to 0.54 with higher estimates for the day level than the visit level. Daily feed intake was not genetically linked to feed intake at the visit level, whereas feeding duration between visit and day levels was moderately correlated (Rg = +0.41 ± 0.12). RFI was not significantly correlated with feeding rate, but was positively linked to feed intake and feeding duration at the day level (+0.73 ± 0.09 and +0.41 ± 0.13, respectively) and negatively at the visit level (?0.33 ± 0.14 and ?0.22 ± 0.17, respectively). Selecting animals with lower RFI values might modify their feeding behaviour by increasing feed intake and feeding duration at the visit level but decrease the number of visits per day (+0.51 ± 0.14).  相似文献   

The timing of parturition was recorded for a total of 56 beef cattle (Japanese Black × Holstein Friesian) on different dietary treatments. The rate of calving during daylight hours in cows night‐fed (18.00 hours) with a roughage diet was significantly higher than that in cows night‐fed with a high concentrate diet (79.2% vs 38.5%, P < 0.05). Subsequently, the vaginal temperature (VT) of these cows was analyzed using a cosinor method. When the feeding schedule was changed from twice daily (08.30 and 15.30 hours) to night feeding, the periodicity, the acrophase and the bathyphase, which were the parameters of the cosine curve, were unstable from the first day of night feeding until after day 6 (P < 0.05). Prior to parturition, the midline‐estimating statistic of rhythm (MESOR) and the amplitude for the cows that were fed a high‐roughage diet at night and that calved at night‐time were lower and larger, respectively, than that for the other treatments (P < 0.01). Based on these results, the time of parturition in most of the beef cows was influenced by feeding time and diet composition. Those cows that calved at night‐time in spite of night feeding had lower vaginal temperatures.  相似文献   

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