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森林、林业活动与温室气体的减排增汇   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
大气中CO_2等温室气体浓度上升引起的全球变暖,威胁着人类生存和社会经济的可持续发展。在减少温室气体排放、稳定大气CO_2浓度的措施中,森林和林业活动扮演着重要的角色。森林可吸收并固定大气CO_2,是大气CO_2的吸收汇和贮存库;而毁林是大气CO_2的重要排放源。通过适当的林业活动可增强碳吸收汇、保护现有的碳贮存,通过替代措施可减少化石燃料引起的温室气体排放。因此,林业活动在未来减缓大气温室气体上升方面将发挥重要作用。阐明了全球和中国森林生态系统在减缓大气CO_2浓度上升中的作用以及与土地利用变化和林业有关的减排增汇措施和潜力,以期对我国制定CO_2减排增汇政策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

简要介绍德国林业的发展历史、多功能林业的法律规定和实现多功能目标的近自然林业理论和技术, 分别从经营单位、区域和国家层面分析总结了德国作为林业发达国家开展多功能森林经营的具体实例和初步结果, 提出了在各个层面上多功能森林经营的工作要点和评价效果的方法、指标和标准等可学习借鉴的要点。认为多功能近自然林业的理论是中华民族一直倡导的"真、善、美"的文化理念在林业经营中的具体表达, 我国开展多功能林业有良好的历史文化基础和现实需求动力。  相似文献   

论多功能森林经营的两个体系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
文中详细分析了小块林地立木水平和区域水平森林总体2个多功能森林经营体系的概念、产生、发展以及区别; 根据我国实际情况提出,坚持分类经营的思想,大部分小片林地采用以主导功能利用为主,保证森林总体的多功能,稳健开展小片林地多功能森林经营实践,加强研究与示范,探索小片林地多功能经营的多种模式,同时需要在体制和机制上进行调整。  相似文献   

云南这样的西部欠发达省份实施工业化道路不可避免地遇到了节能减排瓶颈,如何破解这一矛盾?通过发展林业,发挥森林在固碳增汇方面的独特作用,可以达到间接减排目的。本文探讨了云南建立林业碳汇体系的理论、方法和途径。  相似文献   

低碳经济倡导以较少的温室气体排放实现经济发展目标, 强调经济发展与环境保护的相互协调。在发展低碳经济、应对气候变化过程中, 森林具有特殊的作用。同时, 发展低碳经济将会对森林和林业发展产生重大影响, 也必将对传统林业管理、林业政策、森林经营等形成新的机遇和挑战。文中讨论了低碳经济与森林的关系, 阐述了林业低碳经济的发展内涵和发展路径, 基于低碳经济发展理念, 提出积极推进森林多功能经营、通过认证助推森林可持续经营以及加强人工林生态环境管理的我国森林可持续经营策略。  相似文献   

我国多功能森林经营的理论探索与对策研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
多功能林业已经成为世界林业发展的主流,开展多功能森林经营是提高我国森林质量和效益的重要途径。探索了多功能森林经营概念,论述了多功能森林经营技术体系,探讨了我国实施多功能森林经营的对策,最后指出:需要树立多功能森林经营理念,强化多功能森林经营技术和制度支撑体系,逐步推动多功能森林经营在我国的实施。  相似文献   

介绍葡萄牙森林资源、林业政策法规、林业机构和管理体制、森林经营、森林保护、林产品贸易、林业科研教育现状, 分析其林业发展存在的主要问题, 在此基础上提出对我国林业发展的3点建议:1)在完善分类经营管理体系的基础上, 划分出适当区域和适当比例的森林作为多功能森林, 并且按照相应的经营管理体系对公益林、商品林和多功能林进行管理; 2)为了降低林产品对外依存度, 维护木材安全, 大力发展用材林特别是珍贵用材林战略储备基地建设; 3)大力培育林农合作组织, 提高森林经营管理效率。  相似文献   

把加强森林经营作为现代林业建设的永恒主题,是贾治邦局长在2008年全国林业厅局长会议上提出的要求。在科学开展森林经营方面,部分发达国家已经早走了一步,澳大利亚就是一个典型的例子。澳大利亚森林面积1.64亿公顷,仅次于我国居世界第五位。过去的20年里,澳大利亚积极调整森林经营理念和方式,转变经营目标,在林产工业的持续、健康发展和多功能林业目标的实现等方面取得了明显的成效。  相似文献   

首都林业建设取得了巨大成绩,同时也面临着诸多困难和问题。本文首先介绍和分析了森林健康的概念及思想内涵;其次针对首都林业发展现状,就开展森林健康经营的必要性进行了论述;最后提出如何以培育多功能、多目标、生物多样性丰富的健康森林生态系统为指导,从生态系统健康、经营手段健康和功能目标健康三个方面开展首都森林健康经营工作。  相似文献   

浅论南方集体林区森林可持续经营   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于对我国南方集体林区森林经营和林业发展中存在问题的认识,指出了影响该区域森林可持续经营的主导因素,提出了该区域森林可持续经营应以森林生态系统经营为实现途径,以社会林业为主要组织形式,并提出了现阶段应采取的具体行动和相应的保障措施。  相似文献   

鉴于REDD+国际法律机制面临的理论和实践困境,有关林业碳汇的国际法律机制有从REDD+向可持续森林管理过渡的趋势。文中提出,必须用国际规则和协议的方式从碳交易、融资方式、利益攸关方参与、生物多样性保护4个方面对可持续森林管理加以规制,我国应尽快完善与国际林业谈判相适应的林业碳汇法律机制。  相似文献   

减少发展中国家毁林及森林退化引起的温室气体排放, 森林保护、可持续森林管理和增加森林碳储量(REDD+)在减缓气候变化行动中的作用越来越明显, 已经成为《联合国气候变化框架公约》谈判的重要议题。近年来各缔约方针对方法学、融资机制和REDD+与清洁发展机制(CDM)关系的谈判争论越来越激烈。在《联合国气候变化框架公约》第18次缔约方会议(COP18)期间, 对REDD+议题提出了新的要求, 除了有关于逐步建立国家水平森林参考排放水平或参考水平等有关方法学的技术与科学问题外, 基金在融资机制中的作用和非碳效益支付议题也有待进行深入的磋商。文中基于对各缔约方提案的分析结果和REDD+示范项目开展情况, 结合我国森林资源现状, 分析了REDD+机制对我国可能产生的影响并提出后续谈判期的对策建议。  相似文献   

尼泊尔社区林业发展历史和现状探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
尼泊尔社区森林管理属于世界领先水平。文中介绍尼泊尔社区林业的起源和发展经历的4个阶段; 阐述尼泊尔社区林业的运行体系, 重点是林业部门、森林使用者联合会、森林使用者小组的角色; 分析尼泊尔社区林业在提高森林质量和产出、帮助社区群众增收、促进REDD+机制和PSE机制发展、提高妇女等弱势群体参与性等方面取得的成效; 探讨森林使用小组在内部治理、利益分配和运行成本等方面存在的问题以及面临的挑战; 总结尼泊尔社区林业的特点, 并提出对于林业发展模式选择的启示。  相似文献   


It is claimed that reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) could contribute to sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks as well as having the potential to deliver significant social and environmental co-benefits (+). From the perspectives of local factors and broader governance issues related to REDD+, this study aims to explore findings related to three crucial elements, commitment, transparency and continuity, implemented jointly with participatory forest management in Tanzania in the case of the REDD+ mechanism. This paper argues that commitment and transparent systems are needed at village level, as well as at the various levels of forest governance and among the donors, in order for REDD+ benefits to be shared equitably at the REDD+ project level. Any REDD+ project should include safeguards that recognise and protect the continuity of multipurpose functions of the forest to local people and avoid dependence on external payments.  相似文献   

Climate change spurs havoc on social-ecological system. People and places vulnerable to climate change have been the focus of many discussions. However, in the forestry sector, limited studies have been conducted that link human vulnerability to recent initiatives, such as reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation or REDD+, especially in highly vulnerable countries. Using case studies from the Philippines, this paper focuses on the vulnerability of two community-based forest management (CBFM) organizations, with and without REDD+ readiness intervention, to show the impacts of climate variability and extremes. Two balance-weighted approaches, the livelihood vulnerability index and the IPCC-framework, were used in the vulnerability assessments. Results revealed high vulnerability of both CBFM organizations, although Malitbog Upland Developers for Sustainable Association (MUDSA) livelihood vulnerability is largely aggravated by its exposure to disaster, climate variability and extremes, accessibility to health facilities and water supply. The long history of CBFM implementation in both organizations have minimal contribution in enhancing the adaptive capacity of members to cope with and adapt to climate change impacts. REDD+ (readiness), does not insure reduced vulnerability to climate change, unless sustainable livelihood is achieved. As the State controls forest resources, the rights of CBFM-organizations to commercially benefit from these resources are limited, a disincentive to the development of new and viable development programs in CBFM areas, such as REDD+. This also constrains the achievement of climate resiliency.  相似文献   


Global efforts to combat climate change has led to the establishment of the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation program (REDD+). This study concerns the implementation of REDD+ among local landscapes and communities in Vietnam. How do affected forest-dependent households perceive their roles in sustainable forest management and REDD+ and how do these perceptions and attitudes influence the (potential) socio-ecological performance of REDD+? Two communes consisting of forest-dependent and indigenous communities in Central Vietnam were selected for this study–the former involved in the UN-REDD program and the latter involved in a REDD+ program of Fauna and Flora International (FFI). Here, we differentiated between a ‘do no harm’ and pro-carbon (UN-REDD), and pro-poor (FFI-REDD+) approach to REDD+. Employing an applied socio-ecological systems framework, we conducted household surveys (n = 102) and we adopted qualitative research methods. This study identified the importance of traditional ecological knowledge systems in sustainable forest management. While pro-poor REDD+ was more inclusive, both REDD+ programs in our study were implemented in a top down manner. Lastly, households’ attitudes and perceptions towards rulemaking, sanctioning, monitoring, cultural capital (beliefs and worldviews) and forest protection technology were identified as (potential) local drivers for successful REDD+ implementation in both communes.  相似文献   

论多功能森林   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
近一两年来, 在我国关于发展"多功能林业"的舆论日渐兴起。其中有些意见比较中肯, 提出在多年大力发展速丰林和生态公益林的情况下, 今后应当重视多功能森林。而有的意见则把过去存在的一切问题都归咎于没有发展"多功能林业", 认为只要发展多功能林业就可以解决一切问题, 甚至把"多功能林业"杜撰成一个新理论。忽视多功能森林经营, 在强调生态功能的同时弱化经济功能, 把大面积的森林(甚至人工林)划为生态公益林而限制采伐利用, 甚至限制各种抚育性采伐, 的确是我国林业发展上的一个偏差。但是, 如果因此就不再重视发展商品林和生态公益林, 把全国的森林都搞成多功能森林, 那同样也是不妥的。为此, 文中将结合国外的情况介绍, 阐述"多功能森林"的一些问题。  相似文献   

减少毁林和森林退化导致的排放, 增加森林碳储量(REDD+)将成为2012年后最具成本效益的一个缓解气候变化的机制。为了避免REDD+项目的设计和实施重蹈早期涉林项目的覆辙, 有必要回顾REDD+之前的涉林政策和涉林项目的问题。早期涉林倡议案、森林认证、环境服务报偿(PES)、综合保护与发展项目(ICDPs)中的经验教训, 对于REDD+特别有参考价值。REDD+的实施需要依赖各国已经同意的倡议, 促进主权国家履行现有承诺, 利用公共权力与私人权力的协同增效作用来产生环保效应。在早期碳项目中, 普遍缺乏可信的反事实构建, 碳计量可靠性上也存在问题。在综合保护与发展项目的实施中, 如何处理好保护与发展的关系, 如何为生态系统服务寻找买家和争取长期的金融支持, 是项目实施成功的主要影响因素。REDD+在设计上就应该考虑到这些问题, 建立在各种经验教训之上的REDD+项目设计和实施应该更加有效和公平。  相似文献   

Developing and institutionalizing cross-sectoral approaches to sustainable land use remains a crucial, yet politically contested, objective in global sustainability governance. There is a widely acknowledged need for more integrated approaches to sustainable land use that reconcile multiple landscape functions, sectors and stakeholders. However, this faces a number of challenges in practice, including the lack of policy coherence and institutional conflicts across agricultural and forest sectors. In this context, the global climate change mitigation mechanism of “reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation” (REDD+) has been flagged as a unique opportunity to stimulate the development and institutionalization of more integrated, “landscape” approaches to sustainable land use. In this article, we provide a reality check for the prospects of REDD+ to deliver on this promise, through analyzing three pioneer cases of REDD+ development and implementation in Brazil, Ecuador, and Mexico. We analyze how REDD+ has operated in each of these three contexts, based on field work, key-informant interviews, and analysis of primary and secondary documents. Our findings suggest that REDD+ has stimulated development of “niche” sustainable land-use investments in each case, which aim to integrate forest conservation and agricultural development goals, but has done so while competing with business-as-usual incentives. We conclude that national and international political commitment to more integrated and sustainable land-use approaches is a precondition for, rather than a result of, transformative REDD+ interventions.  相似文献   

International policy incentives to promote tropical forest restoration, community forestry, and payments for environmental services have not been widely adopted at scale. It is possible that reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and related activities (REDD+) could be a policy tool for encouraging larger scale restoration efforts in the tropics. Although there are political challenges to ensuring the inclusion of restoration activities in REDD+, its use might facilitate the forest transition in tropical countries, reduce carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, and garner political support for these policies and approaches.  相似文献   

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