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Color vision, accommodation and visual acuity in the largemouth bass   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The largemouth bass is a sight feeder and one of the most popular freshwater fish for lure fishing. While lures a have variety of colors and forms, there is no information on the color vision and form perception in the largemouth bass. We recorded S-potentials from the isolate retinae of the largemouth bass to examine color vision electrophysiologically. The occurrence of the C-response provided direct evidence for the possession of color vision. L-responses recorded indicated a high spectral sensitivity to red. The direction and distance of lens movement of a specimen of 43 cm in fork length indicated a horizontal visual axis and the near point at 13.5 cm, respectively. The visual acuity calculated from the cone density and the focal distance of the lens was 0.10. Histological characteristics of the retina indicated that the eyes are well adapted to both form and movement perceptions.  相似文献   

Understanding the behavior of Jacopever Sebastes schlegeli to visual stimulation is important and requires determination of visual sensitivity through the use of effective stimulation. In the present study, we measured the visual acuity, visual accommodation and spectral sensitivity of Jacopever. Visual acuity was calculated from the maximum cone density in the retina. In five specimens, the total length ranged from 17.6 to 24.5 cm and the calculated minimum resolving angles and visual acuities were 9.5–10.7 min and 0.09–0.11, respectively. Measurement of lens movement for visual accommodation indicated a mean distance and direction of movement of 0.31 mm and 16.0° in an upward and forward direction, respectively. The direction of accommodation and visual axis measured from the retinal area of maximum cone density were almost identical. The calculated focal distance was 0.74-fold the total length in the nearest point to infinity. We also determined the spectral sensitivity electrophysiologically by recording S-potentials from 45 specimens of total length of 15.4–47.5 cm. The S-potentials were recorded from 300 horizontal cells in the retina. All responses showed a similar spectral pattern, consisting of hyperpolarization in response to various wavelengths of stimulating light; the maximum amplitude of the response was recorded at 522 nm.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Dominance, aggression and predator avoidance were compared among farmed, sea-ranched and wild juvenile masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou in laboratory experiments. Domesticated fish (farmed and sea-ranched), which had been exposed to artificial selection, were not dominant against wild fish in pairwise contests, nor did they show greater aggressiveness. Farmed fish did show greater feeding than wild fish. Under chemically simulated predation risk, farmed fish were more willing to leave cover and feed than wild fish, indicating reduced predator avoidance in the farmed fish. Our results indicate that selection for fast growth (domestication) in masu salmon favors fish that respond to food quickly and ignore predation risk.  相似文献   

Abstract –  To examine whether or not sex-specific growth occurs in fry of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou , 90 half-sibling fry chosen from three different classes of egg size (small, medium and large) and emergence time (period from fertilisation to first feeding; early, middle and late) were raised in a tank for 60 days. In all four replications, male fry grew faster than females. The difference in growth between sexes was greater among siblings hatched from larger eggs. Fast-growing, young male masu salmon show a precocious form that tends to mature without migrating to sea. Slower growing males tend to show the anadromous form, which is only shown in females. Sex-specific life histories may influence the sex-specific growth patterns during early life history.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   In this study, the visual acuity, visual accommodation, and spectral sensitivity of the elkhorn sculpin were determined. The elkhorn sculpin Alcichthys alcicornis is a typical groundfish that has conspicuously large eyes. They are caught by bottom gillnets, trawl nets, bottom line angling, and other fishing methods. Although fish behavior arising from visual stimuli is important in these fishing methods, there is little information available regarding the visual sensitivity of the elkhorn sculpin . Three specimens, with total lengths of 300–310 mm, were studied. Visual acuity was calculated, from the maximum cone density in the retina, to be between 0.10 and 0.14. The minimum separable angles were calculated to be 7.14–10.37 min. Measurement of lens movement in five specimens indicated that the near-point distance was between 0.87 and 1.53 times the total length. Lens direction was estimated to be 11–22° in the downward visual axis. Spectral sensitivity was also determined electrophysiologically by recording S-potentials. Three types of response were obtained from 21 specimens, including L responses that showed hyperpolarization at all wavelengths of stimulating light, and two C responses that showed wavelength-dependent hyperpolarization and depolarization. Based on these results, the elkhorn sculpin has color vision and its sensitivity is most acute in light with a wavelength of 554 nm.  相似文献   

Densities of wild masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou Brevoort, were investigated before (late-September) and after (mid-November) autumnal habitat shifts in a small river in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Abundance of instream cover habitat formed by coarse woody debris, submerged vegetation and undercut banks was quantified. Density of 1+ and older masu salmon was significantly correlated with cover abundance in autumn, although cover was not significant for density of 0+ fish, indicating that clear-cut reaches were utilized by 0+ masu salmon in autumn. In early winter, densities of 0+ and 1+ and older masu salmon were both correlated with cover availability. These results suggest that the amount of cover habitat is an important regulator for densities of juvenile masu salmon during winter.  相似文献   

Abstract –  To describe in detail the population genetic structure of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou , seven anadromous populations in the Atsuta River were investigated by analysis of eight polymorphic microsatellite loci. Exact test and genetic differentiation ( F ST) revealed that significant differentiation was observed at the within-river scale. Principal components analysis revealed that the spatial pattern of genetic composition was related to geographical location of each population. Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed between genetic differentiation and geographical distance, indicating that dispersal is less likely to occur between distant populations. The results of this study imply that masu salmon have potential to show clear genetic structure at the microgeographical scale (21 km) due to precise homing behaviour.  相似文献   

The authors previously reported that the number and size of juxtaglomerular cells (JGCs) in the kidney increased during smoltification in masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou. In the present study, the effects of cortisol and/or angiotensin (Ang) II ([Asn1, Val5]-Ang II) on the JGC number and size in masu salmon were examined to elucidate hormonal regulation of the changes in the JGC number and size during smoltification. These hormones were injected intraperitoneally every 2 days for a total of 6 injections. There was a significant increase in the JGC number and size with time following the start of the experiment in cortisol- and cortisol + Ang II-treated groups and no significant change in control and Ang II-treated groups. On both days 5 and 11, the JGC number and size in the cortisol-treated group were significantly large compared to those of control and Ang II-treated groups, respectively. The JGC number and size in the cortisol + Ang II-treated group were significantly large compared to those of control on both days 5 and 11, and those of the Ang II-treated group only on day 11, respectively. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the JGC number and size between the Ang II-treated and control groups and between the cortisol- and cortisol + Ang II-treated groups during the experiment, respectively. The means of the JGC number and size in cortisol-treated group on day 11 were close to those previously reported in smolt. These results suggest that cortisol induces an increase in JGC number and size during smoltification in masu salmon. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The relationship between mean weights of hatchery-reared masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou smolts at release and the subsequent recovery rates by coastal commercial fisheries in Hokkaido, northern Japan, was investigated using the maximum likelihood method. A strongly positive correlation was observed, showing smolts with a mean of 32.6 g obtained an approximately 20-fold recovery rate of those with a mean of 14.8 g. The model with log-transformed independent variable ( Yi = –11.237 + 4.239 ln Xi ) was selected as the most parsimonious model to represent the release size ( Xi ) and recovery rate ( Yi ) relationship.  相似文献   

This study investigated the in vivo and in vitro effects of Rhizopus (filamentous fungus) extract (RU) in masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou Brevoort. Underyearling fish were fed with RU for 16 months. Monthly changes in body growth, gonadal maturation and serum levels of sex steroids were monitored. Gonads were also incubated at 0, 1, 10, 100 and 1000 μg RU mL−1 Leibovitz's L‐15 medium for 18 h. The levels of steroids in serum and cultured medium were measured. It was determined that RU‐fed immature and mature males, when compared with control groups, showed significantly higher body growth during spring, summer and the spawning period. Similarly, immature RU‐fed females showed significantly higher fork length and body weight in autumn, spring and summer. Furthermore, RU‐fed males showed significantly higher levels of serum testosterone (T) and 11‐ketotestosterone (11‐KT) levels in the pre‐spawning season, and 17α, 20β‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (DHP) in the spawning season. In vitro RU incubation of gonads showed a dose‐dependent and significant increase in T, 11‐KT, oestradiol‐17β and DHP release in the medium. It appears that the causes of enhanced body growth and increased steroid production herein observed in salmonids are the physiologically active substances that may be present in the mycelium of the fungus.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin M (IgM) is known as a main factor in the humoral immune system of teleosts. In the present study, the effect of cortisol on plasma IgM concentrations was investigated using a specific antibody to IgM in masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou). Cortisol was orally administered each day for 2 weeks at a dose of 1 mg g−1 in the diet, and for the following week the fish were fed a non-treated diet. Blood plasma samples were collected at 0, 1, 2 and 3 weeks after the initiation of treatment. Oral administration of cortisol elevated plasma cortisol concentrations to about 40 ng/ml for 2 weeks after administration and slightly reduced plasma IgM concentration; the suppression was statistically significant one week after the period of hormone administration. However, treatment with cortisol did not affect plasma concentrations of total protein or α1-protein, one of the major serum proteins, during the experimental period. These results indicate that cortisol specifically suppresses plasma IgM concentrations.  相似文献   

Changes in serum thyroxine (T4), estradiol-17β (E2) and testosterone (T) levels during the parr-smolt transformation (smoltification) were investigated in the masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) in 1985 and 1987. T4 showed a peak in levels at the early stage of smoltification and E2 and T levels peaked almost at the same time. There were no significant differences between the concentrations of serum hormones in female and males. During smoltification, germ cells in the peri-nucleolus and spermatogonia stage were present in the ovary and testis, respectively. These results suggest that E2 and T may be involved in smoltification in the masu salmon.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined whether mortality and growth during the migration phase (the lacustrine phase after smolting) differ between sexes in migratory (lake-run) masu salmon ( Oncorhynchus masou ) in a lacustrine population, northern Hokkaido, Japan. The sex ratio of 1+ smolts was more skewed to females than that of the returning adults in three annual cohorts examined, indicating that females have a higher mortality rate during the migration phase. Although there was no difference in smolt length between sexes, female adults were larger in body length than males of the same age: female-biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) occurs. We suppose that breeding selection favouring a larger body size for females than for males in this population probably requires that females undertake more intensive foraging behaviour with its greater inherent risks but faster growth rates during the migration phase. It therefore seems to be likely that the selection is the ultimate cause of the female-biased mortality rate and SSD.  相似文献   

Levels of two types of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (salmon GnRH and chicken GnRH-II) in the brain and pituitary, and content of gonadotropin (GTHIβ and IIβ) in the pituitary were measured in male masu salmon from hatching to gonadal maturation for three years in order to clarify the involvement of GnRHs in precocious maturation. Underyearling precocious males were distinguishable in summer of year 1 and were marked by an increased GSI. Spermiation was observed among these individuals thereafter every autumn. Pituitary GTHIβ content in both precocious and immature males, and GTHIIβ content in precocious males showed seasonal fluctuations — high in autumn and low in winter. Pituitary GTHIIβ content was low in immature males. Pituitary sGnRH content in precocious males increased from spring to autumn during the three-year period. sGnRH concentrations in discrete brain areas showed seasonal changes — high during autumn to winter and low in summer. Concentrations in the olfactory bulbs and hypothalamus increased significantly in association with testicular maturation during year 3. sGnRH concentrations in the hypothalamus were significantly higher in precocious males than in immature males; this was possibly due to positive feedback of steroid hormones. cGnRH-II was undetectable in the pituitary and no distinct changes were observed in its concentration in the brain in relation to maturation. The phenomenon of underyearling precocious maturation is considered to be triggered before the onset of early summer. It is suggested that males which mature precociously are larger in size and contain much sGnRH in the pituitary before the outward signs of precocity appear; sGnRH may stimulate GTH II synthesis and induce precocious maturation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This paper evaluates the stocking effectiveness of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou in Hokkaido, northern Japan, through a coast-wide two-stage sampling survey of commercial landings. From January to June 1994–1996, commercial landings of masu salmon at 33–36 fish markets were sampled at 7–10 days intervals, and 60 866–72 124 fish were examined for marks indicated by fin clips. Based on the survey data, numbers of total and hatchery-reared masu salmon landed were estimated. To examine the structure of the errors, stratification of fish markets was implemented on the basis of geography and magnitudes of landings, and the stratification improved accuracy and precision of the estimates. Accuracy of the estimated numbers of total fish was evaluated by being compared to the true numbers of masu salmon landings reported by fishermen's cooperative associations. Estimates of total masu salmon landings were within ± 10% of the true numbers. The estimated recovery rates (± SE) for hatchery-reared masu salmon smolts were variable ranging from 0.18 (± 0.06) to 3.50 (± 0.41)% among the stocked groups. An optimal sampling strategy was examined to obtain precise estimates for future studies.  相似文献   

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