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Establishing and implementing management practices that limit N leaching from agricultural and horticultural land is a priority internationally. Movement of N through soil to surface and ground waters can degrade aquatic systems and compromise water used for drinking, industry and recreation. Reported annual rates of N leaching from turfgrass range from 0 to 160 kg N ha−1 year−1, representing up to 30% of applied N. Irrigation rate, fertiliser regime and turfgrass growth phase influence the amounts of N leached. Nitrogen losses tend to be low (<5% of applied fertiliser N) from established turfgrass that is not over-irrigated, and has received N fertiliser at 200–300 kg N ha−1 year−1. Efficient irrigation management is critical for efficient N use. Irrigation scheduling that does not cause water to move beyond the active rooting zone decreases the amount of N leached from established turfgrass, without being detrimental to, and in some instances enhancing, turfgrass growth and quality. Applying N fertilisers at rates and frequencies that match N requirements decreases N leaching from established turfgrass. Soil disturbance, such as during preparation of areas for planting turfgrass, can increase N leaching. Therefore, the main strategies for minimising N leaching from turfgrass are (i) optimise irrigation regimes, and (ii) ensure N is applied at rates and frequencies that match turfgrass demand. These strategies are particularly important during turfgrass establishment. Further work is required on turfgrass-soil N cycling and partitioning of N applied to turfgrass. Research needs to be conducted for a broad range of turfgrass species, turfgrass ages, soil types and climates.  相似文献   

The sluggish increase in the area productivity of staple crops is a major factor causing increased dependence of African countries on food imports. The increased use of mineral fertiliser may dramatically improve the food balance of many countries and result in lower food prices, higher food supply and consumption, and improved food security and nutritional status. In Benin, West Africa, political measures to improve farmers’ access to fertiliser are biased in favour of cotton production. This article simulates the impact of universal tax exemptions for fertiliser use on crop yields, food balances, and the use of land resources for the most important staple crops in Benin using a crop growth model and an agricultural sector model. The simulation results indicate that tax exemptions on fertiliser use could have positive effects on physical productivity and would increase food security until 2025 as compared to a baseline scenario. At the same time, the pressure on land resources would not be aggravated, so that better access to fertiliser may help to curb excessive cropland expansion in Benin.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1999,62(3):169-188
Appropriate selection of holistic management strategies for livestock farming systems requires: (1) understanding of the behaviour of, and interrelations between, the different parts of the system; (2) knowledge of the basic objectives of the decision maker managing such enterprise; and (3) understanding of the system as a whole in its agro-ecoregional context. A decision-support system based on simulation and mathematical programming techniques has been built to represent pastoral dairy production systems. The biological aspects (grass growth, grazing, digestion and metabolism, animal performance) are represented by simulation studies under a variety of management regimes. The outputs from the simulation runs (such as pasture utilisation, stocking rates, milk yields, fertilizer use, etc.) are used as data input to the multi-criteria decision-making models, and the latter have been used to select the management strategies which make the most efficient use of the farm's resources (i.e. land, animals, pastures). The paper discusses the effects and implications of different management scenarios and policies on the bio-economic performance of highland dairy farms in Costa Rica. Nevertheless, the model frameworks are generic and can be adapted to different farming systems or ruminant species. The effect of model formulation and sensitivity, different decision-maker objectives, and/or activity or constraint definitions on management strategy selection are also analysed.  相似文献   

Soil water flow and nitrogen dynamics were simulated in sunflower field during and after the growing period, in Northern Greece. Soil water and nitrogen dynamics were evaluated using a one-dimensional simulation model based on the Galerkin finite element method. We examined the effects of irrigation with reclaimed wastewater and nitrogen fertilizer applications on plant growth, water and nitrogen distribution in the soil profile, water and nitrogen balance components and nitrogen leaching to groundwater. The model simulated the temporal variation of soil water content with reasonable accuracy. However, an over estimation of the measured data was observed during the simulation period. Relatively good agreement was found between the simulated and measured NH4-N and NO3-N concentrations over time and depth, whereas fluctuations at greater depths were relatively small. Most of the cumulative nitrate-N leaching (44.7 kg N ha−1) occurred during the winter.  相似文献   

Models that simulate crop production systems are useful tools to aid in crop management. The manager can evaluate numerous management options quickly and select the options most suitable for his situation. The Florida Soybean growth model (SOYGRO) has been implemented with several user interfaces to meet specific management goals. These implementations include a gaming model (SOYGAME), a pest decision model (PESTDEC), an irrigation decision model (IRRDEC) and a strategy evaluation model (SICM). The crop model integrates the effects of weather conditions, crop management inputs and soil conditions on crop yield and the yield changes are reflected in the corresponding profit. Also described in the paper is an automated weather collection and reporting system for the acquisition and use of weather data.  相似文献   

Because of the spatial and temporal variabilities of the advance infiltration process, furrow irrigation investigations should not be limited to a single furrow irrigation event when using a modelling approach. The paper deals with the development and application of simulation of furrow irrigation practices (SOFIP), a model used to analyse furrow irrigation practices that take into account spatial and temporal variabilities of the advance infiltration process. SOFIP can be used to compare alternative furrow irrigation management strategies and find options that mitigate local deep-percolation risks while ensuring a crop yield level that is acceptable to the farmer. The model is comprised of three distinct modelling elements. The first element is RAIEOPT, a hydraulic model that predicts the advance infiltration process. Infiltration prediction in RAIEOPT depends on a soil moisture deficit parameter. PILOTE, a crop model, which is designed to simulate soil water balance and predict yield values, updates the soil moisture parameter. This parameter is an input of a parameter generator (PG), the third model component, which in turn provides RAIEOPT with the data required to simulate irrigation at the scale of an N-furrow set. The study of sources of variability and their impact on irrigation advance, based on field observations, allowed us to build a robust PG. Model applications show that irrigation practices must account for inter-furrow advance variability when optimising furrow irrigation systems. The impact of advance variability on deep percolation and crop yield losses depends on both climatic conditions and irrigation practices.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1998,57(2):161-195
The interactive use of experimentation and modeling is an efficient way to devise and test new agricultural management systems. The Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) is a comprehensive simulation model designed to predict the hydrologic response, including potential for groundwater contamination, of alternative crop-management systems. The model is one-dimensional (vertical into the soil profile) and integrates physical, biological and chemical processes. It simulates crop development and the movement of water, nutrients and pesticides over and through the root zone for a representative unit area of an agricultural field over multiple years. RZWQM allows for a variety of management practices: tillage; irrigation, fertilizer, manure and pesticide applications; tile drainage and crop rotations. Several significant validation efforts have shown the usefulness of RZWQM for evaluating and developing management scenarios.  相似文献   

A three-year field experiment (2006–2008) on clingstone peach cv. Andross was conducted in a commercial orchard under mechanical harvesting for the processing industry. Three irrigation strategies were evaluated: full irrigation throughout the growing season; restricted irrigation during stage-II (~70% restriction) and restricted irrigation during stage-III (~30% restriction), combined with three nitrogen fertilization treatments: 0, 60 and 120 kg N/ha. Trees were fertigated on a daily basis. Daily patterns of soil moisture were monitored with capacitance probes. Irrigation restriction strategies and nitrogen dose affected yield and fruit quality at commercial harvest. As well as the individual effects of applying irrigation strategies and N doses, interactions between the two factors were analyzed. In the second year, there was a nitrogen × irrigation interaction for fruit yield. A positive yield effect for N applied to fully irrigated trees occured, while the opposite was observed when the irrigation restrictions were applied during stage-III.  相似文献   

A biological simulation model and a linear programming model were interfaced to determine production efficiencies and the optimal carrying capacity of a cow-calf producer in East Texas and to compare net returns to the model farm, given alternative tame forage systems and management practices. Experimental data both on forage systems and on livestock were used to verify and validate the simulated herds. The results showed that (1) of the three tame forage systems analyzed, warm-season perennial forages provided a relatively higher carrying capacity/ha, whereas a mix of both warm- and cool-season forages that allows year-round grazing gave relatively higher net returns/ha to management; (2) nutritional stress during winter months decreased animal performance proportionately more than it decreased feed costs; and (3) although spring-calving herds included more animals than corresponding fall-calving herds on the same land area, fall-calving herds produced more liveweight sales and generally higher net returns.  相似文献   

Simulation of crop yield allows better planning and efficient management under different environmental inputs such as water and nitrogen application. However, most of the models are complicated and difficult to understand. Furthermore, input data are not readily available. The objectives of this investigation were to use logistic equation to quantify the influence of seasonal water and nitrogen application on maize biomass accumulation and grain yield and to develop empirical models for prediction of maize biomass and grain yield. Logistic equations were fitted to dray matter (DM) yield at different times in the growing season at different irrigation water and nitrogen levels. The parameters of the logistic equations were then fitted to irrigation water and nitrogen as empirical functions. Further, the harvest index (HI) was related to the applied water and nitrogen as another empirical model. The empirical logistic models were used to estimate the DM and grain yield based on data from another experiment in the same area. Results indicated that the empirical models predicted the DM yield during the growing season with an acceptable accuracy, but dry matter (DM) prediction at harvest was very good. The grain yield also was predicted with a very good accuracy. It is concluded that logistic equation along with the presented empirical models for prediction of constants in logistic equation and HI are appropriate for accurate prediction of DM and grain yield of maize at the study region.  相似文献   

Summary Salinity, a common environmental constraint in arid and semiarid regions, causes substantial reduction in yield and nitrogen fixation in sensitive edible seed legumes. Greenhouse experiments were designed to determine whether irrigation and fertilizer supplements could reduce the adverse effects of soluble salts on yield and nitrogen fixation in a sensitive seed legume. Snapbeans, Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Early Gallatin, inoculated with Rhizobium phaseoli L., were given 3 levels of irrigation salinity, 3 frequencies of irrigation and 2 N levels, and 3 P levels, on a P-deficient Argixeroll. Yield components, percent plant N, and acetylene reduction were reduced significantly as salinity and the interval between water applications increased. Fertilizer application had no effect on any plant component. Two- and three-way interactions confirmed the strong effects of the individual variables of salinity and irrigation frequency. Increasing irrigation frequency increased yield at all of the water salinities studied. Application of N, P, K fertilizers helped maintain yields at low to moderate levels of soil salinity, but not at high salt levels. Snap-bean plants harvested at seed maturity, however, did not show a significantly substantial benefit of fertilizer for Rhizobium in the stressed rhizosphere.  相似文献   

农业专家系统及其在灌溉管理中的研究应用现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了农业专家系统的研究现状及其在灌溉管理中的应用,并就其在节水农业专家系统研究中的几个问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

An on-farm irrigation trial conducted on the upland of Chitwan valley of Nepal evaluated the amount and frequency of irrigation as well as the effect of nitrogen fertilizer and straw mulch applications on the performance of bottle gourd and okra vegetables. The experiment was laid out on split-split-plot design with fertilizer as main-plot factor, frequencies of irrigation as sub-plot factor, and amount of irrigation as sub-sub-plot factor. Data analysis revealed that frequency and amount of irrigation had a significant interaction effect on the number of nodes that emerge before the opening of the first flower in bottle gourd. Likewise, a significant effect of mulching was observed on the number of primary branches (P = 0.05). Number of nodes and primary branches both contributed to higher production of bottle gourd. Results also indicated that frequent application of higher amount of irrigation to bottle gourd could lead to reduced water productivity and suffer from yield losses. In the case of okra, low level of nitrogen application (30 kg N ha−1) with low but daily watering had significantly higher yield (1,365 g plot−1) than from higher level of nitrogen application (90 kg ha−1) (P = 0.01). Interaction effect of all factors was also significant (P = 0.05) on the fruit yield of okra which implied greater value of smaller irrigation to contribute to increased returns to farmers by improving production level of okra in this area of Nepal  相似文献   

The primary objective of an agriculture water management system is to provide crop needs to sustain high yields. Another objective of equal or greater importance in some regions is to reduce agriculture impacts on surface and groundwater quality. Kandil et al. (1992) modified the water management model DRAINMOD to predict soil salinity as affected by irrigation water quality and drainage system design. The objectives of this study are to incorporate an algorithm to quantify the effects of stresses due to soil salinity on crop yields and to demonstrate the applications of the model. DRAINMOD-S, is capable of predicting the long-term effects of different irrigation and drainage practices on crop yields. The overall crop function in the model includes the effects of stresses caused by excessive soil water conditions (waterlogging), soil water-deficits, salinity, and planting delays. Three irrigation strategies and six drain spacings were considered for all crops. In the first irrigation strategy, the irrigation amounts were equal to evapotranspiration requirements by the crops, with the addition of a 10 cm depth of water for leaching applied during each growing season. In the second strategy, the leaching depth (10 cm) was applied before the growing season. In the third strategy, a leaching depth of 15 cm was applied before the growing season for each crop. Another strategy (4th) with more leaching was considered for bean which is the crop most sensitive to salinity. In the fourth strategy, 14 days intervals were used instead of 7 and leaching irrigations were applied: 15 cm before the growing season and 10 cm at the middle of the growing season for bean. The objective function for these simulations was crop yield. Soil water conditions and soil salinity were continuously simulated for a crop rotation of bean, cotton, maize, soybean, and wheat over a 19 years period. Yields of individual crops were predicted for each growing season. Results showed that the third irrigation strategy resulted in the highest yields for cotton, maize, soybean and wheat. Highest yields for bean were obtained by the fourth irrigation strategy. Results are also presented on the effects of drain depth and spacing on yields. DRAINMOD-S is written in Fortran and requires a PC with math-coprocessor. It was concluded that DRAINMOD-S is a useful tool for design and evaluation of irrigation and drainage systems in irrigated arid lands.  相似文献   

Rice in China receives high amounts of fertilizer nitrogen (N) that are often not used efficiently by the crop. A recently developed site-specific N management (SSNM) approach enables the application of fertilizer N to dynamically match the field- and season-specific needs of the rice crop for N. We used farmer participatory research for on-farm testing of N fertilization by standard and farmer-modified SSNM for irrigated rice. Our study was done in 14 villages in four provinces of China in 2003 and 2004. Twelve to 15 farmers were randomly selected in each study village in each year for a dialogue with the research team and for a rapid rural technology assessment (RRTA). Based on the information obtained from the RRTA, modified SSNM (MSSNM) schemes were developed through dialogue between a research team and farmers at a workshop in each village. Modification mainly involved decreasing the number of fertilizer-N topdressings and increasing the rate of basal N application. Among the 514 farmers surveyed during the workshops, 95% were willing to adopt SSNM and MSSNM technologies and 76% were willing to conduct SSNM or MSSNM experiments. More than two-thirds of the farmers preferred adopting MSSNM rather than the standard SSNM. Based on the farmers’ willingness, 144 farmers were selected to conduct an experiment to compare SSNM or MSSNM with the farmers’ fertilizer practices (FFP). The rate and distribution of fertilizer N during the growing season of MSSNM were in between those of SSNM and FFP. SSNM and MSSNM, compared with FFP, maintained rice yields with significantly less fertilizer N and no significant increase in total labour input. The reduction in fertilizer-N input averaged 48 kg N/ha for SSNM and 23 kg N/ha for MSSNM. The study suggests that there is potential for large-scale dissemination of SSNM technology in China.  相似文献   

Under semi-arid or arid conditions, growing needs for agricultural commodities dictate the intensification of agricultural activities through the application of irrigation and fertilization practices aimed at increasing crop yields. A certain amount of the added irrigation water is designed to seep below the root zone and leach excessive salts accumulated in the irrigated soil. This entails, in part, recharging the ground water-table aquifers. Hence, intensification of agricultural activities introduces a long-term risk of groundwater pollution by unused fertilizers, e.g., nitrogen, salts and pesticides, herbicides, leached from the irrigated fields. To avert or minimize this risk, the amounts of applied water and fertilizer should be determined and minimized by optimizing them to match crop requirements. The objectives of the present work were to determine the amounts of water and salts leached below several agricultural areas subjected to differing soil fertility practices, and to try to relate them to the yields obtained. Published data and experimental data sets of water, chloride and nitrate concentration – depth distributions were used and analyzed. The results show that intensification of agricultural activities leads to increased hazards to surface and groundwater pollution and this can be diminished provided balanced irrigation – fertilization programs are developed for different crops, by using the results of leachate loads seeping from long-term fertility and irrigation studies (permanent plot experiments).  相似文献   

To reveal the influence of non-flooding controlled irrigation (NFI) on gaseous nitrogen (N) losses in forms of ammonia volatilization (AV) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from high N inputs rice paddies, lysimeter experiments were conducted with flooding irrigation (FI) as check. Compared with FI paddies, AV losses in NFI paddies decreased by 18.5–20.5 % and N2O emissions increased by 1.43–1.9 kg N ha?1. Weekly AV losses immediately after fertilization accounted for over 83 % of seasonal losses in both treatments. High N2O emissions from NFI paddies always occurred in drying process after N application, with peaks observed when water-filled pore space (WFPS) fell in 75–85 %. Water management immediately after N fertilization is crucial for mitigating gaseous N losses from rice paddies. Bringing N into shallow rhizosphere by irrigation and covering it with deep water will be helpful in preventing AV. Maintaining a flooding period and keeping WFPS higher than 85 % in the first drying process after fertilization might be effective to reduce N2O emissions peaks for NFI paddies.  相似文献   

Changes in water and nitrogen management for spring barley and potato, arising from possible climate change in Ireland, were assessed using simulation models. The locations in Ireland with the highest proportion (by area) of barley and potato production were identified and 1961–1990 and 2041–2070 monthly climate data were used to drive mechanistic crop models. Nitrogen and water response curves were created using current recommended management guidelines as a starting point. A series of step-wise manual irrigation simulations were then undertaken to estimate the minimum future irrigation demand for specific areas. It was concluded that there will be little impact on spring barley production, but in some areas (towards the centre and western half of Ireland) it might be possible to reduce nitrogen application rates by half. The impact of climate change on potato production will be more pronounced: without irrigation yield will only remain viable in areas where rainfall remains high, elsewhere between 150 and 300 mm of irrigation will be required each year, but this might be offset by the possibility of reducing nitrogen inputs by up to half. It was also concluded that potato production on less suitable (heavier) soils would be less desirable if irrigation is required because of possible run-off losses that may occur.  相似文献   

The experiment aimed at evaluating the yield and quality response of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) to applied irrigation water and nitrogen by drip irrigation method during the spring and autumn cultivation periods of 2007. Irrigation water was applied based on a ratio of Class A pan evaporation (kcp = 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.25) with 7 days interval. Also, the effect of four nitrogen levels (0 kg ha−1, 150 kg ha−1, 200 kg ha−1 and 250 kg ha−1) was compared with each treatment. The seasonal evapotranspiration in the treatments varied from 233 mm to 328 mm during the spring period and from 276 mm to 344 mm during the autumn period. The highest broccoli yield was obtained in the spring period as 11.02 t ha−1 and in the autumn period as 4.55 t ha−1. In general, there were statistical differences along nitrogen does with respect to yield and yield components while there were no statistically significant differences in the yield and yield components among irrigation regimes. Both yield and yield parameters in the spring period were found to be higher than that of the autumn period due to the low temperature and high rainy days in autumn. Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) ranged from 3.78 kg m−3 to 14.61 kg m−3 during the spring period and from 1.89 kg m−3 to 5.93 kg m−3 during the autumn period. On the other hand, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) changed as 37.32-73.13% and 13.08-22.46% for spring and autumn season, respectively.  相似文献   

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