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The fungal community on the roots, stem bases, stems and grains of organically grown winter wheat was analysed using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) combined with cloning and sequencing of the ITS region. The changes in the composition of fungi in different plant parts and over time as well as interactions between fungi were also investigated. Among 58 fungal taxa found the most common were Davidiella macrospora, Cladosporium spp., Tetracladium maxilliforme, Didymella exitialis, Microdochium nivale and an unidentified species within Ascomycetes. Several potential wheat pathogens were found: Fusarium spp. including F. poae and G. avenacea (F. avenaceum), Microdochium nivale, Oculimacula yallundae, Parastagonospora nodorum and Zymoseptoria tritici and most of them were present on all plant parts. Plant part affected the most the fungal colonization of wheat as was shown both by multivariate analysis of the whole fungal community as well as the analysis based on the identified species. The composition of fungal communities in different parts changed during the growing season but no pattern common for the whole crop could be observed. The most dynamic and significant changes were found among yeasts. Both positive and negative significant interactions between pairwise combinations of pathogens were observed. Positive significant associations were also found between pathogens and other fungi.  相似文献   

To determine whether light quality affects the incidence of disease, we exposed cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Jinyan No. 4) plants at the 4-leaf stage to white and other monochromatic lights and tested the effects on plant response to Sphaerotheca fuliginea, defence-related gene expression and metabolic changes. Exposure to red light resulted in higher levels of H2O2 and salicylic acid (SA), and stronger expression of defence genes such as PR-1 than exposure to white or other monochromatic lights. In comparison, plants grown under purple and blue light had higher activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and higher level of flavonoids than plants grown under other lights. Furthermore, plants grown under red light were more resistant whilst plants grown under other monochromatic lights were less resistant to Sphaerotheca fuliginea than plants grown under white light. These results suggest a role of red light in light-enhanced resistance, which correlates with enhanced SA-dependent signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The spread of septoria leaf blotch in wheat caused by Mycosphaerella graminicola is widely reported to depend on the occurrence of splashy rainfall. Previous studies have also implicated an important effect of canopy architecture on the risk of disease spread. This is because architecture affects the proximity of the yield-forming leaves to inoculum present on older diseased leaves within the crop. This study demonstrated that infection of the final three leaves of winter wheat could occur in the absence of splashy rainfall. For cvs Riband and Longbow, the final two leaf layers emerged at a position ≈ 8 cm below older leaves containing sporulating lesions. Under these conditions, infection of new leaves occurred in treatments that simulated dew and nonsplashy rainfall. These treatments resulted in disease incidences of 10–40% above the untreated control on the final two leaf layers. Within a season, the distance between diseased and healthy leaves during the period of stem extension varied substantially across a range of 30 cultivars. While the magnitude of these differences was not the same across seasons, the relative differences between cultivars were generally consistent, suggesting a strong genotype influence on lesion proximity. This study shows how knowledge of the distribution of lesion proximity within a crop can be used to estimate the risk of inoculum transfer for a given maximum splash height. A rapid crop-monitoring method for estimating the distribution of lesion proximity was developed and tested. Lesion proximity was manipulated by plant growth regulator (PGR) treatments. Significant increases in disease, between 14 and 62%, were observed on the upper canopy leaves of plants treated with PGR. The largest differences were observed in treatments where lesion proximity was most affected.  相似文献   

The management of crop fertilization may be an important component of integrated weed management systems. A field study was conducted to determine the effect of various application methods of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on weed growth and winter wheat yield in a zero-tillage production system. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at 50 kg ha−1 at the time of planting winter wheat over four consecutive years to determine the annual and cumulative effects. The nitrogen treatments consisted of granular ammonium nitrate applied broadcast on the soil surface, banded 10 cm deep between every crop row, banded 10 cm deep between every second crop row, and point-injected liquid ammonium nitrate placed between every second crop row at 20 cm intervals and 10 cm depth. An unfertilized control was also included. Density, shoot N concentration and the biomass of weeds was often lower with subsurface banded or point-injected N than with broadcast N. The winter wheat density was similar with all N fertilizer application methods but wheat shoot N concentration and yield were consistently higher with banded or point-injected N compared with broadcast N. In several instances, the surface broadcast N did not increase the weed-infested wheat yield above that of the unfertilized control, indicating that it was the least preferred N application method. Depending on the weed species, the weed seedbank at the conclusion of the 4 year study was reduced by 29–62% with point-injected N compared with broadcast N. Information gained from this study will be used to develop more integrated weed management programs for winter wheat.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) often develops explosively on upper leaves and glumes of wheat. Inoculum for late season infections may arise from early disease foci in the lower canopy or from recent immigration of wind-dispersed ascospores. Research was conducted to determine if foci of SNB are present and secondary spread has occurred in fields before tiller elongation. We determined the incidence of infection by Stagonospora nodorum for plants sampled at the mid-tillering stage in 96 1-m(2) quadrats in each of two fields. Isolates of S. nodorum were recovered from 32 quadrats, one per infected plant where possible. Multilocus restriction fragment length polymorphism haplotypes were determined for each isolate. Of 55 isolates collected from one field, there were 22 distinct haplotypes. Diseased plants were aggregated in both fields; aggregates sometimes extended to adjacent quadrats. Plants within aggregates were often infected by the same haplotype, suggesting that secondary spread had occurred. Foci overlapped because some aggregates were infected by more than one haplotype. Our results show that genetically diverse populations of S. nodorum were already established in fields before canopy development and were comprised of sometimes overlapping foci undergoing clonal expansion.  相似文献   

A model simulating the progress of Puccinia recondita severity, expressed as a percentage of rusted leaf area (both as average and its 95% confidence interval) on individual wheat leaves over the course of a growing season, with a time step of one day, was elaborated using laboratory and field data from literature. Data on the stages of each infection cycle (uredospore germination, penetration, latency, uredium eruption and infectiousness) were transformed into model parameters by curve fitting, Montecarlo stochastic procedures, corrections and empirical assumptions. Data on host growth, like the timing of all phenological stages, the dynamic of the green area of each leaf from appearance to complete senescence, and tillering were obtained from a specific sub-model. Model validation was performed on actual data not used in model building and representing a wide range of conditions (several winter wheat cultivars grown at eight locations in northern Italy between 1990 and 1994) by using subjective, non-parametric and parametric tests: it revealed a satisfactory agreement between the data simulated by the model and actual data.  相似文献   

The epidemiology ofSitobion avenae and its natural enemies in winter wheat was studied in 1975, 1976 and 1977. Immigration was important until the end of flowering. The alate immigrants had apterous offspring. These became the driving force in population growth. Their offspring were mostly alatae which usually left the field. A model of the epidemic was developed. Quantitative relations between the aphids and their environment were obtained from literature or established in laboratory trials. The model simulated population development and population composition from the beginning of June till the population peak at the end of June or early in July. Because quantitative data on relations between aphids and their natural enemies and pathogens are scarce, and since the knowledge on wing formation is still limited, the population collapse could not be predicted. In the future, prognosis over a period of three weeks seems possible.Samenvatting De toenemende betekenis van graanbladluizen (vooralSitobion avenae) gepaard gaande met een sterke toename van het gebruik van insecticiden op granen maakte verbetering van de prognose over het schadelijk optreden wenselijk. Door gedetailleerde tellingen in het veld (Fig. 1–7) werden gegevens verkregen over het verloop van de epidemie en het optreden van natuurlijke vijanden in 1975, 1976 en 1977.Een immigratieperiode tot in de bloei kon worden vastgesteld. Daarna lijkt de aantrekkelijkheid van het gewas voor alate luizen te verminderen. De alate immigranten krijgen aptere nakomelingen. Deze vormen de stuwende kracht van de populatiegroei. De nakomelingen van apteren zijn merendeels alaat. Zij verlaten het gewas.Een model van de populatieontwikkeling gedurende de epidemie werd opgesteld. De relatiediagrammen Fig. 9 en 10 laten groei en ontwikkeling vanS. avenae en een predator (Syrphus corollae) zien. Kwantificering van de betrekkingen werd mogelijk door literatuurgegevens en laboratoriumexperimenten.Met het model kon de populatieontwikkeling vanS. avenae vanaf begin juni tot aan de populatiepiek in 1975, 1976 en 1977 vrij goed worden gesimuleerd (Fig. 12). Ook de populatieopbouw kon worden gesimuleerd (Fig. 14). De teruggang van de populatiedichtheid blijkt moeilijker te voorspellen door het ontbreken van gegevens over natuurlijke vijanden.Het lijkt waarschijnlijk dat in de toekomst met het model een prognose over de piek van de bladluispopulatie circa 3 weken tevoren mogelijk zal zijn.  相似文献   

选取关中平原冬小麦主要生育期的条件植被温度指数( VTCI)遥感干旱监测结果,运用层次分析法、因子权重排序法两种主观赋权法和主成分分析法、熵值法两种客观赋权法,分别确定加权VTCI,并与关中平原5地区冬小麦年产量建立线性回归模型,研究VTCI对冬小麦产量的影响.结果表明,两种主观赋权法确定的加权VTCI与产量之间存在着...  相似文献   

The dynamics of wheat spindle streak mosaic bymovirus in winter wheat were studied during two crop cycles in a field site with a history of high virus incidence. Individual plants of two susceptible cultivars were sampled from autumn to spring and the presence of virus antigen in roots and leaves was determined by ELISA. Virus incidence was higher in cv. Frankenmuth than in cv. Augusta. During year one, incidence of viral antigen in roots remained very low for four months after sowing, and did not reach maximum levels until the following spring. During year two, incidence of viral antigen in roots rose to maximum levels in autumn, only three months after sowing. These results strongly suggested that root infection occurred in spring as well as in autumn. In both cultivars and in both years, we detected the virus in roots one month prior to its detection in leaves, suggesting that virus moves slowly from roots into leaves. Maximum incidence of virus in leaves occurred in spring of both years, coinciding with the period of symptom development. Typical symptoms (yellow streaks, spindles, and mosaic) were observed in year two, whereas only mild mosaic was observed in year one. Virus antigen was detected in nonsymptomatic leaves from two months after sowing through crop senescence. Because antigen could be detected in roots throughout the crop cycle, and zoosporangia and cystosori of the fungal vector could be detected one and two months, respectively, after sowing, it is possible that wheat spindle streak mosaic bymovirus is acquired and/or spread by the vector during the majority of the crop cycle.  相似文献   

Severe infection with Septoria tritici occurred in four of five experiments designed to create a series of different disease epidemics. These experiments successfully identified periods suitable for infection. They also indicated the effect of sprays, timed before and after these periods, on disease development and yield.
Analysis of disease progress and weather records suggested that critical conditions for initial development of S. tritici occurred during early May at four sites. Heavy rain giving at least 10 mm on 1 day or a total of 10 mm or more on 2 or 3 successive days occurred at all four sites prior to the appearance of symptoms on a particular leaf layer, though less heavy rain may suffice to splash inoculum onto upper leaves in shorter, immature canopies where stem elongation is incomplete. At the fifth site, infection occurred later in May and disease failed to develop to a significant degree. At all sites, the length of the incubation period on any of the top three leaves was found to be between 396 and 496 degree days.
Control of winter epidemics of S. tritici had little effect on yield, whereas spray sequences commencing later than growth stage (GS) 31 but immediately prior to the critical periods provided the best disease control and yield benefit. Regression models incorporating, as independent variables, area under the S. tritici disease progress curve for any of the top three leaves from their emergence (GS 32-37) satisfactorily explained yield loss at the four sites where disease was severe. Consideration of leaf 2 or leaf 3 alone accounted for more than 82% of the variance at each site and a yield loss from infection of leaf 2 related to thermal time is suggested as 0.00265% per C per day from the appearance of symptoms.  相似文献   

Wheat was assessed at four crop growth stages for eyespot (anamorph Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides, teleomorph Tapesia yallundae) in a series of field trials that studied the effects on disease frequency of five wheat management techniques (sowing date and density, nitrogen fertiliser dose and form, removal/burial of cereal straw). An equation expressing disease level as a function of degree-days was fitted to the observed disease levels. This equation was based on eyespot epidemiology and depended on two parameters illustrating the importance of the primary and the secondary infection cycles respectively. Cultural practices were classified according to the importance of their effects on disease, and these effects could be related to infection cycles and host plant architecture. Sowing date had the earliest and strongest effect; early sowing always increased disease frequency through the primary infection cycle, and its influence on the secondary cycle was variable. Disease frequency was increased by high plant density and/or a low shoot number per plant through primary infection; the secondary cycle was, however, decreased by a low shoot number per plant, which reduced late disease development at high plant density. High nitrogen doses increased disease levels and the severity of both infection cycles, but this effect was partly hidden by a simultaneous stimulation of tillering and thus an indirect decrease of disease incidence. When significant, ammonium (vs ammonium nitrate) fertiliser decreased eyespot levels and infection cycles whereas straw treatment (burial vs removal of straw from the previous cereal crop) had no effect.  相似文献   

Field trials tested which components of epidemic development of Puccinia striiformis , the cause of yellow rust, were affected by nitrogen (N) fertilizer applied to winter wheat. Both timing and amount of N were varied to affect canopy size and leaf N content, and to provide a supply of mobile N to the pathogen, by causing fresh N uptake after leaf expansion was complete. No N was applied to control plots. A logistic disease-progress function was fitted to disease-severity data, which were assessed in absolute units. Leaf area and specific leaf N (g N per m2 leaf tissue) were quantified. Large and highly significant effects of N on the upper asymptotes, or 'carrying capacities' ( c ) were found. Effects on rates and points of inflection of the epidemics were not significant. Early N resulted in larger shoot numbers and leaf area, but disease was also more severe, so that by grain filling, the remaining green leaf areas were larger without N than with N. Later N treatments did not increase canopy size, but did increase symptom area compared with the control. These effects differ from the concept that N affects disease as a result of its effect on canopy growth, and therefore canopy microclimate, and suggest instead a substrate effect. Linear regression revealed that 51% of the observed differences in c were explained by variation in specific leaf N, suggesting that growth of the rust fungus may depend directly on particular components of total leaf N.  相似文献   

天水冬小麦气候条件与生产潜力开发程度变化动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对天水的渭北、河谷和关山区农业自然条件光温水进行了分析,并通过冬小麦实际和试验产量资料,对天水三个气候区冬小麦生产潜力开发程度、适宜开发程度和可开发程度进行了计算,分析了它们的年际变化规律.结果表明,天水地区和各气候分区年平均气温在20世纪的90年代初开始出现剧烈的增暖,增暖后时段(1991~2006年)的平均值比增暖前(1969~1990年)均高0.8℃~0.9℃;降水量的减少主要发生在20世纪90年代,其中,渭北区减少幅度较大;冬小麦在渭北区、河谷区和关山区生产潜力适宜开发程度和可开发程度都较高,排序为渭北区>河谷区>关山区,长远看还有很大的潜力可以挖掘,以渭北、河谷区域表现突出;天水及各气候区潜力开发程度、潜力适宜开发程度和潜力可开发程度的年际变化具有明显的区域差异,其大多数距平年际变化幅度,分别在-10%~10%、-15%~15%、-3%~3%之间波动;气候条件的变化对冬小麦生产潜力开发程度、适宜开发程度和可开发程度的年际变化影响十分明显,降水量的不足仍是限制冬小麦潜力适度开发的主要因子;提出了区域生产潜力适度开发对策措施.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Wheat was assessed at four crop growth stages for take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) in a series of field trials that studied the effects of five wheat management practices: sowing date, plant density, nitrogen fertilizer dose and form, and removal/burial of cereal straw. An equation expressing disease level as a function of degree days was fitted to the observed disease levels. This equation was based on take-all epidemiology and depended on two parameters reflecting the importance of the primary and secondary infection cycles, respectively. Early sowing always increased disease frequency via primary infection cycle; its influence on the secondary cycle was variable. Primary infection and earliness of disease onset were increased by high density; however, at mid-season take-all was positively correlated to the root number per plant, which was itself negatively correlated to plant density. At late stages of development, neither plant density nor root number per plant had any influence on disease. A high nitrogen dose increased both take-all on seminal roots and severity of primary infection cycle but decreased take-all on nodal roots and secondary infection cycle. Ammonium (versus ammonium nitrate) fertilizer always decreased disease levels and infection cycles, whereas straw treatment (burial versus removal of straw from the previous cereal crop) had no influence.  相似文献   

A simple mathematical model of the life-cycle of Avena fatua L. is described and used to consider the financial consequences to the farmer of controlling A. fatua infestations in winter wheat. The likely economic benefits of applying herbicides in different cultivation regimes are investigated. The sensitivity of the model to variations in herbicide performance, straw burning, initial weed infestation and the value of the wheat crop is tested. The model predicts that the highest long-term benefits will be obtained when a herbicide is applied every time wild oats exceed a density of between 2 and 3 seedlings m?2. Whether or not this results in a significant financial saving over spraying every year depends on the initial level of infestation and on the cultivation method. Whether straw is burnt or not is likely to be of little economic significance.  相似文献   

The intensity of thrips and wheat blossom midges (WBM) infestations in twelve wheat cultivars was evaluated at the Plant Breeding Station, Silstedt, central Germany in 2008 & 2009 growing crop seasons. The research aimed at selecting the least infested cultivar to be profitably used in the forthcoming cultivation. Infestation levels were studied in flowering and milky stages (GS 65 and 73) of each cultivar in every single-spikelet in sample of 10 ears in both years. There were significant differences in thrips and (WBM) densities among different cultivars in both years. Thrips numbers were the highest in T??rkis, Global and Esket cultivars, while the lowest values were recorded in Robigus, Brompton and Carenius. The results showed that the highest WBM infestation was observed in T??rkis, Tommi and Potenzial; on the other hand the lowest WBM infestation was found in some insect resistant cultivars (Brompton, Skalmeje, Robigus, Welford and Glasgow). The infested ears were positively correlated with the numbers of WBM among cultivars. The obtained results would give a good guide for choosing the proper cultivars which proved highly resistant to their specific pests.  相似文献   

根据德国波恩大学Sommer教授提出的CULTAN的原理与山西临汾研究了根控肥和传统施肥处理对小麦生长发育及品质的影响,结果表明:根控肥处理比传统施肥处理不论从小麦的生长发育,还是品质方面都表现出较好的优势,尤其是硫铵、尿素和DCD添加剂混合物的根控肥处理其面团的吸水率、稳定时间和评价值明显提高.同时根控肥处理土壤剖面中碱解氮的含量显著高于传统施肥处理.因此在生产优质强筋小麦的地区,应推广施用根控肥,达到优质小麦产量与品质的协调统一.  相似文献   

Tolerance of septoria leaf blotch in winter wheat   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
For individual varieties, tolerance of septoria leaf blotch was quantified by the slope of the relationship between disease and yield. Variation in disease severity and the associated yield responses were provided across two sites and three seasons of field experiments. Slopes were fitted by residual maximum likelihood for two contrasting models: (i) a fixed-effects model, where no prior assumptions were made about the form of the variety slopes; and (ii) a random-effects model, where deviations in individual variety slopes away from the mean variety slope formed a normal random population with unknown variance. The analyses gave broadly similar results, but with some significant differences. The random model was considered more reliable for predicting variety performance. The effects of disease were quantified as symptom area and green canopy duration. Models of the relationship between symptom area and yield were site-specific. When site effects were not taken into account, these models had poor predictive precision. Models based on the canopy green area gave robust predictions of yield and were not site-specific. Differences in disease tolerance were detected in a comparison of 25 commercial winter wheat varieties. Tolerance was not detected directly through symptom measurements, but instead through measurements of canopy green area, which provides a measurement of the effects of disease that accounts for differences in canopy size across sites and seasons. The varieties showing greatest tolerance tended to have lower attainable yield than the intolerant varieties. Presence of the 1BL/1RS chromosome translocation, which has been reported to increase radiation use efficiency, appeared to be associated with intolerance.  相似文献   

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