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我国农技推广高效协同创新研究——基于机制视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业技术推广是农业科技成果转化为现实生产力的关键环节,新时期推动农业农村高质量发展对传统农技推广模式的转型升级提出迫切要求,农业重大技术协同推广计划试点的实施探索了新机制,为打通"农业科技最后一公里"、助力乡村全面振兴开辟了新路径.基于对吉林、江西、湖北、内蒙古、江苏、浙江、广西和四川等8个试点省份的广泛调研,分析梳理...  相似文献   

为实现到2025年,全国农作物耕种收综合机械化率达到75%,农机装备品类基本齐全,重点农机产品和关键零部件实现协同发展,产品质量可靠性达到国际先进水平,需要进一步优化科技创新生态,激发农业机械化科技创新潜力.本文从创新生态的视角,概述各创新主体的作用及其特征,分析农业机械化科技创新内外部的制约因素,构建农业机械化科技协...  相似文献   

Urban wastewater is increasingly used for agricultural production, particularly in those areas where access to fresh water resources is limiting. Depending on the prevailing institutional arrangements, this agricultural use is planned or unplanned. If planned, a general policy is to minimise health risks and environmental pollution, leading to an often centralised collection of the city’s sewage, followed by primary, secondary and further treatment until the prevalent discharge effluent use standards are met. If society can afford them, advanced treatment technologies are installed, backed by a well functioning institutional infrastructure. In contrast, in less prosperous countries the agricultural use of wastewater is driven by the high needs for water and the absence of affordable fresh water resources along with insufficient financial means to construct treatment systems and distribution networks that comply with the official regulations. Combined with a poor institutional framework, this results in unplanned and unguided direct or indirect use of raw, partially treated or diluted wastewater. In an effort to mitigate health and environmental problems, we propose using a reverse water chain design approach, in which the ultimate fate of the water is the basis for the design of conveyance and treatment facilities.  相似文献   

在社会管理领域存在诸多损害农民工权益的制度性问题,这些问题影响农民工转化为稳定的产业工人和城市市民,对工业化、城镇化不利,对农业、农村发展也不利。应抓住时机,推进社会管理改革,促进社会和谐构建。  相似文献   

In recent years, the traditional concept of an irrigation project has been changing. From just a physical structure for the storage, conveyance and distribution of water, it is now being regarded as a more complex system, including farmers' participation. This implies an improved management in all phases, from reservoir operation to farm management, and therefore the change from simple operation and maintenance to operation, maintenance and management.To face this new challenge, existing projects must be modernized. The Sorraia Irrigation Project is one of those projects. In this paper major problems are identified and it is showed how research (namely through modelling) can be oriented towards an improved management, regarding the conveyance and distribution systems as well as the on-farm systems.Finally it becomes evident that beyond the technical problems to be solved, the involvement and participation of farmers must be improved at all levels of management. Hence, there is also a need for implementing programs on education, training and extension.  相似文献   

为提升农业工程类学术期刊办刊能力和影响力,通过问卷调查方式从期刊基本情况、期刊稿件与审稿情况、期刊编辑出版方式、编辑专业素质、期刊影响力和学术导向等多个方面分析.调研结果表明:农业工程类学术期刊多以月刊为主,占63.2%,期刊出版周期长;有超过50%的受访对象表示还不具备采编系统;46.6%的以知网/万方等数据库的数字...  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略实施的关键在于发展现代化农业,农业龙头企业是现代农业经营体系多元化主体的重要构成部分。通过分析农业龙头企业节水管理模式,探索现代节水管理的发展趋势。研究以沙雅县渭干河灌区调研案例为基础,通过分析农业龙头企业经营管理模式,探讨其生产经营的基本规律、要素配置与利益目标,揭示农业龙头企业进入产业链上游环节的驱动原理,思考农业龙头企业经营对传统节水管理模式的调整与治理行为转变。农业龙头企业规模化经营是实现区域农业现代化的重要路径,产业纵向一体化对实现现代节水管理标准化、市场化具有推动作用,同时节水管理能力的提升有助于实现产业链效益增长,从而形成农业产业链中的链式效应。农业龙头企业规模经营推动高效节水技术应用与推广具有示范意义,可以成为周边其他地区借鉴样板。  相似文献   

基于改进BP神经网络的农业机械数据预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高河南省农业机械数据预测的精度,获得更可靠的预测结果,提出基于自适应粒子群算法(APSO)优化的误差方向传播(BP)神经网络预测方法,利用APSO算法优越的全局搜索能力更新BP神经网络的权值和阈值,有效结合两种算法的优势,并引用河南省1986-2017年农业机械数据进行测试。仿真结果表明,本文提出的APSO-BP算法比同等条件下BP神经网络算法和PSO-BP算法预测误差平均可降低2.4%和1.35%,可以有效提高预测的速度和精度。  相似文献   

The increasing costs of publicly-funded research and development in agriculture are giving rise to increasing pressures for accountability and to demands for an explicit science policy. The problem of reconciling these demands with the needs of a productive and vigorous scientific community is addressed through an analysis of the underlying concepts.The fundamental unpredictability of research, the importance of variety and autonomy for scientific progress and the dangers of defining research programmers based on social need rather than problem solubility are first discussed. This is followed by an examination of the ways in which R&D resources may be matched to requests for funding. Specifically, the limitations of cost-benefit analysis and of the current procedures for commissioning research are looked at. It is concluded that instead of trying to link funds to research proposals as at present, it would be better if funds were allocated on the basis of the past research results. Such a system would entail the development of agreed measures of performance, but it promises to be more effective, more objective and less bureaucratic than current procedures. Finally, centralised approaches to research management are shown to negate accountability and it is contended that more meaningful accountability is achieved by combining as much autonomy as possible with a system of monitoring research performance.  相似文献   

African farming systems are highly heterogeneous: between agroecological and socioeconomic environments, in the wide variability in farmers’ resource endowments and in farm management. This means that single solutions (or ‘silver bullets’) for improving farm productivity do not exist. Yet to date few approaches to understand constraints and explore options for change have tackled the bewildering complexity of African farming systems. In this paper we describe the Nutrient Use in Animal and Cropping systems - Efficiencies and Scales (NUANCES) framework. NUANCES offers a structured approach to unravel and understand the complexity of African farming to identify what we term ‘best-fit’ technologies - technologies targeted to specific types of farmers and to specific niches within their farms. The NUANCES framework is not ‘just another computer model’! We combine the tools of systems analysis and experimentation, detailed field observations and surveys, incorporate expert knowledge (local knowledge and results of research), generate databases, and apply simulation models to analyse performance of farms, and the impacts of introducing new technologies. We have analysed and described complexity of farming systems, their external drivers and some of the mechanisms that result in (in)efficient use of scarce resources. Studying sites across sub-Saharan Africa has provided insights in the trajectories of change in farming systems in response to population growth, economic conditions and climate variability (cycles of drier and wetter years) and climate change. In regions where human population is dense and land scarce, farm typologies have proven useful to target technologies between farmers of different production objectives and resource endowment (notably in terms of land, labour and capacity for investment). In such regions we could categorise types of fields on the basis of their responsiveness to soil improving technologies along soil fertility gradients, relying on local indicators to differentiate those that may be managed through ‘maintenance fertilization’ from fields that are highly-responsive to fertilizers and fields that require rehabilitation before yields can improved. Where human population pressure on the land is less intense, farm and field types are harder to discern, without clear patterns. Nutrient cycling through livestock is in principle not efficient for increasing food production due to increased nutrient losses, but is attractive for farmers due to the multiple functions of livestock. We identified trade-offs between income generation, soil conservation and community agreements through optimising concurrent objectives at farm and village levels. These examples show that future analyses must focus at farm and farming system level and not at the level of individual fields to achieve appropriate targeting of technologies - both between locations and between farms at any given location. The approach for integrated assessment described here can be used ex ante to explore the potential of best-fit technologies and the ways they can be best combined at farm level. The dynamic and integrated nature of the framework allows the impact of changes in external drivers such as climate change or development policy to be analysed. Fundamental questions for integrated analysis relate to the site-specific knowledge and the simplification of processes required to integrate and move from one level to the next.  相似文献   

Assessing the impact of climate change on agriculture is a new challenge for quantitative model-based policy analysis. The impact of climate change will vary strongly across regions depending on pre-existing climatic, agronomic, and political conditions. Most of the present modeling approaches, which aim to analyze the impact of global change on agriculture, deliver aggregated results both with regard to content and spatial resolution. To deliver results with a higher spatial resolution and to produce a more detailed picture of agricultural production, the county-based agro-economic model known as ACRE-Danube was developed. The German and Austrian part of the Upper Danube basin, a study area with great diversity in agricultural landscapes and climatic conditions, was chosen for study. For the analysis, two scenarios of climatic and socio-economic change were derived. The first and more economically and globally oriented scenario, termed “Full Liberalization,” included significant temperature increases. The second and more environmentally and regionally oriented “Full Protection” scenario included a moderate temperature increase. Both scenarios produce different results regarding agricultural income and land use. While the developments in the Full Protection scenario are small, the Full Liberalization scenario yields extreme regional changes in agricultural income, an increase in cereal production and extensive grassland farming.  相似文献   

The process of interdisciplinary research in aggregating sub-system models to model larger systems is disucussed and applied to valuing midwestern (USA) crop climate forecasts. Elements of climate forecast information schemes and characteristics of users and their environment which give rise to or restrict climate forecast information value in corn and soybean production are identified. Methods of varying these elements are applied to determine their effect on the value of climate forecast schemes.  相似文献   

提升农业机械化水平是落实国家“藏粮于技”战略中的重要一环,利用1998—2020年中国31个省(市、区)的面板数据,采用空间杜宾模型,研究农业机械化水平对粮食生产技术效率的直接影响和空间溢出效应。研究发现:第一,农业机械化水平对粮食生产技术效率具有显著的空间溢出效应,在其他影响因素不变的情况下,其他地区粮食生产技术效率加权值每提升1%,本地粮食生产技术效率提升约0.579%;第二,从不同农机类型来看,农业机械化水平对粮食生产技术效率的空间溢出效应主要通过大中型农机实现,影响系数为0.252;第三,农业机械化水平对粮食生产机械效率的空间溢出效应存在于不同经纬度之间,在水稻跨区作业省份中,农业机械化水平对粮食生产技术效率的空间溢出效应为0.027。因此,提出通过进一步优化农机跨区作业机型、改进粮食品种、提升田间管理技术等方式扩大不同地区粮食作物的种植、生长和收获时间差,为农机跨区作业创造条件,实现资源效益最大化。  相似文献   

农村精准扶贫成效的巩固提升是脱贫攻坚时期贫困人口顺利脱贫,防止返贫现象发生的有力保障。基于可持续生计框架,采用实地调查与描述性统计分析的研究方法,了解新疆喀什地区X县精准扶贫已取得的成效,同时也深刻揭示其在精准扶贫成效可持续性方面存在的隐忧。研究结果表明,X县精准扶贫的成效主要集中在贫困人口数量明显减少,贫困发生率得到有效控制,特色产业与劳动力转移就业初具成效,基础设施与公共服务建设取得明显进展等方面。但是由于生计环境脆弱,时刻面临风险冲击;不同生计资本之间的结构失衡,导致其总量增长缓慢;生计选择空间有效拓展不足,机遇与挑战并存等原因,带来X县精准扶贫成效的隐忧。基于此,紧紧围绕生计环境改善,生计资本内部系统优化,集体经济发展壮大,生计选择空间进一步拓展等方面,有针对性地提出有助于农村精准扶贫成效巩固提升的对策建议。  相似文献   

A programme of reform of educational programs began at Hawkesbury Agricultural College in 1978. The new programs are based on experiential learning and systems thinking and practice and are a major departure from the previous didactic and discipline-based curricula. Problems associated with servicing the needs of the new curricula and dissatisfaction with attempts to overcome them led to a series of situation improving projects in 1983-4 that led to a radical restructuring of the School of Agriculture in 1985. The projects were guided by soft systems methodology. The projects and a subsequent evaluation of the changes are described. The way soft systems methodology and associated techniques were used to guide the process is included, and an assessment of their usefulness made by the authors.  相似文献   

The paper assesses the impact of the removal of operating subsidies to the Philippine National Irrigation Administration on the management performance of a small canal irrigation system in Southern Luzon. It shows that in this case the creation of financial autonomy of the agency did not fully engender the often assumed positive effects regarding both accountability relationships and irrigation management performance. The conclusions specify a number of issues related to the theory of financial autonomy which require further study.  相似文献   

"工学结合、订单式"人才培养模式是目前地方本科院校旅游教育发展的核心问题之一。目前,"1234"创新教学模式开始应用于地方本科院校旅游教育"工学结合、订单式"人才培养模式之中。文章结合湖南文理学院旅游管理专业在"工学结合、订单式"人才培养模式上大胆尝试"1234"创新教学模式的实践,论述了"1234"创新教学模式对"工学结合、订单式"人才培养模式优化人才培养方案方面的作用,并具体阐释了"1234"创新教学模式在"工学结合、订单式"人才培养模式中的具体实施措施。  相似文献   

Alternative land management practices such as conservation or no-tillage, contour farming, terraces, and buffer strips are increasingly used to reduce nonpoint source and water pollution resulting from agricultural activities. Models are useful tools to investigate effects of such management practice alternatives on the watershed level. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the sensitivity of such models to parameters used to represent these conservation practices. Knowledge about the sensitivity to these parameters would help models better simulate the effects of land management. Hence, this paper presents in the first step a sensitivity analysis for conservation management parameters (specifically tillage depth, mechanical soil mixing efficiency, biological soil mixing efficiency, curve number, Manning's roughness coefficient for overland flow, USLE support practice factor, and filter strip width) in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). With this analysis we aimed to improve model parameterisation and calibration efficiency. In contrast to less sensitive parameters such as tillage depth and mixing efficiency we parameterised sensitive parameters such as curve number values in detail.In the second step the analysis consisted of varying management practices (conventional tillage, conservation tillage, and no-tillage) for different crops (spring barley, winter barley, and sugar beet) and varying operation dates. Results showed that the model is very sensitive to applied crop rotations and in some cases even to small variations of management practices. But the different settings do not have the same sensitivity. Duration of vegetation period and soil cover over time was most sensitive followed by soil cover characteristics of applied crops.  相似文献   

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