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Summary In a previous experiment, evaporation from soybeans (Glycine max L.) in two weighing lysimeters with different soil types was found to differ by up to 30%. This occurred despite good canopy development and maintenance of well watered conditions. The present experiment sought to repeat the previous observation and to define its cause. Soybeans were sown in and around the two weighing lysimeters on 9 December 1987 and were well watered through the entire season. The lysimeters, L1 and L2 contained undisturbed blocks of Hanwood loam and Mundiwa clay loam soils, respectively, both Rhodoxeralfs. Crop growth, radiant energy interception, soil heat flux, canopy temperature and root growth were monitored through the season. Plant growth in L2 was slower than in L1 such that by 46 days from sowing (DFS), L1 plants had one leaf more on average than those in L2 and by 76 DFS plants in L2 were about 0.1 m shorter than those in either L1 or in the area immediately surrounding it. The ratio of L2 to L1 daily evaporation was 0.76 during the period 75 to 84 DFS; this being very similar to the effect observed previoulsy. The crop canopy in a 100 m2 area centred around L2 was reduced in height by removing the top 0.15 m at 85 DFS. This treatment caused the L2L1 evaporation ratio to increase to 1.07. The effect of reducing the height of plants surrounding L2 was to increase net radiant energy intercepted in the canopy of the L2 plants and to change the turbulent transfer processes over the L2 canopy. Shading from the taller surrounding plants was estimated to have reduced evaporation by 4% while increased aerodynamic resistance above the L2 canopy as the result of the height discontinuity accounted for a further 20% reduction. This study highlights limitations in the application of one dimensional energy balance theory to non-ideal canopy configurations and to the care needed to ensure plant growth within lysimeters is the same as the surrounds.Visiting scientist  相似文献   

Summary Different soils are known to affect the amount and distribution of both available water and roots. Optimising irrigation water use, especially when shallow water-tables are present requires accurate knowledge of the root zone dynamics. This study was conducted to determine the effect of two soil types on root growth, soil water extraction patterns, and contributions of a water-table to crop evaporation (E). Two weighing lysimeters (L1 and L2) with undisturbed blocks of soil were used. The soil in L1 had higher hydraulic conductivity and lower bulk density than that in L2. Well watered conditions were maintained by irrigation for the first 110 days from sowing (DFS). Root length density (RLD) was calculated from observations made in clear acrylic tubes installed into the sides of the lysimeters. Volumetric soil water contents were measured with a neutron probe. A water-table (EC = 0.01 S m-1) was established 1 m below the soil surface 18 DFS. RLD values were greater in L1 than L2 at any depth. In L1, maximum RLD values (3 × 104 m m-3) were measured immediately above the water-table at physiological maturity (133 DFS). In L2, maximum RLD values (1.5 × 104 m m-3) were measured at 0.42 m on 120 DFS and few roots were present above the water-table. From 71 to 74 DFS, 55 and 64% of E was extracted from above 0.2 m for L1 and L2, respectively. In L2, extraction was essentially limited to the upper 0.4 m, while L1 extraction was to 0.8 m depth. Around 100 DFS the water-table contributed 29% (L1) and 7% (L2) of the water evaporated. This proportion increased rapidly as the upper soil layers dried following the last substantial irrigation 106 DFS. Over the whole season the water-table contributed 24% in L1 and 6.5% in L2 of total E.  相似文献   

A five-year experiment (2002–2006) was conducted to determine apple (cv ‘Golden Smoothee’) and pear (cv ‘Conference’) crop coefficients (Kc) using two large weighing lysimeters. Daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop evapotranspiration (ETc) were evaluated. Midday canopy light interception of both crops planted in hedgerows, 4 × 1.6 m, was determined on a weekly basis from bud-break until leaf fall from year 2002 (fourth after planting) to year 2006 of both plantations. Relationships between canopy light interception and calculated Kc (ETc/ETo) were evaluated from bud-break until harvest. There were differences in Kc values between apple and pear trees. When daily Kc values from bud-break until harvest were adjusted to hyperbolic functions each year, adjusted curves for pear trees were very similar regardless of year (maximum Kc around 1.0). In apple trees, the maximum values of Kc increased over time, from 0.49 in 2002 to 1.04 in 2006. Midday light interception in both apple and pear trees increased during the 5 years of experiment from 29.0 to 45.6% in apples and from 27.5 to 41.6% in pears in midsummer. Although there was a significant positive correlation between midday canopy light interception and Kc in apple and pear trees, in different times within a specific year, these relationships were different between crops. While the apple data fitted into the same equation regardless of the year, different equations were needed to fit the pear data in different years. This discrepancy may have been related to differences in the canopy properties between apple and pear trees. Pear canopies had higher porosity than apple canopies and thus improved light penetration. Apple trees were more vigorous and produced taller and denser canopies. Pear Kc values were greatly influenced by the evaporative demands of different years and consequently differences in midday canopy light interception did not adequately reflect the differences in Kc across the two species.  相似文献   

Weighing lysimeters are the standard method for directly measuring evapotranspiration (ET). This paper discusses the construction, installation, and performance of two (1.52 m × 1.52 m × 2.13-m deep) repacked weighing lysimeters for measuring ET of corn and soybean in West Central Nebraska. The cost of constructing and installing each lysimeter was approximately US $12,500, which could vary depending on the availability and cost of equipment and labor. The resolution of the lysimeters was 0.0001 mV V−1, which was limited by the data processing and storage resolution of the datalogger. This resolution was equivalent to 0.064 and 0.078 mm of ET for the north and south lysimeters, respectively. Since the percent measurement error decreases with the magnitude of the ET measured, this resolution is adequate for measuring ET for daily and longer periods, but not for shorter time steps. This resolution would result in measurement errors of less than 5% for measuring ET values of ≥3 mm, but the percent error rapidly increases for lower ET values. The resolution of the lysimeters could potentially be improved by choosing a datalogger that could process and store data with a higher resolution than the one used in this study.
José O. Payero (Corresponding author)Email:
Suat IrmakEmail:

Agricultural nonpoint-source pollution is the leading cause of water-quality degeneration of rivers and groundwater. In this context, the coast of Granada province (SE Spain) is economically an important area for the subtropical fruit cultivation. This intensively irrigated agriculture often uses excessive fertilizers, resulting to water pollution. Therefore, a 2-year experiment was conducted using drainage lysimeters to determine the potential risk of nutrient pollution in mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Osteen) and cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill. cv. Fino de Jete) orchards. These lysimeters were used to estimate the nutrient budgeting for each crop. NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P and K losses according to lysimeters were, respectively, 55.1, 12.4, 3.7, and 0.6 for mango and 61.8, 17.8, 4.9, and 0.5 kg ha−1 yr−1, for cherimoya. NO3, concentrations in the leachates ranged from 1.8 to 44.3 mg L−1, and from 23.0 to 51.0 mg L−1, for mango and cherimoya, respectively, in some cases exceeding the limits for safe drinking water. PO4 also exceeded the permitted concentrations related to eutrophication of water, ranging from 0.07 to 0.5 mg L−1 and from 0.12 to 0.68 mg L−1 from mango and cherimoya lysimeters, respectively. With respect to the nutrient balance, N, P, and K removed by cherimoya fruits was 76.4, 5.5, and 22.6 kg ha−1 yr−1, and for mango fruits 30.2, 3.3 and 27.8 kg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. Nutrient losses in the leachates were surprisingly low, considering total N, P, and K applied during the year, in mango lysimeters 3.8, 0.11, and 12.6%, and in cherimoya lysimeters 7.7, 0.23 and 16.0%, respectively, indicating a potential soil accumulation and eventual loss risk, especially during torrential rains. Crop coefficient (Kc) values of mango trees varied within ranges of 0.35–0.67, 0.55–0.89, and 0.39–0.80 at flowering, fruit set, and fruit growth, respectively. Kc values for cherimoya trees had ranges of 0.58–0.67, 0.61–0.68, and 0.43–0.62 at flowering, fruit set and fruit growth, respectively. In this study, the Kc values of mango and cherimoya were significantly correlated to julian days. Therefore, the estimated WUE in the mango and cherimoya orchards reached 21.2 and 14.0 kg ha−1 mm−1, respectively. Thus, this study highlights the urgency to establish the optimal use of fertilizers and irrigation water with respect to crop requirements, to preserve surface-water and groundwater quality, thereby achieving more sustainable agriculture in orchard terraces.  相似文献   

Eddy covariance (EC) systems are being used to assess the accuracy of remote sensing methods in mapping surface sensible and latent heat fluxes and evapotranspiration (ET) from local to regional scales, and in crop coefficient development. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the accuracy of EC systems in measuring sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE) fluxes. For this purpose, two EC systems were installed near large monolithic weighing lysimeters, on irrigated cotton fields in the Texas High Plains, during the months of June and July 2008. Sensible and latent heat fluxes were underestimated with an average error of about 30%. Most of the errors were from nocturnal measurements. Energy balance (EB) closure was 73.2–78.0% for daytime fluxes. Thus, daylight fluxes were adjusted for lack of EB closure using the Bowen ratio/preservation of energy principle, which improved the resulting EC heat flux agreement with lysimetric values. Further adjustments to EC-based ET included nighttime ET (composite) incorporation, and the use of ‘heat flux source area’ (footprint) functions to compensate ET when the footprint expanded beyond the crop field boundary. As a result, ET values remarkably matched lysimetric ET values, with a ‘mean bias error ± root mean square error’ of −0.03 ± 0.5 mm day−1 (or −0.6 ± 10.2%).  相似文献   

Identification of drainage water allows assessing the effectiveness of water management. Passive capillary wick-type lysimeters (PCAPs) were used to monitor water flux leached below the root zone under an irrigated cropping system. Wireless lysimeters were developed for web-based real-time online monitoring of drainage water using a distributed wireless sensor network (WSN). Twelve PCAP sensing stations were installed across the field at 90 cm below the soil surface, and each station measured the amount of drainage water using two tipping buckets mounted in the lysimeter and continually monitored soil water contents using two soil moisture sensors installed above the lysimeter. A weather station was included in the WSN to measure micrometeorological field conditions. All in-field sensory data were periodically sampled and wirelessly transmitted to a base station that was bridged to a web server for broadcasting the data on the internet. Communication signals from the in-field sensing stations to the base station were successfully interfaced using low-cost Bluetooth wireless radio communication. Field experiments resulted in high correlation between estimated and actual drainage with r 2 = 0.95 and confirmed a reliable wireless communication throughout the growing season. A web-linked WSN system provided convenient remote online access to monitor drainage water flux and field conditions without the need for costly time-consuming supportive operations.  相似文献   

Salt-tolerant crops can be grown with saline water from tile drains and shallow wells as a practical strategy to manage salts and sustain agricultural production in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) of California. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) was grown in previously salinized plots that varied in average electrical conductivity (ECe) from 1.8 to 7.2 dS m−1 (0–2.7 m depth) and irrigated with either high quality (ECi<1 dS m−1) or saline (ECi=6.7 dS m−1) water. One response of safflower to increasing root zone salinity was decreased water use and root growth. Plants in less saline plots recovered more water on average (515 mm) and at a greater depth than in more salinized plots (435 mm). With greater effective salinity, drainage increased with equivalent water application rates. Seed yield was not correlated with consumptive water use over the range of 400–580 mm. Total biomass and plant height at harvest were proportional to water use over the same range. Safflower tolerated greater levels of salinity than previously reported. Low temperatures and higher than average relative humidity in spring likely moderated the water use of safflower grown under saline conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Lysimeters have been frequently used to study crop response to the onset of water stress. To test the representativeness of lysimeter derived criteria for the onset of crop water stress, spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown in two field plots with 1.0 m deep lysimeters in the center of each plot. One plot was well-watered while the second was subjected to a drying period with no irrigation. Crop water stress was assessed by monitoring leaf water potential ( l ), stomatal diffusive resistance (r s ), canopy temperature (CT), evapotranspiration (ET), and soil water content in both plots and lysimeters. The rate of change of all these measured parameters, when compared to the well-watered field control-plot revealed that the field-grown plants showed signs of water stress long before the lysimeter-grown plants. Water stress developed gradually for the field crop, but the transition from the well-watered to the stressed condition happened abruptly for the lysimeter-grown plants. Once this transition occurred, the lysimeter-grown plants were more drought stressed than the field-grown plant. Water profiles measured inside the lysimeter were different from those measured in the adjacent plots. An increase in root length density with depths below 0.6 m was observed in the lysimeters as opposed to a quasimonotonic decrease with depth in the field. The response of the lysimeter-grown plants was a result of the anomalous water content and root distribution. We conclude that threshold values of ET, l , r s , and CT for the onset of water stress obtained when deep-rooted crops grown in a shallow lysimeter are subjected to drought periods may not be directly applicable to field situations.  相似文献   

Shallow ground water is a resource that is routinely overlooked when water management alternatives are being considered in irrigated agriculture. Even though it has the potential to provide significant quantities of water for crop use under the proper conditions and management. Crop water use from shallow groundwater is affected by soil water flux, crop rooting characteristics, crop salt tolerance, presence of a drainage system, and irrigation system type and management. This paper reviews these factors in detail and presents data quantifying crop use from shallow ground, and describes the existing state of the art with regard to crop management in the presence of shallow ground water. The existing data are used to determine whether in-situ crop water use from shallow ground water is suitable for a given situation. The suggested methodology uses ratios of ground water electrical conductivity to the Maas–Hoffman yield loss threshold values, the day to plant maturity relative to plant growth period, and the maximum rooting depth relative to the nearly saturated zone. The review demonstrates that for in-situ use to be feasible there has to be good quality ground water relative to crop salt tolerance available for an extended period of time. Shallow ground water availability is one area that can be managed to some extent. Crop selection will be the primary determinant in the other ratios.  相似文献   

In this work, a Fixed Spray Plate Sprinkler (FSPS) and two Rotating Spray Plate Sprinklers (RSPS) were compared in terms of wetted diameter, wind drift and evaporation losses (WDEL), static water precipitation pattern and dynamic water application profile. An experimental irrigation machine reproducing a pivot section was constructed and used to perform experiments in static and dynamic (linear displacement) modes. Water application from FSPS often resulted in a bi-modal pattern, while RSPS produced bell-shaped or triangular patterns. At a nozzle elevation of 2.4 m and an operating pressure of 140 kPa the wetted diameter was 1.6 m larger for the RSPS than for the FSPS. The differences between the two RSPS amounted to 0.5 m on the average. Reducing the nozzle elevation from 2.4 to 1.0 m resulted in a 2.6 m decrease in the wetted diameter. The use of RSPS may result in reduced surface runoff losses, due to the increased wetted diameter and the reduced peak precipitation rate. WDEL for RSPS were statistically related to wind speed, although no significant differences were found between both types of RSPS or between the two nozzle elevations. According to the experimental results, reducing the nozzle elevation will not result in reduced WDEL, but will increase the chances for runoff.  相似文献   

Techniques for estimating seasonal water use from soil profile water depletion frequently do not account for flux below the root zone. A method using tensiometers for obtaining evapotranspiration losses from the root zone and water movement below it is discussed. Soil water flux below the root zone is approached by a sequence of pseudo steady state solutions of the flow equation. Upward soil water flux contributed 36 to 73% to the total water requirement of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) whereas soil water depletion accounted for 11 to 19% only. Water use efficiency with one irrigation during an early stage of plant development is greater than with no or three irrigations. This is the result of both decrease of resistance due to soil moistening and better root development. Tensiometer readings were also interpreted to estimate root zones, water table depths and soil moisture contents. Methods described in this paper can be used in determining seasonal water use by growing crops, replacing or supplementing lysimeter or meteorology approaches to this problem.  相似文献   

Fresh water resources in the world are limited and, often, disputes occur on how to share them. In many regions, agricultural water use is significant but poorly documented. In order to contribute to solutions for water disputes involving such regions, methodologies need to be developed for regional water use estimation. In this paper we present a case study of Georgia (USA) which is locked in a water dispute with its neighboring states—Alabama and Florida. Agricultural water use in Georgia was essentially unknown because of no reporting requirement. Using a geographic information system and geospatial techniques, the depths of irrigation for cotton, peanut, and maize are estimated for the Flint, Central, and Coastal water zones of Georgia for 2000–2002. The geospatial techniques included the Inverse Distance Weighting, Global Polynomial, Local Polynomial, Radial Basis Function, Ordinary Kriging, and Universal Kriging. The volume of irrigation for these crops was estimated for 2000 and 2001. On the basis of root mean squared error, the Radial Basis Function technique was found to be the most successful one, followed by the Local Polynomial technique. The study of variograms revealed that the depth of irrigation at a site was influenced by its neighboring sites within a radius of about 40 km in the case of cotton, and within about 70 km in the case of peanut. No such influence could be detected for maize. The total volume of irrigation was highest for the Flint zone (564.2 Mm3), followed by the Central zone (291.9 Mm3) and the Coastal zone (94.1 Mm3) for 2000. For 2001, the irrigation volume declined by 40% for the Flint zone, 32% for the Central zone, and 16% for the Coastal zone. The estimates presented in this study can be improved by including more representative sampling sites if possible, by studying the patterns of irrigated lands in Georgia, and by using satellite data for estimating irrigated area for individual crops.  相似文献   

Studies of wide-spaced furrow irrigation were conducted at Goodwell, OK. Wide-spaced furrow irrigation applies water to the root zone while maintaining a relatively dry soil surface. This condition reduced evapotranspiration losses and can reduce water requirements by 20 to 50%. Probability of a yield reduction with this water conservation method is lessened by either: (a) abandoning the wide-spaced furrow irrigation method on 1 August of a high water-stress season; or (b) alternating the dry furrows in an alternate-furrow scheme. A high stress season is defined as one in which the August wind velocity averages greater than 1.8 m/s and less than 7.5 cm of rain falls between 15 July and 1 September (in the temperate northern hemisphere). The test for high stress conditions consists of measuring rain and wind velocity beginning on 15 July. The averages are examined on 1 August. If rainfall average is less than 1.6 mm/day and wind average is more than 1.8 m/s then normal irrigation is practiced on subsequent irrigations. Studies were conducted in 60 m plots and in field scale research with 0.8 km rows.  相似文献   

The resource potential of shallow water tables for cropping systems has been investigated using the Australian sugar industry as a case study. Literature concerning shallow water table contributions to sugarcane crops has been summarised, and an assessment of required irrigation for water tables to depths of 2 m investigated using the SWIMv2.1 soil water balance model for three different soils. The study was undertaken because water availability is a major limitation for sugarcane and other crop production systems in Australia and knowledge on how best to incorporate upflow from water tables in irrigation scheduling is limited. Our results showed that for the three soils studied (representing a range of permeabilities as defined by near-saturated hydraulic conductivities), no irrigation would be required for static water tables within 1 m of the soil surface. Irrigation requirements when static water tables exceeded 1 m depth were dependent on the soil type and rooting characteristics (root depth and density). Our results also show that the near-saturated hydraulic conductivities are a better indicator of the ability of water tables below 1 m to supply sufficient upflow as opposed to soil textural classifications. We conclude that there is potential for reductions in irrigation and hence improvements in irrigation water use efficiency in areas where shallow water tables are a low salinity risk: either fresh, or the local hydrology results in net recharge.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted during 4 months of each growing season in 1994 and 1995 to measure water use of young apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh. cv ‘Fuji’) growing under different soil moisture regimes in temperate climate conditions and to evaluate monthly crop coefficients of such conditions. To do so, double pot lysimeters under a transparent rain shield were designed and installed. The three soil moisture regimes in three replicates each were: (A) drip-irrigation at −50 kPa of soil matric potential (IR50); (B) drip-irrigation at −80 kPa of soil matric potential (IR80); and (C) constant shallow water table at 0.45 m below the soil surface (WT45). In each treatment, soil surface was maintained with or without turf grasses. Monthly water use was not different in drip-irrigated treatments (IR50 and IR80), but greatest in the WT45 treatment. Monthly crop coefficients increased linearly in time for drip-irrigated apple trees (r2 values of 0.76*** for IR50 and of 0.77*** for IR80), while those obtained in the WT45 treatment fluctuated. Leaf water potential (LWP) of drip-irrigated trees was similar until 63 days after treatment (DAT), but the values for IR80 trees began to decline thereafter. The LWP of WT45 trees decreased from 48 DAT. Temporal variations in leaf water content (LWC) was similar to that of LWP, except for two abrupt decreases in IR80 trees. The LWC of WT45 trees began to decrease from 59 DAT, and this occurred 2 weeks after the reduction in LWP. Average shoot length of IR50 trees was greater than that of IR80 and WT45 trees. The results of this study provided water use and crop coefficients for apple trees in relation to soil moisture regimes under temperate climate.  相似文献   

A high precision weighing lysimeter for measuring evapotranspiration in greenhouses was developed. The instrument has a measurement of sensitivity of one part in 106, that is one order of magnitude better than any other so far described in the literature. With it, evaporation rates in a greenhouse, even at night, can be measured on a one minute time scale. Development and construction of the instrument are described and measurements of the transpiration of a tomato crop in a greenhouse are used to demonstrate its capabilities.  相似文献   

Waters of poor quality are often used to irrigate crops in arid and semiarid regions, including the Fars Province of southwest Iran. The UNSATCHEM model was first calibrated and validated using field data that were collected to evaluate the use of saline water for the wheat crop. The calibrated and validated model was then employed to study different aspects of the salinization process and the impact of rainfall. The effects of irrigation water quality on the salinization process were evaluated using model simulations, in which irrigation waters of different salinity were used. The salinization process under different practices of conjunctive water use was also studied using simulations. Different practices were evaluated and ranked on the basis of temporal changes in root-zone salinity, which were compared with respect to the sensitivity of wheat to salinity. This ranking was then verified using published field studies evaluating wheat yield data for different practices of conjunctive water use. Next, the effects of the water application rate on the soil salt balance were studied using the UNSATCHEM simulations. The salt balance was affected by the quantity of applied irrigation water and precipitation/dissolution reactions. The results suggested that the less irrigation water is used, the more salts (calcite and gypsum) precipitate from the soil solution. Finally, the model was used to evaluate how the electrical conductivity of irrigation water affects the wheat production while taking into account annual rainfall and its distribution throughout the year. The maximum salinity of the irrigation water supply, which can be safely used in the long term (33 years) without impairing the wheat production, was determined to be 6 dS m?1. Rainfall distribution also plays a major role in determining seasonal soil salinity of the root zone. Winter-concentrated rainfall is more effective in reducing salinity than a similar amount of rainfall distributed throughout autumn, winter, and spring seasons.  相似文献   

Lysimetric experiments were conducted to determine the contribution made by groundwater to the overall water requirements of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). The plants were grown in 24 columns, each having a diameter of 0.40 m and packed with silty clay soil. The four replicate randomized complete block factorial experiments were carried out using different treatment combinations. Six treatments were applied during each experiment by maintaining groundwater, with an EC of 1 dS m?1, at three different water table levels (0.6, 0.8 and 1.10 m) with and without supplementary irrigation. The uptake of groundwater as a part of crop evapotranspiration was measured by taking daily readings of the water levels found in Mariotte tubes. The supplementary irrigation requirement for each treatment was applied by adding water (EC of 1 dS m?1). The average percentage contribution from groundwater for the treatments (with and without supplementary irrigation under water table levels of 0.6, 0.8 and 1.10 m) were found to be 65, 59, 38% and 72, 70, 47% of the average annual safflower water requirement (6,466 m3 ha?1). The increase in groundwater depths under supplementary irrigation treatments from 0.6 to 0.80 and 1.10 m caused seed and oil yield reductions of (7, 23.10%) and (48.23, 65.40%), respectively.  相似文献   

我国中水利用的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁学广 《湖南农机》2007,(7):109-111
随着城市建设和工业的发展,我国水危机问题日益严重,中水利用成为解决我国水危机的重要途径。文章首先对中水利用的概述,分析了我国中水利用现状,论述了我国中水利用的必要性,最后提出了几点加快推广我国中水利用的几点措施。  相似文献   

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