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The oilseed crop Camelina sativa (camelina) has lower production costs than oilseed rape in some climates. For this reason, the production of biodiesel-grade methyl ester from camelina oil was evaluated. The evaluation included quality assessment of esters produced in laboratory and pilot plant, an examination of methods of improving ester low-temperature properties, and vehicle trials. Laboratory esterifications gave ester yields similar to rape-seed oil. Six 350 kg batches of unrefined camelina oil with acid values from 3 to 6 were esterified in a pilot plant. Ester-specific properties were satisfactory with one exception; the iodine number of 155 far exceeded the value of 120 required by the relevant EU standard. Fuel-specific properties of the camelina methyl esters were largely within specification, though low-temperature behaviour could be a problem in some climates. This problem could be overcome by the use of suitable pour-point depressants or by blending with diesel oil. In vehicle tests, the reduction in fuel economy with camelina ester was similar to that with biodiesel from other feedstocks. The high iodine number of camelina methyl ester did not lead to a more rapid deterioration of the lubricating oil. However, it was concluded that further engine trials would be needed before the use of camelina ester as an undiluted vehicle fuel could be recommended.  相似文献   

Many research reported vegetable oil as a potential substitute for diesel engines with its ester form known as biodiesel. The biodiesel can be prepared by different process using vegetable oil and alcohol. The common process used for biodiesel preparation is known as transesterification. This paper presents the transesterification of Sal oil (Shorea robusta) into Sal oil methyl ester (SOME) and its performance in direct injection diesel engine. Several process parameters such as catalyst quantity, molar ratio of alcohol, reaction temperature and reaction time were studied and the optimized process conditions are amount of catalyst (NaOH) - 0.25 wt%, alcohol (methanol) - 150% excess, reaction temperature - 65 °C and reaction time - 1.5 h. The studies with SOME as fuel in the direct injection diesel engine shows that the exhaust emissions such as CO, HC and NOx are reduced by 25%, 45% and 12%, respectively compared to diesel without significant difference in thermal efficiency. Based on this study it is concluded that the SOME can be used as fuel without any modifications in the engine and hence this biodiesel can be a potential substitute to standard diesel fuel.  相似文献   

Camelina is an oilseed crop which is being commercially produced globally as feedstock for biodiesel. Being a non-edible oil bearing low input crop owing to its low fertilizer and water requirement, fits well for biofuel production. In India, targets for biofuel blending has been set by New Biofuel Policy-2018 and to meet these targets efforts are being made to harness the potential of available feedstock in the country. Among these feedstock, contribution of short gestation oilseed bearing crop has been very important. Camelina has been introduced in India during 2009–10 as experimental crop by DIBER, DRDO. Since then various efforts have made to standardize the production technology of this crop under various agro-climatic regions of the country, crop improvement, oil quality analysis and development of high energy by-products. Camelina has various advantages to offer for Indian biofuel sector. This paper reviews the potential of this crop for Indian Biofuel scenario.  相似文献   

The high viscosity of vegetable oil can be reduced by transesterification with alcohols and converting it into biodiesel. Biodiesel can be used neat or blended with diesel as engine fuel. This study demonstrates that esters of castor oils have a higher viscosity than safflower oil derived esters and the viscosity can be reduced by blending with diesel. The viscosity increased in a non-linear fashion as the percentage of castor esters increased in castor esters diesel blends and in castor esters safflower esters blends. Only slight increases in viscosity were observed for B40 and B60 mixtures with No. 2 diesel. Addition of ten chemical additives in castor esters at the rate of 0.01%, 0.1% and 1.0% showed limited viscosity reduction.  相似文献   

A partially hydrogenated sunflower oil was compared with a cottonseed-corn oil mixture for frying potato chips. Chips fried in each oil were organoleptically evaluated at two-week intervals during 10 weeks of storage at room temperature. Statistical evaluation of the hedonic ratings of the chips indicated no significant difference in flavor between the chips fried in sunflower oil and those fried in cottonseed-corn oil. Paired comparison testing of chips stored for 2 and 10 weeks indicated no preference for chips fried in the cottonseed-corn oil mixture over those fried in the hydrogenated sunflower oil. The oil content of the chips fried in both oils ranged from 37.6 to 42.9% suggesting an excessive absorption of oil by the chips. The peroxide values of the oils extracted from the potato chips indicate a trend toward greater autoxidation of the cottonseed-corn oil mixture compared to the sunflower oil. During storage, changes in the fatty acid composition of oils extracted from potato chips were minor. Chemical evaluation of oil samples taken during frying runs showed that both oils were of good quality after 23 hours of frying chips.  相似文献   

Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Hudson), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreber) and goat’s rue (Galega orientalis L.) were harvested at seed ripening stage and in the following spring when the plants were totally dry. The amounts of different plant parts (grasses: stem, leaf sheaths, leaf blades and panicles; goat’s rue: stem, leaf blades and pods) were measured and the composition of ash, silica (SiO2), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu) and potassium (K) was analysed for each plant fraction. Plant species, plant part and harvesting time affected the mineral composition; grasses contained more SiO2 and K, but less Cu than goat’s rue. The mineral concentrations were highest in leaf blades. In each species, stem fractions had the lowest ash, SiO2, K, Fe, and Mn contents. The proportion of stem was highest in reed canary grass and goat’s rue when harvested in spring. The K concentration was clearly lower in plants harvested in spring than at seed ripening stage in autumn. However, the concentrations of SiO2, Fe, Cu and Mn were highest at spring harvesting. Spring harvest of reed canary grass yielded clearly higher fibre contents for each plant fraction than harvesting in autumn. Of the species studied, reed canary grass suits best for raw material, if the leaf blades are removed and harvesting is done in spring at senescence stage of plants.  相似文献   

Development and application of biocompatible lubricants are increasing daily as a result of stringent regulations imposed on mineral oil-based lubricants with their non-biodegradable toxic wastes. Before consumer acceptance of vegetable oil-based lubricants, they must overcome certain poor performance characteristics such as thermal and oxidative instabilities. This work demonstrates the improved performance of epoxidized soybean oil (ESBO) over soybean oil (SBO) and genetically modified high oleic soybean oil (HOSBO) in certain high temperature lubricant application. We validated the thermal and deposit forming tendencies of these oils using micro-oxidation and differential scanning calorimetry in conjunction with identification of oxidized products by infrared spectroscopy and also discussed the function of a phenolic antioxidant in these oils. Boundary lubrication properties under high load and low speed were determined and the variations explained based on the structural differences of these vegetable oils.  相似文献   

一种高利用价值油料作物—亚麻荠的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在对亚麻荠的栽培和育种现状进行阐述的基础上,重点概括了其种子中两种主要化学成分油脂和蛋白,具体包括油脂含量和脂肪酸组成、脂质活性成分及降血脂作用、油脂在生物能源上的应用,蛋白含量和氨基酸组成、蛋白饼粕加工利用等方面的研究状况。最后分析了约束亚麻荠发展的因素,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

The objective of the project was to compare the acceptability of a African snack product, chin-chin, when fried in soybean, palm, palm olein and palm stearin oils. Forty complete responses were obtained from volunteer judges who were attending an agricultural exposition sponsored by the University of Nebraska. After tasting all products, the judges gave slightly better rating scores to the palm stearin fried chin-chin than to the soybean oil fried products (p<0.10) with the palm olein and palm oil fried products being given intermediate scores. The forced ranking evaluation gave directionally similar results but, because of smaller variation among scores, these differences were significantly different at thep<0.05 level. Since differences in acceptability scores were very small, these results suggest that improvement in nutritional value achieved by feeding a less saturated oil (soybean oil) may be worth the slight decline in taste/odor acceptability in comparison to a more highly saturated fry fat (palm olein oil).  相似文献   

The effect of volatile oil from leaves of Eucalyptus citriodora against some plant species viz. Triticum aestivum, Zea mays, Raphanus sativus, Cassia occidentalis, Amaranthus viridis and Echinochloa crus-galli was investigated. In a laboratory bioassay seed germination of test plants was significantly reduced in response to the different concentrations of the eucalypt oil. Maximum germination inhibition was observed with A. viridis, whereas least effect was seen on R. sativus. Based on the germination response, dose-response curve was generated and LC50 values were calculated. It was maximum for R. sativus whereas minimum for A. viridis. Further, seedling growth of the test plants and the chlorophyll content in the treated seedlings was significantly reduced at concentrations 0.12 and 0.3 mg/l. Not only the initial growth, but also the spray treatment on the 4-week-old mature plants of two weedy species viz. C. occidentalis and E. crus-galli adversely affected the chlorophyll content and cellular respiration, thereby indicating the adverse effect of eucalypt oil on the photosynthetic machinery and the energy metabolism of the target plants. Based on the study, it is concluded that volatile oil from E. citriodora is phytotoxic and could be utilized as bioherbicide for future weed management programmes.  相似文献   

Castor oil seeds were fermented under conditions commonly used in some local communities in Eastern Nigeria. Levels of selected biochemical constituents of fermented seeds were compared with those of unfermented seeds. The free amino acids — phenylalanine, tryptophan, tyrosine, serine, glutamic acid, cysteine, and gluamine — were detected by using thin-layer chromatography in the fermented sample extract, while none were detectable in the extract of unfermented seeds. Lipid analysis showed that the fermented seeds contained more unsaturated fatty acids than the unfermented seeds. Glutamine produced by the microorganisms responsible for fermentation is probably responsible for the characteristic flavor of foods seasoned with fermented castor oil seeds, known locally as ogiri.  相似文献   

油用亚麻(俗称胡麻)是我国重要的油料作物之一,也是干旱和半干旱地区的主要经济作物.近年来随着国家经济的发展和人们生活质量的提高,人们对油用亚麻的需求逐渐提升.建立一种快速高效便捷的油用亚麻遗传转化体系对油用亚麻分子育种具有重要意义.本实验以油用亚麻子叶节作为遗传转化的外植体,以草铵膦作为转基因植株筛选剂,通过农杆菌介导...  相似文献   

Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the productivity and essential oil composition of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) and hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) as functions of year, harvest time, and drying. Lavender essential oil content ranged from 0.71 to 1.3% (overall average of 0.89%) and hyssop oil content ranged from 0.13 to 0.26% (overall average of 0.19%). Lavender and hyssop essential oil yields increased with time. Hyssop oil yields varied from 7.3 kg ha−1 to 19.6 kg ha−1, and lavender oil yields varied from 7.8 kg ha−1 to 55.5 kg ha−1. The major constituents of lavender oil were linalool (23.3-43.4%) and linalylacetate (20.2-39.6%), while the major constituents of hyssop oil were pinocamphene + isopinocamphene (57-75%) and β-pinene (5-15%). Lavender oil extracted from dry material had higher concentrations of linalyl acetate and caryophyllene but lower concentrations of myrcene than the oil from the fresh material. Delayed harvest of hyssop increased the concentrations of β-pinene, myrcene, and limonene + cineole but reduced pinocamphone + isopinocamphone. The chemical composition of the lavender and hyssop oil produced in Mississippi was similar to commercial oils from Bulgaria, Canada, France, and US. Lavender and hyssop can be established as essential oil crops in areas of the southeastern United States. Lavender and hyssop essential oils did not show significant antimicrobial, antileishmanial, antimalarial activity, and did not alter ruminal fermentation. However, commercial oil from L. latifolia reduced methane production in an in vitro digestibility study. The antioxidant activity of hyssop essential oil was 2039 μmol of TE L−1, whereas the antioxidant activity of lavender essential oil was 328 μmol of TE L−1.  相似文献   

This report presents a method for synthesizing base-stock for green industrial product from a vegetable oil with a high composition of unsaturated fatty acids. Epoxy methyl ester of palm kernel oil was synthesized from laboratory purified palm kernel oil using a two-step reaction and the products were used as a base-stock for green electrical insulation fluid. Epoxidized palm kernel oil was first prepared through epoxidation reaction involving purified palm kernel oil, acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in the presence of amberlite as catalyst which lasted for 4 h. It was then followed by transesterification reaction involving the epoxidized product and methanol in the presence of sodium hydroxide as catalyst to synthesize the corresponding epoxy methyl ester. The thermal and electrical breakdown properties of the epoxy methyl ester demonstrated significantly improved properties for its use as raw material for bio-based industrial products such as electrical insulation fluids.  相似文献   

The pomaces obtained after cold pressing oil production from oil seeds can be regarded as a source of many valuable nutrients such as unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fibre and antioxidants. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of five oil pomaces from black seed, hemp, pumpkin, milk thistle and primrose on the structure of gluten proteins. The model dough was supplemented with 3%, 6%, and 9% of the pomaces. Structural changes in gluten proteins were studied using Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy (FT-Raman) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Additionally, chemical composition of the pomaces was determined. Changes observed in the gluten structure resulting from the model dough supplementation with oil pomaces allow the pomace to be divided into two groups depending on the type and amount of fatty acids present in the pomaces. If the pomace contains a low number of fatty acids (black seed and pumpkin), pseudo-β-sheets are formed from β-turns and antiparallel-β-sheets in the gluten network. If the pomace contains a high number of fatty acids, non-aggregated β-structures are observed. Although the pomaces contain considerable amount of dietary fibre and polyphenols, comparison of the observed structural changes in gluten network with pomaces’ chemical composition indicates that the changes are connected with presence of fatty acids.  相似文献   

The impact of 48 h sprouted quinoa (SQ) was assessed in bread-making. Wheat flour (WF) was replaced with SQ at different levels (i.e., 10:90, 20:80 and 30:70, SQ:WF ratio). Once the optimal replacement level of SQ was identified, the bread-making performance of this ingredient was compared with those of pearled quinoa (PQ), commonly used in bread-making.Starch pasting properties and gluten aggregation behavior were not strongly affected at 20:80 level. Regardless the replacement level, SQ caused an increase in dough water absorption and in softening degree, and a decrease in stability, suggesting weakening of the gluten network. During leavening, SQ improved dough development and gas production, due to increased sugar content (i.e. maltose, sucrose and D-glucose). The best bread-making performance (highest bread specific volume and lowest crumb firmness) was obtained at 20:80 replacement level. Compared to PQ, SQ exhibited the best leavening capacity (high dough development, gas production and gas retention) and bread properties (high specific volume and low crumb firmness), likely due to its higher sugar content. Moreover, 20SQ bread was characterized by a decreased bitterness assessed by electronic-tongue. In conclusion, sprouting might be considered a valid alternative to pearling to improve the characteristics of quinoa enriched bread  相似文献   

随着社会发展对能源消耗的不断增加,开发生物质新能源已成为必然,薪炭林作为生物质原料之一,在新形势下有巨大的开发潜力。在掌握福建薪炭林树种的种类、分布和薪材特性基础上,采用层次分析方法分别从薪材产量、生长量、轮伐期及热值4个方面对福建主要薪炭林树种进行综合评价,最终筛选出15种可供福建推广的薪炭林树种,为南方生物能源开发提供科学依据。  相似文献   

This paper considers the replacement of some flooring materials that have well-documented sustainability issues with a material of lesser controversy. Many products used in the flooring industry contain a large amount of embodied energy and have issues with reuse, recycling and disposal. It has been argued that epoxidised linseed oil (ELO), made from renewable resources, could provide an attractive alternative to polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) flooring products in some applications. The objective of this study is to assess the effect of processing parameters on the final cure product of ELO and a di-acid cross-linker. The final cure product is assessed for the performance through a variety of methods standard to the flooring industry and compared to other flooring materials. This paper shows that for contract use, the product may have comparable performance to PVC products.  相似文献   

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