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Zusammenfassung Als ein Nebenprodukt der Archäologie wurden bei Ausschachtungsarbeiten in Neuss (Niederrhein) in Fä kaliengruben aus dem 15.–16. Jahrhundert Käferteile, unter anderen vonNiptus hololeucus (Fald.) gefunden. Die Lage der Reste macht eine spätere Einbettung unwahrscheinlich. — Da nach bestehender Ansicht die Art erst im 19. Jahrhundert nach Europa gelangt sein soll, ergeben sich neue Gesichtspunkte. Die Art muß bereits früher unser Gebiet erreicht haben, und man kann nicht ausschließen, daß sie schon länger in unserer Fauna lebt.N. hololeucus entstammt dem Nestmilieu und erträgt zumindest mä ßig kalte Winter im Rheinland (Krefeld, 1968/69, — 8° C).
Summary Fragments of beetles including those ofNiptus hololeucus (Fald.), were found during archaeological excavations in so-called defaecation-cask-pits (latrines) of the 15th–16th century in Neuss (Niederrhein). The situation of the finds renders a later embedding improbable. — The date of the remains forces a reappraisal of existing opinions which place the first introduction ofN. hololeucus to Europe in the 19th century. The species must in fact have reached our area far earlier than this and the possibility that it has long been a member of our fauna cannot be excluded. —N. hololeucus is particularly associated with the milieu of nests and endures at least moderately cold winters in the Rhine country (Krefeld, 1968/69, — 8° C).

(Col., Ptinidae), ferner werden genannt:Tipnus unicolor (Piler),Ptinus fur L.,Anobium punctatum (DeGeer),Xestobium rufovillosum (DeGeer),Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.),Anthrenus verbasci (L.),Anthrenus museorum (L.),Sitophilus graniarus (L.).  相似文献   

Feeding capacity of adultN. elongatum was tested at different prey quantities of the bark beetlePityogenes chalcographus L. (Scolytidae) in artificial galleries. Maximum feeding capacity of 2.P. chalcographus/day was observed when 3 prey items/day were offered. There was no increase in prey consumption with further increase of prey quantities, i. e. there was no functional response. Possible reasons for restricted feeding capacity are discussed. It is suggested thatN. elongatum adults exhibit a “threshold strategy” which tends to reach an optimum feeding level instead of a maximum food intake. The consequences of restricted feeding capacity for limiting bark beetle populations are discussed.  相似文献   

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