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应用多元逐步回归及灰色关联度分析方法,对杨树速生丰产林材积生长量与气候因子关系进行了定量研究,筛选出影响其材积生长量的主导因子是水分因子,其次是热量因子,水热综合因子处于第三位,光照因子的影响最小。为杨树速生丰产林的集约化栽培及其低产、低质林的更新改造提供理论依据。  相似文献   

三北地区杨树速生林材积生长量与气候因子关系分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用灰色系统理论中的灰色关联度分析方法 ,对三北地区杨树速生林材积生长量与气候因子间的关系进行了定量分析 ,确定出影响材积生长量的主导气候因子为水分因子 ,光照因子次之 ,热量因子的影响最小  相似文献   

单雁芳 《绿色科技》2014,(8):117-118
对山西省雁北地区的杨树扦插苗扦插立地条件及扦插时间进行了试验,结果发现:好的立地条件对扦插成活率及生长量影响很大,在土壤条件比较差的河滩地,扦插时间延后于正常经验时间可大大提高成活率,获得良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

根据同一滩地、不同高程杨树林一个轮伐期的定位观测,杨树造林保存率和材积生长量均随滩地高程降低、淹水时间增加而减小。东南湖滩地根据其杨树宜林性分为3类:①高位滩地,适于建速生丰产林基地;②中位滩地,可作一般用材林、防浪林、抑螺林的造林;③低位滩地,一般不宜直接用于杨树造林。  相似文献   

Based on the data of stand investigation and stem analysis, the effects of climate factors on the poplar protection forest increment in the riverbank field of the Dalinghe and Xiaolinghe rivers of Liaoning Province, China were studied by stepwise regression procedure and grey system theories and methods. A regression model reflecting the correlation between the height increment of poplar protection forest and climatic factor was developed. The order of grey relevance for the effect of climatic factors on the height increment of poplar protection forest is: light>water>heat, and it could be interpreted that the poplar increment was mainly influenced by light factor, water factor, and heat factor. This result will provide scientific basis for the intensive cultivation and regenration of the poplar protection forest in riverbank field in similar regions in China. Foundation item: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30270250), and a key direction project (No. C12MC-SCMS013) Biography: LI Hai-mei (1975-), female, Ph. D, department of Landscpe Architecture. Art. Laiyang Agricultural College, Shandong Qingdao 266109, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

通过对 5个杨树新品种 7个优良无性系与北京杨对比试验 ,历时 7a ,初步筛选出N2 2 0 5、d山 ×P2 5、匈6 、N30 16 、N30 14 等 5个杨树新品种。它们在河滩地胸径、蓄积量生长均优于北京杨 ,适宜在河北北部、内蒙古南部、辽宁西部的河滩地 ,营造防风固沙林、护岸林、农田防护林及用材林  相似文献   

在查阅造林档案了解朝阳县河滩地杨树林现状的基础上,对大凌河沿岸河滩地的辽宁杨、3930杨、107杨、小钻杨、小叶杨等不同杨树林分,开展生长量、蓄积量、出材量、出材率等指标调查分析,结果表明,3930杨各项指标都优于其他杨树品种,适宜在朝阳县河滩地造林中推广应用。  相似文献   

在河滩地环境下,引种杨树8个无性系进行造林对比试验。结果表明:不同无性系的2年生林木的胸径、树高和材积生长均存在极显著差异;除了102/74无性系生长表现比对照(35/66)差外,其余的杨树无性系表现均好于对照。经评判,在滩地环境下的杨树生长适应性排序依次为A65/31>S371>T120>A65/27>A61/186>S7C3>35/66>102/74。  相似文献   

通过对无土层河滩地不同整地规格、客土等方法营造杨树丰产林试验,结果表明,在无土河滩地上,当地下水位在1~2.5m时,挖1m×1m×1m大坑整地,客土填抗、深栽、选择耐旱性和抗逆性强的小钻杨,营造的林分能够达到丰产标准。  相似文献   

吉林省西部杨树防护林蛀干害虫的调查结果表明:白杨透翅蛾和青杨天牛的平均危害率分别为19.31%和11.98%,是杨树防护林的主要蛀干害虫。两种蛀干害虫的主要天敌均为啄木鸟和肿腿蜂,且种群数量很少,呈零星分布;害虫的种群变化与天敌的种群变化密切相关,据此可以对害虫的种群数量进行监测,并预测害虫大发生的可能性。对于没有实施过人为防治的杨树防护林,可以利用诱捕害虫数量与基础危害率的相关关系进行蛀干害虫的预测预报。  相似文献   

根据当前我国森林资源核算理论,将吉林省西部地区现存的杨树防护林的功能价值构成体系分为经济、生态、社会三个方面。其中:经济方面包括林地资源和林木资源;生态方面包括保育土壤、防护、固碳与制氧、净化环境等;社会方面包括增加就业、防灾减灾等。按25 a计算,其功能价值估算总值为2 840.07亿元,年均估算值为1 136.60亿元。  相似文献   

保证森林采伐与天保工程有机的统一.首先要提高采伐与天保工程统一性的认识;然后要合理采伐.大力培育速生护林;其次要处理好当前与长远的关系。  相似文献   

In the recent 20 years, it is a trend that forest will be distributed to villagers to manage in the world. Also in China, “forestry three determinations” has been carried out since 1980, and many new forestry devolutions have been put forward to and come into being. To face the fact of overusing up natural forest to result in the deterioration of ecology environment, the strategy of natural forest protection project (NFPP) is raised after the heavy flood in 1998. Now, it is paid close attention to systematically study to carry out the strategies of NFPP in collective forest area, especially in the community of minority nationalities. Based on the case of forest resource management in Datu Miao Village, the experience of its forest management in the past is analyzed and the strategies of NFPP in collective forest area are put forward. Foundation item: This project is a part of research project “forest devolution management of IFAD/CIFOR” Biography: L{upuo} Ming-can (1961-), maie, associate professor, vice director of post-graduate school of Southwest Forestry College, Kunming 650224, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

Changbai Mountain forest area is not only is a national timber base but also a green ecological defense for Songliao Plain of NE China. The Natural Forest Protection Project of this area has an important bearing on the social and economic sustainable development of Jilin Province or even the whole forest area in NE China. This paper summarized general conditions of natural forest in Changbai Mountain state-owned forest area and put forward six problems need to be urgently solved and five strategic suggestions on natural forest protection and sustainable management.  相似文献   

延边林区通过实施天保工程,使森林资源得到有效保护,而且成功地调整了林业产业结构。要判定天保工程的实施效果,需要对其进行评价。根据科学性、可比性、可操作性和与政策的相关性相统一的标准,选定了森林覆盖率变化、森林蓄积量变化率、森林面积变化率、天然林面积变化率、水源涵养量变化、水土保持面积变化、湿地面积变化、固定温室气体量变化和释放氧气量变化9个评价指标,建立了森林生态效益评价体系。  相似文献   

通过对芷江县林地保护利用现状进行分析,提出合理规划林地,做好长远征占用林地和补充林地规划,并对林地实行分区、分级加以管护,严格林地用途管制。  相似文献   

论森林防火指挥中心机动通信系统的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细介绍了森林防火中机动通信系统的系统组成、系统特点及系统的作用。  相似文献   

本文论述了实施天然林保护工程过程中如何开展工作,首先加强领导、加大宣传工作力度、努力提高广大干部群众的“天保”意识;依法治林,加大管理工作力度,努力提高伐区作业质量和科学育林水平。其次加强监理,加大防火力度,保护好现有资源。最后是调整结构,发展多种经营。  相似文献   

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