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犬蛔虫病是犬的一种常见肠道寄生虫病,其病原包括犬弓首蛔虫和狮弓蛔虫,主要寄生于犬及犬科动物的小肠中。犬蛔虫感染常导致犬发育不良、生长缓慢、呕吐、下痢等,严重时可导致死亡。2013年12月份,江苏农牧科技职业学院实验动物房饲养的1只中华田园犬出现消瘦、呕吐、消化不良等症状,经诊断为犬弓首蛔虫与狮弓蛔虫混合感染。1病原弓首蛔虫,雄虫长50-110 mm,  相似文献   

长期以来,全国各动物园里的珍稀野生动物不断受到蛔虫病的重复侵袭,如上海动物园动物蛔虫病在寄生虫病总数中占55.74%,成都动物园为42%,黔灵公园的肉食动物蛔虫病患病率为100%.大熊猫的18种寄生虫中熊猫蛔虫对大熊猫的危害占第1位,感染率为100%,更为严重的是胆道蛔虫和蛔虫引起的肠梗阻直接导致一部份珍稀濒危动物的死亡.为减少或彻底根治蛔虫病的重复侵袭,周忠勇等1993年曾用DF在实验室里对狮弓蛔虫卵作过杀灭试验,以后又对感染狮弓蛔虫动物的笼舍场地作了蛔虫卵杀灭试验,现将试验情况报告如下:  相似文献   

通过对国内5个犬弓首蛔虫株(T.canis)即GD株、CQ株、YN株、HN株和GZ株的rDNA的内转录间隔区Ⅰ(ITS1)序列进行PCR扩增、克隆、测序和序列分析,旨在确定ITS1是否可作为T.canis分子分类的遗传标记。结果显示:GD株、CQ株、YN株、HN株和GZ株的ITS1序列基本一致,仅GD株有2个碱基的差异,HN株和GY株分别有1个碱基的差异;与GenBank中登录的T.canis(序列号为AB110024、AB110026)的ITS1序列同源性高达98.9%~99.4%。结果表明ITS1可作为分子标记用于T.canis与其它蛔虫的种间鉴定,但不适合用于T.canis种内遗传变异的研究,为进一步的分子遗传学和分子诊断学研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

以石家庄市动物园饲养的3只美洲狮为例,介绍了美洲狮感染狮弓蛔虫的临床症状、病原鉴定、实验室诊断,最终通过药物驱虫、环境消毒及改善饲养管理等措施,跟踪调查显示美洲狮身体恢复良好。  相似文献   

对 30只肉用犬和护院犬以及 2 5只伴侣犬体表犬弓首蛔虫虫卵的污染情况进行调查 ,结果表明 ,肉用犬和护院犬的污染率为 30 % ,伴侣犬的污染率为 1 6% ,并以丙硫咪唑对患犬或带虫犬进行了驱虫试验 ,效果为 1 0 0 %。  相似文献   

为初步了解石河子市犬蛔虫感染状况,对石河子市136份家养犬及流浪犬粪便样品进行蛔虫卵大小、形态鉴定及虫卵计数,确定蛔虫种类、感染率及感染强度,同时对检出的蛔虫卵进行体外发育形态观察.结果显示:犬弓首蛔虫和狮弓蛔虫感染率分别为3.68%(5/136)、8.82%(12/136),两种蛔虫混合感染率为3.68%(5/136...  相似文献   

今年 5月 1日 ,我市珊瑚乡一户主购进了 50条 2 5月龄肉种犬 ,7d后 ,犬陆续发病 ,至 5月 2 1日 ,共死亡 1 0条。经诊断为犬弓首蛔虫与细小病毒混合感染 ,现报告如下。1 临诊症状发病初期 ,体温 39 2~ 40 1℃ ,剧烈呕吐 ,排黄色水样粪便。后期 ,粪便呈蕃茄汁样 ,腥臭难闻 ,酱油色。呕吐次数逐渐减少 ,病犬脱水衰竭 ,卧地不起。体温下降 ,36~ 38℃ ,脉搏减慢 ,6 0~ 70次 /min。2 剖检变化剖检 4条病死犬 ,心肌均松软 ;2只犬肺表面有出血点和暗红色的出血斑 ;胃内空虚 ,胃壁大弯部呈弥漫性出血 ;小肠中后段肠粘膜有大量大小不一的出…  相似文献   

昆明地区圈养狮子感染狮弓蛔虫的初查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用饱和食盐水漂浮法和沉淀法对昆明圆通山动物园和云南野生动物园的狮子进行了蛔虫感染情况的调查,结果表明,在园养情况下狮子感染蛔虫的感染情况与散养情况一样,调查发现了蛔虫的幼虫;同时两家动物园进行比较发现,狮子的饲养环境是蛔虫感染的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

昆明地区圈养狮子感染狮弓蛔虫初查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用饱和食盐水漂浮法和沉淀法,对昆明圆通山动物园和云南野生动物园的狮子蛔虫感染情况进行调查.结果表明:狮子在园养情况和在散养情况下一样,易感染狮弓蛔虫病.在调查过程中还发现了蛔虫的幼虫.将两家动物园进行比较发现,狮子的饲养环境是蛔虫感染的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

用伊维菌素和拜宠清分别对自然感染犬弓首蛔虫(Toxocara canis)的犬进行驱虫,以虫卵减少率和虫卵转阴率为指标判定驱虫效果,比较2种药物对犬蛔虫的驱虫效力。结果显示:从虫卵减少率和虫卵转阴率来看,第1次给药后第5、10、15天拜宠清组和伊维菌素组的虫卵减少率均超过95%,但在第1次驱虫15 d后的虫卵转阴率均不能达到100%。在第1次驱虫后2周进行第2次驱虫,驱虫后5~10 d虫卵转阴率均能达到100%。从排虫情况来看,伊维菌素组多在给药后6~8 d排虫,拜宠清组多在给药后2~4 d排虫。从剖检情况看,经两次驱虫,驱净率均能到达100%。研究表明,伊维菌素和拜宠清对犬弓首蛔虫均有很好的驱虫效果。  相似文献   

The efficacy of selamectin against adult ascarids was evaluated in eight controlled and masked studies in dogs. Three laboratory studies evaluated selamectin against experimentally induced infections of Toxocara canis; three laboratory studies evaluated selamectin against naturally acquired infections of T. canis; one laboratory study evaluated selamectin against naturally acquired infections of both T. canis and Toxascaris leonina; one field study evaluated selamectin against naturally acquired infections of ascarids (T. canis and/or T. leonina) in dogs presented as veterinary patients. Selamectin was administered topically to the skin of dogs in unit doses designed to deliver a minimum of 6mgkg(-1) (range, 6-12mgkg(-1)). In all studies, dogs were allocated randomly to treatment assignments (selamectin or vehicle control in laboratory studies: selamectin or reference product in the field study) on the basis of pretreatment fecal egg counts. For induced infections, there were significant reductions in geometric mean numbers of adult T. canis after a single application of selamectin (93.9-98.1%, P=0.0001), after two monthly applications (> or =88.3%, P< or =0.0001), and after three monthly applications (100%, P< or =0.0002). In the natural infection laboratory studies, when selamectin was administered twice at an interval of 30 days, the percentage reductions in geometric mean numbers of adult T. canis at necropsy were 84.6, 91.3, and 97.9%, and when selamectin was administered on days 0, 14, and 30, the percentage reductions were 91.1 and 97.6%. Geometric mean fecal T. canis egg counts were reduced by > or =92.9% (P< or =0.0067) at the end of the studies. In the field study, geometric mean fecal ascarid egg counts were reduced by 89.5 and 95. 5% (P=0.0001) for 14 and 30 days, respectively, after a single treatment with selamectin, and by 94.0% (P=0.0001) 30 days after the second treatment with selamectin. These reductions compared favorably with the egg count reductions from dogs treated with a reference product containing praziquantel, pyrantel embonate, and febantel. There were no adverse drug experiences or treatment-related mortalities during any of the studies. Selamectin, when administered topically in a unit dose providing a minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1), was safe and effective against adult T. canis and T. leonina and in reducing the fecal excretion of T. canis eggs in dogs.  相似文献   

The parasitic roundworm Toxocara canis is present in dog populations all over the world. Due to its zoonotic potential, this roundworm is of special interest not only for veterinarians, but also for medical practitioners. In the present review, current knowledge of infection routes and the subsequent development of larvae within the canine host is summarised. Furthermore, information about the clinical, pathological, enzymatic, haematological and histopathological changes was collected, giving a broad overview of current knowledge of the infection. Although the data collected over the years give an idea of what happens during the larval development of T. canis, many questions remain open. Nevertheless, it is important that we continue our efforts to further understand the biology of this versatile and compelling parasite and try to improve and optimise strategies to prevent the infection in dogs and thereby to protect humans from this infection.  相似文献   

Lloyd S 《Veterinary parasitology》2006,137(3-4):269-272
Antibody levels to Toxocara canis L2 excretory/secretory antigens were examined by ELISA in 400 serum samples from sheep in Powys and Gwent, Wales. A positive OD value was set at the mean +/-3S.D. of 45 control samples. Seroprevalence increased with age. Seven percent and 13% of 6-month-old sheep showed positive OD values as did 16% of 10-month-old, 27% and 31% of 15-month-old and 47% of cull ewes. Analysis of variance showed a significant increase in ELISA OD values among the seropositive sheep with increasing age of sheep.  相似文献   

为探讨犬弓首蛔虫(Toxocara canisT.canis)软骨素蛋白多糖TcCPG1的表达特征及其与几丁质的结合方式,为犬弓首蛔虫软骨素蛋白多糖的功能研究提供依据,笔者克隆T.canis软骨素蛋白多糖1基因(Tc-cpg-1)并原核表达重组蛋白TcCPG1,采用镍柱亲和层析技术对重组蛋白进行纯化,并与几丁质进行结合试验;采用实时荧光定量PCR(quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction,qRT-PCR)进行Tc-cpg-1基因的转录水平的性别和组织差异表达分析。结果显示:Tc-cpg-1基因编码区(coding sequence,CDS)的长度为1 251 bp,共编码417个氨基酸;SDS-PAGE电泳结果显示重组蛋白TcCPG1以包涵体形式存在,相对分子质量大小约为70 ku;对表达条件进行优化后,以0.8 mmol·L-1 IPTG于16℃诱导14 h时可获得大量目的蛋白;利用镍柱亲和层析纯化可以获得具有较高纯度的目的蛋白,与几丁质进行结合试验,验证了重组蛋白TcCPG1能够与几丁质结合;通过qRT-PCR对Tc-cpg-1基因转录水平的组织差异性进行分析,发现Tc-cpg-1在雌虫中高量表达,尤其在雌虫的生殖组织中表达量最高,表明Tc-cpg-1可能参与了T.canis雌虫的生殖过程,推测TcCPG1可能通过与卵壳中几丁质的相互作用从而影响T.canis的胚胎和生殖发育过程。  相似文献   

Pregnancy and lactation in dogs induced a marked suppression of their immunological responsiveness as judged by in vitro phytomitogen- and Toxocara canis antigen-induced lymphocyte transformation. In addition, the eosinophilia otherwise seen following infection with T. canis was suppressed during the periparturient period. Coincidental with this periparturient immunosuppression was the occurrence of heavy infections with T. canis in the intestine of lactating bitches and the establishment of such infections perhaps may be related to the suppressed immune reactivity observed. These infections in the bitch appeared to be acquired primarily through the ingestion of immature stages of T. canis passed in the faeces of their puppies. The results demonstrate that the lactating bitch can be a major source of contamination of the environment with eggs of T. canis.  相似文献   

Toxocara canis, the common intestinal nematode of dogs and foxes, is the parasite responsible for human toxocarosis. It has recently been shown that dogs may harbour eggs of the parasite in their fur. To further investigate this claim a population of 100 stray dogs was examined to establish the prevalence and intensity of adult toxocaral worm infection in the intestines and eggs harboured in the hair. A novel method of washing the eggs from the hair was used. Sixty-seven percent of dogs were found to have T. canis eggs on their hair with a mean egg retrieval of nearly 584 eggs per gram from positive dogs. The age of the dog was found to be the only significant factor to influence the prevalence and intensity of eggs, with 95% of all the eggs recovered found on puppies. Thirty-nine percent of dogs were found to have adult T. canis worms in their intestine, although a significantly higher percentage of puppies (80%) were infected with worms than adults (22.5%). Puppies also had more worms per infection than adults and have a strong positive correlation between egg and worms numbers whereas adults did not. These studies show that stray dogs, particularly puppies, potentially harbour considerable numbers of eggs on their hair, at densities far higher than those reported in the soil or the general environment.  相似文献   

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