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This study describes follicle dynamics, endocrine profiles in multiparous sows with lactational oestrus compared with conventionally weaned sows (C). Lactational oestrus was induced by Intermittent Suckling (IS) with separation of sows and piglets for either 12 consecutive hours per day (IS12, n = 14) or twice per day for 6 h per occasion (IS6, n = 13) from day 14 of lactation onwards. Control sows (n = 23) were weaned at day 21 of lactation. Pre-ovulatory follicles (> or =6 mm) were observed in 100% of IS12, 92% of IS6 and 26% of C sows before day 21 of lactation and in the remaining 74% C sows within 7 days after weaning. All sows with pre-ovulatory follicles showed oestrus, but not all sows showed ovulation. Four IS6 sows and one IS12 sow developed cystic follicles of which two IS6 sows partially ovulated. Follicle growth, ovulation rate and time of ovulation were similar. E(2) levels tended to be higher in IS sows (p = 0.06), the pre-ovulatory LH surge tended to be lower in IS12 (5.1 +/- 1.7 ng/ml) than in C sows (8.4 +/- 5.0 ng/ml; p = 0.08) and P(4) levels were lower in IS12 and IS6 than in C sows (at 75 h after ovulation: 8.8 +/- 2.4 ng/ml vs 7.0 +/- 1.4 ng/ml vs 17.1 +/- 4.4 ng/ml; p < 0.01). In conclusion, sows with lactational oestrus induced by IS are similar to weaned sows in the timing of oestrus, early follicle development and ovulation rates, but the pre-ovulatory LH surge and post-ovulatory P(4) increase are lower.  相似文献   

初生仔猪体内储备铁(Fe)只有40~50mg,正常生长每天需要7~8mg,而母乳中含Fe量仅0.002mg/g乳,仔猪平均每天仅能从母乳中摄取1mgFe,如不及时给仔猪补Fe,其体内储备的Fe,将在1周内耗完,患生理性贫血症,影响仔猪生长发育。目前仔猪补Fe的主要方式,在仔猪生后3~4d,于后腿部肌肉注射补Fe剂。这类补Fe剂有富Fe力、牲血素等,其主要成分为糖配Fe。注射补Fe方式的缺陷,是往往造成注射部位大量流血、注射部位感染等。 酵母Fe是Fe的有机形式,同时酵母Fe富含优质酵母蛋白和B族…  相似文献   

Pigs are able to learn to avoid a novel flavor that has previously been associated with gastrointestinal malaise. Suckling pigs were allowed to nurse from maple syrup coated teats and then were injected with 0.3 M LiCl i.p. Littermates controls were injected with 0.9% NaCl. Three days later the LiCl treated piglets did not ingest as much milk from maple syrup coated teats as their littermate controls. Weanling pigs were treated with 0.05 mg/kg apomorphine i. v. or 0.3 M LiCl 5 ml/kg intraduodenally immediately after their first meal of maple flavored feed. When maple flavored feed was offered to them again several days later they ate less than they did initially and less than controls which had been treated with 0.9% NaCl after their first maple flavored meal. The implications of taste, aversion learning in pigs for both research and swine production are discussed.Supported by N. S. F. Grant BNS 77-16510 NIH Grant AM-17601  相似文献   

为了研究精氨酸和精氨酸生素(AAA)对哺乳母猪泌乳及其仔猪生长性能的影响,试验选用体重和胎次相近的长×大母猪35头,随机分成5组,每组7个重复。对照组饲喂基础日粮,其余4组分别在饲喂基础日粮中添加0.8%精氨酸(Arg),0.03%、0.06%、0.09%AAA。正式试验于妊娠107 d开始,并于母猪生产时耳缘静脉采血分离血浆检测生化指标。试验结果表明,Arg组相对于其余各组显著提高了21日龄仔猪断奶窝重(P<0.05)和日均泌乳量(P<0.05);0.03%AAA组相对于对照组有提高仔猪断奶窝重和断奶均重的趋势(0.05相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine inositol phosphate (IP) turnover in response to treatments applied in vitro to endometrium from cyclic (CYC), pregnant (PREG) and estradiol-induced pseudopregnant (PSP) gilts. In Exp. 1, treatments (in 25 microliters .1 M NaHCO3) were 1) control (NaHCO3), 2) 125 ng oxytocin, 3) .25 micrograms prolactin, 4) 2.5 micrograms prolactin and 5) 5 micrograms pig conceptus secretory proteins (pCSP). Basal IP turnover on d 14 (estrus = d 0) for CYC was 3.9 to 5.0-fold greater than for PREG gilts and .6 to 1.1-fold greater than for PSP gilts (P less than .05). Oxytocin increased IP turnover 23 to 42% in CYC gilts (P less than .05), but not in PREG or PSP gilts. The treatment x reproductive status interaction (P less than .05) indicated that pCSP increased IP turnover 74 to 140% in PREG gilts but decreased it 18 to 22% in CYC and 17 to 50% in PSP gilts. In Exp. 2, treatments were applied in a 2 x 2 x 2 arrangement: 1) 0 or 125 ng oxytocin; 2) 0 or 2.5 micrograms prolactin and 3) 0 or 5 micrograms pCSP. Basal IP turnover on d 14 was 3.3 to 5.4-fold greater (P less than .05) in CYC than in PSP gilts and was affected by interaction (P less than .05) of pCSP and prolactin. Inositol phosphate turnover was increased by prolactin (12 to 22%) and by pCSP (7 to 34%) but, when combined, the stimulatory effects of each were eliminated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This brief account of recent work on social hierarchy and its relation to production and disease in the domesticated pig covers the development of the teat order and its influence (if any) on the dominance hierarchy, the mechanisms by which previously unacquainted pigs sort themselves out into a social order, the leadership hierarchy, the factors affecting the stability of the dominance hierarchy, and the way in which a breakdown of the normal social order may contribute to outbreaks of aggression (e.g. tail-biting and cannibalism) within previously contented groups of pigs. A plea is made for further work on some of these important behavioural areas.  相似文献   

Sulfadimethoxine was administered (IV) to suckling pigs (1 to 2 weeks old) and to growing pigs (11 to 12 weeks old) at a dosage of 55 mg/kg of body weight (single dose). Blood samples were collected over a 48-hour period, and the animals euthanatized were used for measurements of plasma and tissue concentrations of the drug. The blood data were described, using a one-compartment pharmacokinetic model. The blood concentration curves for the two groups of pigs had a consistent depletion pattern with greater than therapeutic concentrations (50 micrograms/ml) of the drug persisting through 12 hours after the drug was given. Sulfonamide blood concentrations were 4 and 11 times that of the method sensitivities in the older (growing) and younger (suckling) pigs, respectively, at 48 hours after treatment. In four of the five pharmacokinetic variables studied, a significantly higher (P less than 0.01) degree of efficiency was observed in the ability of the older pigs to eliminate the drug than in the younger pigs.  相似文献   

试验选用长×大二元杂交仔猪为研究对象,分别从仔猪出现便秘时间、精神状况、腹泻死亡率等方面来比较刺五加及其提取物在哺乳仔猪生产上的作用。结果表明:在增强机体免疫力、抗腹泻方面,刺五加醇提取物低剂量组明显优于高剂量组;刺五加水提取物组优于醇提物组,并且在仔猪的存活率上占有明显优势。此外,还对刺五加及其提取物作为饲料添加剂的使用方法及用量方面提出建议。  相似文献   

A retrospective study was performed on natural cases of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), recorded from January 1999 to December 2000, to determine the prevalence, microscopic lesions, and other coexisting pathogens associated with PMWS. PMWS is diagnosed based on three criteria: the presence of clinical signs (retardation of growth), characteristic microscopic lesions (granulomatous inflammation and inclusion body), and the presence of porcine circovirus (PCV)-2 within these lesions. One hundred and thirty three (8.1%) of the 1634 pigs submitted from 1243 pig farms were diagnosed for PMWS. The affected pigs were from 25 to 120 days old, the majority (78 cases, 58.6%) being 60 to 80 days old. PMWS occurred each month during the two-year study period, but the incidence peaked in May (38 cases, 28.6%), followed by April (18 cases, 13.5%) and June (13 cases, 9.8%). The most consistent and characteristic lesions were multifocal, granulomatous inflammation in lymph nodes, liver and spleen, characterized by infiltration of epithelioid macrophages and multinucleated giant cells. The majority of cases (113 cases, 85.0%) was dual infection with other pathogens. The combination of PCV-2 and Hemophilus parasuis (43 cases, 32.3%) was shown to be the most prevalent followed by PCV-2 and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (39 cases, 29.3%). The consistent presence of PCV-2, but lower prevalence of other viral and bacterial pathogens in all pigs examined with PMWS, has led to the speculation that PCV-2 is the etiological agent causing PMWS.  相似文献   

Maternal effects might affect the response to selection for litter size. An experiment was carried out to determine the effect of the size of litter in which a gilt was raised on its production and reproduction characteristics. Gilts raised in large litters (12 piglets) produced smaller litters (?0.48 piglets) compared to those raised in small litters (six piglets). Results obtained suggest that a low standardization level positively affects weaning weight and development of the uterus. Lower weight at weaning, in combination with a larger pool of primordial follicles, might explain the positive effect on litter size.  相似文献   

Data were collected from intact males, castrated males and ewe lambs to investigate the effect of presence or absence of testosterone prenatally and during the postweaning period on postweaning growth, feed intake and carcass chemical composition. Half the lambs from each sex were the progeny of dams that had received five injections of testosterone cyprionate from d 32 through d 87 of gestation. Linear contrasts were used to detect differences. Postweaning daily gain of intact males was greater (P less than .01) than that of male castrates. Ewe lambs from treated dams had approximately 12% greater rate of growth (P less than .04) than ewe lambs from control dams. Ewe lambs from dams that had been treated were 28% more efficient (P less than .01) in the conversion of food to weight than those from untreated dams. Ewe lambs from treated dams had heavier livers (P less than .07). Carcass protein for intact males was greater (P less than .11) than for castrates, and extractable fat was less (P less than .05). Masculinization of growth characteristics of ewe lambs affected the quantity of carcass fat relative to control ewes (7.59 vs 8.92 kg). These ewe lambs also had more water in the carcass than did the control ewes (13.93 vs 12.29 kg). Administration of exogenous testosterone to pregnant ewes over an interval of time approximating time of sexual differentiation in the fetus enhances postweaning growth rate, feed conversion efficiency and chemical composition of genetic females.  相似文献   

Milk production and lamb growth were characterized in 118 multiparous, 3- to 7-yr-old Rambouillet, Columbia, Polypay, and Suffolk ewes under spring sage range and high mountain meadow grazing from 28 to 98 d postpartum. Daily milk yield as measured by the lamb suckling weight differential technique did not differ (P greater than .05) among breeds, although milk production of Suffolk ewes tended to be higher than that of the other three breeds. Within the Rambouillet, Columbia, and Polypay breeds, total estimated yield of ewes with twins was 13 to 17% higher than that of ewes with singles, whereas in the Suffolk breed, suckling twins increased total milk yield 61% over that of ewes with singles. Twin lambs induced a larger differential in dam milk production in late lactation (70 to 98 d) than in earlier lactation (28 to 70 d). Number of lambs did not influence milk protein, Ca, or P content (P greater than .05). Fat levels in colostrum and 4-d milk were elevated 14 and 20%, respectively, in ewes suckling twins compared with ewes suckling singles. Under range conditions, Suffolk ewes suckling single or twin lambs lost more BW (12 and 21% of 4-d postpartum body weight, respectively) than Rambouillet (4 and 7%), Columbia (5 and 8%), or Polypay (8 and 8%) ewes. Correlation coefficients of milk production and lamb growth rate were positive and significant (P less than .05) up to 56 d of age. Growth rate was less closely associated with milk production for twin than for single lambs.  相似文献   

Fecal samples from suckling (n=153) and weaned (n=116) piglets with diarrhea in Japan were examined for shedding of viral, bacterial, and parasitic pathogens using culture, microscopic, and polymerase chain reaction methods. In suckling piglets, diarrhea was attributed to infection with a single etiologic agent in 60.8% of cases and with combinations of agents in 22.2%. In weaned piglets, diarrhea was attributed to a single etiologic agent in 43.1% and to combinations of agents in 47.4% of cases. Rotavirus was the most prevalent agent in suckling (67.3%) and weaned (65.5%) piglets. The detection of other pathogens was associated with age of the animals examined. Coccidia were predominantly isolated from suckling piglets, whereas Escherichia coli was found predominantly in weaned piglets. Although a relationship was not observed between detection rate of rotavirus and age of piglets, a single group of rotavirus was detected in 87.5% of suckling piglets whereas multiple groups were detected in 51.6% of weaned piglets. The results of this study confirm that diarrhea in piglets can, to a variable degree, be causally associated with multiple agents. Additionally, these results suggest reasons why this syndrome can be difficult to control.  相似文献   

Summary This bibliography contains the bibliographic data, including the abstracts (if available), the post addresses and as far as available also the E-mail addresses of the authors, of 177 articles on postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in pigs and porcine circovirus (PCV). The bibliography concerns the period 1982-2002. The vast majority of the articles (151 of 177 being 85%) were published in the period 1998-2002. All publications except one are taken from easily accessible journals. The exception concerns reference 52 being the first report on PMWS, which has been published in a congress proceedings. To improve the accessibility of the bibliography five indices are given referring to the authors, the subjects, the serials, the years of publication and the countries.  相似文献   

Presence of mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI) in mammary tissue of lactating and involuted cows was investigated. Eighteen lactating, non-pregnant high-producing Holstein cows were randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups of 6 cows each. Cows of the first group were slaughtered while in lactation. Cows of the second group were slaughtered at 2-3 d, and the others at 4-8 d following sudden cessation of milking. Cessation of milking occurred at approximately 300 d in lactation. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of MDGI in the cytosolic and microsomal fractions of mammary tissue homogenates. High levels of MDGI were detected in mammary tissue obtained from lactating non-pregnant cows. A dramatic reduction in MDGI was observed in early involution (2-3 or 4-8 d following cessation of milking). These data suggest that a relationship exists between MDGI levels and the physiological status of the gland. Lack of MDGI may play a role during the processes of mammary involution and development prior to parturition.  相似文献   

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