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玉米的营养品质及发展方向   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
任军  才卓  张志军  张建新 《玉米科学》2006,14(2):093-095
概述了我国玉米子粒营养物质的特性,对主要营养品质性状蛋白质、脂肪、淀粉含量及组成成分做出分析,提出要大力发展特种玉米、大力发展玉米加工业和饲料工业,并展望通过技术手段使玉米增值,提高玉米的利用率。  相似文献   

重视工业专用型高淀粉玉米品种的选育   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:14  
谷明光  黄克虎 《玉米科学》2002,10(1):024-025
高淀粉玉米是指玉米子粒粗淀粉含量在75%以上的工业加工专用型玉米.在我国淀粉工业中玉米淀粉约占其产量80%以上.在我国根据对国家资源库长期保存的7 609份玉米资源和目前选育推广的88个杂交种的分析,玉米子粒粗淀粉含量平均为68%左右,比美国玉米偏低2~3个百分点.当前在生产上仅有的少数几个品种的子粒粗淀粉含量达到75%左右,只有科玉10达到了77.2%的新高度.这说明了加速专用加工型高淀粉玉米的重要性和可能性.简述了高淀粉玉米在工业上的加工用途。  相似文献   

我国特用玉米研究开发现状及前景展望   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
申丽霞  王璞  王启现  张软斌 《玉米科学》2004,12(Z2):132-135
简要介绍了高油玉米、优质蛋白玉米、甜玉米、爆裂玉米、糯玉米、高直链淀粉玉米、青饲青贮玉米及笋玉米的特点及利用情况,对我国特用玉米的研究开发现状进行了综述,并对特用玉米的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

今年吉林省农业和农村经济工作会议决定,通过5~10年的建设,吉林玉米产业要实现种植区域化、品种专用化、生产标准化、经营产业化、加工系列化、产品优质化。吉林用工业化思维谋划玉米经济产业,将配套建设10个较大型的玉米加工企业,年加工工业原料及玉米食品500万t。优先发展玉米食品工业,重点开发速冻鲜食玉米、多功能玉米粉、玉米色拉油、速溶玉米胚芽乳粉、玉米胚乳高纤维食品、玉米膨化食品、玉米糖、食品添加剂等系列产品。发展支撑畜牧业的玉米饲料工业,重点开发浓缩、蛋白、全价复混料等。发展玉米轻、化工工业,重点开发玉米变性淀粉…  相似文献   

为了开发棉子市场 ,新型种衣剂 Easi Flo问世(经过处理的棉子流动起来很象玉米 ) ,使棉子可以作为奶牛的饲料。这种产品实质上是一种淀粉 ,作为棉子的种衣剂便于管理。具体方法 :轧出来的棉子先去尾 ,同时将粉状玉米淀粉和水混和后注入蒸汽锅炉 ,当混合物的温度达到 85℃时 ,淀粉变为一种胶质的液体。棉子喷洒了这种液体后 (要完全覆盖棉子表面 )被输送到一个不固定的床上干燥 ,再放到冷却器里 ,然后就可以入库美国新型种衣剂EasiFlo@牛巧鱼  相似文献   

从农业部门获悉,随着我国农业、畜牧业生产和农副产品深OL技术的发展.我因未来10年农副产品开发的重点将向以下几个方面转移.1玉米深加工综合利用。随着玉米产上的提高,其籽粒及副产品又可作为新型糖源、变性淀粉、玉米油、发酵酒精、淀粉塑料、环状糊精等产品的原料,为这些已开发的或有待开发的产品提供了大规模开发的保证.2果蔬贮边、运输、流通、销售综合配套技术.研究重.点是减少损耗,分红包装,实现规格化、商品化.3专用小麦粉质量控制.国产小麦优质化、标准化、专用化,将是重.k‘研究的课题,为食品工业提供更多的、符…  相似文献   

信息十种农副产品将成开发重点据有关专家预测,在未来十年里有十种农副产品将是国内农业领域里开发的重点。1.玉米深加工综合利用。畜牧业飞速发展,玉米已成为左右“菜篮子”的重要原料。随着玉米产量的提高,其籽粒及其副产品又为新型糖源、变性淀粉、玉米油发酵酒精、淀粉塑料、环状糊精等现有或待开发的产品,提供了充足的原料。2、果蔬贮藏、运输、流通、销售综合配套技术。研究重点是减少损耗,分级包装,实现规格化、商品化。特别是对于一些名优品种,要下大力进行采后研究,以提高保鲜水平和出口创汇能力。3、专用小麦粉质量控…  相似文献   

张永凤  程备久 《玉米科学》2007,15(1):070-072
淀粉是玉米作为工业原料最主要的产品,其中直链淀粉在工业上用途更为广泛。玉米直链淀粉含量直接影响玉米淀粉品质,也是高直链淀粉玉米选育的重要指标。测定半粒玉米直链淀粉含量对玉米品质育种早代材料的筛选尤为重要。本实验对半粒玉米样品的前处理及其直链淀粉含量的碘比色测定法进行了研究,提出了半粒玉米样品的直链淀粉含量测定方法。该方法简便有效,可以减少早期选种的盲目性,加快育种进程。  相似文献   

Ketc.  MB 田云 《杂粮作物》1999,19(6):39-41
在美国,玉米是用于牲畜饲养、商业产品和人们消费品生产的最重要谷类作物之一,增加玉米籽粒中蛋白质、油分和淀粉含量以及改善籽粒的物理性质都能够提高玉米的利用价值。Alexander和Creech(1977)报道用于育肥畜的玉米籽粒的油分含量可超过45g/kg。通过改变支链淀粉和直链淀粉比例或增加淀粉含量可以提高玉米籽粒的利用价值。改善玉米籽粒的物理特性对玉米品质和不同的加工用途均有影响(Watson,1987;SernaSalvidar等,1994)。在通过育种手段改良品质性状的过程中,上述这些因…  相似文献   

介绍了高直链淀粉玉米研究的发起,综述了育种和生产等方面国内外研究现状;阐述了目前高直链淀粉玉米在育种中存在的问题;提出了利用转基因技术获得高直链淀粉玉米的思路;展望了高直链淀粉玉米的发展前景。  相似文献   

In Vitro Digestibility of Banana Starch Cookies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Banana starch was isolated and used for preparation of two types of cookies. Chemical composition and digestibility tests were carried out on banana starch and the food products, and these results were compared with corn starch. Ash, protein, and fat levels in banana starch were higher than in corn starch. The high ash amount in banana starch could be due to the potassium content present in this fruit. Proximal analysis was similar between products prepared with banana starch and those based on corn starch. The available starch content of the banana starch preparation was 60% (dmb). The cookies had lower available starch than the starches while banana starch had lower susceptibility to the in vitro -amylolysis reaction. Banana starch and its products had higher resistant starch levels than those made with corn starch.  相似文献   

Single-use foam packaging is used by manufacturers to protect and preserve a wide array of food and industrial products. Starch is one possible alternative material for making foam products. Starch-based foam was made using a compression/explosion process to study its properties and potential for single-use packaging. A feedstock was first prepared which consisted of wheat (WS), corn (CS) or potato starch (PS) that was formed into aggregates (1–3 mm) and conditioned to moisture levels ranging from 8 to 20%. The conditioned aggregates were loaded in an aluminum compression mold heated to 230°C and compressed for 10 s with 3.5 MPa force. The force was instantaneously released resulting in an explosive release of steam as the starch feedstock expanded and filled the mold. The moisture content of the feedstock influenced the density and compressive properties of the foam. Wheat, corn and potato starch feedstock with 17, 17 and 14% moisture content, respectively, produced foam with some physical and mechanical properties similar to those of commercial food containers. The starch foam had the general shape of the mold and appeared similar to polystyrene. The microstructure of the foam revealed a cellular structure with mostly closed cells less than 1 mm in diameter. However, some regions of the foam had a microstructure similar to that of expanded polystyrene except that the cells were much smaller (<0.1 mm).  相似文献   

我国糯玉米育种及产业发展动态   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
糯玉米以美国研究和利用最多,主要用于淀粉加工和饲料,基本不作为鲜食玉米。我国糯玉米育种起步较晚,但发展迅速,在糯玉米种质创新、组配模式优化、新品种培育、品质改良等方面均具有中国特色,在一些方面具有全球领先优势。京科糯2000等系列品种的选育与推广极大地促进了我国糯玉米产业的整体发展。综述国内外糯玉米育种及产业发展现状、我国糯玉米育种创新点,为我国糯玉米产业在玉米调结构、转方式形势下如何进一步发展提出建议,以鲜果穗销售为主、加工为辅,加强甜加糯新类型品种的选育和推广,加强糯玉米秸秆有效利用,高端特色,打造品牌。  相似文献   

中早熟玉米品种淀粉积累规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黑龙江省东部淀粉加工企业常用的4个高淀粉中早熟玉米品种授粉后第18~63d时的淀粉含量进行分析。结果表明:中早熟玉米在授粉后第18~63d时的灌浆过程中,淀粉的积累呈上升趋势,而积累速率呈下降趋势。第18~23d淀粉积累速率最快,第28~48d增长速率较平稳。海玉8在第43d淀粉含量基本达到峰值,其余品种在第48d基本达到峰值。  相似文献   

Corn at 21% and 14·4% moisture was treated with two long-chain polyphosphates. The corn was wet milled using a laboratory batch steeping process soon after treatment and again after 6 months of cold storage. The phosphate content of the steep solutions, and the yields and approximate composition of the milled fractions, were determined. The steep solutions of the phosphate-treated corn were significantly higher in phosphate than those of the untreated corn, but the total solids contents of the steep solutions were not significantly different. Phosphate-treated corn had a lower starch yield than did untreated corn after 6 months of storage, but the purity of the starch was unaffected. The yields of the other products, in general, were not affected by phosphate treatment. The protein content of the gluten and fiber was greater than in phosphate-treated corn, and the oil content of the germ was lower when milled soon after treatment but not after 6 months of storage. When the phosphate treatment did affect the wet milled fractions, the effects were not dependent on the type or level of phosphate used, but were influenced in some cases by storage time.  相似文献   

高珍妮  王汉宁 《玉米科学》2007,15(4):086-088
对高直链淀粉玉米和普通玉米子粒发育过程中与淀粉合成相关酶活性的变化动态进行了比较研究。结果表明,高直链淀粉玉米子粒发育过程中,束缚态淀粉合成酶(GBSS)活性高于普通玉米,可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)和淀粉分支酶(SBE)活性低于普通玉米。高直链淀粉玉米总淀粉积累量少、直链淀粉比例大是SSS、GBSS和SBE综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

A technique for development of potato flour was standardized. Five products viz. cake, biscuit, weaning food, panjiri and ladoo were prepared incorporating potato flour, defatted soy flour and corn flour. Baking and roasting were the major processing techniques employed for the development of these products. Protein, ash and fat contents of potato flour were almost similar to those of raw potatoes. Significant differences in protein, ash and fat contents of all the products were observed. Protein and starch digestibility of potato flour was significantly higher than that of raw potatoes. Protein digestibility increased by 12 to 17 percent on baking or roasting of products. Processed products had significantly higher starch digestibility and mineral availability compared to raw products. Thus, it can be concluded that roasting and baking are effective means of improving starch and protein digestibility and mineral availability of products.  相似文献   

A 23 full-factorial study was designed to study the effect of corn preparation methods (flaking and grinding) on dry-grind ethanol performance using raw starch hydrolysis (RSH) process. Moisture content (15, 22%), flaker roller gapsetting (0.508 mm, 1.016 mm), and grinding were studied. Fifteen hundred g of corn samples were cracked, roller pressed, and were either ground further or retained, along with control ground corn. A bimodal size distribution was observed for ground corn, regardless of flaking. Moisture at 22% resulted in bigger-sized flakes with d50 between ∼1.3 and 1.8 mm, compared to ∼138–169 μm for ground corn. Not all ground corn resulted in higher ethanol concentration in fermentation beer; the ethanol levels in beer did not reflect the starch hydrolysis trend that favored ground corn. In a related study, the beer ethanol concentration did not show a clear trend with rollermill gapsetting while fermenting the flakes produced at 0.203, 0.305, 0.406, and 0.508 mm gapsettings. Generally, flakes from corn at 22% moisture resulted in higher ethanol content in beer. Rollermill flaking was found comparable to hammermill grinding for dry-grind corn ethanol via raw starch hydrolysis and yeast fermentation.  相似文献   

糯玉米淀粉的改性及其在轻工业中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
糯质玉米品质优良,柔软香甜,风味独特,营养丰富,是轻工业的上等原料;糯玉米淀粉或其变性淀粉在制糖、酿造、食品和粘合剂生产等方面均有广泛的应用前景,糯玉米是发展高产、优质、高效农业的重要经济作物之一。  相似文献   

By activating corn starch with acetic acid and using acetic anhydride as an esterifying agent, starch acetates with increasing degrees of substitution were obtained using microwave assistance when the amount of iodine varied from 0.5 to 1.75 mmol. The study of Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectra, X-ray diffraction pattern, thermal properties, granule morphology, water absorption and solubility, revealed important changes on the physical properties of the obtained products related to the increase of the iodine content. As shown by the scanning electron microscope (SEM), a specific structure on the granule surface was discerned for each amount of iodine. By its exo-corrosive action on starch, iodine indirectly induced loss of crystallinity, decrease of the glass transition and melting temperatures, and a progressive reduction in the water absorption and water solubility index of the modified products. Starch esters with better hydrophobicity and good processability for bio-based material applications were synthesized. Alternatively, the variation in the concentration of the iodine could also be of interest in special purposes, in which starch granules with controlled surface porosity are needed.  相似文献   

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