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古土壤形成于地质历史时期的地球表面,直接记录了其形成时地球陆地表层的环境信息.以四川盆地中生代古土壤为研究对象,通过古土壤的形态与微形态、矿物组成、颗粒组成以及地球化学等成土特征的观察与分析,开展土壤发生学特征概述与分类研究并探讨古土壤指示的环境意义.结果表明:(1)四川盆地中生代古土壤具有生物遗迹、成壤碳酸盐结核、土...  相似文献   

白垩纪钙质古土壤的发生学特征及古环境意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
古土壤形成于过去环境,是揭示环境变化历史的重要材料。新近纪(23.03 M a)以前形成的古土壤,年代久远、埋藏深、受成岩作用改造强烈,其发生学特征研究是古环境重建的基础。本文通过对白垩纪时期不同地点的钙质古土壤的发生学研究,拟恢复研究区域古环境。研究表明,古土壤剖面中的A层和B层形态分别产生变化,但层次差异依然明显,且表层土壤有机质含量一般高于表下层,钙积层(Bk)普遍发生并富含碳酸盐结核。可以观察到古土壤中方解石沿根孔淀积特征以及具滑擦面。钙质古土壤质地偏粗,为壤质砂土和砂质壤土。古土壤Bk层中的Ca、Mn、Sr相对富集,其余常量元素与Ba、Sc、Nb、Th、U、Cr、V、Co、N i等元素降低;δCe和δEu负异常以及相对富集重稀土元素。分别按照中国土壤分类系统和美国土壤系统分类两种分类体系进行了古土壤分类。由古土壤类型和特征可以推断白垩纪不同时期,在四川盆地梓潼—巴中地区、辽宁金岭寺—羊山盆地和松辽盆地出现过半湿润至半干旱的气候环境。  相似文献   

古土壤微形态分析是获取古人类活动信息的重要手段,通过研究文化遗址区古土壤微形态特征反映古人类活动和古环境日益成为国内外研究的热点。总结近年来国内外文化遗址区古土壤微形态分析在考古应用方面的研究进展,结果表明土壤微形态分析能够有效地反映古人类活动和古环境信息。提出了应系统建立文化遗址区古土壤微形态特征的诊断指标体系,进一步加强土壤学与考古学的结合,在此基础上建立文化遗址区不同古人类活动区对应的土壤微形态特征数字图像库,丰富文化遗址区古土壤研究方法,提高土壤微形态分析在考古学领域的研究精度和准确度。  相似文献   

甘肃天水地区中新世古土壤的微形态特征及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对甘肃天水地区中新世古土壤(孙家剖面的第17~20层古土壤、下山剖面的第79~82层古土壤)微形态、粒度、碳酸钙含量、Rb/Sr、CIW、磁化率和色度指标的综合分析,揭示出该区中新世古土壤发育强度普遍高于当地现代土壤,其中早中新世中晚期古土壤发育程度相对较弱,古土壤类型为森林-森林草原型褐土-碳酸盐褐土,成壤时期气候为湿润-半湿润,指示亚洲季风可能在早中新世中晚期已经出现,强度较弱,但仍高于现代当地季风强度;中中新世古土壤发育程度强,古土壤类型为森林淋溶型褐土至棕壤,成壤时期气候温暖湿润,说明中中新世夏季风可能已很强盛,并且明显高于现在当地季风强度。  相似文献   

在仰韶村遗址内分别选取受到古人类活动干扰的土壤剖面(简称文化剖面)和未受到古人类活动干扰的土壤剖面(简称自然剖面),通过两剖面的黏土矿物类型以及测年数据,还原该遗址全新世以来的气候变化,并对古人类活动内容进行了推测。根据自然剖面的黏土矿物类型判断,该遗址10~6.9 ka B. P.增温增湿至稳定,6.9~5.6 ka B. P.气候出现波动,总体向干旱转折,5.6~4 ka B. P.气候变为干冷,4 ka B. P.之后气候进一步变干冷。通过比较,受古人类活动干扰,黏土矿物类型变得简单,并在某一文化时期出现高岭石,推测古人类用黏粒含量高的土壤进行地面铺设,便于塑性和硬化以作为居住地面。  相似文献   

元谋盆地古红土的土壤发生学特征及古环境意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择元谋盆地不同发育年代形成的古红土,探讨了古红土的发生学特性。研究表明,在气候上更有利于早期形成的古红土发生强烈的风化淋溶作用,同时,晚期形成古红土气候湿热程度下降,成土时间也短,故土壤中硅淋溶较弱,铁铝富集程度不强。利用古红土发生学特性,可以推断出元谋盆地从晚新生代的湿热气候经暖干气候演化至现代的干热气候。  相似文献   

绰墩山遗址古水稻土的一些微生物学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在江苏绰墩山遗址考古发掘中,发现了在剖面不同深度埋藏的距今约6 500 a的史前古水稻田土层(100~200 cm)和距今约3 320 a的商周时期的古水稻田土层(42~100 cm)。本研究为了解古水稻土的生物学性状及其与现代水稻土的差别,以土壤剖面P-01(包含史前古水稻土和商周时期古水稻土)与P-03(仅含商周时期古水稻土)为对象,利用土壤厌氧培养、Biolog分析和广古生菌界16S rDNA的V3区的PCR-DGGE分析,初步研究了不同土层厌氧微生物多样性、产甲烷潜势以及产甲烷古菌群落多样性的变化。结果表明,史前古水稻土仍有较多厌氧微生物存活,可达7.0×105cfu g-1干土,并且其单一碳源利用能力和多样性也显著高于其湖相沉积母质和相同时期的非水稻土(黄土母质)。与现代水稻土相比,古水稻土仅存留了很微弱的产甲烷潜势。但史前古水稻土比同期非水稻土和商周时期古水稻土的产甲烷潜势较高。PCR-DGGE结果显示,水稻土层都有其区别于非水稻土层的产甲烷古菌群落结构,而现代水稻土、商周时期古水稻土和史前古水稻土也各有不同的优势产甲烷古菌种群,不同时期的水稻耕作方式是造成这种差异的可能的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

临汾地区的陶寺遗址是黄河中游地区发现的夏代之前的都邑性古城。通过对临汾地区和陶寺遗址区域自然环境条件的研究和分析,结合区域考古学文化的发展,探讨了陶寺古城的形成原因以及选址影响因素。研究表明:全新世中期至陶寺文化时期,临汾盆地由于较为暖湿的气候条件、良好的土地资源和水资源条件,区域内的新石器文化获得了持续发展。仰韶文化中晚期,我国中原地区及北方地区的新石器文化均获得了快速发展。临汾地区不仅处于这一文化发达区域的中心位置,而且地处我国中原核心地区同北方和东北地区文化交流的重要通道上,同时也是我国东西向文化交流的通道之一,由于这种优越的地理位置,临汾地区的区域文化优势地位逐渐显露出来。相当于龙山文化晚期的陶寺文化时期,相较其他中原核心地区,临汾地区受水患影响较小,区域文化的强势地位进一步凸显,因而成为都邑性古城兴起之地。陶寺文化时期,古城所在的黄土台地冲沟尚未下切,南河和宋村沟均为宽浅的沟谷型河流,高于平原地面的黄土台地既有利于设防又能有效规避水患,在塔儿山上游地区拥有较大汇水面积的南河和宋村沟又可以提供丰富稳定的水源,因而是营建古城的理想场所。  相似文献   

青海民和官亭盆地喇家遗址古耕作土壤层微形态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用Leica-DMRX偏光显微镜对喇家遗址剖面不同土壤发生层的薄片进行了观察和影像定量分析,旨在阐明青海民和官亭盆地喇家遗址古耕作土壤层和现代耕作土壤层的发育过程和微形态特征。齐家文化时期古耕作土壤层(Ah2/Ap4)的微形态特征主要表现为粗颗粒呈现圆状-次圆状,C/F15μm值呈现低值,排列显示弱定向,常见亚胶膜状和团聚状淀积黏土,大量的针状方解石微晶分布在孔隙边沿,孔隙度较高,主要是以圆形孔洞、囊孔占优势,孔隙壁光滑。辛店文化时期古耕作土壤层(Ah1/Ap3)与Ah2/Ap4层的主要微形态特征相似,只是C/F15μm值呈现相对高值,亚胶膜状和团聚状淀积黏土比例减少。相比于古耕作土壤层(Ah1/Ap3,Ah2/Ap4),现代耕作土壤层(Ap1)主要表现为粗颗粒呈现次棱角状-次圆状,含有大量浓聚物状残积黏土和极少量亚胶膜状淀积黏土,含有大量的针状方解石微晶,孔隙度较低,且C/F15μm值趋于升高。古耕作土壤层 Ah2/Ap4和 Ah1/Ap3皆为黑垆土,它们分别是在全新世中期大暖期的环境背景之下,齐家文化时期和辛店文化时期人类简单耕作和古生物气候条件下的产物。Ap1层为淡灰钙土,它是距今约1 500年以来人类施加土粪、农业耕作和沙尘暴堆积的综合产物,其特征主要受到人类活动强度和方式的控制。  相似文献   

古土壤蕴含着其形成时期的表生环境特征,是研究过去环境变化的重要地质记录。受长期埋藏与成岩作用影响,深时古土壤形态特征与现代土壤存在差别,但仍保留明显区别于相邻岩层的土壤发生学特征。土壤发生层、根系痕迹、新生体、微形态等特征有助于辨识古土壤,而古土壤元素地球化学、成壤碳酸盐C、O同位素等是判断古土壤发育强度和重建古环境与古气候的重要方法。深时古土壤记录了前寒武纪大气组成与生物演变、泥盆纪乔木出现、二叠纪末的气候突变、白垩纪大气CO2波动、早始新世的高热气候及晚新生代高原隆升等重要环境与气候变化事件,在地球表层系统的"深时研究计划"中发挥着重要作用。目前古土壤学在埋藏与成岩作用影响、环境替代指标、古环境重建模型、时间分辨率等方面有待深入研究。  相似文献   

Soil studies of ancient agricultural fields contribute to research on long-term human–environmental relationships and land use sustainability. This kind of research is especially applicable in desert landscapes of the American Southwest because: (1) soil formation is slow enough that cultivation effects persist for centuries to millennia; (2) many ancient fields in valley margins have remained uncultivated since they were abandoned, so long-term soil properties reflect ancient agricultural use; and (3) agricultural features (e.g., terraces, rock alignments and rock piles, and irrigation canals) provide clues for identifying and sampling ancient cultivated and uncultivated soils. Surficial remnants of these field systems persist and remain intact in many cases. Soil studies of ancient and modern American Indian agricultural systems across the Southwest indicate that soil changes are highly variable, ranging from degradation (e.g., organic matter/nutrient decline, compaction), to minimal net change, to enhanced soil quality. Soil changes caused by cultivation can be inferred by comparing soils in agricultural fields relative to reference uncultivated areas in similar landscape settings (that is, space-for-time substitution). Soil response trajectories vary for a number of reasons, such as variability in initial ecosystem conditions, diversity in agricultural methods, variability in the mix of crops and cropping intensity, and environmental sensitivity to alteration (varying resistance and resilience). Studies of rock mulch soils indicate enhanced fertility, with elevated organic carbon, nitrogen, and available phosphorus levels, increased infiltration rates and moisture retention, and no evidence of compaction. By contrast, cultivation effects vary widely for terraced soils. Although numerous studies have focused on irrigation canals, irrigated soils have received far less attention. Soil studies of irrigation systems along the Gila and Santa Cruz rivers of Arizona now underway will help fill this research gap.  相似文献   

选择在河南仰韶村文化遗址内,分别选取一个受到古人类活动干扰的土壤剖面(简称文化剖面)和没有受到古人类活动干扰的土壤剖面(简称自然剖面),通过分析和比较两个剖面中炭屑、各种氧化物含量和土壤发育指标数值,研究古人类活动对土壤发育的影响。研究结果显示,在古人类用火形成的灰烬层中,炭屑含量达到最大值2.38×105粒g-1,约为自然剖面最高值的12.35倍,这使得Si O2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、Mg O和Na2O含量相对减少,均达到最小值,而Ca O、Mn O含量达到最大值,表明古人类用火产生大量含Ca和Mn物质;而在古人类居住形成的文化层中,除Si O2几乎无变化外,其余物质均出现最大值或达到波峰,表明古人类居住活动有利于各种氧化物的富集。文化剖面发育指标数值总体高于自然剖面,在文化剖面内,文化层和灰烬层的上覆和下伏自然土层中各种元素物质含量基本相同,表明古人类活动阻碍了各种元素物质向下迁移和聚集,使下伏自然土层保持在一个相对封闭的环境中,由此推测古人类活动基本阻碍了土壤发育进程。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染场地土壤淋洗法修复研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
持久性有机污染场地土壤淋洗法是污染场地土壤物化修复方法中一种常用的技术。淋洗法是指运用特定淋洗剂对污染土壤进行深度洗涤,通过分离净化淋洗剂,实现回用集成,达到去除土壤中污染物的目的,并最终安全化处置污染物和修复土壤的过程。本文根据污染场地土壤处理位置、淋洗剂种类和淋洗剂施用方式的差异,将持久性有机污染场地土壤淋洗法划分为不同的种类;总结了为达到高效去除土壤中污染物质,可运用多级淋洗方式、超声方式、电动力方式和化学氧化等方式实现强化修复效率;阐述了污染场地土壤质地、污染物性质、淋洗剂性质、淋洗条件优化以及淋洗剂回用效率等因素对淋洗修复整体效用的显著影响;同时指出了目前持久性有机污染场地土壤淋洗法存在的问题和今后国内外研究和应用的方向。综合考虑土壤淋洗修复技术适用范围和成本因素,认为淋洗法是一种较符合我国持久性有机污染场地土壤实情的修复技术,具有较强的针对性和较广泛的运用前景。  相似文献   

Archaeologists often encounter problems in interpreting the genesis of layers and the context in which specific materials occur in excavations. Field visits of geologists, soil scientists or biologists can solve a number of questions, but often, problems remain that only can be studied by microscopic research as, for example, soil micromorphology and palynology. In the past, the employment of these two disciplines, one in earth science and one in biology, generally occurred independently of each other, also in interdisciplinary research and contract research. Consequently, results could not always be correlated, permitting only a restricted integration of data. It was realised that soils, as archives, contain much more information than generally utilised. A skillful employment and balancing of both specialties create a real integrated approach that offers a substantially improved interpretation potential without hardly additional efforts and costs. The results of 7 years of experience were very stimulating and presented here.In this article, the essence of soil micromorphology and palynology applied to archaeology is briefly outlined and illustrated by selected examples of the different research themes covered, showing the possibilities and results of integrated research. Both specialties generate essential information that, when combined and integrated properly, lead to improved understanding of the landscape genesis and human activities in the past. To be able to employ the full interpretive potential of this integrated approach, the research procedures followed by both specialties had to be compared. The key requirements for optimal integration of each other's databases comprised a combined effort to compare the pros and cons during the first four steps of the research procedure: defining research questions, field survey, selection of sampling locations and sampling. This approach enabled optimal correlation of the individual results, made cross-checking and references possible and led to higher levels of interpretation that would not have been possible otherwise. The integrated research elucidated lacunae in the other's discipline, resulting in a distinctly more complete reconstruction of paleoenvironments and past land uses, important research themes of archaeologists for the specialties concerned.  相似文献   

土壤蒸发及水热传输研究综述   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
孟春雷 《土壤通报》2007,38(2):374-378
土壤蒸发与水热传输是地表能量与水分平衡的重要组成部分。本文综述了几十年来土壤蒸发、水热传输以及土壤水力、热力特性基本理论及发展过程,并提出了今后进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

The primary aim of this paper is to determine the spatial distribution of soil surface properties using high and medium resolution imagery data. Identification of these properties is important for determining environmental conditions resulting from anthropogenic influences, and for identifying land degradation processes within the study area which is an archaeologically important region situated to the north of Aksum (northern Ethiopia). Site specific field data were used to identify and verify the spatial distribution of soil surface properties such as soil colour, texture, and organic matter content obtained with IKONOS and ASTER images. As a result, distribution maps present the preliminary associations between land cover and soil characteristics as well as the location of archaeological sites. For all Aksumite cultural phases, the general pattern of ancient settlement remained the same and is similar to that of today: residential structures were built on well drained, high relief terrain.  相似文献   

The thick loess–paleosol-sequences in Tadzhikistan, which indirectly record the environmental changes from the Upper Pliocene to the present-day, have been extensively described from a chronostratigraphical and archaeological point of view. The genesis of the soil-sedimentary complexes and their implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in Tadzhikistan, however, have been considered only relatively recently [Bronger, A., Winter, R., Derevjanko, O., Aldag, S., 1993. Loess–paleosol sequences in Tadjikistan as a palaeoclimatic record of the Quaternary in Central Asia. Quaternary Proceedings 4, 69–81; Lomov, S.P., Tursina, T.V., Zhou, L.P., 1996. Magnetic susceptibility of soils: Micromorphology and possible reconstructions of climate. In: Soil micromorphology. Studies in Soil Diversity, Diagnostics, Dynamics, 10th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology. Moscow, Russia, July 8–13, 1996, p. 145]. The pedocomplex of Last Interglacial and Early Glacial age (Oxygen Isotope Stage 5) in the Tagidjar and Darai Kalon sections near the town of Khovaling is represented by three major stages of soil formation. The soil characteristics have been micromorphologically analysed. The distinction between primary and secondary carbonates is of major importance to understand the soil forming processes. The relative distribution of needle fibre calcite (NFC), micritic infillings (M), hypocoatings (CHC), coarse calcitic grains (CCG) and calcified root cells (CRC) provides detailed insights into the environmental conditions prior, during and following pedogenesis. The abundance of coprolitic aggregates (CA) and pupal chambers gives a clear indication of the rate of biological activity which prevailed during the last two soil forming stages. Void pseudomorphs after gypsum crystals (gypsum pseudomorphs) are frequently observed beneath the Cca horizons of the paleosols. Using the present-day climate and soilscape as a reference base, the obtained pedosedimentary events detected in the Tadzhikistan sections provide a detailed palaeoenvironmental record. Indeed, glacial and interglacial climates and soils respond to contemporaneous climatic schemes and soil forming processes, which are still active in the region today. The amount and the seasonal variability of precipitation, mostly, are at the origin of the variable soils formed during glacial and interglacial ages.  相似文献   

“耕为农事之首”,“欲求足食之道,先明力耕之法”。我国古代就高度重视土壤耕作在农业增产中的重要作用,先民们在长期的农业生产实践中,积累了丰富的土壤耕作的经验,并把直观经验上升为土壤耕作理论和技术,本文以历史时代为线索,对我国古代土壤耕作理论和技术的产生和发展及其基本内容进行一些分析和探讨,以期对当今土壤耕作科学具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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