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Age-related changes in the histologic morphology of the Beagle dog prostate have been used as a model for similar changes that occur in human beings. Previous studies of the aging changes in Beagle dogs have been limited to animals less than 10 years of age. In this study, the prostate, testes, and serum testosterone levels were evaluated in healthy Beagle dogs that were grouped by age to provide five groups of dogs that ranged from 3 to 14 years of age. Tissue sections from the prostate and testes were examined qualitatively and quantitatively by light microscopy. All animals 6 years of age and older had histologic characteristics of complex benign prostatic hyperplasia. A mean statistically significant increase in prostatic weight with increased age was noted (mean value 1.08 +/- 0.22 g/kg body weight at 3 years of age, increasing to 2.64 +/- 0.37 g/kg body weight at 14 years of age). Morphometric analysis of the prostatic tissue suggested that similar to the change observed in human males, the increase in size was primarily due to an increase in the absolute volume of interstitial tissues (mean value 2.8 +/- 1.1 cm3 at 3 years of age, increasing to 7.4 +/- 1.3 cm3 at 14 years of age). The epithelial component did not contribute to the increase noted, with the exception that the percentage of glandular lumen did increase with age, indicating progressive cystic dilatation of the glands.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of parity and litter size on gestation length in beagle bitches. The mean duration of the initial elevation (>2 ng/mL) in progesterone concentrations after the onset of proestrus was shorter (P < 0.05) in bitches without (nulliparous) whelping experience than in bitches with (multiparous) whelping experience (6.9 d versus 8.0 d). When calculated as the interval between the day of initial elevation in progesterone concentrations and the day of whelping, the gestation length in the nulliparous bitches was noted to be similar to that in the multiparous bitches (64.3 d versus 64.2 d). No significant correlation between gestation length and litter size was observed in any of the bitches. Our results indicate that the gestation length in beagle bitches is not affected by parity or litter size.  相似文献   

The transgenic adenocarcinoma mouse prostate (TRAMP) model, designed for researching human prostatic cancer, was genetically engineered to harbor a transgene composed of the simian virus 40 Large-T/small-t antigen promoted by the rat probasin gene. In addition to prostatic neoplasms, the TRAMP mouse develops tumors in the seminal vesicles. This study was conducted to evaluate the pathology and histogenesis of TRAMP seminal vesicle neoplasms. Tissues of accessory sex organs harvested from 72 TRAMP mice of various ages (11-40 weeks of age) were fixed in neutral buffered formalin and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, desmin, 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU, treated animals only), and SV40 Large-T antigen (SV40-Tag). In the seminal vesicles, we found neoplastic stromal cells that emerged multicentrically just beneath the epithelium, densely packed between the epithelium and the smooth muscle layer. These stromal cells frequently exhibited mitotic figures and showed BrdU incorporation and SV40-Tag protein expression in the nuclei and immunopositivity for desmin. The proliferative mesenchymal cells were lined by cuboidal to columnar epithelium. Some of the larger papillary, polypoid lesions exhibited a phyllodes pattern resembling that seen in mixed epithelial-stromal tumors of the breast, prostate, and seminal vesicles of humans. Although the epithelium was negative for SV40-Tag and showed only occasional incorporation of BrdU, it clearly participated in the biphasic proliferation, forming papillary, cystic, and tubuloglandular structures. No conclusive evidence of malignancy (invasion or metastasis) was identified. Our recommended diagnosis of this lesion in the seminal vesicles is epithelial-stromal tumor.  相似文献   

Objectives : To estimate the prevalence and describe the extent and severity of periodontal disease and associated periodontal parameters in beagle dogs. Methods : A full‐mouth, site‐specific examination was performed in 98 beagle dogs. Focus was placed on clinical attachment loss, pocket depth and bleeding on probing. Results : The prevalence of clinical attachment loss greater than equal to 1 mm was 20 per cent in the one‐year‐old dogs, increasing to 84 per cent of the dogs aged more than three years. The number of sites affected with clinical attachment loss greater than equal to 1 mm showed a skewed distribution. The prevalence of clinical attachment loss greater than equal to 4 mm was only seven per cent. A probing pocket depth of 4+ mm was observed in 44 to 81 per cent of the dogs, depending on age. Also, the distribution of the number of deepened pockets/dog was skewed. The teeth most prone to clinical attachment loss greater than equal to 1 mm were the P2, the P3 and the P4 of the maxilla. The teeth most prone to pocket depth greater than equal to 4 mm were the maxillary canines. Clinical Significance : Periodontal disease in terms of clinical attachment loss greater than equal to 1 mm and pocket depth greater than equal to 4 mm is common in beagle dogs, but the major disease burden is carried by only a few dogs. The prevalence increases with increased age but is high already at the age of two years.  相似文献   

Our aim was to evaluate the influence of glucocorticoids on the adrenal gland using ultrasonography. Eleven healthy beagles were used in a prospective placebo-controlled study. All dogs received hydrocortisone at 10 mg/kg twice a day per os for 4 months or a gelatin capsule twice a day per os as a placebo. Clinical and endocrinologic examination of the dogs and ultrasonographic evaluation of adrenal echogenicity, shape, and measurement of the length and height of the cranial and caudal pole were performed at baseline (TO), at 1 (T1) and 4 months (T4) after the beginning of treatment, and 2 months after the end of the treatment including 1 month of tapering and 1 month without treatment (T6). The dogs were assigned randomly to the glucocorticoid (n = 6) and placebo groups (n = 5). At T1, the difference between the two groups for the height of the cranial and caudal pole was not ultrasonographically remarkable despite a statistically significant difference (P = 0.0165 and P = 0.0206). Decreased height and length of entire gland were observed at T4 (P < 0.0001, P = 0.0015, and P = 0.0035, respectively). Percentages of atrophy were variable between dogs. Both adrenal glands regained normal size and shape 1 month after cessation of glucocorticoid administration. As not all dogs developed marked adrenal gland atrophy and the degree of atrophy varied widely between individuals, ultrasonography cannot be the technique of choice to detect iatrogenic hypercortisolism. Ultrasonographic changes are reversible within 1 month after the end of glucocorticoid administration.  相似文献   

Total 78 semen samples were obtained from 27 Thoroughbred stallions (aged 6 to 27 years), and were subjected to quantification of lactoferrin (Lf) in seminal plasma and examination of the seminal properties. The seminal plasma Lf concentration varied from 21 to 689 microg/ml, with a mean value of 244 +/- 151 microg/ml (S.D.). The seminal plasma Lf concentration and total seminal plasma Lf positively correlated with the sperm concentration (r=0.5938, P<0.001) and with the total sperm number (r=0.6959, P<0.001), respectively. There was no correlation between seminal plasma Lf and sperm motility. These results suggest that seminal plasma Lf reflects gonadal function.  相似文献   

A noninvasive method for quantifying hydration status would be helpful for clinical management and for research applications in dogs. This prospective, experimental, pilot study aimed to assess the feasibility of ultrasonographic measurement of the caudal vena cava to aorta ratio as a method for quantifying volume depletion in dogs. In 12 normal beagle dogs, furosemide was administered intravenously at a dose of 1 mg/kg, every 2 h, for 8 h, to induce consecutive volume depletion. Every 30 min after administration, ultrasonographic images of the caudal vena cava and aorta, and physical and biological parameters related to dehydration were acquired. On transverse and longitudinal planes of caudal vena cava and aorta images, the height and area of the caudal vena cava and aorta were measured to calculate the caudal vena cava/aorta ratios. All images were acquired by approaching from the right intercostal space with the dogs in left lateral recumbency. A negative correlation was present between the percentage of weight loss in dogs and all four investigated caudal vena cava/aorta ratios (transverse plane width of the caudal vena cava [TW]/aorta; transverse plane height of caudal vena cava [TH]/aorta; longitudinal plane area of the caudal vena cava [TA]/aorta; and longitudinal plane maximal height of the caudal vena cava [L]/aorta). Significant differences (P < 0.001) were seen between dogs with and without clinical signs of dehydration for all caudal vena cava/aorta ratios. Findings indicated that ultrasonographic caudal vena cava/aorta ratios are feasible methods for quantifying volume depletion and for use as an adjunct to standard subjective methods for estimating hydration status in dogs.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to establish the ranges of prostate dimensions, weight and volume in mature normal dogs and thus provide information which would allow differentiation from normality of size changes associated with disease. The study was performed on 154 healthy adult male entire dogs. Each prostate was imaged ultrasonographically and standard longitudinal and transverse sections were obtained. Prostate length (L), depth on longitudinal (DL) and transverse sections (DT) and width (W) were measured. Prostatic volume and weight were estimated according to formulae derived previously. There were statistically significant correlations between bodyweight or age and L, DL, DT and W. There were also significant correlations between estimated prostatic weight or volume and bodyweight, age, L, DL, DT and W. Formulae were derived to express the relationships between prostate size (weight or volume) and age or bodyweight.  相似文献   

Hemicastration of five beagle dogs had no effect on their libido, and in four dogs the total seminal volume and sperm concentration of the second fraction was unchanged; sperm output immediately fell in these four animals. Plasma testosterone concentrations in the peripheral circulation were largely unaffected by hemicastration but following complete castration the value fell rapidly and remained low. The first ejaculates, collected 5 days after complete castration, were aspermic. There was no evidence of compensatory changes in the histological structure in those testes which were removed 41 to 44 days after the first gonad. Evidence of the maturation of spermatozoa with migration and subsequent detachment of the cytoplasmic droplet was observed in stained smears of epididymal semen.  相似文献   

The plaque flora was studied in adult mongrel and beagle dogs with periodontal disease. Gingival plaque from maxillary premolars was removed and cultured on various growth media. The flora in all dogs was composed of mostly anaerobic gram negative rods. Bacteroides asaccharolyticus was found in the highest proportion of plaque samples from mongrel dogs, and decomposed hydrogen peroxide suggesting catalase activity. Fusobacterium nucleatum was found in higher proportion in the plaque of beagle dogs as compared to B. asaccharolyticus. With the increasing numbers of obligative anaerobic gram negative organisms such as B. asaccharolyticus, the proportions of Streptococcus, Enterococcus and Staphylococcus decreased in the dogs with periodontal disease. The salivary flora was different from the plaque flora of the dogs with periodontal disease. It was constant regardless with the disease. The salivary flora of beagle dogs with the healthy gingiva was different from that of mongrel dogs. Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Eubacterium and black-pigmented Bacteroides (BPB, mainly B. asaccharolyticus) were higher proportion in the flora of beagle dogs as compared to mongrel dogs, while Fusobacterium, Enterobacteriaceae, yeast and molds were lower in the flora. The results reveal that B. asaccharolyticus and F. nucleatum are common pathogens and uniquely contribute to the development of gingival inflammation in dog.  相似文献   

赵家明 《中国蜂业》2006,57(10):29-30
前列腺疾病是男性一种常见疾病,特别是中老年的发病率更高,达50%~70%。这种疾病的临床表现为尿频、尿多、尿急、尿痛、尿血、尿不尽、尿等待、尿道酸痛、四肢无力、性功能障碍等多种不良症状,患者除了生理上的不便,还有精神上的痛苦。目前治疗前列腺疾病的方法较多,如生物导融疗法、核技术电子粒刀、中医调理、西医激素类药物治疗等。虽然方法多种多样,各有千秋,都有一定疗效,但仍有许多不尽人意之处。比如采用中药理疗,很多人认为是肾虚而用滋补的方法,如果是前列腺炎引起性功能障碍,这无疑是火上浇油;采用抗生素类药物治疗,如服用阿奇霉素、罗红霉素、诺氟沙星等,使用不当或长期使用容易产生副作用。国内外众多的研究成果和患者的亲身体会表明,单一使用蜂王浆、蜂花粉、蜂胶或蜂蜜防治前列腺疾病均有良好的治疗效果,如果再相互配伍,效果更佳。日本、美国、德国、瑞典以及我国的研究证明,蜂产品对前列腺疾病治疗效果显著、见效快、治愈率达80%左右,  相似文献   

Although the release of growth hormone (GH) is known to be regulated mainly by GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SRIF) secreted from the hypothalamus, ghrelin also may be involved in GH release during juvenile period. We have examined plasma concentrations of acylated ghrelin, desacyl ghrelin, and GH in juvenile beagle dogs. Plasma acylated and desacyl ghrelin levels changed through aging; however, there was no closely correlation between ghrelin, body weight and circulating GH levels during juvenile period. The increase in body weight was essentially linear until 8 months of age, whereas plasma GH concentrations exhibited bimodal peaks for the meanwhile. The results suggest that ghrelin may not play internal cueing in GH secretion in juvenile beagle dogs.  相似文献   

丙泊酚是兽医临床上常用的一种短效麻醉药或镇静药。本试验基于胸部DR和超声心动图检查,结合心电图描记及血压测量,探究临床推荐镇静剂量的丙泊酚对比格犬心脏形态及左心室功能的影响。对8只成年比格犬以2.5mg/kg、0.4mg/s经静脉泵注丙泊酚,分别在给药前及给药后0,5,10,20和30 min拍摄背腹位(DV)、腹背位(VD)、左侧卧位(LL)和右侧卧位(RL)共4个体位胸部DR片,采用超声心动图法测量给药前、后左心室功能相关参数,实时描记心电图并监测血压。结果显示,通过胸部DR测量出比格犬椎体心脏比分(vertebral heart score,VHS)在LL(9.7±0.2)和RL(9.8±0.3)时差异不显著(P0.05)。与给药前相比,给药后比格犬心脏短轴和VHS在10,20和30min显著减少(P0.01);心胸宽比在20,30 min显著减小(P0.01或P0.05);左心室舒张末期容积(EDV)、每搏输出量(SV)、缩短分数(FS)和射血分数(EF)均显著下降(P0.01或P0.05)。试验表明临床推荐镇静剂量的丙泊酚可引起成年比格犬心脏形态显著改变,左心室功能显著降低。  相似文献   

A case of right renal agenesis in a beagle, of interest because of the age of the dog at the time of diagnosis, is described. Physical, haematological, biochemical and urinary examinations, including measurement of endogenous creatinine clearance, were performed to assess renal function. Survey radiography, excretory urography, ultrasonography, computed tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance examinations were also used to confirm the absence of a kidney. The effect of kidney agenesis on renal function, evaluated on the basis of endogenous creatinine clearance, is discussed together with the benefits of the various imaging techniques to enable in vivo detection of renal abnormalities.  相似文献   

Cranium and brainstem dimensions were measured in 32 postmortem dog heads. Positive correlations were found between cranium length (CL) and brainstem length (BL) (r = 0.87), between cranium width (CW) and brainstem width (BW) (r = 0.83), and between cranium distance (CD = CL+CW/2) and brainstem distance (BD = BL+BW/2) (r = 0.91). Positive correlation coefficients were also found between CL and CW (r = 0.90), and between BL and BW (r = 0.85). It was concluded that head size accurately reflected brainstem size. A least squares estimation of the brainstem distance (BD) from CL and CW values was BD = 10.9 + 0.16 (CL+CW/2) (BD, CL and CW in mm). Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and cranium dimensions were measured in 43 dogs (86 ears) with different head size, body size, sex and age. Wave form, absolute and interpeak latencies and correlation coefficients, relating latencies to cranium dimensions and body weight, were analysed. CL, CW, and CD were positively correlated with body weight (r = 0.93, 0.70 and 0.93, respectively), and CL, CW, and CD were correlated with age (r = 0.33, 0.52, and 0.40, respectively). BAEPs consisted of five distinct positive peaks (I to V). Secondary positive peaks following peaks I and II were seen in 60% (I') and 90% (II') of the recordings. Late waves were recorded in 90% (VI), 50% (VII), and 25% (VIII) of the recordings. Latencies increased with decreasing stimulus intensity level (from 90 dB to 10 dB hearing level, HL), especially for peaks I, II, V, and the I-V interpeak interval.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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