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The treatment of ketosis with glycerol and propylene glycol   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Enrofloxacin was administered orally to 6 healthy dogs at dosages of approximately 2.75, 5.5, and 11 mg/kg of body weight, every 12 hours for 4 days, with a 4-week interval between dosage regimens. Serum and tissue cage fluid (TCF) concentrations of enrofloxacin were measured after the first and seventh treatments. The mean peak serum concentration occurred between 1 and 2.5 hours after dosing. Peak serum concentrations increased with increases in dosage. For each dosage regimen, there was an accumulation of enrofloxacin between the first and seventh treatment, as demonstrated by a significant (P = 0.001) increase in peak serum concentrations. The serum elimination half-life increased from 3.39 hours for the 2.75 mg/kg dosage to 4.94 hours for the 11 mg/kg dosage. Enrofloxacin accumulated slowly into TCF, with peak concentrations being approximately 58% of those of serum. The time of peak TCF concentrations occurred between 3.8 hours and 5.9 hours after drug administration, depending on the dosage and whether it was after single or multiple administrations. Compared with serum concentrations (area under the curve TCF/area under the curve serum), the percentage of enrofloxacin penetration into TCF was 85% at a dosage of 2.75 mg/kg, 83% at a dosage of 5.5 mg/kg, and 88% at a dosage of 11 mg/kg. All 3 dosage regimens of enrofloxacin induced continuous serum and TCF concentrations greater than the minimal concentration required to inhibit 90% (MIC90) of the aerobic and facultative anaerobic clinical isolates tested, except Pseudomonas aeruginosa.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective was to identify a fat-to-protein ratio (FPR) cut-off to diagnose subclinical ketosis (SCK) and to evaluate the effect of propylene glycol (PPG) treatment of cows with high FPR. The optimized cut-off was > 1.42; sensitivity (Se) = 92%; specificity (Sp) = 65%. A cut-off > 1.5 was selected for the PPG trial for balanced Se-Sp. Fat-to-protein ratio cut-offs > 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.60, and 1.70 resulted in Se-Sp of 100% to 49%, 96% to 59%, 75% to 78%, 33% to 90%, and 8% to 96%, respectively. The proportions of cows with FPR > 1.25, 1.35, 1.42, 1.50, 1.60, and 1.70 were 60%, 50%, 44%, 30%, 14%, and 6%, respectively. Incidences of clinical ketosis and milk yield were similar between cows that received 400 mL of PPG (n = 34) and control cows (n = 38). Prevalence of SCK at enrollment was 29.2%; therefore, FPR > 1.5 is not indicated for treatment. Lower cut-offs should be used for screening.  相似文献   

用 8头荷斯坦黑白花奶牛 ,在饲粮中添加过瘤胃蛋白和丙二醇 ,研究其对乳牛瘤胃发酵、产乳量及乳成分的影响。结果表明 ,过瘤胃蛋白+丙二醇可显著提高丙酸浓度 (P <0 0 5) ,并且产乳量较对照组有增加的趋势。乳脂率、乳蛋白率、乳糖率及无脂固形物率 ,并未因添加过瘤胃蛋白和丙二醇而受到显著影响 (P >0 0 5)。乳蛋白质量、乳脂量及无脂固形物量 ,过瘤胃蛋白 +丙二醇组较对照组有增加的趋势 ,但差异均不显著 (P >0 0 5)。  相似文献   

Eight lactating Holstein cows were divided into two groups ( n  = 4) and used in a double reversal trial with three periods of 14 days each, to evaluate diets containing propylene glycol (PG) and ruminally undegradable protein (RUP) blend on milk yield and composition, ruminal fermentation and blood metabolism. The control diet contained 20% chopped Sudangrass hay, 20% cubed alfalfa hay, 12% corn silage, and 48% of the respective concentrate mixtures (dry matter basis). The experimental diet (PG + RUP) partially replaced the concentrate mixture from the control diet with 1.4% PG and 2.1% RUP. Both diets contained about 16% crude protein and 71% total digestible nutrients. Dry matter intake was similar between the two diets. Daily production of milk, milk lactose and milk solids-not-fat increased by 9.0%, 11.3% and 9.3%, respectively ( P  < 0.1), for cows fed diets with PG + RUP; milk composition was unchanged. Although the concentration of ruminal total volatile fatty acids was unchanged, the proportion of propionic acid increased, and the proportion of acetic acid decreased with PG + RUP. The concentration of ruminal ammonia nitrogen and number of ciliate protozoa was not significantly affected by PG + RUP. The concentration of glucose in blood plasma increased, the concentration of urea nitrogen was unaffected, and the concentration of some essential free amino acids decreased with PG + RUP. It is suggested that these changes might be caused predominantly by PG, and the addition of PG may exert a favorable effect on milk production through increased metabolism.  相似文献   

This study investigated the fate of glycerol entering the rumen, in particular whether glycerol could be absorbed across the rumen epithelium. Three non‐lactating rumen‐fistulated cows were used to calculate the overall disappearance rate of glycerol in vivo and evaluate the rate of ruminal glycerol absorption. Rumen epithelial tissues isolated from sheep were used to characterise glycerol transport properties. The rate of rumen microbial degradation of glycerol was then studied in an in vitro system under anaerobic and thermo‐regulated conditions. The results showed that glycerol can be absorbed from the rumen in significant amounts. The fractional rate of absorption of glycerol was not affected by variations in glycerol concentration in the buffer solution in the in vivo study. The glycerol absorption apparently occurred largely by passive diffusion and was probably not facilitated by carriers. Glycerol also disappeared via microbial digestion and outflow from the rumen through the omasal orifice.  相似文献   

本试验旨在探讨高精料日粮下添加阿卡波糖对奶牛瘤胃和后肠发酵的影响。试验选用3头干奶期荷斯坦奶牛,采用3×3拉丁方试验设计,阿卡波糖添加剂量为0,0.5和1.0 g/d,试验分3期进行,每期21 d。结果表明,与对照组比较,添加阿卡波糖显著降低了奶牛瘤胃液中丙酸浓度(P<0.05),提高了乙丙比(P<0.05),但对瘤胃pH值、乳酸、乙酸、异丁酸、丁酸、异戊酸、戊酸、总挥发性脂肪酸和氨氮浓度无显著影响(P>0.05);与对照组比较,添加阿卡波糖显著降低了粪便pH值和氨氮浓度(P<0.05),提高了乳酸、丁酸和异戊酸浓度(P<0.05),但对乙酸、丙酸、异丁酸、戊酸、总挥发性脂肪酸和乙丙比无显著影响(P>0.05)。结果说明,高精料日粮下长期添加阿卡波糖虽可影响瘤胃液中个别挥发性脂肪酸的浓度,但对瘤胃整体发酵和瘤胃pH值无显著影响,此外,添加阿卡波糖可增加后肠发酵,并可能对后肠健康带来潜在危害。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to measure the flow of microbial and nonmicrobial N fractions entering the omasal canal of lactating dairy cows fed grass-red clover silage supplemented with barley and rapeseed meal. Four ruminally cannulated Finnish Ayrshire dairy cows were fed, in a 4 x 4 Latin square design, grass-red clover silage alone or supplemented with (on DM basis) 5.1 kg/d of barley, 1.9 kg/d of rape-seed meal or 5.1 kg/d of barley and 1.9 kg/d rapeseed meal. Nonammonia N flow entering the omasal canal was fractionated into microbial and nonmicrobial N using 15N. Microbial N was fractionated into N associated with liquid-associated bacteria, particle-associated bacteria, and protozoa. Supplementation of diets with barley increased microbial N flow entering the omasal canal (P < 0.01) but had no effect on nonmicrobial N flow. Increased microbial N flow was attributed to liquid-associated bacteria and protozoa. Barley had no effect on apparent ruminal N degradability, but increased true ruminal N degradability (P < 0.01). Barley had no effect on urinary N excretion, but increased daily N retention (P = 0.03). Furthermore, barley supplementation decreased ruminal (P = 0.02) and total tract (P < 0.01) NDF digestibility. Supplementation of diets with rapeseed meal increased apparent ruminal N degradability (P < 0.01) and nonmicrobial N flow entering the omasal canal (P < 0.01), but had no effect on true ruminal N degradability. Despite higher N excretion in urine, rapeseed meal improved daily N retention (P < 0.01). Milk yield was increased (P < 0.01) by barley and rapeseed meal supplements, with the responses being additive. Responses attained with barley were primarily due to increased energy supply for ruminal microbes and improvements in energy and protein supply for the animal. However, provision of readily digestible carbohydrates in barley did not improve microbial capture of ruminal ammonia. Benefits associated with rapeseed meal supplementation were explained as an increase in the supply of ruminally undegradable protein.  相似文献   

The study set out to examine the effects of supplementing grass silage with various levels of protein concentration and degradability on dietary nitrogen (N) excretion in lactating dairy cows consuming at least 60% forage. Six Holstein/Friesian cows in early to midlactation were offered six diets comprising two levels of crude protein (210 and 290 g/kg DM) and three levels of protein degradability in the concentrate achieved using different amounts of untreated or formaldehyde-treated soybean meal. Despite a difference of almost 100 g/d in N intake, apparent fecal and milk N outputs were not significantly affected. Protein degradability also had no effect on N outputs in feces and milk. However, there was a major effect of both level and degradability of CP on urinary N output. Moreover, an interaction between level and degradability of CP was detected, such that the rate at which urinary N increases with increasing CP degradability was higher on the high-CP than on the low-CP diet. A low level of protein (150 g/kg DM in the diet) and medium to low rumen-degradable protein supplements provided a significant reduction in N excretion without compromising lactational performance (mean 24.8 kg/d), in terms of both milk yield and composition. This study also demonstrated that a high efficiency of N utilization could be achieved on low-CP diets (supplying less than 400 g N/d), with feces being the main route of N excretion, whereas an exponential excretion of urinary N was observed as N intake exceeded 400 g N/d.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the effect that various isoenergetic diets, containing different quantities of soluble carbohydrate and fiber and different types of starch, have on nitrogen (N) balances. Six lactating dairy cows in early to midlactation consuming grass silage diets with not less than 600 g/kg total DMI as forage were used in the experiment. Four concentrates were prepared that had higher amounts of either fiber, soluble sugars, corn (low degradable starch source), or barley (high degradable starch source). Overall N utilization by the cows was poor, rarely exceeding 0.30 g milk N/g of dietary N intake. Fecal N outputs accounted for more than half of total N excreted in all treatments except for diets supplemented with high degradable starch, in which urinary N excretion was significantly higher compared with the other treatments. Milk yield was unaffected by concentrate type, averaging 19.9 kg/d, but milk protein content decreased from 32.9 for starch-based diets to 30.9 and 30.0 g/kg for the soluble sugar- and fiber-based diets, respectively. The efficiency of N utilization improved in the low degradable starch treatment, which had lower N excretion (65%) and higher protein concentration in milk. Furthermore, feeding cows corn-based concentrates reduced urinary N excretion by almost 30% compared with barley-based concentrates; therefore, feeding corn-based diets is recommended for the reduction of nitrogen pollution in lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Fifty primiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows were used in 2×2 factorial study. The factors were the protein-feeding strategy: constant (cCP) or variable (vCP) protein content in concentrate during lactation and the use of a commercial health product from 2 weeks pre- to 8 weeks postpartum. On treatment cCP, the CP content of the concentrate was 180 g/kg in dry matter (DM) throughout the lactation, and on vCP treatment, the CP content was 210, 180 and 150 g/kg DM during lactation days 0-100, 101-200 and 201-305, respectively. The concentrate blends included barley, oats, rapeseed meal, molassed sugar beet pulp and minerals and vitamins. Grass silage and ensiled wet sugar beet pulp (100 g/kg DM in TMR) were used as forage. The forage-to-concentrate ratio in TMR was 55:45 on both treatments. The experimental period was 305 days of the first lactation.The average daily milk yield (cCP: 26.3 kg/day vs. vCP: 27.5 kg/day) was higher (P<0.05) when feeding concentrate with decreasing protein content, but the effect was not seen in an energy-corrected milk (cCP: 28.1 kg/day vs. vCP: 29.0 kg/day). Milk composition was not affected by the protein-feeding strategy. Protein-feeding strategy had no effect on DM intake (cCP: 18.5 kg/day vs. vCP: 18.9 kg/day). The efficiency of CP utilization (milk protein/CP intake) was higher (0.327 vs. 0.301; P<0.05) on vCP treatment during the last 100 days of lactation, but during the first 200 days of lactation, no significant difference was found. The average efficiency of CP utilization throughout the lactation was 0.32 with no difference between treatments. The protein-feeding strategy had no effect on the development of body condition scores of the cows. In mid-lactation, the cows on cCP treatment gained more weight than the cows on vCP treatment. The health product had no significant effect on production or feed intake. The results suggest that only small benefits can be obtained from feeding TMR to primiparous cows differing in CP content at various stages of lactation.  相似文献   

Single or chronic daily (30 d) doses of 14C-aniline (an aromatic amine) were administered to dairy cattle, swine and laying pullets to determine the amount of an ingested synfuel-related chemical that would remain in consumable animal products. The 14C-residues were found in muscle, liver, other edible organs and fat, as well as in milk and eggs. The predominant site of deposition in acute- and chronic-exposed pullets was kidney, followed by internal yolk (immature ovum of ovary) and then liver. Egg yolk was the major site of 14C-radioactivity in whole eggs. Liver, then kidney, were the major sites of deposition in acutely exposed swine; when chronically exposed, only liver showed preferential deposition with other tissues surveyed yielding similar concentration values. Dairy cattle yielded tissue distribution patterns similar to chronic swine. Within 8 h after an acute exposure, 14C-residue was detected in milk which reached its maximum at 24 to 32 h. Our data demonstrate that derived concentration values of 14C-residue in tissues was dependent upon the species studied as well as on the mode of exposure, acute versus chronic. Although the concentration values were variable, sufficient amounts of 14C-aniline and (or) its metabolites were found in consumable products.  相似文献   

Although it is widely believed that ethylene glycol-based antifreeze (AF) is an attractive tastant to dogs and other animals, empirical data on this point are not available. In experiment 1, we examined the propensity of 178 adult mixed-breed dogs to approach, sniff, and lick a concentration of AF commonly used in automotive cooling systems (50%). Despite the fact that most of the dogs approached and sniffed the AF in these 5-minute tests, only 9% initiated lick responses and most of these were brief and not followed by additional licking. In experiment 2, the lick responses of five gastric-cannulated dogs to aqueous solutions of 20% sucrose, 50% ethylene glycol, 50% propylene glycol, water, and 50% AF were examined in 14-minute tests before and after periods of food and water deprivation. Under the latter conditions, 2 of the 5 dogs drank amounts of ethylene glycol that would have been lethal to uncannulated dogs. None of the five dogs drank potentially lethal amounts of AF. The preference order for these tastants was sucrose greater than water greater than ethylene glycol greater than AF = propylene glycol. Although these findings question the general belief that AF is highly palatable to most dogs, they do imply that large individual differences in responsiveness exist and that AF ingestion is likely influenced by motivational state. Furthermore, they suggest the possibility that unpleasant-tasting additives could be successfully developed to eliminate the ingestion of AF, because the initial attractiveness of AF is relatively low. Such additives would have to be stable in vehicular cooling systems and not adversely affect the functional aspects of AF performance.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine whether the administration of atropine, scopolamine or xylazine to cows before the administration of a magnet orally would help to position it in the reticulum. The transit time of the magnet through the oesophagus was also measured. Sixty Swiss Braunvieh cows were examined by radiography and ultrasonography to locate the reticulum. They were then divided into six groups of 10. Before the administration of the magnet, a control group received 4 ml saline solution subcutaneously, one group received 0.10 mg/kg of atropine subcutaneously, a second received 0.05 mg/kg of atropine intravenously, a third received 0.15 mg/kg of scopolamine intravenously, a fourth group received 0.02 mg/kg of xylazine intravenously, and the cows in the fifth group were positioned so that their forelimbs were 30 cm lower than their hindlimbs during the administration of the magnet. The passage of the magnet through the oesophagus was timed with a stopwatch and monitored with a compass. In the control group the magnet passed through in less than 60 seconds, but in four of the cows receiving either atropine or xylazine intravenously, or having their forelimbs positioned lower than their hindlimbs, it took longer than 60 seconds. In the cows receiving atropine subcutaneously or scopolamine intravenously, it took the same time as in the control group. All the cows were radiographed one-and-a-half hours after the administration of the magnet to determine its location. In seven of the 10 cows in the control group, the magnet was located in the reticulum, but in the other three it was in the cranial dorsal blind sac of the rumen. In the other five groups the magnet was located in the reticulum of between four and seven of the 10 cows, but in the cranial dorsal sac of the rumen, the rumen or in other sites in the other cows.  相似文献   

Endometrial biopsies were taken for histological assessment from 97 cows which calved in a commercial dairy herd between April and August 1984. Sixty-two cows were biopsied at both day 26 and 40 postpartum, 23 cows at only day 26, and 12 at day 40 only. Subjective and quantitative histological criteria were assessed. Ninety-five percent of biopsies were adequate for at least subjective assessment. The distribution of criteria within each horn-day category, as well as combined readings by day and by gravid or nongravid horn were computed and significant differences noted. There was more severe inflammation and more segmented cells at day 26 than 40 postpartum, and in the gravid compared to the nongravid horn. The distribution patterns for the criteria examined provide an overview of histological characteristics in this group of postpartum cows.  相似文献   

The in vivo interaction of sulphadimidine (SDM) with nitrite and nitrate has been investigated in pigs. It was shown that the combined oral treatment with SDM and nitrite but not nitrate leads to the formation of a deaminated compound, which becomes the major metabolite in plasma soon after cessation of the treatment. The major in vitro reaction product, 1,3-di(4-[N(4,6-dimethyl-2-pyrimidinyl)]-sulphamoylphenyl)-triazen e, DDPSPT as has been reported previously, could not be detected in blood, urine or faeces of the exposed animals. No effect of nitrite or nitrate could be observed on the acetylation of SDM.  相似文献   

利用16SrDNA结合PCR-DGGE技术分析比较了产后45d健康奶牛和患子宫内膜炎奶牛阴道内细菌群落多样性及其差异,并通过切胶、克隆测序等步骤分析了奶牛阴道细菌种类。研究结果表明,患病奶牛DGGE图谱的条带数量、多样性指数均显著高于健康奶牛;健康奶牛阴道优势菌主要有清酒乳杆菌(Lactobacillus sakei subsp.)、魏斯杆菌(Weissella koreensis sp.)和地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis),而患病组奶牛阴道内此3种优势菌含量显著降低或缺失,且也无其他明显优势菌存在;从健康和患病奶牛阴道内均分离出脆弱拟杆菌(Bacteroides fragilis)、溃疡拟杆菌(Bacteroides helcogenes)、无乳支原体(Mycoplasma agalactiae)、普氏菌(Prevotella dentalis)、产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens str.)和肠球菌(Enterococcus hirae)等常见病原微生物,在患病奶牛阴道内分离出大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli str.K-12 substr.)、梭杆菌(Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp.)等特定致病菌。研究结果提示,子宫内膜炎奶牛阴道内菌群结构比健康奶牛更为复杂,且无优势菌,阴道菌群结构失衡可能是奶牛发生子宫内膜炎的原因。  相似文献   

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