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This investigation was conducted during two successive seasons (2014/2015) and (2015/2016) using 15?years old productive mango (Mangifera indica) trees cv. Zebda. The trees were grown at AlMalak Valley Farm, El-Sharkeya Governorate- Egypt (30–51° North; 32–53° East). Trees were planted 8?×?8 meter within and between rows in sandy soil under drip irrigation system using the Nile water. The objective of this study is to alleviate alternate bearing in cv. Zebda using mineral nutrients (nitrogen in the on year and boron in the off year). Treatments included three concentrations of nitrogen (1000, 1250, 1500?g/tree/year) and three concentrations of boron (0.0, 250, 500?mg L?1). Nitrogen was applied to the soil as ammonium sulfate and boron was applied as foliar spray of boric acid. The extra amount of nitrogen fertilizer (250 and 500?g N/tree) was applied at three installments in (May, June and July). Treatment was arranged in a factorial Completely Randomized Block Design with three replicates for each treatment. Results show that the on-year nitrogen fertilization significantly increased mango tree vegetative growth (number of shoot/branch, shoot length, shoot thickness, number of leaves/meter and leaf area) and yield. The average yield in the on year is 85.5?kg/tree at 1250?g N/tree but 67.4?Kilogram/tree at 1000?g N/tree (the control treatment). While in the off year boron foliar application resulted in a significant increase in flowering, initial fruit set, final fruit set and fruit yield. The average yield in the off year is 47?kg/tree at 250?mg L?1 boron but 9?kg/tree at 0.0?mg L?1 boron rate (the control treatment).The interaction treatment of 250?mg L?1 boron + 1500?g nitrogen/tree is the best treatment as it resulted in the highest values for all the tested parameters. The average yield of this treatment is 53.5?kg/tree. This treatment helps alleviate alternate bearing phenomenon by 41% and obtain the highest economic yield in the off-year, i.e. increased yield by 5.9 fold.  相似文献   

Information about the nutritional status of a plant is a basic prerequisite for its adequate nutrition and is crucial to achieve high-yield productivity. Assessing the annual amount of nutrient that a tree needs to absorb in order to successfully complete a vegetative and reproductive growth is a fundamental step for developing rational fertilization in orchards. We are unaware of any report describing macro- and micronutrient dynamics in fruit at different growth stages of mango. Seven cultivars of mango (Dashehari, Langra, Mahmood Bahar, Menka, Sabri, Sundar Langra and Zardalu) were selected for the study. Different macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium (N,P, K, Ca, and Mg) and micronutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc and copper (Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu) were analyzed at four growth stages, namelymarble stage, prestone formation stage, stone hardening stage and harvest stage. There was a significant variation in nutrient content of fruits throughout the developmental stages irrespective of cultivars. There was no definite trend of nutrient variation among cultivars but in general, most of the nutrients like N, P, K, Mg, Mn, Zn, and Cu were the highest at the marble stage, and Ca and Fe at the stone hardening stage.  相似文献   

In the recent past, biochar and crop residues have attracted lots of attention as a viable strategy for maintaining soil health. This paper evaluates the comparative effect of two different doses (equivalent to 2 and 5 t C ha?1) of each of pine needle and Lantana biochar (PBC and LBC), wheat residue and lentil residue (WR and LR) on soil biological properties, nutrient availability and yield of rice and wheat in pot culture. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) revealed higher C content of biochar than crop residues. Evaluation of biochemical quality reflected high recalcitrance indices of C and N for both PBC and LBC. Application of LBC and PBC increased the wheat grain yield significantly by 6.2%–24.2% over control. Both PBC and LBC significantly increased N and P uptakes in grain over the control and crop residues. Both biochars recorded a significant decrease of 33.9 and 71,7% in β-glucosidase activity in comparison to control at termination of study. PBC and LBC also resulted in more soil available N, P and K in soil at different intervals. The geometric mean of enzyme activities (GMea) reflected improved soil quality by PBC and LR and reduction by LBC application.  相似文献   

Plastic film mulching has commonly been used for adaptation to water scarcity and for increasing agricultural productivity on the semiarid Loess Plateau of China. However, the effect of plastic film mulching on cropland soil water and thermal regimes on the semiarid Loess Plateau of China is not well understood. This study simultaneously monitored the dynamics of the soil water content and the soil temperature with high resolution in a ridge cultivation system with plastic film mulching (RS) and a flat cultivation system without plastic film mulching (FS) during the maize (Zea mays L.)-growing season. We found that, in general, the soil temperature and soil water content were significantly different among the ridge under RS (RS-ridge), the furrow under RS (RS-furrow) and FS throughout the maize-growing season (< 0.05). Plastic film mulching increased the near-surface soil temperature by approximately 1°C throughout the study period. RS significantly increased the soil water content during the dry period (May to June), especially within the middle soil layer (30–60 cm), compared to FS. The lowest monthly average soil water content was found at a depth of 30–60 cm layer in FS during the dry period (May and June). The water depletion was found within deeper (100–160 cm) soil layers in May but the water storage in the same layer of FS in June increased although it was the dry period, which differed from RS. The RS practices showed a longer period of water supply from the deeper soil layer (100–160 cm) in May and June for meeting maize water demands during the early growing stage rather than in only May for FS. During June (dry period), the water storage at a depth of 0–60 cm was greater in RS than in FS, and the reverse was true at a depth of 60–160 cm. The results indicate that the dry soil layer at a depth of 30–60 cm formed during June in FS likely reduced water movement from deeper layers to the topsoil layer, and hence constrained the availability of surface soil water for meeting maize water requirements during the early growing stage (dry period). Our study suggests that RS tends to significantly increase surface soil water availability by restraining the formation of a dry soil layer during the early maize-growth stage primarily under dry conditions, and thus enhances maize productivity in the semiarid Loess Plateau of China.  相似文献   

Nutrient deficiency, high rate of evapotranspiration, and insufficient and erratic rainfall are the critical challenges for crop production in the dryland areas (DLAs) of Sub-Saharan Africa, including Tanzania, where 61% of arable land is prone to drought. In addressing these challenges, field trials were conducted in central Tanzania to evaluate the interactive effects of ripping and tie-ridges with organic (FYM) and inorganic fertilizers (N) on the mitigation of the critical period of soil moisture stress (CPSMS) for sorghum yield performance. Both in situ rainwater harvesting techniques (IRWHT) and flat-cultivated land were integrated with 8 Mg FYM ha–1, 70 Kg N ha–1, and a combination of 35 Kg N ha–1 and 4 Mg FYM ha–1 (N+ FYM). Among the IRWHT, tie-ridges stored a significant water volume of 577 and 457 m3 ha–1, which mitigated the CPSMS by the maximum of 95% and 37% for the above-average rainfall and below-average rainfall season, respectively. However, it only registered the highest grain yield (2.02 Mg ha–1) and biomass (3.46 Mg ha–1) in a below-average rainfall season. The highest overall grain yield (5.73 Mg ha) and biomass (12.09 Mg ha–1) were harvested in ripping with combined fertilizer treatments in an above-average rainfall season, while the lowest grain yield (0.5 Mg ha–1) and biomass (1.2 Mg ha–1) were registered in the flat-cultivation control in the below-average rainfall season. In the latter season, IRWHT increased the mitigation potential in the order; flat cultivation < ripping < tie-ridges; and sorghum yield, highly correlated with drought mitigation index. The results showed that sorghum grain yield and final biomass performance depend on the influence of IRWHT applied, rainfall amount, soil moisture level, integrated fertilizer, and length of the CPSMS. In the above-average rainfall seasons, fertilizers mask the influence of the IRWHT. The opposite is true in the below-average rainfall season. Although ripping N+ FYM resulted in the highest overall yield, the study recommends practicing tie-ridges integrated with N+ FYM due to regular occurrences of low and unreliable rainfall in the dryland areas.  相似文献   

The Czech Republic is characterized by a low Se soil content, resulting in Se deficiency in crops, humans, and animals. This study investigated the response of oilseed rape to foliar application of selenate solution in a microscale field experiment conducted at two locations differing in soil and climatic conditions but with comparable total Se contents. Sodium selenate (Na2SeO4) was applied at two rates (25 and 50 g Se ha?1). The potential effect of Se application on the uptake of essential elements was also evaluated. The foliar Se application resulted in an effective stepwise increase in the Se contents of all the plant components studied (leaves > stems > roots > siliques ~ seeds), as expected. No significant influence of Se fortification on the other investigated macro- and microelements was observed. However, the soil and climatic conditions influenced the Se uptake, such that a higher Se content was observed in plants grown in the most acidic location (Cambisol soil) that had a higher oxidizable carbon content and higher average annual rainfall compared to the less acidic location (Luvisol soil). These observations indicated the necessity to optimize the Se application for the particular soil and climatic conditions to achieve a maximum biofortification effect.  相似文献   

As stocking rates on Wisconsin dairy farms continue to increase, one possible nutrient management solution is to haul slurry to nearby grain farmer's fields. Although the nutrient and soil building benefits of manure are well known, many grain farmers are hesitant to apply manure on their fields due to potential soil compaction. Studies were initiated to evaluate the effects of tanker-applied slurry on soil compaction and corn (Zea mays L.) yield. An on-station trial was established to address the issues of compaction caused by manure tankers, repeated traffic associated with field headlands, and the possible ameliorating effect of manure itself on corn yield. In addition, 15 replicated on-farm trials were established to evaluate the impact of single pass manure applications on soil compaction and yield. These predominately fall applications were conducted when the host farmer felt that the soil would support tanker traffic. Due to its portability and instrument sensitivity, compactness was evaluated with a data-logging hand held penetrometer.Results from the on-station trial indicate that multiple passes did increase compactness above single-pass traffic and the check. The slurry itself did not attenuate the effect of traffic on soil compaction, nor on yield. Despite yield reductions estimated from in-track samples in both years of 6% (one-pass traffic) and 22% (six-pass traffic) in this study, whole plot corn yields were not reduced due to compaction. The on-farm trials indicated that manure application technique does affect compaction patterns; with broadcast application resulting in less area trafficked by the tanker than injection application, and therefore less area compacted. The narrower gauge truck tires used at some sites led to significantly higher penetrometer readings compared to the control, but this was not the case at sites with wider tractor tires. As in the on-station work, although compaction led to higher penetrometer readings, whole plot corn yields in compacted plots were not adversely affected compared to the control. These results suggest that, in the first year after slurry application, on predominantly prairie derived soils; well-timed applications of dairy slurry do not cause extensive soil compaction nor a reduction in corn yields. This study did not look at the potential residual effects that may positively (>soil organic matter) or negatively (residual soil compaction) impact subsequent crops.  相似文献   

Abstract. Monoculture winter barley was grown for 5 years with 80 or 160 kg/ha of fertilizer nitrogen (N) and established by either shallow cultivation (straw removed) or ploughing (straw incorporated) in a replicated 2 ± 2 split plot experiment. The lower N rate reduced average grain yield from 6.85 t/ha to 5.61 t/ha. The cultivation/straw disposal system had no effect on yield. Halving the N rate reduced the amount of N removed in the crop by an average of 40 kg/ha and reduced the amount of nitrogen leached by 11 kg/ha per year. Using a shallow cultivation system for crop establishment, following the removal of straw, initially reduced N leaching compared to ploughing in the straw, but in the later years of the experiment losses were similar. Over the five years the full N rate with ploughing system resulted in a small positive nitrogen balance of 66 kg/ha, but all other treatment combinations resulted in a negative balance.  相似文献   

Soil compaction is of great importance in agriculture, because its high levels may adversely affect plant growth and the environment. Since mechanical methods are not very efficient and economical, using biological methods to alleviate the stress of soil compaction on plant growth may be beneficial. The objectives of this study were to: (1) evaluate the effects of soil compaction on corn (Zea mays L.) growth, and (2) test the hypothesis that applying arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) with different origins can partially or completely overcome the stressful effects of soil compaction on corn growth under unsterilized and sterilized conditions. Corn was planted in unsterilized and sterilized compacted soils, while treated with three species of AM including, Iranian Glomus mosseae, Iranian Glomus etunicatum, and Canadian Glomus mosseae, received from GINCO (Glomales in vitro Collection), Canada. Plant growth variables and soil resistance parameters were determined. AM significantly increased root fresh (maximum of 94% increase) and dry (maximum of 100% increase) weights in the compacted soil. AM with different origins may improve corn growth in compacted soils, though its effectiveness is related to the level of compaction and also to the interaction with other soil microorganisms.  相似文献   


Poultry litter (PL) is a cheap alternative to conventional fertilizers. The use of PL in this way also reduces the environmental problems normally associated with its disposal. The residual effect of PL may reduce the amount of fertilizer (especially N fertilizer) required by subsequent crops. This study examines the residual effects of PL (with and without additional mineral fertilizer) on the properties of a volcanic ash soil and on silage maize (Zea mays) yields in central Chile. Poultry litter and mineral fertilizer were applied in 2002–2003 and their residual effects were determined in 2004–2006. The dry matter (DM) yield, nutrient balance and apparent nitrogen recovery efficiency (ANRE) of the silage maize were determined for each season, and the soil properties were analyzed at three depths (0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm) at the end of the third season. Crop yield showed a positive response to all fertilizer treatments. The residual effect, the nutrient balance, N uptake and ANRE also improved with fertilizer treatment, especially with the PL treatments. The average DM yield for the PL treatments was higher than that observed using mineral fertilizer by 2.8 and 1.2 Mg ha?1 in the third and fourth years, respectively. The ANRE was generally higher in the PL treatments, although it decreased over time (12.4 and 1.7% for the last 2 years, respectively). The mean ANREs for the mineral fertilizer treatment were 4.1 and 1.6% for the same years. The results suggest that the PL treatments had an important positive residual effect in terms of N supply. This should be taken into account when planning the next crop. After two annual applications of PL, slight increases were observed in soil NO3-N at a depth of 0–20 cm, and extractable P at depths of 20–40 cm and 40–60 cm. No other soil variables were significantly affected by any of the treatments. An additional source of K was found to be necessary to maintain an adequate soil K level.  相似文献   

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