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Objective To investigate the seroprevalence of equine herpesvirus 1 in foals around weaning and after weaning on two large Thoroughbred farms using a type-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine exposure to infection.
Design A longitudinal population study in groups of Thoroughbred weanling foals.
Study population Two hundred weanling Thoroughbred foals from a population of about 380 foals were enrolled on two adjacent stud farms in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales. Foals on both farms were weaned from February to May 1995 into randomly selected groups of 10 to 15 foals. Farms were selected because of their willingness to cooperate in the survey and because their detailed records of foals and their movements. They were representative of well-managed large Thoroughbred stud farms in New South Wales. Both studs had upper respiratory tract disease among weanling foals around weaning each year although the sero-prevalence of viral respiratory disease on either farm was not known before the study.
Procedure Serum was collected from foals within each group at fortnightly intervals from 9th February until 1st June 1995, and at a single follow-up period in August 1995. Each sample was tested in triplicate using an antibody-detection ELISA which is type-specific for EHV-1 and EHV-4 antibodies.
Results and conclusions There was serological evidence of EHV-1 infection both before and after weaning. The prevalence of EHV-1 antibody in the sample population increased during the study and individual cases of EHV-1 infection were identified. The increase was caused both by the seroconversion of foals within the groups and by the recruitment into the study of foals with pre-existing EHV-1 antibody. Evidence of EHV-1 infection in Thoroughbred foals after weaning has not been reported previously in Australia and this has implications for vaccination regimens.  相似文献   

The National Research Council (NRC) recently published a method for calculating expected body weight (BW) in growing horses. The objective of this study was to compare foal BW data obtained from commercial Thoroughbred (TB) farms with BW estimates obtained using the 2007 NRC equation. A total of 9,589 observations on 885 growing TB horses were obtained. Data were sorted by age, and a subset was used for statistical analysis. Comparisons between actual BW and 2007 NRC-predicted BW at each month (0–18 months of age) were made using paired t-tests. The 2007 NRC closely predicted BW of growing TB horses at birth and between 6 and 9 months of age (within 3 kg). However, the equation underestimated BW between 1 and 5 months of age (by as much as 10 kg) and overestimated BW between 10 and 13 months of age (by as much as 9 kg). The 2007 NRC also underestimated BW by as much as 9 kg between 15 and 16 months of age. In the current study, the 2007 NRC equation did not precisely predict BW of horses at all ages. The 2007 NRC equation predicts that daily gain will decrease over time, whereas foals in the current study had an increase in daily gain between 12 and 14 months of age. Foals in the current study were raised in pasture-based management systems in which variations in forage availability and quality could have resulted in fluctuations in growth rate.  相似文献   

试验旨在探究茶树油饲料添加剂(颗粒型)对保育猪生长性能的影响.试验动物选取小保育猪50头和大保育猪36头,小保育猪分为5组,每组10头,对照组饲喂基础饲料,试验组饲喂基础饲料中分别添加50 mg/kg、100 mg/kg、200 mg/kg、400 mg/kg茶树油的试验饲料.大保育猪分为6组,每组6头,对照组饲喂基础...  相似文献   

音乐刺激对断奶仔猪行为和生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验采用随机分组设计,选用45日龄断奶的长白仔猪32头。随机分成对照组和试验组,试验组每天接受3小时的音乐刺激,进行对比试验。经25天试验表明,试验组在4天后就能适应音乐刺激,平均卧息时间较对照提高7.74%,活动时间下降5.26%,断奶应激行为明显省于对照组;同时,平均日增重提高10.07%(P〉0.05),饲料利用率提高5.76%。  相似文献   



This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of DL-selenomethionine (DL-SeMet) supplementation on growth performance, antioxidant status, plasma selenium (Se) concentration, and immune function of weaning pigs. 216 weaning pigs were randomly allocated to 6 treatments with 6 replicates each according to a complete randomized block design. Each replicate had six pigs. Diet of group one was corn-soybean basal diet without any additional Se supplement. Group 2 was supplemented with 0.3 mg/kg of Se from sodium selenite. Groups 3-6 were supplemented with 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 mg/kg of Se from DL-SeMet, respectively. The trial lasted for 42 days.


Pigs supplemented with 0.3 and 0.7 mg/kg DL-SeMet obtained better feed gain ratio (P < 0.05). The best antioxidant ability (serum, liver, and muscle) was shown in 0.1-0.3 mg/kg DL-SeMet groups (P < 0.05). The plasma Se concentration increased as the dietary DL-SeMet level elevated. The immunity among groups was not affected.


DL-SeMet supplementation in the diet significantly improved the growth performance, antioxidant ability and plasma Se content of weaning pigs. DL-SeMet can replace sodium selenite in the diet of weaning pigs.  相似文献   

AIM: To identify if there was a significant difference in the average daily liveweight gain (ADG) between Thoroughbred foals weaned using two weaning protocols commonly used in New Zealand.

METHODS: Sixteen Thoroughbred foals were blocked for sex and age, randomly allocated into progressive (187, SD 33 days; three colts, five fillies) or abrupt (182, SD 28 days; four colts, four fillies) weaning groups, and weighed every second day for 2 weeks either side of weaning, then fortnightly from birth to 480 (SD 31) days old. ADG was calculated to examine the short-term (10 days before weaning, 5 and 10 days post weaning) and long-term (0–6 and 6–16 months of age) effect of the two weaning treatments.

RESULTS: ADG was 1.10 (SD 0.091) kg/day before weaning (0–6 months of age) and 0.59 (SD 0.06) kg/day from weaning to 480 (SD 31) days old. At the start of weaning, liveweights of the progressive and abrupt weaning groups were 276.5 (SD 40.3) kg and 257 (SD 15) kg, respectively (p=0.23). For the 5-day period during weaning, irrespective of treatment, there was a significant decrease in ADG of –0.29 (SD 0.49) kg/day and –0.15 (SD 0.30) kg/day for progressive and abrupt weaning, respectively. There was no significant difference in ADG between weaning methods at any measurement period (short or long term) during and after weaning. However, there was large variation between foals in ADG in the 10 days after the weaning process, which may indicate variation in individual foals' responses to being weaned, rather than the weaning treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: Weaning, irrespective of method, was associated with a decrease in ADG in the first week after weaning. The method of weaning had no effect on post-weaning ADG either short term, 10 days after weaning, or long term up to 480 days of age. Practically, it may be more important to consider maturity and liveweight as criteria for weaning foals rather than age alone.  相似文献   

酶制剂对仔猪早期断奶后腹泻的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用44头28±2日龄断奶的仔猪分为对照组和试验组。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组饲喂基础日粮+0.l%酶制剂。结果表明,试验组与对照组相比,平均日增重提高了5.88%,平均日采食量降低了4.84%,料肉比降低了10.38%;试验组的腹泻发生率、腹泻频率和死亡率分别降低了4.55%(P>0.05)、28.06%(P<0.05)和66.64%(P>0.05);干物质、粗蛋白和粗纤维的消化率分别提高了3.14%、16.77%和45.14%。提示日粮中添加酶制剂可弥补仔猪早期断奶后内源酶的降低,提高饲料转化率,促进仔猪生长,降低仔猪腹泻发生率和死亡率。  相似文献   

Various methods can be used to feed dairy calves that may influence calf performance and these include changing frequency of feeding or age at weaning. Two trials were conducted to determine effects of feeding frequency and weaning age on calf growth, health and rumen development, where 124 Holstein heifer and bull calves were weaned at 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of age. During Trial 1, milk replacer (12.5% DM; 22% CP, 15.6% fat) was fed at 10% BW twice per day until 1 week prior to weaning when intake was reduced to 5% BW. During Trial 2 calves were fed at 10% BW in two feedings until 14 days, then at 10% BW once daily until 1 week prior to weaning when milk replacer was reduced to 5% BW. Blood glucose and urea nitrogen, BW 4 h post-feeding, heart girth, hip height, and withers height 4 h post-feeding were obtained weekly. Growth and structural measurements were similar for all treatments up to 8 weeks of age in both trials. Blood constituents and health observations were not different between trials. Similar growth and performance between treatments in both trials through 8 weeks of age indicate that calf performance is not affected by weaning early and feeding once daily.  相似文献   

探究断乳康对断奶仔兔生长及肠道菌群的影响。试验选用健康、发育正常、体重相近断奶仔兔120只,随机分为2组,对照组饮清水,试验组饮水中加入断乳康。结果显示,试验组可显著提高断奶仔兔生长性能,降低死亡率和发病率,有效促进肠道乳酸菌定植,抑制大肠杆菌繁殖,且增加盲肠sIgA含量,提高机体抗病力。  相似文献   

Syndyphalin-33 (SD-33) increases feed intake in sheep and recently weaned pigs. To assess the effects of SD-33 on hypothalamic gene expression, hypothalami were collected from unweaned pigs (n=19; 21±3 d of age) on day 0. Remaining pigs received an intramuscular injection of 0.5 μmole/kg SD-33 (SD) or saline (VEH) and weaned into individual pens. On days 1, 4, and 7 after weaning, hypothalami were collected from subsets of pigs (n=8 or 9) within each treatment group. Expression of μ-opioid receptor (MOR) was less in SD pigs than in VEH pigs on day 1 and day 4, suggesting down-regulation of the receptor by SD-33. Expression of hypothalamic melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) at 1 d after weaning was increased in VEH pigs (but not SD pigs) relative to levels before weaning. Expression of AGRP was not significantly altered by weaning or treatment at 1 d after weaning. At 4 d after weaning, expression of AGRP was greater in SD pigs than in VEH pigs, but at day 7 expression was less in SD pigs than in VEH pigs. A strong positive correlation was noted between expression levels of MOR and MC4R across treatment and time. Treatment with SD-33 appeared to partially abrogate the effects of weaning on expression of two key appetite-regulating genes within 24 h. Effects of SD-33 appear to be mediated at least in part by the μ-opioid receptor and include actions on the melanocortinergic pathway.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for conformation measures and scores in the Finnhorse and the Standardbred foals presented in foal shows. Studied traits included height at withers and at croup, six subjectively evaluated conformation traits and overall grade. Data were from 10‐year period (1995–2004) and consisted of 5821 Finnhorse foals (1–3 years old) with 7644 records and 2570 Standardbred foals (1–2 years old) with 2864 records. Variance components were estimated with REML – animal model using VCE4 program. The model included age class, year of judging, sex and region as fixed effects, and additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual as random effects. Estimates of heritability for measured traits were very high in both breeds (0.88–0.90). Estimates of heritability for conformation traits varied from 0.13 to 0.32 in the Finnhorse and from 0.06 to 0.47 in the Standardbred. In both breeds, estimates of heritability were lowest for hooves and movements at walk, and highest for type and body conformation among scored traits. Estimate of heritability for overall grade was in the Finnhorse 0.32 and in the Standardbred 0.34. Genetic correlations between overall grade and different conformation traits were 0.35–0.84 in the Finnhorse and 0.31–0.88 in the Standardbred. Thus, selection based on the overall grade would improve all studied characteristics.  相似文献   

Weaning represents one of the most stressful periods in a foal's life. Access to the dam's milk provides the foal with both physical nourishment and a sense of emotional security; removal of this access at weaning can result in stress that predisposes the weanling to disease, injury, or reduced growth rates. Many different weaning systems have been devised by mare owners and breeding farm managers, but regardless of the system employed, reduction of stress at the time of weaning should be the primary concern. Research indicates that partial, gradual weaning techniques are least stressful for the weanling when compared to total and abrupt weaning. Studies also suggest stall weaning of foals in pairs may be more stressful than stall weaning of individual foals. Regardless of the method chosen, however, adequate consumption of creep feed by the foal prior to the initiation of weaning can significantly reduce weaning stress in gradual, abrupt, and stall weaning systems.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of weaning age, diet, and classification of piglets as ‘eaters’ or ‘non eaters’ of creep feed in lactation, on production and diarrhoea after weaning. Four antimicrobial-free diets were offered in lactation and for 14 days after weaning: (i) wheat–soy based diet with animal and vegetable (‘mixed’) protein sources (COMM), (ii) heat-processed rice (HPR) with barley hulls and potato starch and mixed protein sources (RBHPS), (iii) HPR with sugar-beet pulp and mixed protein sources (RSBP), and (iv) HPR with mixed protein sources (R). Piglets were individually examined for diarrhoea daily for 14 days after weaning, and antibiotic treatments were individually recorded. Faecal swabs were taken on day 10 after weaning and scored for β-haemolytic Escherichia coli. There were significant main effects of weaning age and diet (both P < 0.001) on daily gain between weaning and 14 days after weaning. Pigs weaned later grew 50 g/day more than pigs weaned earlier, and pigs fed the COMM diet grew slower than pigs fed the rice-based diets. The number of antibiotic treatments was influenced by diet (P < 0.001), with most treatments (2.1) given to pigs fed the diet RBHPS. Faecal score was influenced by a weaning age and diet interaction (P < 0.01). There was no correlation (P > 0.05) between the number of antibiotics treatments and the E. coli score.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of weaning in small yards, with or without a feed bunk training procedure, on the subsequent behaviour and performance of Bos taurus steers in a feedlot. A reduction in the incidence of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) was the primary objective. In each experiment, about 200 male beef calves (Angus × Hereford and Hereford) were separated from their mothers at 7–9 months of age and allocated to one of three matched weaning treatment groups. The treatments were (1) yard weaning with hay or silage, (2) yard weaning with hay or silage plus a novel handling procedure to train the animals to be able to find a grain ration in a trough, and (3) paddock weaning without supplement or handling according to common industry practice in southeastern Australia. Paddock weaning is the practice of abrupt separation of cows and calves followed by return to separate pasture paddocks, whereas yard weaning involves abrupt separation but the calves remain in the yards for several days. Experimental vaccines against the major BRD pathogens were given to half of each group 1–2 months prior to entry into a commercial feedlot. The yard weaned and yard trained cattle had a significantly greater weight gain in the first month and over the 90-day feeding period than the paddock weaned control groups. There was no difference between the groups in pre-feedlot weight gain. The yard trained groups showed greater feeding activity during the first few days in the feedlot, but were not significantly different in weight gain from yard weaned. The vaccination treatment also significantly improved the weight gain in the first month and over 80 days. The combination of yard weaning and vaccination produced the highest weight gains overall. There was consistently less morbidity in the yard weaned groups compared to paddock weaned controls. The morbidity in yard trained groups was intermediate between these two. Weaning in small yards and the appropriate use of effective BRD vaccines 1–2 months before feedlot entry are recommended for B. taurus feeder steers in southeastern Australia to minimise sickness and improve productivity in the feedlot. Associated benefits are reduced risks of antibiotic residues and of animal welfare problems.  相似文献   

Calves following an enhanced-growth feeding program usually show lower starter intakes during the preweaning period compared with conventionally-fed calves. To assess whether this low intake in calves following an enhanced-growth feeding program affects calf capacity to digest starter after weaning, 19 Holstein male calves were used to measure apparent nutrient digestibility at weaning. Calves were divided in two groups: calves on a conventional feeding program (CF) and calves on an enhanced-growth feeding program (EF). After one week of adaptation to milk replacer (25% CP and 19% fat), the CF calves were fed 4 l/d of milk replacer (MR) at 12.5% DM dilution rate from d 1–28, and 2 l/d from d 29 to weaning day at d 35, and the EF calves were offered MR at 18% DM dilution rate: 4 l/d from d 1–6, 6 l/d from d 7–13, 7 l/d from d 14–20, 6 l/d from d 21–28, and 3 l/d from d 29 to 35. Calf starter (20% CP) was offered ad libitum from the beginning to the end of study at d 42, and its consumption was recorded daily. Calves were weighed at d 3, 17, 24, 31, 38 and 42. Daily total faeces collection was conducted for the last 5 d of study. Final BW was numerically greater in EF than in CF calves (88.6 vs 81.2 ± 3.36 kg, respectively). Starter DMI was greater (P < 0.05) in CF compared with EF calves during the preweaning (0.68 vs 0.36 ± 0.078 kg/d, respectively) and postweaning (2.52 vs 1.90 ± 0.102 kg/d, respectively) periods, but there were no differences in total DMI (1.12 and 1.26 ± 0.078 kg/d, in CF and EF calves, respectively) during the preweaning period. However, apparent DM, OM, NDF, CP, and GE digestibility coefficients were greater (P < 0.05) in CF compared with EF calves (77.4 vs 71.8 ± 1.23%, 78.7 vs 73.2 ± 1.18%, 34.7 vs 20.3 ± 3.79%, 77.1 vs 71.6 ± 1.29%, and 75.6 vs 69.8 ± 1.25%, respectively) the week after weaning. It is concluded that calves in the EF treatment presented lower nutrient digestibility coefficients compared with CF calves the week after weaning.  相似文献   

Developmental Orthopaedic Disease (DOD) in limb joints of horses is frequent and is a common cause of pain and lameness. DOD is a multifactorial disease involving genetics, growth, feeding practices and exercise conditions leading to joint injuries. However, there is no clear understanding of the contribution of each factor. The aim of this cohort study was to assess the adjusted effects of breed and gender, growth, feeding practices and exercise conditions on the prevalence of DOD in the limbs of foals at weaning and on the prevalence restricted to osteochondrosis (OC).Twenty-one farms in Normandy, France, were convenience sampled and enrolled in a cohort study. The study sample consisted of 401 foals from 3 breeds, followed from the 8th month of pregnancy of the mares until weaning period at approximately 6 months of age of the foals. Stud farms were regularly visited to collect growth, feeding practices and exercise conditions data. The carpus, the front and hind digits, the hock and the stifle of the foals were X-rayed at the end of follow-up. Foals were categorised as affected or unaffected by DOD or by OC. Two mixed-effects logistic regression models were used to determine risk factors for DOD or OC, adjusting for clustering by farm.Of the 378 foals with complete data, 47% (95% CI: 42–52) were affected by DOD and 36% (95% CI: 31–41) by OC. Risk was significantly increased for DOD and for OC in Warmblood foals compared to Thoroughbreds (OR 2.8; 95% CI: 1.2–6.5 for DOD, OR 2.9; 95% CI: 1.1–7.5 for OC), in foals with a high wither height at 30 days of age, and in foals with a rapid increase of wither height (for DOD only). Exercise conditions such as large area of pasture, some irregular exercise, or some batch changes were also significant risk factors for DOD or OC. No association was found with quantitative feeding practices; it was likely due to the limited variability of horse regimens and to the partial inclusion of nutritional effects in other factors such as breed and growth. In order to reduce the prevalence of DOD or OC in foals, following the growth and reducing nutritional supply in subjects growing fast, limiting the pasture areas offered and providing a regular exercise to foals seems appropriate. To our knowledge, to date the assessment of adjusted effects of potential risk factors for DOD has never been proposed.  相似文献   

IgE is the key antibody involved in type I allergies. Allergen mediated crosslinking of IgE bound to high affinity Fc-receptors on mast cells and basophils stimulates cellular degranulation and release of inflammatory mediators and cytokines. In this report, we demonstrate that IgE antibodies can be transferred from the mother to offspring in horses via the colostrum. We found a clear correlation between the IgE concentration in colostrum and the total IgE concentration in foal sera on day 2 after birth (rsp = 0.83). Maternal IgE was detected in foal sera by ELISA and on peripheral blood leukocytes of foals by flow cytometry. Both serum and cell membrane-bound IgE were undetectable in newborn foals before colostrum uptake and peaked on days 2–5 after birth. Cell-bound IgE became undetectable at 2 months after birth. Serum IgE disappeared from the circulation within the first 3–4 months of age. These kinetics suggest that the IgE antibodies which are detectable in foals during the first 4 months after birth are of maternal origin only. The endogenous IgE production was found to begin at 9–11 months of age, when IgE could be detected on peripheral blood leukocytes and in foal sera again. After 18 months of life, the total IgE concentrations in foal sera were comparable to those detected in their dams. The late onset of endogenous IgE production offers an explanation for observations that IgE mediated allergies are generally not observed in horses before puberty. The roles of the passively transferred maternal IgE in newborn foals are not yet known, but could be manifold, ranging from passive immunity and induction of immunoregulatory functions to determinative influences of maternal IgE on the antibody repertoire in the offspring.  相似文献   

Not nocuous bacteria are important for the maturation and the modulating activity of the gut immune system. However, the humoral immune response against commensal and probiotic bacteria is less documented, particularly in farmhouse animals. Blood serum and saliva were collected in two trials where probiotics, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LbR), well-defined human isolate (Trial A), and a novel and abundant porcine commensal, Lactobacillus sobrius strain 001T (LbS) (Trial B), were supplemented to weaning pigs. Anti-LbR IgA were present in serum of pigs before treatment with LbR, but also after 1 or 2 weeks in control pigs, notwithstanding the absence of DNA from LbR in colon. Pigs fed or not LbS for 1 or 2 weeks had LbS-specific IgA, in saliva and in serum. Colon contents of control subjects were positive for DNA from LbS. We hypothesized that part of this IgA strain-specific activity is partially related to immune cross-reactivity between different Lactobacillus-species. With the procedure of Shu et al. [Shu, Q., Bird, S.H., Gill, H.S., Rowe, J.B., 1999. Immunological cross-reactivity between the vaccine and other isolates of Streptococcus bovis and Lactobacillus. FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. 26, 153–158], after ELISA test on blood serum or saliva pre-incubated with LbR or LbS, each strain blocked a relevant part of IgA specific for the other. So bacteria with different affinity for the pig present reciprocal crossed immune activity. When probiotics are supplied to weaning pigs, the possible action of already present multi-effective IgA should be considered. The mechanism of IgA induction by certain probiotics needs to be addressed in further studies.  相似文献   

Outdoor reared pigs are reported to be larger at weaning than indoor reared pigs and respond better to the weaning process. This may be due to enhanced gut development associated with increased size. Eighty sows were allocated to either indoor or outdoor farrowing on the basis of size, parity and past performance. Resulting litters were weaned at either 4 or 6 weeks of age. On days 26 and 40 of age, 40 (10/treatment) and 20 piglets (10/treatment still unweaned) were killed to measure intestinal morphology. Data were analysed as a 2 × 2 factorial using the GLM procedures of Minitab 12.2. Pigs reared outdoors were larger than those reared indoors at both weaning ages, pigs weaned at 6 weeks were heavier than those weaned at 4 weeks, 8.4 versus 7.4 kg at 4 weeks and 12.9 versus 10.5 kg at 6 weeks respectively (± 0.25, P ≤ 0.001). There were no differences in small intestine size relative to body weight due to rearing environment and no differences in gut morphology. When corrected for body weight, 6 week pigs had heavier small intestines than 4 week pigs, 0.39 (± 0.010) versus 0.34 (± 0.007) g/cm length, respectively (P ≤ 0.001). Six week unweaned pigs had similar villus heights to 4 week unweaned pigs but wider villi (P < 0.05) and deeper crypts, for example, at the 25% site crypt depths were 236 and 193 μm (± 7.7/5.5) respectively (P < 0.001). Hence increased piglet size due to outdoor rearing did not advance gut maturation whereas increased piglet size due to age did influence maturation of gut structure.  相似文献   

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