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黄可莹 《热带作物学报》2016,36(11):116-118
泰国东部水果市场长期存在供过于求的问题,造成水果价格不断降低、大批滞销水果丢弃,虽然政府实施价格干预政策,但仍无法解决这些问题。近年来,由于中国市场的大量购买需求,泰国东部的水果大量出口到中国,使该问题得以解决,泰国水果种植农民及水果商人也随之富裕起来。但需要注意的是,随着中国水果中间商直接向泰国农民收购水果的情况逐步扩大,这种发展在未来可能给泰国带来很大风险。本文针对泰国东部水果出口中国的情况进行分析,并揭示其中隐藏的风险。  相似文献   

水果是泰国重要的农产品经济结构系统的支柱产业,其中榴莲是泰国第二大出口水果。目前在泰国的几乎所有地区都有扩大生产和增加种植面积的发展趋势。虽然榴莲的出口率有所上升,但还没有满足生产市场的需求,特别是在旱季中期的榴莲集中上市季节,通常会发生由于产量过多造成滞销或使榴莲市场价格持续下降的问题。因此,本研究通过采用SWOT分析法,对目前泰国榴莲出口进行研究分析,希望有助于提高泰国榴莲的出口潜力。研究发现,泰国榴莲出口的特色或优势在于:拥有适合的土壤和适宜的气候条件进行榴莲种植,并且有足够的面积扩大榴莲种植,榴莲  相似文献   

介绍了泰国和马来西亚的天然橡胶生产、科研和市场情况,分析了世界天然橡胶发展趋势,指出天然橡胶业要在21世纪再创辉煌,必须引入高新技术,提高劳动生产率。  相似文献   

加入WT0后,我们首先面临取消关税壁垒,国外质优价廉的农产品抢占国内市场;其次是更严厉、更苛刻的技术壁垒,制约我国农产品的出口。我省因农业基础薄弱、生产效率低、生产成本高;水果品种单一、产期集中、商品化处理和加工技术落后、农药残留偏高而导致市场竞争力不强。因此目前我省水果产业形势十分严峻,为提高水果的市场竞争力,研究制定一套既适合省情又适宜国际竞争的水果产业发展策略势在必行。  相似文献   

本文阐述了泰国橡胶,木薯,水果,兰花等主要热带农业的生产情况,多元化出口创汇农业,农村经济发展战略,主要农业政策和科技研究机构体系问题,并就 探讨科技,运用市场经济和促进农业商品经济产销机制等问题提出探讨性意见。  相似文献   

台湾素称“水果之乡”,盛产各种水果,经济栽培的果树有30多种。水果业是台湾一大产业,1994年水果产量2434246t,产值509.3亿元新台币。近20a来,因开放农产品进口市场,台湾水果产业受到重大冲击,当前正在进行调整与转型,其动向值得注意。  相似文献   

我国绿色果蔬产业的现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了国际市场上健康食品的发展和市场潜力情况及我国绿色果蔬产业的现状,提出了我国绿色食品水果、蔬菜产业的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

白沙县热带水果业经过几十年的发展已初具规模,但栽培技术水平不平衡,经济效益参差不齐,且普遍小规模分散经营,品种良莠参杂,对无公害生产重视不够,采后商品化处理和保鲜加工相当薄弱,市场竞争力不强。白沙县具有发展热带水果产业的土地、光热、生态、人力资源,只要采取合理的对策,科学选择品种结构,搞好宏观规划,完善水果生产销售协作机制,强化政府服务,依靠技术进步促进水果产业升级,树立绿色品牌,搞好保鲜加工,走产加销、贸工农一体化的发展之路,白沙县热带水果产业就可以健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

龙眼是水果中之珍品,味美可口,营养丰富.鲜食、制干都深受人们喜爱.古今中外都视为上等补品,具较高的药用价值.我国已有二千年种植史,长期以来生产上种植的苗木多为自选自繁,就广东、广西、福建选出多达三千余个体或品种,但品质优劣、产量丰欠、抗性强弱等性状悬殊较大.然而时至今日人们还普遍应用传统高压苗或实生苗种植,这种生产现状弊多利少,影响生产发展,不能适应国内外市场日趋剧烈的竞争.近年来,我所从已跃居世界之冠的龙眼出口国——泰国引进六个优良品种嫁接苗却都是用其落后的、效率极低的靠接法.为此我们于1986年开始对龙眼嫁接技术的探讨,现将试验情况及看法整理如下,供参考.  相似文献   

介绍水果套袋技术在大埔蜜柚生产中的应用现状、水果套袋的作用及其操作方法,分析其效益,通过该项技术应用推广,促进大埔蜜柚的无公害生产,改善柚果外观和品质,从而提高柚果的商品率和市场竞争力,增加果农收入。  相似文献   

This investigation was carried out to justify the relationship between harvesting ages of santol fruit, browning reaction and other concerning data. Growers of santol plantations in Thailand have always accustomed to problems on inconsistency in qualities of santol fruits var. Pui Fai due to inappropriate harvesting index. Thus these encourage to decrease marketable qualities of fruits and short shelf-life particularly browning discoloration. In order to investigate adequate information for growers of the santol orchard plants, it is important to carry out experiments on Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) activity and changes of tissue structure by separating fruit into three parts: peel, flesh and seed of santol fruit var. Pui Fai harvested at four stages: 100, 115, 130 and 145 Days After Full bloom (DAF). A factorial in randomized complete block design with five replications was used. In each replication ten fruits were used. This investigation was carried out during the period of October 2006 to March 2007 at The Department of Agricultural Technology, Mahasarakham University, Northeast Thailand. The results showed that PPO activity which related to browning reaction changed with harvesting stage. The highest PPO activities were obtained and highly significant increased in mature fruit at 130 and 145 DAF. When the fruits were ripening at 145 DAF, PPO activities from peel, flesh and seed had no significant differences and high levels by 160.76-184.44, 158.88-180.76 and 154.52-181.08 U mg(-1) fresh weight, respectively. While cross-section study in peel and flesh of santol fruit var. Pui Fai at different ages indicated that immature fruits (100 and 115 DAF) showed small cells arranged one to two layers in epidermis. Trichome like-hair also appeared on this layer. When santol fruits grew through 145 DAF, epidermis converted to periderm and trichome disappeared. In addition, parenchyma cells in flesh accumulated several substances in form of druse with the fruit age increment. These high PPO activities and fruit tissue conversions of peel and flesh in mature fruit may led to be more sensitive to browning reaction.  相似文献   

In an attempt to obtain shelf-stable litchi fruit with preserved nutritional quality and good sensory features, quarters of peeled and pitted fruits were vacuum dried at 50, 60 and 70 °C at a constant pressure of 8.0 kPa. The product was assessed for its vitamin C, total phenolics and texture (hardness). In addition, the product with the best texture was assessed for its shelf-life by means of accelerated testing. Results suggest that vacuum dried litchi retained almost 70% of the vitamin C and total phenolics when compared to frozen fruits (control). Vitamin C and phenolic compounds content significantly decreased with drying, while no difference was found between different drying temperatures. Hardness increased with drying temperature. The sample dried at 70 °C presented crispness, which is a desired quality feature in dried fruit products. This sample was subjected to shelf-life evaluation, whose result suggests a shelf-life of eight months at 23 °C. Total color change (CIE ΔE00) was the expiry criterion. Vacuum drying was a suitable technique for producing shelf-stable litchi fruit with good texture while preserving its desirable original nutrients. Consumption of vacuum dried litchi may be beneficial to health due to its remarkable content of phenolic compounds and vitamin C.  相似文献   

热带水果产业是海南农民增收致富的支柱产业,分析海南建省以来热带水果种植结构的演变历程与驱动因素,有助于提出相应的调整优化策略,推动海南岛热带水果产业优化升级。本研究运用重心分析、空间分析及回归分析法,研究海南岛各市(县)1988—2020年热带水果种植结构类型演变、种植比例变化趋势、生产重心迁移及驱动因素。结果表明:(1)海南岛热带水果面积呈现波动上升趋势,主要种植芒果、香蕉、荔枝、菠萝、柑橘橙柚、龙眼等,龙眼生产重心移动距离最大,菠萝生产重心移动距离最小。(2)海南岛热带水果总体种植结构类型为芒果、香蕉、荔枝、菠萝的单一或组合类型,单一水果、2种水果组合、3种水果组合类型数量之比为48∶0∶52;市县热带水果种植结构类型为香蕉、芒果、荔枝、菠萝、龙眼、柑橘橙柚的单一或组合类型,单一、2种、3种水果组合类型数量之比为78∶9∶13。(3)市(县)热带水果种植结构空间集聚特征明显,经历了集聚、分散、再集聚的过程,大部分市(县)已形成稳定的主导种植结构,少部分市(县)仍在不断调整探索;主要水果种植比例变化趋势相同的区域集聚性更显著。(4)海南岛热带水果种植结构演变的驱动因素主要包括自然环境、政策扶持、社会需求、市场行情和农垦改革。应在充分了解当地水果种植结构演变历程及驱动因素的基础上,遵循自然资源条件,以市场需求为导向,综合考虑经济社会发展与生态保护等其他因素,合理调控产业规模,推动当地形成具有地方优势与特色的水果种植结构,促进海南岛热带水果产业整体向稳定、高质量发展。  相似文献   

余甘子(Phyllanthus emblica L.)是联合国卫生组织指定的全世界推广种植的3种保健植物之一,在中国也被列为药食两用的水果,具有营养丰富,保健价值突出的特点。然而采后余甘子果实易发生失水皱缩、腐烂变质等问题,极大地影响了其商品价值。褪黑素(melatonin)是一种小分子吲哚胺类物质,在动植物体内广泛存在,其在植物中可有效清除自由基,在植物的抗逆抗病中也具有重要的调控作用。采用适宜浓度的褪黑素处理果蔬可以起到较好的保鲜作用,有效延缓果蔬腐败变质,提高采后耐贮性。为提高余甘子果实采收后的耐贮性,以‘蓝丰’余甘子果实为试材,探究采后褪黑素处理对于常温下贮藏的余甘子果实品质和耐贮性的影响。将挑选出的无机械损伤及病虫害,大小和色泽相近的余甘子果实,随机平均分为2组,处理组余甘子用0.3 mmol/L褪黑素溶液浸泡处理20 min,空白对照组则用去离子水浸泡20 min,取出晾干1 h后用聚乙烯薄膜袋包装,而后置于温度为(25±1)℃、在相对湿度85%~90%的恒温箱中贮藏,每3 d取样测定果实的商品率、感病指数、呼吸强度等品质和耐贮性相关指标。试验结果表明,采后褪黑素处理使余甘子果实在贮藏末期的商品率提高22%,显著降低了余甘子果实的感病指数、呼吸速率和失重率;且经褪黑素处理的余甘子果实可溶性固形物、可滴定酸度和维生素C的含量均高于对照组,余甘子表皮颜色和果肉质地的劣化也比对照缓慢。褪黑素处理有利于延缓采后余甘子病害的发生和提高果实品质及耐贮性。本研究为褪黑素在余甘子果实采后贮藏保鲜应用提供理论依据,丰富了褪黑素应用于果蔬保鲜的理论基础。  相似文献   

This laboratory experiment was carried out at the Department of Agricultural Technology, Mahasarakham University, Northeast Thailand during June to October 2007. The experiment aimed to search for the most appropriate harvesting age of fruits of Santol orchard plants with respect to colour, tissue texture, total soluble solid content, titratable acidity and pH of Santol fruits. A Randomised Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications was used. Each replication consisted of 10 fruits, thus a total of 160 fruits were used. The Santol fruits were harvested at different ages, i.e., 100, 115, 130 and 145 days after full bloom of flowers and these harvested ages were used as treatments, i.e., 100 for T1 (Control), 115 for T2, 130 for T3 and 145 for T4. The results showed that the most appropriate harvesting date for high quality Santol fruits was found with T4, i.e., 145 days after full bloom of flowers where Santol fruits of T4 gave the highest mean values of fruit length, diameter, fresh weight fruit(-1) of 10.71 cm, 9.31 cm and 399.76 g, respectively. Yellowness of skin colour of fruits was evenly distributed. Total soluble solid content of pericarp, flesh tissue and seeds were highest for T4 with mean values of 13.93, 15.05 and 18.260 brix, respectively. Flesh texture density highly decreased with an increase in numbers of days after full bloom of flowers. Titratable acidity content in fruits was highly decreased with an increase in numbers of days after full bloom of flowers whereas a reverse was found with pH of fruit juices.  相似文献   

本文以‘松风本’龙眼果实为试验材料,研究贮藏温度对龙眼果实贮藏品质和耐贮性的影响。采后龙眼果实经过挑选、清洗等预处理后晾干,用聚乙烯保鲜袋(0.015 mm厚)包装,分别置于室温(25±0.5)℃和低温(3±0.5)℃下贮藏。贮藏期间定期取样测定龙眼果实的营养品质和耐贮性指标。结果表明:与(25±0.5)℃室温贮藏相比,(3±0.5)℃低温贮藏可以有效延缓龙眼果实采后呼吸强度,保持较高的果皮色素(叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、花色素苷、类黄酮)含量和果肉营养物质(可溶性固形物、可溶性总糖、蔗糖、还原糖、维生素C)含量。此外,(3±0.5)℃低温贮藏还能延缓采后龙眼果肉自溶和果皮褐变,以及抑制龙眼果实失重率的升高,维持较高的龙眼果实商品率。据此认为,(3±0.5)℃可以作为‘松风本’龙眼果实低温贮运的推荐温度条件,以保持‘松风本’龙眼果实的贮藏品质和延长其保鲜期。  相似文献   

This investigation was carried out at the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham Province, Northeast Thailand. The study aimed to analyze flavonoids contents in ripe fruits of fifteen Mao Luang cultivars (Antidesma bunius) harvested from dipterocarp forest of the mountainous areas of Phupan Valley, Sakon Nakhon Province, Northeast Thailand. The experiment was laid in a Completely Randomised Design (CRD) with five replications. The fifteen cultivars were used as treatments. An amount of 2 kg of ripe fruits of each cultivar was collected and extracted for juice solutions. The analysis was carried out with the use of RP-HPLC laboratory system. The results showed that fruits of the fifteen Mao Luang cultivars contained three different kinds of flavonoids, i.e., catechin, procyanidin B1 and procyanidin B2. These three chemical compounds were the major flavonoids in all analyzed fruit samples of the fifteen cultivars. The highest amount of procyanidin B1 was found with Lompat followed by Maeloogdog with values of 4122.75 and 3993.88 mg 100 g(-1) of fresh weight, respectively and the highest amount of procyanidin B2 was found with Sangkrow 2 followed by Fapratan with values of 5,006.39 and 3,689.42 mg 100 g(-1) of fresh weight, respectively. Catechin contents in fruits of the fifteen cultivars varied from 73.39 to 316.22 mg 100 g(-1) of fresh weight for Sangkrow 5 and Fapratan, respectively where Fapratan was the highest among the fifteen cultivars followed by Sangkrow 2 with values of 316.22 and 175.40 mg 100 g(-1) of fresh weight, respectively. In terms of grand total amounts of flavonoids, Sangkrow 2 was the best followed by Fapratan, Sangkrow 1 and Maeloogdog, whilst the rest were of secondary importance.  相似文献   

During May and June of 2012 and 2013, a study was conducted to assess losses at the farm, wholesale and retail levels in the supply chain of litchi in India. Changes in fruit quality parameters after harvest and the effectiveness of an improved corrugated fibre board (CFB) box versus conventional wooden box packaging to minimize postharvest losses were also studied. Farm-level samples were collected immediately after harvest from farmers' orchards in the Muzaffarpur district of Bihar state. Wholesale market samples were procured from the Delhi market, and retail samples from the Muzaffarpur and Delhi market. Real-time data on losses and quality parameters of fruits were recorded by transporting litchi from Muzaffarpur to Delhi (distance 1000 km) by truck. Studies indicated that the average loss (fruits discarded at sorting) apparent at the farm level during 2012 and 2013 was 30.4% and 25.8%, respectively. The average loss at the wholesale market level in Delhi was 15.8% and 12.4% during 2012 and 2013, respectively. The highest mean loss (up to 20.5%) was observed at the retail level. The mean fruit weight loss during transport to Delhi was 9.42% and 7.07% during 2012 and 2013, respectively. The mean total loss in the supply chain of litchi ranged from 35.3% to 43.8%. The total soluble solids, respiration and ethylene evolution in litchi fruits were found to increase after transport, whereas acidity and colour parameters (L*, a* and b* values) significantly decreased over time. The predominant pathogen associated with fruit decay was Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler. CFB packaging significantly reduced various losses, thus indicating its effectiveness in its current use in non-refrigerated trucks for transport.  相似文献   

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