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晚稻塑盘旱育抛秧苗期喷施多效唑对秧苗及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多效唑是一种高效植物生长调节剂 ,广泛应用于杂交中、晚稻水育秧 ,其主要作用是有效控制秧苗高度 ,促进根系生长和提高低节位分蘖 ,增加叶绿素含量,达到培育壮秧、增产的目的。但多效唑在晚稻塑盘旱育抛秧中试验和应用 ,则处于起步阶段 ,目前试验研究报道尚少。湖北省监利县双季晚稻育秧期间高温、多雨 ,秧苗生长快、易徒长 ,尤其是塑盘旱育抛秧播种密度增大 ,秧苗更易徒长成高脚弱苗 ,不利于抛栽和立苗。因此 ,晚稻塑盘旱育抛秧在培育壮秧上控苗是关键。我们就晚稻塑盘旱育抛秧施用多效唑的控促效果及其对秧苗素质和产量的影响做了试验 ,…  相似文献   

杂交双晚塑盘旱育抛秧要抓好10个技术问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我县自1993年以来,在水稻栽培方式上经历了湿润育秧手栽——旱育稀植——塑盘旱育抛秧和在生产季节上由重点发展早稻、一季稻塑盘旱育抛秧到双晚塑盘旱育抛秧的发展过程。双晚塑盘旱育抛秧由于具有省工、节本、争时等优点而受到农民的欢迎,1997年推广面积达39...  相似文献   

塑盘抛秧超高产技术研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
定点追踪观察大穗型品种武运粳7号的塑盘抛秧超高产栽培特点,确定了武运粳7号等大穗型品种超高产栽培技术:采取麦秸全量还田、培肥土壤的稻作技术,密度控制在105万/hm^2左右、N肥用量326kg/h秆左右(其中基肥:分蘖肥:促花肥:保花肥=4:2.5:2:1.5),合理配比N、P、K的肥料运筹技术,促进水稻早发,形成水稻超高产形态建成。  相似文献   

采用塑盘旱育秧和塑盘湿润育秧 2 种育种方式,进行烯效唑拌种与不拌种对比试验。结果表明,烯效唑拌种能显著提高秧苗素质和产量,而以塑盘旱育秧的秧苗素质较好,产量较高。  相似文献   

近年来,随着水稻抛秧技术的大面积推广,大田化学除草技术已逐年普及,但对塑盘秧中夹心稗草的防治却被忽略了。水稻塑盘湿育秧通常用沟泥装盘,稗草种子随泥入盘,出苗后成为夹心稗,随秧苗抛入田中,增加了大田除种的难度。为了明确除草剂对夹心稗草的防治效果和对秧苗生长的影响,笔者于1998年在东阳市吴宁镇单良村早稻秧田上进行了试验,结果如下。(-)材料与方法1.早稻品种选用嘉育293,由东阳市种子公司提供,播前用80%“402”抗菌剂2000倍药液浸种48小时,浸后用清水洗净沥干,不催芽播种。2.药剂处理(1)SO%丁草胺乳油(杭…  相似文献   

塑盘旱育抛秧超高产栽培中的障碍因素与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水稻抛秧栽培法因改变了稻农世世代代“两脚插在泥窝里 ,曲腿低头大躬腰”的艰辛劳动 ,且简便易行、快速省时、省工省力、高产高效 ,深受稻农欢迎。与此同时 ,随着我国稻作科学研究深入发展 ,超高产栽培技术成果不断创新涌现与提高完善 ,使产量水平大幅提高。而塑盘旱育抛秧法在现有技术下难以使产量再大幅提高 ,平均667m2产量徘徊在450kg上下 ,很难突破600kg。对此我们通过大量调查分析和试验 ,在保留抛秧法最大优越性的基础上 ,对其有关限制单产进一步提高的障碍因素进行了技术改进 ,创造出露地旱育同伸多蘖大苗塑“砣”抛秧高产栽培法 ,…  相似文献   

董雪明  杨付生 《中国稻米》1997,(3):30-30,35
塑盘旱育抛秧是将塑盘育秧抛栽与旱育秧技术结合起来,达到省力、高产的目的,江苏省在单季晚稻上推广该项技术获得成功。我们于1996年在连作晚稻上也进行了试验,取得了较好的结果。(一)试验概况本试验设三种处理:①塑盘旱育抛秧;②塑盘水有抛秧;③常规半旱育秧手插(对照)。供试品种为特早熟晚稻品种95-503。试验小区面积39.2m2。塑盘旱育秧床地前作系蔬菜地,播前整平床地,浇上一层水河泥,将塑盘依次放好,秧盘上再浇上水河泥,待稍沉实后播种,播种期为7月13日,播种量100g/盘芽谷,播后覆盖麦草。塑盘水有床地为连晚秧田,…  相似文献   

应用不同播种方式和灌溉方法研究了孔穴塑盘育秧实用技术,结果表明:1)土种分播每孔穴4~5粒芽谷,播后浸润沟灌,出苗穴率和成苗效率较高,土种混播或泥浆播种,虽较省工,但成苗率不如土种分播;播后淹灌或浇灌,易引起烂种烂芽,2)每盘播80g芽谷以下随播种量增中空穴减少,播种量超过每盘80g芽谷虽空穴减少,但秧苗素质下降,3)床土混土重0.5%的NPK营养剂有利于培育强壮秧苗,不添加NPK营养则秧苗较弱  相似文献   

水稻塑盘旱育秧发生串根的原因及解决办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

赖淑媛 《福建稻麦科技》2007,25(2):16-16,26
稻谷空秕粒是指不受精的空粒和受精后不能发育的半空粒,是水稻生产上普遍存在的一种生理障碍。在正常气候和栽培条件下,水稻的空秕粒率10%~20%,异常年份空秕率可达40%,甚至更高,对水稻产量影响很大。2006年早季,上杭县中都、湖洋、才溪等乡(镇)部分杂交早稻组合出现空秕粒增加、结实率极低的异常情况。经调查品种来源、播插期、抽穗期、大田整齐度、株形、粒形等,并查阅气象资料后认为,  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2006,99(1):59-66
In this study, the effect of crop season on yield and grain weight uniformity was examined in field-grown rice cultivar Tainung 67 and its sodium azide-induced mutant SA419 in 2000 and 2001. In spring, Tainung 67 had greater yield (7.2 mg ha−1) than SA419 (6.2 mg ha−1). Marked yield decline (averaged 27% decline) was found in Tainung 67 when it was grown in autumn. The yield decline resulting from season change was only 5.9% for SA419. The greater yield of SA419 than Tainung 67 in autumn was due to its higher net assimilation rate and better dry matter partitioning during grain filling. The distribution patterns of grain weight differed between the tested genotypes, with greater grain weight variations for Tainung 67 than SA419. Significant panicle branch effects on the distribution pattern of grain weight were also found between Tainung 67 and SA419 with greater variation for the former than the latter. SA419 has several agronomic traits, such as heavier 1000-grain weight and more uniform grain development within a panicle, that makes it a genotype with superior grain quality than Tainung 67.  相似文献   

Elevated Na+ levels in agricultural lands are increasingly becoming a serious threat to the world agriculture. Plants suffer osmotic and ionic stress under high salinity due to the salts accumulated at the outside of roots and those accumulated at the inside of the plant cells, respectively. Mechanisms of salinity tolerance in plants have been extensively studied and in the recent years these studies focus on the function of key enzymes and plant morphological traits. Here, we provide an updated overview of salt tolerant mechanisms in glycophytes with a particular interest in rice (Oryza sativa) plants. Protective mechanisms that prevent water loss due to the increased osmotic pressure, the development of Na+ toxicity on essential cellular metabolisms, and the movement of ions via the apoplastic pathway (i.e. apoplastic barriers) are described here in detail.  相似文献   

水稻地膜覆盖旱管节水栽培技术要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了覆盖地膜旱管栽培水稻具有节水、增温、保墒和促早熟等优点。栽培过程中,要注意选择合适品种和适宜的播期、移栽期,以及适当的肥水管理。  相似文献   

The contention that agricultural grassland within the UK is spatially and structurally uniform across wide differences in livestock farming intensity is examined. Total nitrogen (N) input was used as a surrogate for management intensity. Farms with average annual N inputs of >200 kg ha?1 were categorized as highly intensive, those with N inputs of 50–200 kg N ha?1 as moderately intensive and those with inputs of <50 kg N ha?1 were categorized as extensive. Four farms within each management category were selected in two discrete regions: one in south‐west England, typifying a landscape dominated by agricultural grassland, the other in south‐east England with a more mixed‐farming landscape. Specific N input and management data, and sward botanical composition and structure, were obtained on four fields per farm. The south‐west region had a higher proportion of farms with dairy cattle than in the south‐east England region. The average N input and stocking rates were higher within the intensive‐management category farms in south‐west England than in south‐east England. Old permanent grasslands contained variable amounts of sown species, such as Lolium perenne, and were dominated by a few (generally <5) non‐sown grass species. Grassland that received >75 kg N ha ?1 year?1 contained <7 plant species and <3 forb species m?2. Grassland communities with >12 plant species and >5 forb species m?2 were only found in study fields that received <50 kg N ha?1 year?1. Grasslands with >10 forb species m?2 were found only in sites receiving <15 kg N ha?1. Of importance at a landscape scale was ubiquity of species‐poor and similar grassland plant communities across the management intensity range within and between livestock farms. Grassland in the extensive management category was similar in structure in terms of sward height and/or sward density to more intensively managed grasslands. This study revealed, albeit in two lowland sample regions in the UK, the ubiquity of grass‐dominated, species‐poor and structurally uniform grasslands, irrespective of apparently broad differences in farming intensity. The consequences of this spatial uniformity on grassland biodiversity are likely to be profound.  相似文献   

湘中地区抽穗期低温对一季稻的危害及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
谢惠云  阳明慧 《作物研究》2005,19(4):208-210
2005年在娄底调查了不同海拔、不同品种在低温期间抽穗对一季稻结实率与产量的影响,结果表明,抽穗扬花期遇低温结实率下降,产量降低,而且海拔越高,低温影响越严重,但不同品种对低温的抗(耐)性有差异.提出了因地制宜选用抗寒性较强的品种组合;适时播种,使抽穗扬花期避开规律性低温为害;健身栽培,提高植株抗逆能力;化学调控,减轻低温为害程度,夺取一季稻高产丰收的对策措施.  相似文献   

研究利用早季自然低温变化,通过目测和镜捡方法,对724份高代不育株系进行系统育性鉴定,筛选出20个育性符合育种目标的不育株系,其中稳定不育株系7份,尚需进一步重复观察株系13个,株系入选率为2.76%,育种效果明显。  相似文献   

近年来,泉州市的甘薯种植面积一直保持在2万hm^2左右,在122个乡镇均有种植,各乡镇的生产水平也参差不齐,产量最低的鲜薯平均产量只有960kg/667m^2,为此笔者对造成泉州市甘薯低产的原因进行了调查并提出相应的对策。为提高泉州市的甘薯栽培产量提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻塑料软盘育秧栽培技术,就是用软盘育出带土块的水稻小苗秧,抛植到大田,具有分蘖早、回青期不明显的特点,利于水稻生长发育的栽培技术.该技术可以省工节本,产量有较大幅度增长.  相似文献   

水稻肥床塑盘旱育抛秧是一项先进的稻作技术 ,具有节水、节地、节本、节工、高产、适应机械化和产业化生产等十大优势 ,5年来的推广应用表明 ,一般单产在700kg/667m2左右 ,高产田块单产在800kg/667m2 以上 ,比肥床旱育手栽增产13.39% ,显示了比肥床旱育和塑盘湿润育秧抛栽更明显的增产优势。现根据江苏省东台市5年来的高产栽培实践 ,结合试验、示范资料 ,制定以下操作规程 ,供生产应用时参考。一、选址建床塑盘旱育秧要选择地势较高、耕作层深厚的旱地建立秧床 ,切忌选用上年种过水生作物的田块。每667m2…  相似文献   

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