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福建农林大学麻类遗传育种综合利用研究室自2002年以来开展菜用黄麻新品种选育,已选育出菜用黄麻优良新品种福农1号、2号、3号、4号、5号等。福建莆田、福清、闽侯的示范试验,以及河南、四川、湖北、安徽、湖南、江西等地的引种试种表明,福农系列品种均表现为嫩茎叶产量高,采摘期耐热耐旱、生长速度快、栽培容易、污染少(一般不施用农药),可弥补5-8月份蔬菜品种淡缺;食用上风味独特、口感好,富含粗蛋白、粗纤维和木槿酸,以及Ca、P、Fe、K、Mg、Se等微量元素。  相似文献   

高产、低脂肪菜用大豆新品种晋豆39号选育   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
晋豆39号(汾豆77号)是菜用大豆新品种,由山西省农业科学院经济作物研究所培育.1996年以埂283为母本,早熟18为父本,通过人工杂交,系统选育而成,2008年4月通过山西省农作物品种审定委员会审定通过,该品种具有高产、早熟、荚大粒大、低脂肪等特点.  相似文献   

菜用大豆利用的实践   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
北方春大豆在秋季完熟前,即鼓粒期后及时采摘鲜荚,煮熟食用和速冻后食用,其营养丰富,口味独特,越来越受到人们的重视和欢迎,鲜荚大豆的直接经济效益明显高于一般大豆,而且剩余绿色茎叶可做青饲料也可还田培肥地力。为实现鲜荚大豆的高产高效,必须运用优良品种、选地施肥、播种、密度、田间管理等项栽培技术及掌握好采摘时期。  相似文献   

Summary In the normal process of digestion, not only substances in solution are absorbed. Solid, undissolved food particles, in macrocorpuscular form, are regularly kneaded into the mucosa during their passage through the digestive tract. They pass between the epithelial cells into the subepithelial layer. From here, they are transmitted both by the lymph vessels and by the mesenteric veins into the circulation, where they remain for a considerable time.This process was discovered in 1844 by the Göttingen physiologistHerbst, and later confirmed by others, but was generally considered an impossible and therefore untenable theory, since the passage of such large particles through the mucous membrane does not fit our conception of the physiological mechanism of absorption. We have investigated this phenomenon in detail in recent years with the help of a large team of colleagues under the general heading of persorption. For these investigations, we used among other things starch granules as models, as the starch granule possesses outstanding qualities on the one hand for administration and on the other for demonstration in body fluids and tissues.The mechanism of passage through the epithelial cell layer has been reconstructed, and transportation through the intestinal membrane investigated. Quantitative observations of the number of persorbed starch granules in the blood were made. It was found that within a few minutes of the consumption of rolled oats, wheat flakes, whole-meal, or of the same amount of starch in the form of potato- or corn-starch, numerous unchanged starch granules can be demonstrated in the blood. A prerequisite for this mechanism is the persorbability of the starch granules, which is limited by the size and consistency of the uncooked starch granules. Persorption was observed up to a diameter of 110 microns. The persorbability of starch granules may be recognized by their polarizing capacity.Numerous foods when ready to eat contain masses of such persorbable starch granules. In particular, they are present in cereals in flake form (rolled oats, wheat flakes) in whole-meal, in crisp-bread, also in short-bread pastries, biscuits and cakes in which no milk or water is used in the preparation. Dry heat does not affect the persorbability of starch granules. Boiled starch granules lose their persorbability.The mechanism of transportation of persorbed starch granules in the body, deposition as micro-emboli in the lumen of the minute vessels, and elimination from the vascular system were also studied. Phagocytosis of small starch granules (e.g. rice) by leukocytes was observed. Alterations in the vascular system of animals, due to such granules which had been persorbed or had entered the circulation, were also seen.Other particles of vegetable origin can also be persorbed. The phenomenon of persorption was also demonstrated in man and animals with cellulose particles, pollen, spores, fragments of plant hairs. Yeast cells are found in the chyle, blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid after oral administration.
Zusammenfassung Beim normalen Verdauungsvorgang werden auch feste, ungelöste Nahrungspartikel in großkorpuskulärer Form mit konstanter Regelmäßigkeit während ihrer Passage durch den Verdauungstrakt in die Schleimhaut eingeknetet. Sie gelangen zwischen den Epithelzellen hindurch in die Region unterhalb der Epithelzellschicht. Von dort werden sie in den Blutkreislauf eingeschleust, in welchem sie über längere Zeit zirkulieren.Mit einem großen Team von Mitarbeitern haben wir in den letzten Jahren dieses Phänomen unter dem Arbeitstitel Persorption eingehender untersucht. Bei diesen Untersuchungen bedienten wir uns unter anderem der Stärkekörner als Modellkörper, weil das Stärkekorn ausgezeichnete Qualitäten für die Applikation einerseits, sowie für den Nachweis in Körperflüssigkeiten und im Gewebe andererseits besitzt.Auch andere Partikel pflanzlicher Herkunft können persorbiert werden. Mit Zellulose-Partikeln, Pollen, Sporen, Bruckstücken von Pflanzenhaaren wurde das Phänomen der Persorption sowohl tierexperimentell als auch am Menschen nachgewiesen. Hefezellen werden nach oraler Applikation ebenfalls im Chylus, im Blut, im Harn, im Liquor cerebrospinalis gefunden.Die Mechanismen für den Durchtritt solcher Partikel durch die Epithelzellschicht konnten rekonstruiert werden. Der Transport durch die Darmschleimhaut wurde untersucht. Quantitative Beobachtungen über die Anzahl der persorbierten Partikel im Blut wurden angestellt. Hierbei zeigte sich, daß bereits wenige Minuten nach Einnahme von Haferflocken, Weizenflocken, Weizenschrot, oder auch der gleichen Gewichtsmenge Stärke (Mais, Kartoffel), zahlreiche Stärkekörner in unveränderter Form im Blut nachweisbar sind. Vorbedingung für diesen Mechanismus ist die Persorptionsfähigkeit dieser Partikel, welche durch die Größe und den Härtegrad der Partikel begrenzt ist. Die Persorptionsfähigkeit von Stärkekörnern ist an der erhaltenen Polarisationsfähigkeit erkennbar.Zahlreiche speisefertige Nahrungsmittel enthalten massenhaft solche persorptionsfähigen Stärkekörner. Insbesondere sind sie in Cerealien in Flockenform (Haferflocken, Weizenflocken), in Weizenschrot, in Knäckebrot, sowie in Gebäcken mit Mürbteigcharakter, Keksen, Biskuits, und in Kuchensorten, welche ohne Verwendung von Wasser, bzw. Milch hergestellt werden, vorhanden. Die Trockenerhitzung verändert die Persorptionsfähigkeit von Stärkekörnern nicht. Gekochte Stärkekörner verlieren ihre Persorptionsfähigkeit.Es wurden ferner die Transportmechanismen von persorbierten Stärkekörnern im Organismus, ihre Deponierung als Mikro-Emboli im Lumen kleinster Gefäße, sowie die Eliminationsmechanismen aus dem Gefäßsystem untersucht. Eine Phagocytose kleinster Stärkekörner (z.B. Reis) konnte durch Leukozyten beobachtet werden. Außerdem wurden tierexperimentell Veränderungen am Gefäßsystem durch solche persorbierte, bzw. in den Blutkreislauf eingebrachte Stärkekörner beobachtet.

Résumé Les aliments résorbés dans le cadre du processus physiologique de digestion ne sont pas tous solubilisés. Des particules de nourriture solides, se présentant sous la forme de gros corpuscules, vont également se nicher avec régularité dans la muqueuse du tractus digestif. Se frayant un chemin entre les cellules épithéliales, ils pénètrent souls la couche épithéliale. Repris par le système lymphatique et les veines mésentériques, ils sont finalement déversés dans la circulation sanguine où ils se maintiennent relativement longtemps.Découvert en 1844 par le physiologisteHerbst et confirmé plus tard par d'autres auteurs, ce processus fut généralement mis en doute parce que le passage de la muqueuse intestinale par des particules solides aussi volumineuses est contraire à l'idée que l'on se fait communément des mécanismes physiologiques de la résorption. Avec une equipe nombreuse de collaborateurs, nous avons, ces dernières années, étudié de plus près ce phénomène que nous nommons la persorption. Nous prîmes pour modèle les granules d'amidon qui se laissent particulièrement bien mettre en évidence dans les humeurs et les tissus.Le mécanisme du passage de la couche des cellules épithéliales a ainsi pu être reconstitué. Nous avons en outre étudié le transport à travers la muqueuse intestinale et établi la quantité des granules d'amidon passant dans le sang. On observe notamment des granules d'amidon intacts dans le sang quelques minutes déjà après l'absorption de flocons d'avoine ou de froment ou d'une quantité équivalente d'amidon (maïs, pommes de terre). La persorbabilité des granules d'amidon est évidemment limitée par leur taille et leur dureté à l'état cru. Au-delà de 110 microns de diamètre, ils ne sont plus persorbés. La persorbabilité des granules d'amidon se reconnaît au maintien de leur faculté de polarisation.Beaucoup d'aliments prêts à la consommation contiennent une foison de granules d'amidon persorbables, à savoir les céréales sous forme de flocons d'avoine ou de froment, le Knäckebrot, les gâteaux secs, cakes, biscuits et gateaux préparés sans eau ni lait. L'échauffement à sec ne modifie pas la persorbabilité des granules d'amidon tandis que la cuisson la détruit.Nous avons étudié également les mécanismes de transport des granules d'amidon persorbés dans l'organisme, leur dépôt sous forme de micro-embolus dans la lumière des plus fins vaisseaux ainsi que leur élimination du système vasculaire. Les granules particulièrement petits (par exemple dans le riz) sont phagocytés par les leucocytes. Chez l'animal de laboratoire, on a pu observer des modifications vasculaires provoquées par des granules d'amidon ayant pénétré dans la voie sanguine.Le phénomène de la persorption a également été constaté chez l'homme et chez l'animal avec des particules de cellulose, du pollen, des spores et des fragments de poils végétaux. On retrouve également des cellules de levure après application orale dans le chyle, le sang, l'urine et le liquide cérébrospinal.

With the technical assistance ofHannelore Wendlandt, Ursula Kiessling, Christa Krone.  相似文献   

Compared to the lubricants made of petroleum, vegetable-based lubricants are much more biodegradable but inferior in many other technical characteristics. The basestock typically contributes to more than 80% of lubricant and must meet performance criteria in such aspects as cleanliness, viscometric properties, volatility, oxidative and hydrolytic stability, deposit forming tendencies, solvency, miscibility or compatibility with system elastomers and other. For vegetable-based lubricants, oxidative stability and low temperature problems are considered the most critical. Thin film oxidation test was used to compare oxidative stabilities. Vegetable oils appear an order of magnitude less stable than mineral oils or synthetic biodegradable basestocks, such as isoalkyl adipates or poly alphaolefins. Low temperature performance of vegetable oils, namely pour points and cold storage, was also problematic. These problems can only partially be relieved by lubricant additives, thus vegetable oils have to be modified chemically to eliminate sites susceptible to oxidation and to disrupt formation of crystals at low temperatures.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1996,49(1):11-37
The role of physiological understanding in improving the efficiency of breeding programs is examined largely from the perspective of conventional breeding programs. Impact of physiological research to date on breeding programs, and the nature of that research, was assessed from (i) responses to a questionnaire distributed to plant breeders and physiologists, and (ii) a survey of literature abstracts. Ways to better utilise physiological understanding for improving breeding programs are suggested, together with possible constraints to delivering beneficial outcomes. Responses from the questionnaire indicated a general view that the contribution by crop physiology to date has been modest. However, most of those surveyed expected the contribution to be larger in the next 20 years. Some constraints to progress perceived by breeders and physiologists were highlighted. The survey of literature abstracts indicated that from a plant breeding perspective, much physiological research is not progressing further than making suggestions about possible approaches to selection. There was limited evidence in the literature of objective comparison of such suggestions with existing methodology, or of development and application of these within active breeding programs. It is argued in this paper that the development of outputs from physiological research for breeding requires a good understanding of the breeding program(s) being serviced and factors affecting its performance. Simple quantitative genetic models, or at least the ideas they represent, should be considered in conducting physiological research and in envisaging and evaluating outputs. The key steps of a generalised breeding program are outlined, and the potential pathways for physiological understanding to impact on these steps are discussed. Impact on breeding programs may arise through (i) better choice of environments in which to conduct selection trials, (ii) identification of selection criteria and traits for focused introgression programs, and (iii) identifying traits for indirect selection criteria as an adjunct to criteria already used. While many breeders and physiologists apparently recognise that physiological understanding may have a major role in the first area, there appears to be relatively little research activity targeting this issue, and a corresponding bias, arguably unjustified, toward examining traits for indirect selection. Furthermore, research on traits aimed at crop improvement is often deficient because key genetic parameters, such as genetic variation in relevant breeding populations and genetic (as opposed to phenotypic) correlations with yield or other characters of economic importance, are not properly considered in the research. Some areas requiring special attention for successfully interfacing physiology research with breeding are discussed. These include (i) the need to work with relevant genetic populations, (ii) close integration of the physiological research with an active breeding program, and (iii) the dangers of a pre-defined or narrow focus in the physiological research.  相似文献   

食用植物油掺伪检测   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
使用气相色谱仪对芝麻油,花生油,色拉油中掺伪的检测方法进行研究,并对气相色谱法与国际植物油脂定性试验检测结果进行比较和判别。结果表明,利用气相色谱法不仅可以定性,而且可以定量检测和判别植物油的掺伪,若用来自同一生态区的油品做参比样,将各种植物油的特征脂肪组分含量作已知量代入掺伪计算公式中掺伪的计算的掺伪含量则更为准确。  相似文献   

姚月明  陈永霖 《茶叶科学》1989,9(2):151-154
武夷肉桂系福建省武夷山众多的岩茶名丛之一,属闽北乌龙无性品系。按正宗武夷岩茶制法,对肉桂与水仙进行了感官和理化比较分析,结果表明,肉桂具有辛锐持久的花果香和较醇和的滋味,是适制岩茶的佳品之一。同时,就肉桂岩茶制法对香气滋味形成的影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的油菜育种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
官春云 《作物研究》2003,17(2):99-102
俄罗斯的油菜育种工作开展较早,育成品种较多。主要介绍了俄罗斯在油菜双低育种、黄籽育种、低纤维育种、抗寒育种、芥菜型油菜芳香油育种等方面的成果与进展,并对俄罗斯油料作物研究所育成的部分品种进行了介绍。  相似文献   

对征集的20份菜用大豆品种的农艺、经济、产量、品质等主要性状进行鉴定,结果表明:品种间的以株高、株荚数、株荚重、产量的差异最大;毛豆2808、台75鲜荚产量显著高于其它品种;鲜籽粒的淀粉含量、总糖均比普通大豆高,而纤维素含量则低,台75本地秋繁与北繁其性状差异大.  相似文献   

Summary In the New World two or perhaps three genera of theMyristicaceae are involved in the production of vegetable tallows:Virola, Dialyanthera, and possiblyOsteophloem. Vegetable tallows originating at Belém do Pará should be mostly fromVirola surinamensis; those originating from Colombia should be fromDialyanthera Otoba; and tallow from southern Brazil should be fromVirola sebifera, or fromV. oleifera.
Zusammenfassung In der Neuen Welt sind zwei oder vielleicht drei Gattungen derMyristicaceae an der Produktion von vegetabilischem Talg beteiligt,Virola undDialanthera, vielleicht auchOsteophloem. Erzeugnisse von Belém do Pará stammen meist vonVirola surinamensis, solche von Columbia wahrscheinlich vonDialanthera Otoba. Talge aus dem südlichen Brasilien stammen vonVirola sebifera oder vonVirola oleifera.

Slomnicki  Israel 《Potato Research》1961,4(4):394-399
Potato Research - In the spring of 1957 a breeding programme was begun for the purpose of creating a potato variety with a short dormancy and a short to medium growing period. Since there are two...  相似文献   

The binding of bile salts by dietary fibre plays an important role in cholesterol metabolism in man. In most of the adsorption studies of bile salts in vitro, the chemical composition of the fibre preparations has not been described, even broadly, nor has the effect of co-precipitated compounds (e.g. proteins) been considered. Hence, it seemed useful to investigate the adsorption of Na cholate (NaC) and Na taurocholate (NaTC) by well-defined cell wall material (CWM) from parenchymatous, lignified and cutinised tissues of mature runner bean pods as well as leeks under a variety of experimental conditions. This study was to identify the groups of polymers which are responsible for adsorption. The results showed dramatic differences in the adsorption characteristics of the wall preparations at different pH values. Some of the findings are reported below. The CWM from the various tissues was prepared by sequentially extracting the wet ball-milled tissues with 1% aq. Na deoxycholate and phenol/acetic acid/water (2:1:1, w/v/v). Experiments with labelled deoxycholate showed that the final preparations contained negligible amounts of adsorbed deoxycholate. Since the amount of residual starch in the preparations was small, no attempt was made to remove it; however, if required, this could be completely removed by extraction with 90% aq. dimethyl sulphoxide. The particle size of the preparations varied from 25–50 μm. For adsorption studies the following preparations were used: (1) whole-, depeetinated-and delignified-CWM from parenchymatous and lignified tissues of runner beans, together with the H and Na forms; (2) CWM of runner beans at different stages of maturity; (3) CWM of whole-and decutinised-leaves and cutinised tissues of leeks and (4) carboxymethyl cellulose and amberlite resin. The binding of bile salts was measured by a modified isotope-dilution procedure. The neutral sugars from the polysaccharides were determined as alditol acetates by GLC and an estimate of the uronic acid content of the preparations was obtained by a modified carbazole method. Experiments on the effect of pH on the binding of cholate by the various preparations showed that the adsorption capacity was very much dependent on the pH. The binding increased as the pH decreased. These experiments were complicated by the precipitation cholic acid at a pH value of <4. Nevertheless, an interaction between cholate and CWM persisted in acid solutions. Removal of pectic substances and lignin from the runner bean preparations resulted in a decrease of the adsorption capacity. The results suggested that the adsorption is greatest under conditions in which the ionization of cholic acid and the acidic groups of the cell wall polymers is at its lowest. Following these studies, determinations were made of the adsorption of cholate from an aqueous solution (without buffer) by wall preparations in the H and Na forms. With all the preparations the adsorption was greatest when these were in the H form. Adsorption studies with the preparations from leeks showed that the adsorption capacity of the parenchymatous tissues was considerably more than that of cutinised tissues. Hence, pectic substances in the H form (an not lignin or cutin) are probably the principal binding agents of cholate. The adsorption of Na taurocholate by the various preparations was independent of pH value. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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