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四川省近年育成小麦品种农艺性状和品质性状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为给四川小麦新品种培育和生产提供参考,统计了2008-2018年四川省审定的100个小麦品种的6个农艺性状和8个品质性状,并对其性状变化规律及相关性进行了分析。结果表明,2008-2018年四川省审定小麦品种的产量水平呈逐年上升趋势,平均每年提高22.0kg·hm^-2;产量三要素中,穗数和粒重呈下降趋势,穗粒数呈上升趋势。生育期平均每年缩短0.36d,株高呈上升趋势,但变化不明显。高产品种的穗数较多,千粒重较高,增加穗粒数可能是进一步提高产量潜力的关键。近年审定品种的粗蛋白含量和沉降值相对较高,但湿面筋含量、稳定时间等指标相对较低;同一品种多个品质指标间强、中、弱筋层次交错。总体来看,四川省小麦高产优质育种仍有较大提升空间,穗数接近350×10^4·hm^-2、穗粒数44粒、千粒重45g以上的多穗型品种可能更适合四川气候和生产条件;相同品种的多个品质指标间不协调,总体较差,品质遗传改良研究亟需加强。  相似文献   

花生种质农艺、产量和品质性状的综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

杂交早稻产量和品质性状间的典型相关分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对28个杂交组合及其11个亲本的6个产量性状和11个品质性状进行典型相关分析,结果表明:两者之间存在极显著的相关,通过育种手段可以培育出高产优质的品种;品质育种中要重视整精米率、垩白率、直链淀粉含量和胶稠度等性状的改良,直链淀粉含量和胶稠度应以中等为宜,否则影响其它品质性状的改良。  相似文献   

培育和筛选适宜在盐碱地种植的花生品种,对盐碱地开发及提高土地利用率有重要意义。本研究对种植在滨州盐碱地的13个高油酸花生品系和1个普通油酸对照品种的产量和品质性状进行测定,发现5个花生品种(系)在盐碱地种植相对产量较高,分别为花育33号、P16-8、P16-7、P16-10和P16-41。此外,在盐碱地种植的品种(系)的含油量、油酸含量和油亚比值均有不同程度的降低。本研究为耐盐碱花生品种(系)的筛选提供了参考数据。  相似文献   

杂交水稻产量性状和品质性状的因子分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对54个杂交水稻品种(组合)的产量性状和品质性状进行因子分析,结果表明:(1)产量性状中,前4个公因子对变异的累计方差贡献率达85%,这4个公因子能恰当地反映了所控制的10个产量性状及其相互关系.(2)品质性状中,前4个公因子的特征值的累计贡献率达88.6%,这4个独立的公因子能够代表品质性状绝大部分的遗传信息及其相互关系.(3)杂交组合博Ⅱ Ax2006和博Ⅱ Axl-10具有较为理想的产量构成性状结构,但其品质性状的得分较低.其品质性状有待于进一步改良;杂交组合特AxR248不仅具有结构较好的产量构成性状,同时也具有较高的产量性状和品质性状因子得分,建议在生产上进一步验证和推广.  相似文献   

对山西省1993—2009年审定的31个大豆品种分布局域、产量、品质和亲本来源进行了简要分析。结果表明,山西大豆资源丰富,大豆育种在2000年以后有了很大的发展,三个生态区都有品种育成,育成品种数量增多,高油品种数量呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

河南省花生品种产量性状的遗传改良   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
选用近二十年在河南省推广的12个花生品种为试验材料,对花生品种主要性状的遗传改良进行了研究。结果表明,品种的产量及其构成因素得到了明显的改良。2000年以后审定的近期品种产量水平有较大提高,比早期(1994年以前)和中期(1995-1999年)的品种平均增产540kg/hm^2,增产幅度达6.8%。近期品种在单株果重、单株饱果数、百果重和单株有效果数上比中期和早期有极显著地增加,500g仁数显著降低,产量性状中只有出仁率和500g果数变化较小。近期品种的脂肪含量比早期品种有显著和极显著地提高,近期品种的蛋白质含量比中期品种有所下降,比早期品种都有极显著地提高,而且幅度较大。近期品种的株高较中期品种降低4.9cm,侧枝长减少4.33cm,总分枝数比前期和中期减少了2个左右,但结果枝数变化不大。生育期明显缩短,由前期的135~140d缩短到近期的120d左右。近期审定推广的珍珠豆型品种远杂9307与早期品种鲁花12号相比,大多数性状得到了明显地改良。从各性状的遗传变异系数和改良潜力看,单株有效果数、单株饱果数和单株果重的改良幅度较大,出仁率、蛋白质含量和脂肪含量较小。  相似文献   

通过 8个大麦品种比较研究 ,大中 88- 91、西引二号等六棱大麦熟期迟 ,抗寒性强 ,成穗率低 ,穗数少 ,穗型大 ,粒数多 ,粒重低 ,产量高。二棱大麦 ,苏啤 3号熟期早 ,抗寒性中等 ,分蘖性较强 ,成穗率高 ,穗、粒、重三因素比较协调 ,产量高 ;扬饲麦 3号熟期偏迟 ,抗寒性较强 ,分蘖性强 ,成穗率、有效穗及粒重中等 ,穗型较大 ,粒数较多 ,产量较高 ;苏引麦 3号熟期早 ,抗寒性差 ,成穗率较高 ,穗数中等 ,穗型大 ,粒数多 ,产量中等 ;单二熟期迟 ,抗寒性与分蘖性强 ,成穗率高 ,穗数足 ,穗型偏小 ,粒重高 ,产量中等 ;沪麦 16熟期适中 ,抗寒性较强 ,分蘖性中等 ,成穗率低 ,穗数少 ,穗型较大 ,粒数较多 ,粒重中等 ,产量较低 ;扬农啤 2号熟期早 ,抗寒性差 ,穗数少 ,穗型很小 ,粒数很少 ,粒重特高 ,产量低。  相似文献   

为给湖北省高产优质小麦新品种的选育提供理论参考,以该省2001-2020年审定的57个小麦品种为材料,对其重要产量、品质性状和抗病性进行了分析。结果表明,品种产量逐年增加,年平均增产  39.29 kg·hm-2,产量构成因素中有效穗数呈升高趋势,穗粒数和千粒重随年份呈缓慢下降趋势。相关分析显示,产量与有效穗数和千粒重呈极显著正相关,与产量相关程度表现为有效穗数(0.549 1)>千粒重  (0.392 7)>株高(-0.333 2)>穗粒数(0.110 4)。偏相关分析结果表明,产量构成各因素与产量间均呈极显著正相关,与主要性状相关程度表现为有效穗数(0.821 0)>千粒重(0.811 8)>穗粒数(0.783 6)>株高(-0.162 6),且产量构成因素间均呈极显著负相关,表明今后要在适当降低株高基础上,提高有效穗数和千粒重,兼顾穗粒数,协调三因素间关系。品质性状分析显示,供试小麦品种主要以中筋为主,弱筋小麦所占比例呈增加趋势。"十三五"期间共审定了6了弱筋品种,占比全部弱筋小麦的66.67%。此外,楚襄1号和华麦1168达到国家强筋标准,强筋小麦有了突破,小麦品质也更多样化。抗病性状分析表明,供试小麦品种缺少高抗赤霉病、白粉病和纹枯病品种,抗性亟需加强。直接亲本统计分析,发现利用4个高使用频率直接亲本育成品种主要集中于"十三五"期间,占全部审定品种24.56%,表明20年湖北省审定品种遗传基础较狭窄。建议加强不同来源种质资源收集、利用和创新,以选育出高产、优质和多抗小麦新品种。  相似文献   

Grain quality improvement is one of the most important goals in a rice breeding program. An indica variety with small grain size was crossed to a japonica variety with large grain size to construct a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) which was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling eight grain quality traits. Based on a linkage map of 185 SSR markers, a total of 16 QTLs were mapped on six chromosomes. A pleiotropic main effect QTL (M-QTL) flanked by RM3204 and RM16 on chromosome 3 influences the grain length (GL), length width ratio (LWR) and head rice ratio (HRR), explaining the phenotypic variation of 46.0, 36.1 and 29.7%, respectively. A total of 18 epistatic QTLs were identified for all the traits except MRR, distributed on all the chromosomes except chromosome 10. Two M-QTLs for GL and one M-QTL for GW were involved in epistatic QTL. No significant interaction between M-QTL or epistatic QTL and environment was detected except AC having significant M-QTL by environment interaction with minor effect. GL and LWR have a significant negative relation with HRR which might make it difficult to develop long grain with higher HRR in the rice breeding practice.  相似文献   

磷对大豆不同品种产量和品质的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
土壤盆栽试验表明,低磷处理下大豆品种的籽粒产量很低,籽粒中蛋白质含量高,脂肪含量低。施磷后大豆的产量极显著增加,但增产效果品种间差异也极显著。施磷大大降低籽粒中蛋白质和氨基酸含量,而增加脂肪含量;对脂肪酸组成中的油酸和亚油酸含量也有影响。  相似文献   

Septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by Zymoseptoria tritici (Mycosphaerella graminicola) is a major disease of wheat worldwide due to significant losses in grain yield and quality. Disease tolerance is the ability to maintain yield performance in the presence of disease symptoms. Therefore, it could be a useful tool in the management of the disease. Although it is known, that there is disease tolerance to STB in some wheat cultivars, this aspect has not been studied among Argentinean cultivars. The aims of this study were to evaluate genotypic differences in tolerance to STB among Argentinean cultivars, considering the relationship between the area under disease progress curve or the green leaf area or the non-green leaf area duration with the grain yield. In addition the effect of the disease on yield, yield components, test weight, grain protein concentration, wet and dry gluten concentration and the influence of tolerance on these traits was investigated. Field experiments were carried out with ten cultivars in a split-split-plot design during 2010 and 2011. Inoculation treatments were the main plots and cultivars, the subplots. STB significantly reduced grain yield, their components, test weight and increase grain protein and gluten concentration. Cultivar Baguette 10 showed major tolerance to STB, indicated by a consistent low regression slope between the green area duration and yield, while Klein Chaja was non-tolerant due to a high regression slope. However, many cultivars such as Buck Brasil, Buck 75 Aniversario, Klein Escorpion and Klein Flecha had considerably similar regression slopes to Baguette 10, provided good levels of tolerance. Other cultivars presented no significant differences. The correlation coefficient between tolerance and grain yield potential was not significant, suggesting that tolerant high-yielding cultivars can be obtained. No relationship was found between quality group or tolerance with the increase in protein and gluten concentration due to STB either.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1998,57(1):57-69
A recent breakthrough in generating fertile progeny from Oryza sativa×O. glaberrima crosses gives rice breeders access to a broader range of germplasm. Interspecific crosses might provide new solutions to the low productivity of upland rice systems prone to weed competition. Two field and one pot experiments conducted during 1995 and 1996 served to characterize growth and yield potential of CG14 (O. glaberrima), WAB56-104 (O. sativa) and their progeny. During the 1995 wet season and the 1996 dry and wet seasons, the lines were seeded in a well-drained upland field in Ivory Coast with supplemental sprinkler irrigation. A randomized complete-block design with three replications was used, with cultivar and nitrogen levels as sub-plots. Specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area index (LAI), leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD method) and tiller number were measured at 2-week intervals until flowering. Grain yield and yield components were measured at maturity. In all environments, CG14 produced two to three times the LAI and tiller numbers as WAB56-104. This was associated with a high SLA and low leaf chlorophyll content. Grain yields of CG14 did not respond to N inputs, although the sink potential did. The difference was mainly caused by grain shattering. The progenies had intermediate LAI, SLA and leaf chlorophyll content, but their grain yields, tiller numbers and resistance to lodging and grain shattering were similar to WAB56-104. Across lines, LAI and SLA were significantly correlated. A paddy field experiment confirmed the relationship between LAI and SLA for a wider range of rice cultivars and interspecific progenies. A pot experiment demonstrated that leaf net CO2 assimilation rates (Amax) followed a common linear function of areal leaf chlorophyll content across cultivars. The main common cause of differential LAI and Amax appeared to have been genotypic patterns of SLA, which might be an important determinant of growth vigor and competitiveness with weeds. The possibility is discussed of combining, in a single line, high SLA during vegetative growth (for weed competitiveness) with low SLA during the reproductive growth phase (for high yield potential), to produce an efficient plant type for low-management conditions.  相似文献   

圣稻301是适于黄淮稻区种植的优质水稻品种 ,常因干旱缺水晚插秧和生育后期遇低温而影响稻米品质和产量。本试验旨在探明喷施中国水稻研究所研制的粒粒饱对圣稻301稻米品质和产量的影响。一、材料与方法1.基本情况试验地设在嘉祥县金屯镇钱屯村。前茬小麦 ,肥力中上 ,土壤质地粘重 ,河水灌溉 ,无污染。5月8日半干旱育秧 ,6月30日插秧。2000年因麦收前后气候干旱缺水 ,插秧时间比往年推迟15~18天 (一般年份为6月12~15日 )。试验地每667m2 施磷酸二铵20kg、氯化钾15kg、硫酸锌2kg作基肥。病虫草害…  相似文献   



Heat-tolerant rice cultivars have been developed as a countermeasure to poor grain appearance quality under high temperatures. Recent studies showed that elevated CO2 concentrations (E-[CO2]) also reduce grain quality. To determine whether heat-tolerant cultivars also tolerate E-[CO2], we conducted a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment with 12 rice cultivars differing in heat tolerance.


The percentage of undamaged grains of five standard cultivars (Akitakomachi, Kinuhikari, Koshihikari, Matsuribare, Nipponbare) averaged 61.7% in the ambient [CO2] (AMB) plot and 51.7% in the FACE plot, whereas that of heat-tolerant cultivars (Eminokizuna, Wa2398, Kanto 257, Toyama 80, Mineharuka, Kanto 259, Saikai 290) averaged 73.5% in AMB and 71.3% in FACE. This resulted in a significant [CO2] by cultivar interaction. The percentage of white-base or white-back grains increased from 8.4% in AMB to 17.1% in FACE in the sensitive cultivars, but from only 2.1% in AMB to only 4.4% in FACE in the heat-tolerant cultivars.


Heat-tolerant cultivars retained their grain appearance quality at E-[CO2] under present air temperatures. Further improvements in appearance quality under present conditions will be needed to achieve improvements under E-[CO2], because E-[CO2] will likely lower the threshold temperature for heat stress.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of cultivar and grain position on rice quality under different water management treatments. Water treatments significantly affected all quality traits in the study, except alkali digestibility (AD). There were significant interactions of water treatment by grain position and genotype for brown rice rate (BRR), chalky grain rate (CGR) and amylose content (AC), and interactions of grain position by water treatment and cultivar for head milled rice rate (HMRR). The interaction of water treatment by genotype for protein content (PC) was also significant. Of all variance components, water treatment ranked the highest for PC. Similarly grain position was ranked the highest for AC, BRR, CGR and HMRR. In comparison with wet cultivation, plastic-film mulched cultivation had significantly lower BRR, HMRR, CGR and higher PC. There were marked differences in milled quality, appearance and AD among differently positioned grains within a spike. For appearance and PC, the difference between plastic-film mulched cultivation and wet cultivation was greater for upland rice than paddy rice. For milled and cooking–eating quality, the difference between plastic-film mulched cultivation and wet cultivation was greater for the good quality paddy rice than the upland rice and the poor quality paddy rice. In plastic-film mulched cultivation, top grains showed lower milled quality and PC. While in wet cultivation, the opposite result was seen. With the decrease in soil water content, BRR and appearance showed increased and decreased differences among grains within a spike, respectively. The results indicate the possibility of improving rice quality by use of better water management and suitable cultivars.  相似文献   

Selection for yield per se has greatly contributed to yield improvement in many crops. It is expected that selection based on plant traits is more effective in increasing crop yield potential. This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of trait-based and yield-based selection in increasing rice yield and to determine whether lines with ideotype traits have the potential to express higher yield under optimal crop management conditions. Lines were selected based on plant traits or on grain yield measured in a breeder's replicated yield trial. The main target traits for selection were plant height, leaf and panicle morphology, grain size, total dry weight, and grain-filling percentage. Yield performance of trait-based selection was compared with that of yield-based selection in an agronomic trial with optimum crop management for three seasons. Trait-based selection increased leaf area index and total dry weight but reduced spikelet number per m2 and harvest index compared with yield-based selection. Consequently, selection based on plant traits did not increase grain yield compared with selection based on yield per se. In one of the three seasons, yield of trait-based selection was significantly lower than that of yield-based selection. Among all tested breeding lines, maximum yield was produced by yield-based selection and minimum yield came from trait-based selection. These results suggest that lines with ideotype traits did not express higher grain yield than lines selected based on yield per se under optimal crop management conditions, and yield-based selection was as effective in increasing rice grain yield as trait-based selection in the late generations of the breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Grain yield in cereal crops was an etemal theme.  相似文献   

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