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深松对雷州半岛甘蔗产量的影响及其作用机理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
雷州半岛深松中耕对甘蔗产量影响及其作用机理研究表明,深松打破了犁底层,降低了土壤容重和坚硬度,增加了土壤的蓄水保水能力,改善根系生长的生态条件,促进根系生长,使根系干物质和植株养分显著增加,提高甘蔗的根系活力和抗逆性。深松后的产量较常规中耕提高了16.08%。  相似文献   

利用间作、深松耕和绿肥还田对土壤耕层结构不同的改善作用,将三者集成于同一系统中以发挥各自优势并催生彼此间的协同效应,从而建立适宜持续改善坡耕地耕层结构的耕作措施.于2016~2019年以滇东北规模化种植模式玉米间作马铃薯为研究对象,在此基础上集成利用深松耕与绿肥还田措施.本试验设置6个处理,分别为:T1.玉米单作(对照...  相似文献   

不同耕作措施对红壤坡耕地耕层质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明不同耕作措施对云南红壤坡耕地耕层土壤抗侵蚀性能和生产性能的影响,以常规耕作为对照,设置免耕、翻耕20 cm、翻耕20 cm+压实、翻耕20 cm+深松30 cm四种耕作措施,采用土壤质量指数法对不同耕作措施下耕层质量变化特征进行分析评价。结果表明:(1)不同耕作措施对红壤坡耕地耕层土壤抗侵蚀性能影响显著。翻耕20 cm+深松30 cm处理下土壤饱和导水率最大(1.19 mm·min-1);与常规耕作相比,翻耕20 cm+深松30 cm处理下水稳性团聚体平均质量直径增加28.13%;免耕处理下土壤抗剪强度最高(12.12 kg·cm-2),耕层土壤饱和导水率最大(1.27 mm·min-1);翻耕20 cm处理下大于0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量、水稳性团聚体平均质量直径、几何平均直径均显著高于其他措施,分别为69.64 g·kg-1、1.74 mm、0.77 mm。(2)不同耕作措施对红壤坡耕地耕层生产性能影响具有差异性表现,免耕处理下土壤容重显著增大,土壤有机质、有效磷在表层富集;翻耕20 cm、翻耕20 cm+深松30 cm处理下,耕层增厚效果显著,土壤有机质、有效磷含量显著增加。(3)红壤坡耕地耕层土壤质量及诊断指标的适宜性对耕作措施响应有差异,翻耕20 cm+深松30 cm处理耕层土壤质量指数最大(0.58);翻耕20 cm、翻耕20 cm+深松30 cm处理的耕层厚度、容重及有效磷指标均在适宜性阈值范围。上述研究结论可为红壤坡耕地适宜耕作措施选择以及坡耕地合理耕层的构建与评价提供参考。  相似文献   

不同耕作措施对红壤坡耕地耕层质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明不同耕作措施对云南红壤坡耕地耕层土壤抗侵蚀性能和生产性能的影响,以常规耕作为对照,设置免耕、翻耕20 cm、翻耕20 cm+压实、翻耕20 cm+深松30 cm四种耕作措施,采用土壤质量指数法对不同耕作措施下耕层质量变化特征进行分析评价。结果表明:(1)不同耕作措施对红壤坡耕地耕层土壤抗侵蚀性能影响显著。翻耕20 cm+深松30 cm处理下土壤饱和导水率最大(1.19mm·min-1);与常规耕作相比,翻耕20 cm+深松30 cm处理下水稳性团聚体平均质量直径增加28.13%;免耕处理下土壤抗剪强度最高(12.12kg·cm-2),耕层土壤饱和导水率最大(1.27mm·min-1);翻耕20 cm处理下大于0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量、水稳性团聚体平均质量直径、几何平均直径均显著高于其他措施,分别为69.64 g·kg-1、1.74 mm、0.77 mm。(2)不同耕作措施对红壤坡耕地耕层生产性能影响具有差异性表现,免耕处理下土壤容重显著增大,土壤有机质、有效磷在表层富集;翻耕20 cm、...  相似文献   

深松耕法对土壤结构性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
深松耕法具有改良耕层结构、改善土壤理化性质、提高土壤蓄渗与防蚀抗旱、促进作物生长和提高产量的作用,研究结果表明:采用深松耕法3 a后0~20 cm耕层范围内>0.25mm的水稳性团粒含量达到59.5%,分别比试验前和对照(平翻耕法)增加了7.5%和9.8%;而对照区水稳性团粒含量为49.7%,比试验前减少了2.3%。在降雨375.2 mm情况下,深松区贮水深度为110 cm,而未深松区贮水深度只有60 cm。深松耕法区的玉米和小麦比平翻耕法提早5~7 d成熟,大豆提早4~5 d成熟;而作物的株高、径粗及百(千)粒重等性状均较对照有所提高,作物产量玉米一般增产24%,小麦一般增产15.4%,大豆一般增产5.5%。建议对该措施在黑土区大力推广应用并深入研究,确保该地区的粮食生产安全。  相似文献   

为研究土壤结构和水分利用对玉米产量的影响,于2018~2019年在黑龙江省云山农场设置常规旋耕(RT)、隔行深松(GS)、深松(ST)、浅翻(CT)、深翻(SF)5种耕作方式,分析比较不同耕作方式对三江平原土壤水稳性团聚体和有机碳含量与产量、水分利用率的影响.结果表明:与旋耕相比,在0~20 cm土层,深松处理显著增加...  相似文献   

深旋松耕改善耕层结构促进马铃薯增产   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了探究深旋松耕提升马铃薯产量与质量的可行性。在山东省胶河地区以常规旋耕为对照,研究深旋松耕对土壤物理性质、马铃薯根系及产量形成的影响。结果表明:与常规旋耕相比,深旋松耕能打破犁底层,显著降低20~40 cm土层的容重和穿透阻力,提高0~50 cm土层的贮水量25.67%,促进作物生长,其中马铃薯根系生物量显著提高26.61%,中、下层叶片净光合速率分别增加20.82%、37.13%,进而提高花后光合产物积累量,促进花后干物质向块茎的转运,使得单块薯重量提高29.82%,马铃薯增产38.68%。  相似文献   

耕作措施对土壤物理性状的影响   总被引:43,自引:3,他引:43  
张海林  秦耀东  朱文珊 《土壤》2003,35(2):140-144
耕作措施对0~20cm土壤容重影响较大,深层影响较小。稳定入渗率呈现出强烈的时间变异性,从整个生育期看,翻耕都表现出较高的稳定入渗率,随时间的变化,差异减小;不同负压下,翻耕稳定入渗率最高,免耕次之,铁茬最低,不同时期变化趋势一致;翻耕大孔隙较其它两耕作措施多,翻耕后,土壤大孔隙增多,比免耕和铁茬处理高65%左右,达到5%水平差异显著,免耕与铁茬差异不显著。随着时间的推移,不同耕作措施大孔隙比例有所下降,中小孔隙比例增加,大孔隙数目翻耕仍最高,从显著性看,与免耕和铁茬在5%水平显著。  相似文献   

通过对土壤含水量、土壤容重、土壤硬度、产量及农艺性状的测定和分析,研究了不同深松时间、深松效果下土壤物理性状和玉米产量的变化并进行相关分析。试验结果表明:经过春季深松40 cm的玉米产量最高,为9 442.5 kg/hm2,比对照增产18.84%,行粒数和百粒重以春季深松40 cm处理的最大。产量与苗期土壤含水量存在极显著正相关,与土壤容重和土壤硬度存在极显著负相关。玉米生育期间对照土壤含水量低于不同处理,春季深松40 cm和深松30 cm处理的土壤含水量高于其他处理。  相似文献   

夏玉米耕作方式对耕层土壤特性时间变异性的影响   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
许迪 Schmi.  R 《水土保持学报》2000,14(1):64-70,87
以室外田间小区试验测定和室内试验为手段,比较和评价了夏玉米生长期内不同耕作方式(传统耕作、免耕及深松)对耕层土壤物理性质和水力学特性的影响,定量描述了土壤干容重、地面入渗率以及饱和导水率等特性在作物整个生长季节内的时间变异性。深松耕作方式明显地减少了耕层土壤的干容重、增加了孔隙度,土壤孔隙尺度分布状况的改变使得土壤饱和时土壤的水分传导性能得以改善,但干旱时土壤的持水能力相对减弱。耕作方式引起的耕层土壤特性变化在整个夏玉米生长期内呈现出较强的时间变异性,尤其体现在土壤干容重、地面入渗率和饱和导水率等性能上。尽管耕作活动带来的土壤特性间的差异随着时间的延长有所减弱,但仍存在于夏玉米末期生长阶段中。  相似文献   

A field study was performed for two consecutive seasons to evaluate the effect of polyacrylamide (PAM), tillage systems and particle size on soil physical properties and wheat grain yield. The PAM rates were 0, 10 and 20 kg ha?1 while the tillage treatments included no-tillage (NT), moldboard plowing (CT1), and chisel plowing (CT2). Soil fine particles size of two locations were A (25.2 silt + clay) and B (38.5 silt + clay). Location B reported higher organic matter and total porosity while lower in bulk density. The CT1 and NT treatments denoted better soil organic matter percentage. The CT1 presented maximum infiltration rate compared to other tillage systems. No tillage showed better soil water contents while the minimum was in CT1 of location A and CT2 of location B. Increasing the PAM rate increased total porosity, infiltration rate and soil water content while decreased soil bulk density. Possibly, the presence of compacted layer in location A hindered the effect of PAM. At location B, the CT2 with PAM of 20 kg ha?1 had the highest grain yield compared to other tillage systems. The PAM is beneficial for soil and water conservation and can be used in agriculture.  相似文献   

辽西地区土壤耕层及养分状况调查分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
白伟  孙占祥  郑家明  刘洋  侯志研  冯良山  杨宁 《土壤》2011,43(5):714-719
目前,东北地区农田土壤耕层中明显存在的“浅、实、少”问题,已成为制约区域农业发展的主要限制因素。本文对辽西地区主要作物农田土壤耕层和养分状况进行了调查分析,结果表明:辽西地区的平均耕层为15.17 cm,比我国土壤平均耕层(16.5 cm)低1.33 cm。阜新、铁岭、朝阳、赤峰的有效耕层土壤量分别为2.27×106、1.97×106、1.95×106、1.79×106 kg/hm2,均低于正常有效耕层土壤量(2.72×106 kg/hm2),分别低16.5%、27.6%、28.3%、34.2%。但阜新、铁岭、朝阳、赤峰的土壤体积质量平均值分别为1.32、1.38、1.33、1.33 g/cm3,均高于作物生长适宜的土壤体积质量范围(1.1 ~ 1.3 g/cm3)。同时,辽西地区土壤养分状况也较为低下,其中速效P总变异趋势最大,pH值总变异趋势最小。  相似文献   

耕作方式对土壤螨类群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤螨类是土壤生态系统中重要的指示生物之一。为探讨耕作方式对土壤螨类数量、类群数、群落结构以及垂直分布的影响, 试验选取位于东北黑土区中国科学院海伦农田生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站中5种耕作方式(免耕耕作、少耕耕作、平翻耕作、组合耕作和旋耕耕作)试验区内土壤螨类为研究对象, 采用改良干漏斗(Modified Tullgren)法, 于2009年5月、6月和7月3个时期分离0~15 cm土层中的土壤螨类。结果表明: 耕作方式对土壤螨类数量和类群数存在显著影响, 3个时期共捕获土壤螨类2 441只, 免耕耕作、少耕耕作、组合耕作、旋耕耕作和平翻耕作分别捕获土壤螨类366只、436只、553只、819只和267只, 分别隶属于13科、18科、13科、14科和11科。传统的旋耕耕作具有最高的土壤螨类个体数量, 而保护性耕作中的少耕耕作具有最高的土壤螨类类群数。不同时期耕作方式对土壤螨类垂直分布的影响不同, 5月除免耕耕作外其他4种耕作方式均较好地保持了土壤螨类垂直分布的表聚特征, 即0~5 cm土层中土壤螨类的数量显著(P<0.05)高于其他两层(5~10 cm, 10~15 cm), 其中组合耕作和少耕耕作在3个时期中均较好地保持了土壤螨类的表聚特征, 且少耕耕作较好地保持了土壤螨类的多样性。MGP分析结果表明: 土壤甲螨群落随季节的变化在组成上发生变化, 从最初的高等甲螨为优势类群转化为低等甲螨为优势类群, 免耕和少耕的这种趋势较其他耕作方式更为明显, 少耕耕作3个时期土壤甲螨的组成类型分别为P型、G型和O型, 而免耕耕作3个时期土壤甲螨的组成类型分别为P型、O型和G型。少耕和免耕两种保护耕作方式较其他耕作方式更有利于土壤螨类群落结构的稳定性及多样性的保持, 有利于农田土壤生态环境的保护。  相似文献   

The long-term effects of two different tillage systems, conventional (CT) and no tillage (NT), were studied in an olive orchard in Santaella (Southern Spain) for 15 years. In both tillage systems, two distinct zones developed in the orchard in relation to soil physical properties; one underneath the tree canopy, and the other in the rows between trees. Surface soil organic matter content, bulk density, cone index, macroscopic capillary length and hydraulic conductivity showed significant differences between tillage systems and positions. After 15 years, the NT treatment achieved greater bulk density and cone index values than CT. This compaction reduced the infiltration rate of NT soil with respect to CT, particularly in the rows between trees. Despite that reduction, the NT soil retained a moderate infiltration potential. That may be explained by the high infiltration rates and macroporosity of the zone beneath the tree, the temporary effects of tillage on infiltration and probably by the self-repair of soil structure in the Vertisol studied. Yield was not affected by tillage except in one year with very low precipitation, where NT significantly yielded more than CT. The reduction in infiltration in NT must have been compensated by unknown factors that improve the tree water supply in drought years.  相似文献   

The effects of five tillage treatments: no tillage (NT), disc harrowing (DH), mouldboard ploughing followed by disc harrowing (MPH), disc ploughing followed by disc harrowing (DPH), and disc ploughing followed by two passes of disc harrowing (DPHH) on crop residue cover, soil properties and some yield parameters of cowpea were investigated for a derived savannah ectone soil. The residue left on the soil surface for NT, DH, and MPH is not significantly different. The NT left 32.1 and 44.3% more residue on the soil surface than the DPH and DPHH treatments, respectively. The NT treatment had least average value of soil bulk density of 1.01 g/cm3. The mean soil bulk densities for the DH, MPH, DPH and DPHH vary between 1.20 and 1.35 g/cm3. The soil moisture content decreased with increasing soil depth. At the soil depth of 10–30 cm, the cone penetration resistance at NT was 1.18 MPa compared with 0.92 MPa for the DH treatment, although these were not significant (p≤0.05). The tillage treatments had a significant effect on grain yield, mass of leaves and stems, root length density, and number of pods per plant of cowpea except on the germination count. DH and NT treatments gave different grain yield and number of pods per plant but these values were not statistically different and represent the highest grain yield and number of pods per plant among the other treatments were considered. The root zone exploration revealed highest root density at shallow depths with the DH and MPH treatments.  相似文献   

为探明不同耕作保墒措施下冬小麦生育期间光合生理特征及其增产机理,采用田间试验,以常规耕作为对照,采用深松、秸秆覆盖、免耕、施用有机肥及保水剂等措施,研究了不同耕作和保墒措施对冬小麦生育期间光合作用、产量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:冬小麦光合速率和叶片水分利用效率均以孕穗期最高,而灌浆期最低。蒸腾速率和气孔导度均以扬花期最高。对不同处理而言,在各生育时期均以深松处理的光合速率和叶片水分利用效率最高,其次为秸秆覆盖处理。在拔节期、孕穗期和扬花期以有机肥处理的蒸腾速率最高,而灌浆期以秸秆覆盖的蒸腾速率较高,在全生育期对照的蒸腾速率均较低。气孔导度与蒸腾速率表现规律基本一致。不同耕作、保墒措施均提高了小麦的穗数、穗粒数及千粒重,以及小麦籽粒产量和水分生产效率,降低了小麦总耗水量;各处理中以深松处理的效果最佳,其产量和水分生产效率分别较对照提高19.6%和38.3%。相关分析表明:各时期的小麦光合速率及叶片水分利用效率均与小麦产量和水分生产效率呈正相关,且随生育期的推进,其相关性增强,特别在扬花期,光合速率对于小麦产量和水分生产效率的影响更显著。  相似文献   

Yield decline (YD) of sugarcane is a widespread problem throughout the Australian sugar industry. It is defined as “the loss of productive capacity of sugarcane-growing soil under long-term monoculture”. Factors contributing to YD are the monoculture itself, excessive tillage of the soil at planting and severe soil compaction resulting from the use of heavy machinery during the harvesting operation. Collectively, these crop management practices have led to the development of sugarcane-growing soils that are low in organic C and cation exchange capacity, have a high bulk density and have a low microbial biomass. This in turn is associated with a build up of populations of detrimental soil organisms, which affect the growth and health of the sugarcane root system. Significant yield increases have been demonstrated following pasteurization or fumigation of the soil or treatment of the soil with fungicides or nematicides. Several detrimental soil organisms associated with YD have been identified, including a fungal root pathogen (Pachymetra chaunorhiza) and the lesion nematode (Pratylenchus zeae). Experimental evidence, however, suggests there are many other unidentified detrimental soil organisms associated with YD.

In order to circumvent YD, major changes to the cane cropping system need to be considered. Different rotation breaks (sown pasture, alternate crops, bare fallow) were evaluated for their impact on soil health and the composition of the community of organisms in soil previously under cane monoculture. Despite the breaks having different effects on populations of beneficial soil biota, all breaks reduced populations of known detrimental soil biota and significantly increased the yield of the following cane crop. A single legume-based break crop appeared to be sufficient to capture the majority of these benefits. Other possible management options including the use of organic amendments and minimum tillage techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

不同耕作措施下土壤孔隙的多重分形特征   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
首先利用数字图像处理技术提取了东北黑土区长期免耕(no tillage,NT)和翻耕(moldboardtillage,MT)制度下土壤切片中的孔隙信息,然后应用矩方法研究了两种耕作制度下土壤孔隙结构的多重分形特征。结果表明,免耕降低了表层(0~5 cm)大孔隙度(500μm),但是提高了10~15 cm和20~25 cm深度的孔隙度和大孔隙度。土壤孔隙结构在64~1 024像素尺度上具有多重分形特征。广义维(Dq)和多重分形谱(f(α))及相关参数能够反映切片中孔隙结构的特征。表层土壤孔隙多重分形谱明显右偏,随深度增加趋于对称。在同一深度下,免耕处理的Δα(α-10-α10)和ΔD(D-10-D10)均大于翻耕处理,免耕处理增加了孔隙结构的复杂程度,尤其是10~15 cm和20~25 cm深度下的孔隙结构。  相似文献   

Soil degradation is accelerated when perennial crops are converted to annual row crops, primarily due to increased soil disturbance from tillage. Subsequent heavy rainfall may induce soil settling, reduce macroporosity and increase hardsetting upon drying. An experiment involving plow and no-tillage and two simulated rainfall treatments (‘wet’ and ‘dry’) was conducted on Kingsbury clay loam soil in northern New York in 1992 and 1993 to study their effects on soil structure under maize (Zea mays L.) after conversion from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), and to evaluate the use of spectral analysis of micropenetrometer observations for studying soil aggregation. Undisturbed soil cores were collected from the row and trafficked and non-trafficked interrow positions at the 0.05 and 0.15 m depths and used for laboratory measurement of soil strength and pore system properties. These well-structured soils show a high contribution (up to 0.15 m3 m−3) of macropores to the total porosity of the soil. Soil strength was generally slightly higher for no-till (NT) than plow till (PT), although only significant in 1992. Soil strength in the surface layer did not change significantly with drying. Spectral density patterns did not show strong treatment effects, although distinct peaks reflect 3.0–3.5 mm stable structural units within macroaggregates. Simulated rainfall treatments and tillage treatments generally did not strongly affect measured soil properties, presumably due to stable soil structure. Structurally stable clay loam soils show little effect of tillage or settling on soil physical properties in the first years after alfalfa to maize conversion, and have good potential for long-term annual crop production if properly managed.  相似文献   

Andisols are very important land resources supporting high human population density. Maize (Zea mays L.) production on Andisols located in the Purhepecha Region of central Mexico is representative of the highlands conditions of Mexico and Latin America. Farmers struggle with low crop yield and low soil nutrient availability. A 2-year field study was conducted to evaluate the effects of green manures either tilled into the soil (CT) or cut and left on the surface as a mulch (ZT), on maize yield and soil quality. Green manure treatments were: vetch (Vicia sativa L.), oat (Avena sativa L.) and none. No extra N was added to maize. Green manure and tillage had a significant effect on maize grain yield, N uptake and P uptake with CT vetch performing better than ZT oat. Soil organic C and total N were significantly higher under ZT than under CT management. Soils with vetch had higher P concentration. Soil under ZT oat had the highest infiltration rate and penetration resistance compared with other treatments. There appears to be a trade off between soil productivity and intrinsic soil physical properties among soil treatments.  相似文献   

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