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为探讨野生东北百合种群的开花、传粉及相对生殖成功率等方面的特征,试图从开花生物学角度研究东北百合的生殖生物学特性。结果表明:东北百合为总状花序,多具花3~6朵,单花花期6~8d,花粉在整个花期都存在活力,柱头在花开2~4d可授性最强;雌雄蕊同熟、开花特点保证了自花授粉的可行性,P/O值和OCI检测确定了其属于自花可孕型,研究地的东北百合的访花昆虫主要是菜粉蝶和碧凤蝶。野生东北百合相对生殖成功率比较低,2009、2010观察相对生殖成功率均低于6%,2010甚至低于1%。  相似文献   

定点观察毛茛铁线莲的开花物候、开花动态、单花的功能形态特征、花粉活性、访花昆虫的种类及频率,利用去雄、套袋、人工授粉对毛莨铁线莲结实生物学特性进行观察与调查.结果表明:(1)毛茛铁线莲10~11月开花,单花花期为14~18 d.(2)在散粉当天,花粉活性及柱头可授性均最高,随开花时间的延长,柱头可授性及花粉活力逐渐降低.(3)自然结实率、自花结实率和异花结实率差异显著,其中异花结实率最高.  相似文献   

以乌兰布和沙漠自然居群的野生大白刺为试验材料,运用定位观察、柱头可授性、花粉/胚珠比率、杂交指数等指标的测定,研究野生大白刺传粉生物学。结果表明:大白刺花粉活力呈现先升高后降低的趋势,开花第3 d,大白刺的花粉活力达到最大值75.24%;雄性不育花和可育花的柱头在开花后第4~5 d可授性均最强。大白刺的P/O值为173 688.9,OCI指数≥4;大白刺在自然条件下能够结实,但结实率不高;存在自花传粉现象,有性生殖中异花传粉起到主要作用,结实受到传粉者限制;不存在无融合生殖现象。大白刺访花昆虫主要有9种类型,主要的传粉昆虫有东方蜜蜂、丽蝇。  相似文献   

对花蕊成熟度及花粉贮藏条件影响朝天椒杂交结实率进行了研究。试验结果表明,不同成熟度花蕊的授粉受精能力差异明显,开花前5d的过嫩花蕾基本不具备授粉受精能力,开花前4d的嫩花蕾开始具备授粉受精能力,无论雌蕊还是雄蕊均以开花当天和开花前1~2d的花蕾(朵)有较高的杂交坐果率和结籽率。朝天椒花粉的生活力与温度、空气相对湿度和贮藏时间密切相关,相对低温高湿的环境有利于延长花粉的贮藏时间,并能保持较高的杂交坐果率和结籽率。  相似文献   

对花蕊成熟度及花粉贮藏条件影响朝天椒杂交结实率进行了研究.试验结果表明,不同成熟度花蕊的授粉受精能力差异明显,开花前5 d的过嫩花蕾基本不具备授粉受精能力.开花前4 d的嫩花蕾开始具备授粉受精能力,无论雌蕊还是雄蕊均以开花当天和开花前1~2 d的花蕾(朵)有较高的杂交坐果率和结籽率.朝天椒花粉的生活力与温度、空气相对湿度和贮藏时间密切相关,相对低温高湿的环境有利于延长花粉的贮藏时间,并能保持较高的杂交坐果率和结籽率.  相似文献   

王彩霞  田敏  李全健  刘芬 《园艺学报》2012,39(6):1159-1166
 通过野外观察、授粉特性分析、杂交指数估算及人工控制授粉试验等方法对白及野生居群的花部特征和繁育系统进行了研究。结果表明:在自然条件下,白及4-5月开花,群体花期约44 d,群体盛花期约12 d,集中在4月29日-5月10日,单株花期11 ~ 27 d,单花花期6 ~ 8 d。总状花序上具两性花3 ~ 11朵。在花朵开放的整个过程中,花药始终高于柱头且两者之间存在隔离。花粉成熟时由粘性物质聚结成团,无法散落至柱头。开花后3 d 内花粉活力和柱头可授性均较高。白及杂交指数为4。无论去雄与否,套袋后的花均不结实,说明其不能进行自然的自花授粉和无融合生殖。白及人工自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株授粉的结实率分别为93.33%、90.00%和93.33%,自然条件下的结实率为5.26%。花粉成熟时由粘性物质聚结成团和缺乏有效的传粉媒介可能是白及自然条件下结实率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

湖南报春苣苔的花部特征及其繁育系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李帅杰  蔡秀珍 《园艺学报》2020,47(3):492-502
为揭示湖南报春苣苔(Primulina hunanensis)花部特征和繁育系统对有性繁殖过程的影响,合理开发利用其野生种质资源,对其开花物候、花部特征以及访花昆虫类型进行了野外定点观测,测量和分析了花粉活力及柱头可授性、花粉胚珠比值、杂交指数,并结合人工辅助授粉试验对其繁育系统进行了检测。结果表明,(1)湖南报春苣苔花期在5-7月,长约40 d,单花周期38 d;雌雄异熟,开放当天花粉活力最强(> 90%),柱头无活性;雌雄异位,开放后雄蕊几乎不再生长,而雌蕊继续伸长。(2)花粉胚珠比值为518.36,杂交指数为5,繁育系统以异交为主,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者;去雄不授粉套袋结实率为0,不存在无融合生殖。(3)开花期间存在多种传粉者,熊蜂与其花部特征相适应,为最有效传粉者。(4)自然状态下结实率较高;存在无性繁殖,作为生殖补偿机制维持种群的数量。  相似文献   

对新疆库车小白杏的授粉生物学特性进行研究表明:(1)库车小白杏完全花比例为39.35%,不同果枝类型的完全花比例大小为中果枝﹥花束状果枝﹥短果枝﹥长果枝。(2)自花授粉试验表明,库车小白杏为自花不实类型,自然授粉结实率为5.85%。(3)疏花和液体授混合花粉可以明显提高库车小白杏坐果率,疏花50%和70%是自然授粉结实率的1.31倍和1.71倍;液体授混合花粉是自然授粉结实率的1.91倍。  相似文献   

观察记录了温室栽培条件下长瓣兜兰(Paphiopedilum dianthum)的花部特征和开花进程,同时通过花粉活力与柱头可授性测定、杂交指数估算及人工控制授粉试验等对其繁育特性进行了研究。结果表明:长瓣兜兰6—9月开花,单花花期45~55 d,2~5朵花,单株花期75~90 d。在花朵开放过程中,花药凝聚形成的花粉团始终位于蕊柱两侧且有一定距离,相对位置不变。盛花期(开花6~34 d)花粉活力和柱头可授性最强。长瓣兜兰杂交指数(OCI)为4。无论去雄与否,套袋后的花均不结实。人工自花授粉、人工同株异花授粉和人工异株授粉的结实率分别为83.30%、90.00%和96.70%,显著高于自然传粉。说明长瓣兜兰不存在无融合生殖现象,具有高度被动自交和异交的能力,繁育系统是需要传粉者自交和异交混合交配的系统。  相似文献   

为探明自花、异花花粉在果梅花的不同发育阶段原位萌发及生长的特性,以细叶青果梅为材料,取开花前6、4、2d、开花当天和花后2d的花(花蕾),分别于自花、异花授粉(莺宿)后12、24、48、72、96h切取花柱,用FAA固定液处理,荧光染色后压片观察。结果表明,自花花粉在柱头上的萌发率略低于异花(开花前4d存在显著差异),开花前6、4d极显著低于其他各阶段,花蕾越幼小花粉萌发越差,开花当天花粉萌发率超过80%;开花前4d之前的花柱内异花花粉管数量显著低于开花前2d及之后各期的,果梅开花前4d以前的花发育不充分;开花后2d生长到花柱基部的异花花粉管数量较多,属于有效授粉期。果梅在开花前4d开始具备抑制自花花粉管生长的能力,并且随着花的发育逐渐增强,开花当天最强,开花后开始减弱。果梅自交授粉期以开花前2~3d为宜。  相似文献   


Two artificial pollination field trials were carried out in Central Chile (32°S. Lat.) during the 1999-2000 season with ‘Hay-ward’ kiwifruit plants (Actinidia deliciosa (Chev.) Liang et Ferguson). The treatments for both trials used pollen collected from ‘Matua’ and included: flower to flower hand pollination; hand pollination using a velvet pad attached to a handle; and mechanical pollination using a portable pollen (1:1, pollen: licopodium) dusting machine; and a control treatment without artificial pollination. Trial 1 did not include bee hives as did Trial 2. In Trial 2, half of the selected shoots in each plant were isolated from bee pollination by means of a light fabric bag. A block design with 5 replications of one plant each was used in Trial 1, while in Trial 2 a fully random split plot (with and without isolation) with 5 replications was used. In both trials, flower to flower and pad pollination increased fruit set, fruit size, seeds and fertilized locules per fruit. Mechanical pollination also increased these variables but to a lesser degree. In the split plot design carried out in the Trial 2, even though there was an interaction between isolation and pollination treatment, the supplementary bee pollination tended to increase fruit size, seeds and fertilized locules per fruit.  相似文献   

百合种间杂交受精前障碍的研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
刘春  穆鼎  明军  董玲 《园艺学报》2006,33(3):653-656
 以‘山丹’ (Lilium pumilum ) 、‘西伯利亚’ ( Siberia) 、‘白狐’ (White Fox) 、‘粉完美’( Pink Perfection) 、铁亚杂种系品种‘达诺’ (Ceb Dazzle) 和‘维多利亚瀑布’ (Victoria Falls) 为试材, 对花粉的活力、萌发力、贮存条件及授粉方式进行了研究, 结果表明适宜的蔗糖浓度有利于百合花粉萌发;花粉贮存适宜温度为5℃; 不同的授粉方式影响花粉的萌发, 授粉48 h后, 花粉管停止生长, 切花柱授粉方式的花粉处于不萌发状态; 试管受精24 h后, 花粉管即可进入胚珠, 45 d果实明显膨大, 经胚培养获得杂交苗。  相似文献   

紫背天葵花部特征与繁育系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈雄伟  邵玲  梁广坚  梁霞 《园艺学报》2013,40(2):363-372
 通过对濒危植物紫背天葵(Begonia fimbristipula Hance)野外定点观测和引种栽培,运用杂 交指数、花粉活力及柱头可授性、花粉-胚珠比、人工授粉和套袋试验等方法,对其花部特征、开花动 态及繁育系统进行研究。结果表明:紫背天葵单株花期25 ~ 30 d,群体花期45 ~ 55 d,花单性,雌雄同 株同花序、异熟,雄蕊先熟。花药与柱头相距约2.0 cm,花开放式样为雄花-雌花-雄花的开放顺序, 雌花开放一般滞后雄花2 ~ 3 d,杂交指数OCI ≥ 4,P/O 值为96.56,结合去雄、人工套袋和自然授粉坐 果率判断,紫背天葵繁育系统为自交亲和为主,与异交并存的混合交配型系统。对生存环境的专一性依 赖及其小居群长期自交的方式可能是导致该物种濒危的原因之一,“球茎”是其生殖补偿的有效途径。  相似文献   

Pollination is a key ecological service for human food security and the reproduction of the majority of flowering plants. This plant-animal interaction is crucial in both wild and urban habitats, however, increasing urbanization and change in land use alter these interactions. The concerns regarding pollination have led to numerous efforts aimed at improving the quality of wildlife in cities, however, understanding the importance of these activities warrants further research. In Warsaw, the Polish capital, we analyzed the influence of urban-related factors such as floral resource richness, the proportion of green areas in the proximity of foraging sites, air pollution or temperature on plant-pollinator interaction in 14 meadows. We also analyzed the reproductive success and the heterospecific pollen transfer in the case of plants growing in the meadows. Our study revealed that the frequency of visits to flowers was related to city-related factors, but the reaction varied among different groups of pollinators. For example, bumblebees were negatively influenced by higher air pollution, while the rest of the flower visitors were not, Syrphidae flies were more frequent flower visitors when the proportion of green area was higher in the buffer of 150 m, while we did not observe this tendency in other groups of flower visitors. Plants growing in Warsaw meadows were frequently visited and effectively pollinated - urban pollinator assemblages seem to provide sufficient pollination services to plants growing in the city. Species-rich communities were not a threat to pollination; we found mostly conspecific pollen grains on the stigmas of the studied plant species. The results of our study show that species-rich communities make a valuable contribution to pollinator conservation. The conservation activities, however, should be adjusted to the target group of pollinators, since different groups of flower visitors respond differently to urban-related factors studied.  相似文献   

转基因植物的花粉特性研究是进行遗传改良和转基因生态风险评价的一项基础工作。对7~8年生转Cp TI基因‘嘎拉’苹果花粉特性进行了研究,结果表明:转基因苹果花粉在大小、形态和表面纹饰等方面与对照花粉没有明显差别;转基因苹果花粉中畸形花粉多;供试的13个株系中12个株系的花药中花粉量显著低于对照,6个株系的花粉离体萌发率显著降低;测定了3个转基因株系的花粉生活力,其中2个株系显著低于对照。转基因‘嘎拉’苹果花粉人工授粉至普通‘富士’苹果柱头上能正常萌发,但中后期花粉管伸长较慢,花粉管到达胚珠的时间比对照延后约8 h。花器不同发育阶段内源激素测定表明,转基因株系各时期GA3含量均低于对照,而ABA含量在花蕾期低于对照,在气球期和平展期高于对照。对花药和花粉发育过程显微观察发现,转基因株系花药的结构及其发育正常,而花粉囊壁绒毡层的延迟分解影响了花粉发育可能是其花粉数量少、育性低的原因。  相似文献   

以肋柱花[Lomatogonium rotatum(L.)Fries ex Nym.]为材料,通过野外定点观察其花器官形态特征、开花动态和传粉昆虫,并采用花粉活力、柱头可授粉性、花粉/胚珠比(P/O)与杂交指数(OCI)估算及人工控制授粉等方法对其繁育系统进行测定。结果表明:(1)肋柱花单花花期6 ~ 7 d,单花开放分为花蕾期、初开期、盛开期、衰落期和凋落期,整个开放过程中柱头始终高于花药,开花后2 ~ 3 d花粉活力和柱头可授性均较强;(2)花粉/胚珠比(P/O)为551.02,杂交指数(OCI)为4,繁育系统以异交为主,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者,以蓟马为主要传粉媒介;去雄后套袋不授粉,果实结籽率为0,说明不存在无融合生殖。  相似文献   

以6 个菱品种为试材,对花器形态特征、群体花期及单花开花动态、开花时间、柱头可授性、花粉活力、杂交指数 及传粉形式等进行观察测定。结果表明:菱花单生,两性,单花花期15 h,群体花期在5~10 月,盛花期在7~8 月;不同 品种在一天中的开花高峰期存在差异;柱头可授期主要在萼片开裂后2 h 内,结实率在50% 以上;花粉在自然授粉条件下活 力可保持7.5 h;以自花授粉为主,同时存在一定程度的无融合生殖和少量异花授粉。  相似文献   

4种授粉方法对切花百合不同杂交组合结籽量的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 以11种优质切花百合为试材, 对两种发育时期的花采用常规柱头授粉、0.1%BA处理后授粉、花粉培养液(蔗糖100 g·L - 1 +H3BO3 20 mg·L - 1 +CaCl2 10 mg·L - 1 ) 处理后授粉、3%食盐水处理后授粉等方法, 比较了不同授粉方法对杂交结籽的影响。结果表明: 百合亲本组合、花发育时期对杂交结籽有很大影响; 花粉培养液处理对杂交结籽普遍有促进作用, 克服了1个亚洲百合杂交系内组合的杂交不亲和; 食盐水和BA处理的作用不稳定, 在有的亲本组合中表现为促进杂交结籽, 在有的组合中表现为抑制作用。  相似文献   

月季‘粉皇后’是从‘白皇后’自然授粉的实生后代中选育出的新品种。植株直立,生长势较强,花粉红色,花量大,花瓣数多,每朵花瓣60 枚左右,花径平均13 cm,花有香味。具有多季节开花性,繁殖力强,抗逆性强,适合栽植于沈阳以南地区。  相似文献   

The effective pollination period (EPP) of durian was determined by both delayed and bud pollination, during which reproductive factors affecting the EPP, e.g., stigma receptivity, pollen tube growth in the style, and ovule longevity were studied histologically. This study was conducted in three distinct locations in Thailand, namely, the Chantaburi Horticultural Research Center and two private orchards in Chantaburi and Trat provinces. Results from artificial pollination revealed that at anthesis, the durian flower is receptive and has a high fruit set ratio. A mean fruit set of 50% was obtained at anthesis in the private orchard in Chantaburi province. However, the EPP of durian was found to be very short, lasting for only one night; the fruit set from pollination on the morning after anthesis ranged from 0% to 3.4%. No fruit set occurred following pollination 24 or more hours after anthesis. When compared with the flowers of other fruit species, the durian flower has a unique feature in that it blooms overnight; the following morning, there is abscission of all parts of the flower, except the gynoecium. Thus, EPP appears to be synchronized with flower longevity. On the other hand, the durian flower was receptive several hours before anthesis. The results of chemical tests, including the hydrogen peroxide test and Perex-Test®, for the evaluation of stigma receptivity appeared to be in agreement with the EPP. However, fluorescent microscopy revealed that pollen could germinate even in the stigmas pollinated 48 h after anthesis, but the number of pollen tubes at the top of the style rapidly decreased from 34.6 (at anthesis) to 0.5 (48 h after anthesis). A correlation test demonstrated a higher correlation coefficient between the fruit set and the number of pollen than that between the fruit set and the result of Perex-Test®. This indicated that pollen tube penetration or elongation in the style was inhibited, probably due to the deterioration of nutritional support from the pistil to the pollen tubes; this can be a limiting factor of the EPP in durian.  相似文献   

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