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Three main preventive principles against milk fever were evaluated in this literature review, and the efficacy of each principle was estimated from the results of controlled investigations. Oral calcium drenching around calving apparently has a mean efficacy of 50%-60% in terms of milk fever prevention as well as prevention of milk fever relapse after intravenous treatment with calcium solutions. However, some drenches have been shown to cause lesions in the forestomacs. When using the DCAD (dietary cation-anion difference) principle, feeding rations with a negative DCAD (measured as (Na + K)-(Cl + S)) significantly reduce the milk fever incidence. Calculating the relative risk (RR) of developing milk fever from controlled experiments results in a mean RR between 0.19 and 0.35 when rations with a negative versus positive DCAD are compared. The main drawback from the DCAD principle is a palatability problem. The principle of feeding rations low in calcium is highly efficient in milk fever prevention provided the calcium intake in the dry period is kept below 20 g per day. Calculating the relative risk (RR) of developing milk fever from controlled experiments results in a very low mean RR (between 0 and 0.20) (daily calcium intake below versus above 20 g/d). The main problem in implementing the low-Ca principle is difficulties in formulating rations sufficiently low in calcium when using commonly available feeds. The use of large doses of vitamin D metabolites and analogues for milk fever prevention is controversial. Due to toxicity problems and an almost total lack of recent studies on the subject this principle is not described in detail. A few management related issues were discussed briefly, and the following conclusions were made: It is important to supply the periparturient cow with sufficient magnesium to fulfil its needs, and to prevent the dry cows from being too fat. Available information on the influence of carbohydrate intake, and on the effect of the length of the dry period and prepartum milking, is at present insufficient to include these factors in control programmes.  相似文献   

Mastitis is still one of the three main diseases that affects the profitability of dairy farmers. Despite the implementation of the five-point mastitis control programme in the early 1970 s, the incidence in the UK has not reduced dramatically over the past 10 years. A review of the scientific literature indicates that there is a link between nutrition and mastitis in the dairy cow. The major impact of nutrition on udder health is via suppression of the immune system. Cows in negative energy balance are at a higher risk of ketosis and clinical ketosis is associated with a two-fold increase in the risk of clinical mastitis. Trace minerals and vitamins that can affect udder health are selenium and vitamin E, copper, zinc, and vitamin A and β-carotene.  相似文献   


In New Zealand, the recommended intake of Se for dairy cattle (0.03?mg/kg dry matter (DM)) is lower than in the United Kingdom and Australia (0.1 and 0.04?mg/kg DM, respectively), and much lower than in the United States of America (0.3?mg/kg DM). Advisors in New Zealand often suggest that New Zealand intake recommendations are far too low and that recommendations from the United States of America should be used. This has created confusion as farmers are given very different advice depending on which recommendations their advisor uses. In this review, we assess whether the published evidence supports the existing dietary requirements and associated Se status thresholds, or if change is required. We focus particularly on the evidence-base in cattle fed a primarily pasture-based diet, as it is critical that dietary recommendations are derived from data created using cows fed similar diets. Accordingly, we also consider whether the increased use of fodder crops, especially during the dry period, is likely to have altered the Se requirements of dairy cows in New Zealand. We report that the science behind the dietary requirements for Se is robust, being supported by factorial models validated using New Zealand data, and on-farm experimental studies. Published nutritional data suggest that the increased use of fodder crops is unlikely to have altered the dietary balance of pro- and antioxidant factors in New Zealand dairy cows in a way that would meaningfully affect Se requirements. However, the lack of specific data on the vitamin E and fatty acid content of the crops being fed in New Zealand means that more information is needed to confirm this conclusion. In general, the existing New Zealand recommendations for Se-status thresholds are supported, although studies are still lacking to properly characterise the upper threshold of the marginal range. Nevertheless many studies in New Zealand, of herds with marginal or low adequate Se status (using New Zealand recommendations), have failed to show an effect of Se supplementation on milk production, intramammary infection or reproductive performance, so it is highly unlikely that the upper threshold of the range is much higher than the current recommendation. Proponents of the hypothesis that Se intakes in New Zealand dairy cattle should be increased by at least 10 times the current recommendations are therefore not using the evidence base correctly.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal interval between 2 consecutive milk progesterone samples for the detection of cyclicity in dairy cows. Two hundred and thirty-six postpartum periods were monitored with thrice-weekly whole milk progesterone assay. Cyclicity was determined from elevation of the progesterone level. Animals which had started to cycle by 50 or 60 days post partum were included in the study. The last of the 2 samples was taken at 50 or 60 days post partum, respectively.The lowest percentage of false diagnoses (9.0%) in cows which had started to cycle by 50 days post partum was obtained when the samples were taken at 8 days’ interval. In cows which had started to cycle by 60 days post partum the lowest percentage of false diagnoses (1.1%) was obtained when the samples were taken at 10 days’ interval.  相似文献   

"增奶灵"对奶牛产奶量影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用不同添加剂量的“增奶灵”饲喂36头泌乳中期的荷斯坦奶牛,其中对照组12头,试验A组、B组和C组各8头。试验各组牛在基础日粮中分别添加占精料量的0.05%、0.1%和0.15%的“增奶灵”,经47天的饲喂试验,结果发现,和对照组比,试验A组产奶量增加了0.45%,试验B组增加0.70%,试验C组增加1.36%;乳汁中体细胞数显著(P<0.05)下降;各组受试牛的乳脂率没有变化;此外,试验组牛蹄的质量明显改善。  相似文献   

A multi-species model that incorporates the transmission of both major and minor mastitis pathogens as well as the interaction between them via coinfection of a quarter is fitted to data from seven dairy herds. The results suggest that major and minor pathogens can interact, on occasion, in a counter-intuitive way with implications for the control of clinical mastitis. The key finding is that delaying culling of cows with major pathogen infections for more than 100 days post infection could result in a higher prevalence of major pathogen infections, whereas early culling would reduce the levels. A theoretical exploration of current and proposed control strategies is carried out, informed by parameters estimated from the model and data. The results at each stage suggest of areas of further research such as: field-testing of the hypotheses presented; the exploration of a stochastic formulation of the model; analysis of the raw repeated measures data; application of control theory to determine the most effective combination of control strategies; inclusion of economic factors into the modelling framework.  相似文献   

Genetic selection for increased milk production in dairy cattle was not associated with an attenuated inflammatory response. The systemic and local inflammatory responses contribute to altered metabolism, reduced production performance, and increased cull rate of lactating dairy cows with clinical mastitis. More aggressive inflammatory responses were observed during the peripartum period when compared with cows in late lactation after an intramammary challenge with purified lipopolysaccharide. The epidemiology of clinical mastitis indicates that the greatest incidence is observed during the peripartum period; therefore, an enhanced inflammatory response with concomitant suppression in other immune responses may be involved in the etiology and severity of the clinical mastitis observed in peripartum cows. Milk production losses and compositional changes are observed among all mammary quarters from a cow with clinical mastitis, but the responses are more severe and sustained among infected quarters. The infected mammary quarters reflect both the systemic and local reactions, whereas uninfected quarters represent only the systemic response. The systemic effects of the inflammatory response include reduced DMI, hyperthermia, and changes in whole-body nutrient partitioning affecting mammary epithelial substrate availability, whereas local inflammatory effects include energetic requirements of the increased inflammatory leukocyte pool, decreased synthetic capacity of mammary epithelium independent of substrate availability, and paracellular leakage of milk components from the alveolar lumen into the extracellular fluid. Research has focused on improving host immunological defenses, attenuating the inflammatory response, or improving the resolution of the disease state to limit the deleterious effects during clinical mastitis. This paper highlights the role inflammation plays in the etiology and pathophysiology of clinical mastitis as well as potential management strategies to reduce or prevent those losses.  相似文献   

The transition period of dairy cattle is characterized by a number of metabolic, endocrine, physiologic, and immune adaptations, including the occurrence of negative energy balance, hypocalcemia, liver dysfunction, overt systemic inflammatory response, and oxidative stress status. The degree and length of time during which these systems remain out of balance could render cows more susceptible to disease, poor reproductive outcomes, and less efficient for milk production and quality. Studies on both monogastrics and ruminants have reported the health benefits of nutraceuticals(e.g. probiotics, prebiotics, dietary lipids, functional peptides, phytoextracts) beyond nutritional value, interacting at different levels of the animal's physiology. From a physiological standpoint, it seems unrealistic to disregard any systemic inflammatory processes. However, an alternate approach is to modulate the inflammatory process per se and to resolve the systemic response as quickly as possible.To this aim, a growing body of literature underscores the efficacy of nutraceuticals(active compounds) during the critical phase of the transition period. Supplementation of essential fatty acids throughout a 2-month period(i.e. a month before and a month after calving) successfully attenuates the inflammatory status with a quicker resolution of phenomenon. In this context, the inflammatory and immune response scenario has been recognized to be targeted by the beneficial effect of methyl donors, such as methionine and choline, directly and indirectly modulating such response with the increase of antioxidants GSH and taurine. Indirectly by the establishment of a healthy gastrointestinal tract, yeast and yeast-based products showed to modulate the immune response, mitigating negative effects associated with parturition stress and consequent disorders.The use of phytoproducts has garnered high interest because of their wide range of actions on multiple tissue targets encompassing a series of antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, immune-stimulating, rumen fermentation, and microbial modulation effects. In this review, we provide perspectives on investigations of regulating the immune responses and metabolism using several nutraceuticals in the periparturient cow.  相似文献   

Milk residues and performance were evaluated in lactating cows that were fed up to 10 times the recommended dose of monensin. Following an acclimatization period of 14 d, during which cows were fed a standard lactating cow total mixed ration containing 24 ppm monensin, 18 lactating Holstein dairy cows were grouped according to the level of feed intake and then randomly assigned within each group to 1 of 3 challenge rations delivering 72, 144, and 240 ppm monensin. Outcome measurements included individual cow daily feed intakes, daily milk production, body weights, and monensin residues in composite milk samples from each cow. There were no detectable monensin residues (< 0.005 microg/mL) in any of the milk samples collected. Lactating cows receiving a dose of 72 ppm monensin exhibited up to a 20% reduction in dry matter intake, and a 5% to 15% drop in milk production from the pre-challenge period. Cows receiving doses of 144 and 240 ppm monensin exhibited rapid decreases in feed intake of up to 50% by the 2nd d and milk production losses of up to 20% and 30%, respectively, within 4 d. Lactating cows receiving up to 4865 mg monensin per day had no detectable monensin residues (< 0.005 microg/mL) in any of the milk samples collected. Results of this study confirm that food products derived from lactating dairy cattle receiving monensin at recommended levels are safe for human consumption.  相似文献   

Although more than 3 million head of dairy cows enter the food supply chain in the U.S. every year, research on this topic remains limited and scarce. Meat production from dairy cows is a significant component of beef production, accounting for almost 10% of U.S. commercial beef production. Thus, the purpose of this review is to demonstrate the importance of dairy cows as a beef source, and to provide an overview on topics from farm to meat product—culling, marketing, transportation, welfare, body composition and its relationship with lactation particularities, carcass characteristics, meat quality, and traceability. Current scientific evidence has shown that culling a dairy cow at an appropriate time has beneficial effects on cow welfare and, consequently, cow value. During marketing the dairy cow is visually evaluated for health and factors associated with its expected carcass value; thus, marketing a well-conditioned cow will ensure that the animal is fit for transportation and provides high carcass yield. However, limitations such as low body condition score, lameness or mobility problems, and visual defects remain persistent. Even though beef harvest plants accommodate cows in all body composition states, the current carcass grade system does not reflect the mature cow industry needs. Therefore, improvement of the grading system could maximize carcass utilization and increase cow carcass value by recognizing subprimal cuts that could be merchandised as whole muscle cuts. Lastly, implementation of a traceability system would unify information from the farm to harvest assisting the industry in making further advancements.  相似文献   

付春丽  刘文静  高腾云 《草业科学》2015,9(9):1500-1507
饲料霉变已成为全球关注的问题,而饲料的安全性将直接影响到动物产品的质量。本文主要概述了3类霉菌毒素对奶牛的危害及饲料、乳的限量标准;同时根据霉菌生活习性并结合生产实际总结霉菌污染控制措施,为合理控制饲料霉菌的污染提供依据。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the milk protein profiles of normal milk and those of milk during the course of subclinical mastitis, caused by natural Streptococcus agalactiae infection. Two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry were used to assess protein profiles and to identify the proteins. The results showed that S. agalactiae subclinical mastitis altered the protein profiles of milk. Following Mascot database matching, 11 and 12 protein types were identified in the milk collected from healthy and S. agalactiae subclinical mastitic udders, respectively. The distinct presence of the antibacterial protein cathelicidin‐1 was detected in infected milk samples, which in turn was highly correlated to the severity of subclinical mastitis as represented by the milk somatic cell count (r = 0.616), but not the bacterial count. The protein profile of milk reveals changes in the host response to S. agalactiae intramammary infection; cathelicidin‐1 could therefore serve as a biomarker for the detection of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows.  相似文献   

John R. Roche   《Livestock Science》2007,110(1-2):12-24
Sixty-eight multiparous grazing dairy cows were randomly allocated to two precalving pasture allowances to achieve differential dry matter intakes (DMI) for 29 ± 7.7 d precalving (Low or High DMI; 4.8 or 11.9 kg DM). At calving, cows within each precalving treatment were randomly allocated to one of two levels of feeding (Low or High DMI; 8.6 or 13.5 kg DM) for 35 d postcalving in a completely randomized design and a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Following treatments all cows grazed together and were fed pasture and pasture silage. Daily milk yields were recorded, and fat, protein and lactose concentrations determined weekly for 15 weeks. Blood was sampled weekly pre- and postcalving and analysed for indicators of energy status, growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Body condition score (BCS) at calving was reduced by precalving restriction (P < 0.001; 2.8 and 3.0 for precalving Low and High treatment groups, respectively). Precalving restriction reduced milk fat production by 8.4% during the first 5 weeks postcalving, but differences were not significant subsequently. Postcalving feed restriction reduced yield of fat corrected milk (FCM), fat and protein by 23, 21 and 28%, respectively, during the first 5 weeks postcalving. Decreased (P < 0.05) yields of FCM, fat and protein (11, 10 and 9%, respectively) were also evident for 10 weeks after the feed restriction finished. There was a tendency (P < 0.1) for a precalving × postcalving DMI interaction in milk protein yield during the first 5 weeks of lactation with no effect of precalving level of feeding in cows that were restricted postcalving. The plasma concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BOH) and GH were elevated in restricted cows precalving, and IGF-1 concentration was reduced. Plasma NEFA and BOH concentrations were elevated postcalving in restricted cows, but no effect of postcalving DMI on GH or IGF-1 concentration was evident. Results suggest that under grazing systems milk production responses to precalving DMI are small, but energy restrictions in early lactations result in significant carryover effects in milk production.  相似文献   

奶牛热应激机理及其营养调控研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
热应激是导致奶牛夏季产奶性能、繁殖性能和免疫能力降低的主要原因之一,造成奶牛业巨大的经济损失。因此,研究奶牛热应激机制及其对策受到国内外广泛重视。为缓解奶牛热应激采取的主要措施包括营养调控、环境调控和育种途径。由于生产成本和奶牛品种的生物学特性等原因,目前奶牛业生产多采用营养调控为主,辅以环境调控的综合措施。本文综述奶牛热应激与营养调控的研究进展。  相似文献   

The currently recommended intake of vitamin E for dairy cows is based on the prevention of nutritional myopathy, a calf disease. However, it is likely that the vitamin E requirement of the modern dairy cow is very different from that of a calf. This review of the literature investigates the effect of vitamin E supplementation on the health and fertility of the dairy cow. Supplementation of high levels of vitamin E (at least 1000 iu per day) during the dry period and early lactation can reduce the incidence of mastitis, possibly because of an increase in immune system activity and function, but there appears to be little benefit of supplementation on infectious diseases other than mastitis. The evidence for a response in the reproductive system is more equivocal. In herds with a history of selenium deficiency and a high incidence of retained fetal membranes, supplementation, in conjunction with selenium, can reduce retention, but the evidence for an effect of supplementation on other reproductive diseases, such as cystic ovarian disease and metritis, is based on a very limited number of cases. The literature suggests that the current recommendations for vitamin E are inadequate. In particular, it suggests that the current linking of requirement to dry matter intake is incorrect, because vitamin E requirement is probably at its highest when intake is at its lowest However, the majority of the data on which this conclusion is based, come from North America where cows will encounter significantly different levels of oxidative stress from cows in the EU.  相似文献   

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