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This study documents the clinical, histopathological, immunohistochemical and flow-cytometric findings in five horses with cutaneous non-epidermotropic malignant lymphoma (ML). The median survival time after discovery of the first subcutaneous nodules was 3.8 years (range 2-5 years: n=4). Histologically, the cutaneous ML had a pleiomorphic structure and contained a mixture of large reticulo-endothelial cells, medium-large sized lymphoid cells with a rounded nucleus and small nucleoli, many medium sized lymphoid cells with irregular nuclei, and some small lymphoid cells. Immunohistochemically (IHC) the lymphoid cells were positive for the pan-T-lymphocyte marker CD3 but negative for the B-lymphocyte markers CD21 and kappa and lambda immunoglobulin light chains. Although routine haematological examination revealed no abnormalities in the horses with cutaneous ML, changes in the peripheral blood lymphocyte population were apparent flow-cytometrically. Compared to clinically healthy horses, a decreased total percentage of cells was recorded in the lymphocyte gate. In three horses with cutaneous ML, an increase in CD4 positive cells was noticed in the monocyte gate. Flow-cytometric analysis of tumour cells collected by fine needle aspiration (FNA) suggested that the cutaneous MLs consisted primarily of CD4 and CD8 positive T-lymphocytes. The results were compared to those of a monomorphic multicentric T- and a monomorphic multicentric B-cell lymphoma. The results of immunohistochemistry and flow-cytometry were largely but not completely in accordance. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that cutaneous non-epitheliotropic malignant lymphomas in the horse are of T-cell origin and that, after improvement of its accuracy, flow cytometric analysis of FNAs might become a useful aid to rapid tumour identification.  相似文献   

Objective   To determine the cause of exceptionally high mortality (41.4%) in perinatal calves on a beef cattle property 50 km south-west of Julia Creek in north-western Queensland.
Design   Investigations were based on clinical assessment of affected calves and laboratory analysis of pre- and postmortem specimens taken from 12 calves aged from 6 to 36 h of age.
Methods   Associations between gross and histopathological findings and biochemical analyses conducted on serum and tissue samples were examined in relation to clinical observations.
Results   Clinical signs varied, but commonly included mild to severe ataxia, difficulty finding a teat and sucking, blindness (partial or complete, as judged by avoidance of obstacles) and depression with prominent drooping of the head. Gross and histopathological findings included herniation of the cerebellar vermis through the foramen magnum, squamous metaplasia of interlobular ducts in the parotid salivary glands and Wallerian degeneration of the optic nerves. Biochemical analysis of serum and liver samples available from four of the calves revealed low or undetectable levels of both vitamin A and vitamin E.
Conclusion   Although vitamin E is known to have a sparing effect on vitamin A, the role (if any) played by deficiency of this vitamin was uncertain. The combination of clinical signs, postmortem findings, histopathological features and biochemical findings indicate that gestational vitamin A deficiency was highly likely to have been an important contributor to perinatal calf mortalities in this herd.  相似文献   

The principal clinical signs in 59 milk-fed calves with chronic indigestion were general malaise and depression, poor appetite, poor body condition, dehydration, a dull and scaly hair coat, alopecia and clay-like faeces. All the calves had metabolic acidosis, which was associated with an inability to stand up in more than half of them. There were significant differences in the severity of acidosis between the calves that could stand and those that could not. Other signs in some of the calves were dehydration, leucocytosis, and increased activities of liver enzymes.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Donkeys experimentally infected withTrypanosoma brucei showed dullness, weakness, fever, inappetence, conjunctivitis, tachycardia and polydyspnoea soon after...  相似文献   

Clinical findings in 28 cattle with traumatic pericarditis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traumatic pericarditis was confirmed postmortem in 28 cattle that had shown signs of a heart rate of more than 100 bpm, distended jugular veins and muffled heart sounds or abnormal pericardial sounds. The heart rate was higher than normal in 24 of them, and in 18 of these it ranged from 100 to 130 bpm. Twenty of the cattle had muffled heart sounds and 10 had pericardial sounds, such as splashing, rubbing or squeaking sounds. Both jugular veins were distended in 24 of the cattle, and 15 had oedema of the throat region, brisket and ventral abdomen. The most important laboratory findings were a reduced clotting time in the glutaraldehyde test in 26 animals, leucocytosis in 22 and a higher than normal concentration of fibrinogen in 19. There was an increase in the activity of gamma-glutamyl transferase in 20, and of aspartate aminotransferase in 15, and in the concentration of bilirubin in 11 of the cattle, indicative of hepatic congestion. A definitive diagnosis of traumatic pericarditis was made on the basis of the clinical findings in 15 of the 28 animals, all of which had typical signs of the disease. In another eight animals, traumatic pericarditis was suspected, although one of the characteristic signs was absent. A tentative but incorrect diagnosis of valvular endocarditis was made in three animals, and a similarly incorrect diagnosis of traumatic reticuloperitonitis was made in the other two.  相似文献   

This report describes a buck with cerebral gliomatosis. The animal was severely apathetic to somnolent. Neurological examination revealed generalised ataxia and hyper-metria of the fore limbs. There was bilateral mydriasis and severely decreased menace and pupillary light reflexes. Sensitivity to pricking with a needle was markedly reduced over the entire body. There was a delayed response to adduction, abduction and crossing of the limbs and rocking of the animal. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid indicated mild mixed-cell inflammation. Based on all of the findings, an abscess or tumour of the central nervous system with localisation in the cerebrum was suspected. Because of the grave prognosis, the goat was euthanased and a post mortem examination performed. No macroscopic abnormalities were seen in any of the organs including the brain. Histologically, there was extensive diffuse glial cell hyperplasia in the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres and in the brain stem.  相似文献   

Abstract   Clinical, morphological and immunohistochemical features of cutaneous lymphocytosis, an uncommon disease histologically resembling well-differentiated malignant lymphoma, were characterized in 23 cats. Clinical outcome was correlated with histomorphology and immunophenotype in an attempt to predict benign vs. malignant behaviour. The disease mainly affected older cats. Lesions were solitary in 61% of cats and often characterized by alopecia (73.9%), as well as erythema, scaling and ulceration. The lateral thorax was most commonly affected (43.5%). Pruritus was frequent (65.2%). Systemic signs included anorexia and weight loss. Morphologically, lesions were characterized by dermal infiltrations of well-differentiated CD3+ T-cells (100%) and aggregates of CD79+ B-cells (64.3%). Cutaneous lymphocytosis is slowly progressive and relatively benign, although in some cats systemic signs led to euthanasia. Four of 12 euthanized cats and one live cat also had lymphoid infiltrates in internal organs. Unfortunately, we were unable to predict clinical outcome by histological and immunohistochemical evaluations of skin lesions.  相似文献   

Indolent lymphoma comprises up to 29% of all canine lymphoma; however, limited information exists regarding the subtypes and biological behaviour. This retrospective study describes the clinical characteristics, histopathological and immunohistochemical features, treatment, outcome and prognostic factors for 75 dogs with indolent lymphoma. WHO histopathological classification and immunohistochemistry (IHC) for CD79a, CD3, Ki67 and P‐glycoprotein (P‐gp) was performed. The most common histopathological subtype was T‐zone, 61.7%, (MST 33.5 months), followed by marginal zone, 25%, (MST 21.2 months), P = 0.542. The addition of IHC to preliminary histopathological classification resulted in a revised diagnosis in 20.4% of cases. The use of systemic treatment did not influence survival, P = 0.065. Dogs treated with chlorambucil and prednisone did not reach a MST, compared with a MST of 21.6 months with CHOP‐based chemotherapy, P = 0.057. The overall MST of 4.4 years confirms that this is indeed an indolent disease. However, the effect of systemic treatment must be determined through prospective trials.  相似文献   

A retrospective study compiling cases of feline lymphoma diagnosed during 12 years (2004‐2016) in Southern Brazil was performed. A total of 125 cases of lymphoma diagnosed in cats were reviewed, and information including age, breed, sex and tumour topography were collected. FeLV and FIV immunohistochemical tests were performed, as well as immunophenotyping of lymphomas. The alimentary form represented the most common presentation (42/125), followed by mediastinal lymphoma (35/125). Out of 125 cases, 79 presented positive retroviral immunostaining in tumour tissue (52 FeLV alone, 14 FIV alone and 13 presented FIV and FeLV co‐infections), 66/125 of the cases were of T‐cell origin and 59/125 of the cases were of B‐cell origin. The median age of cats with T‐cell lymphoma was 120 months (10‐240 months), and 60 months (6‐204 months) for cats with B‐cell lymphoma. The most frequent alimentary tumour presentation was the enteropathy‐associated T‐cell lymphoma (type 1), and the major type of mediastinal tumour observed was diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma. Considering only mediastinal and alimentary lymphomas (n = 77), the prevalence of mediastinal lymphoma in FeLV‐positive cats was 2.21 times higher than the prevalence of this type of tumour in FeLV‐negative cats (P = .036). Mediastinal lymphoma was more frequently observed in younger cats, and the prevalence of mediastinal tumours in these animals was 3.06 times higher than the prevalence of this tumour form in old cats (P = .0125). The present study indicates that retroviral infections still play an important role in the development of feline lymphomas in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

The clinical signs, the results of haematological and biochemical analyses and the treatment of 30 cattle with botulism are described, and the signs of the 13 cattle that survived are compared with those of the 17 that were euthanased owing to the disease. The cattle originated from 11 farms that had experienced an outbreak of botulism. The most important clinical sign in all the cattle was a reduction in the strength of the tongue; excessive salivation and difficulty in swallowing were observed in 20 of the animals, and the ears of 15 of them drooped. In 21 of the cattle, reaction to pricking of the head and body with a hypodermic needle was either absent or slight. Twelve of the animals had an unsteady, slow, difficult gait, and nine were unable to stand. A significantly higher proportion of the cattle which were euthanased had marked changes in behaviour and condition, anorexia, severely reduced skin turgor, weak tongues, a low rectal temperature, a high heart rate and a low blood pH; 11 were euthanased immediately after a clinical examination and six were euthanased one to five days after the initiation of treatment because their condition had deteriorated. Thirteen of the animals were treated for three to 23 days and were healthy when they were discharged. The treatment consisted of an intravenous infusion of 10 to 20 litres of glucose saline per day and the daily administration of fresh ruminal juice. Follow-up by telephone several months later revealed that all 13 animals had recovered completely.  相似文献   

The effect of oral infection of puppies, eight and 10 weeks old, with canine parvovirus of faecal origin was studied. Clinical signs of enteric disease were first apparent at five days after inoculation and persisted during days 6 and 7 after inoculation. The severity of clinical signs varied from transient dullness and anorexia to emesis, dysentery and death. Changes in haematological parameters were first found at day 3 after inoculation when a relative lymphopenia was observed. A profound neutropenia developed in severely affected dogs after the appearance of clinical enteric disease. Post mortem examination revealed thymic atrophy in all dogs killed on day 4 after inoculation. Macroscopic changes in the small intestine were apparent only in animals examined during the phase of severe enteric disease and consisted of thickening, rigidity and congestion of the small intestines. Microscopically there was lymphocytolysis in the thymic cortex and the germinal centres of the lymph nodes from days 2 and 3 after inoculation respectively and this rapidly resulted in depletion of these tissues. There was repopulation of lymph nodes from day 7 after inoculation but significant thymic regeneration was not apparent during the course of this study. In the small intestine, necrosis of crypt epithelium, atrophy of villi and, in some areas, complete collapse of mucosal architecture were found but the extent of these changes varied along the length of the small intestine and between individuals. Regenerative intestinal changes were observed in those animals surviving the acute phase of enteric dysfunction. The variable severity of clinical and enteric lesions, together with the factors which may affect the expression of clinical disease, are discussed.  相似文献   

Clinical findings in cattle with dilatation and torsion of the caecum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dilatation and torsion of the caecum is usually an acute illness with signs of ileus and this paper presents the clinical findings from 111 heifers and cows with the condition. On admission 61 per cent of the animals had been ill for less than 24 hours; the general condition was disturbed in 58 per cent of the animals, 39 per cent showed signs of colic; the rectal temperature was abnormal in 55 per cent, the heart rate in 40 per cent and the respiration rate in 52 per cent of the animals; rumen motility was reduced or absent in 85 per cent. One or more tests for foreign bodies were positive in 58 per cent, and swinging auscultation and percussion auscultation on the right side, either alone or in combination, were positive in 83 per cent of the animals. On rectal examination it was possible to palpate a pathologically distended, displaced or twisted caecum in 95 per cent of the animals. In 87 per cent defecation was reduced or absent. The most reliable diagnostic investigations were rectal examination and swinging and percussion auscultation on the right side.  相似文献   

Compound odontoma was diagnosed in a seven-month-old boxer dog. The hamartoma presented as an expansile painless mass in the right rostral hemimandible, causing severe distortion of the incisor arcade. Radiographs revealed filling of the medullary cavity of the bone by soft tissue containing mineralised foci, with attendant cortical thinning. The lesion was excised. Histological evaluation demonstrated a connective tissue stroma containing multiple irregular foci of enamel and dentine resembling rudimentary teeth (denticles). These were typically bounded by an ameloblastic zone and contained a central area of odontoblasts and dental pulp. At nine months after surgery, no recurrence has been recognised.  相似文献   

Clinical and pathological findings of Babesia infection in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clinical and pathological findings of Babesia infection in 32 dogs in northern Australia are presented. Eleven different breed types were represented from 6 localities in north Queensland and one locality in northern Western Australia. Twenty three (72%) were males. Babesia-infected dogs were grouped by the degree of haematological disturbance and clinical severity: Acute babesiosis (25/32), all pups with severe haemolytic anaemia; subclinical carriers (5/32) with non-specific malaise, characterised haematologically by a normal erythrogram but marked leucopenia; chronic anaemia, observed in 2 adult dogs. Pups were azotaemic (serum urea greater than 6.6 mmol/l) and had elevated serum bilirubin levels (20.8 to 48.5 mmol/l). Total serum protein was usually within the normal range. Pups that died were also hypoglycaemic and severely hyperkalaemic (K+ greater than 10 mmol/l). Low parasitaemias in routine blood smears complicated diagnosis but smears made from ear or toe capillaries, or after haematocrit concentration, greatly enhanced finding parasitised cells. At necropsy, pallor and jaundice were the most consistent observations. Haemoglobinuric nephrosis, an active reticulo-endothelial system and capillaries packed with large numbers of infected erythrocytes were the main histopathological findings. A combination of imidocarb dipropionate at 5 mg/kg body weight, given intramuscularly, with fluid therapy and blood transfusion was the most successful treatment.  相似文献   

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