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6 种猪测定后的管理 新引人种猪群的种猪管理要求应优先得到满足,以使它们能取得最高的繁殖效率.良好的繁殖和营养管理会通过增加产活仔数和断奶仔猪数带来经济效益.以下公猪和母猪的管理措施有助于生产者获得最大的繁殖性能和使用寿命.  相似文献   

2遗传学原理2.1通过选择取得遗传进展选择(Selection)是一个只允许部分群体用于繁殖的定向过程。如果被选择个体的某一性状的遗传性能优于群体的平均值,那么其后代的这一性状的性能也有希望高于平均水平。选择的原理就是双亲与  相似文献   

3.3猪群内EPD方案在利用所有可用数据对群内所有猪计算EPD时则需要利用这些方案.除了个体的数据外,其它数据应包括全同胞、半同胞、双亲及定期更新的后裔数据.商业上常用电脑程序计算猪群内EPD值.猪群内遗传评估所使用的操作、模型及遗传参数都应当得到详细的记录,最好使用NSIF所推荐的记录.  相似文献   

3场内测定方案 场内测定方案专为帮助种猪生产者利用系统的方法评估他们的动物而设计.本章介绍的方案将帮助育种者:(1)选择他们育种方案中要使用的公猪及母猪;(2)提供鉴别血缘、品系或品种中优秀个体的方法;(3)提供经过测定的高性能种猪;(4)向养猪业传达使用统一术语和种猪选择指南的好处.  相似文献   

4用现场生产到胴体价值的方法评估上市活猪(适用于生产者评估活猪性能,1991和根据NPPC委员会报告修订,1997)4.1一般注意事项上市活猪最完整和最全面的评估不仅包括活猪的生产性能,也包括胴体的价值,具体表现在下一章列出的所有步骤——能够确定测试期间每天优质瘦肉增重数(磅)的步骤.  相似文献   

4.5胴体性状4.5.1质量性状令人满意的鲜猪肉的质量定义为:能够提供可食用产品的各种性状的组合,即该产品富含营养、适宜加工,且在加工储存后仍有益于健康、外观诱人、烹调后能引发食欲且美味。另外,产品质量必须保持  相似文献   

猪产仔数的遗传改良研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪的繁殖性状是一个重要的经济性状,是反映猪场生产水平和经济效应的重要指标。猪的繁殖性状由一系列主基因或数量性状位点控制,而产仔数是猪繁殖性状中最重要的性状。作者综述了猪产仔数的遗传改良及候选基因的研究进展。  相似文献   

5中心测定站测定方案种猪中心测定站(Central swine testingstations)是那些为评估在相同饲养条件下性能表现差异而将动物集中到一起的场所。中心测定站用于:⑴通过生产记录了解并培训生产者;⑵对增重速度、饲料转化率及背膘厚度等猪个体生产性能特性进行比较;⑶为  相似文献   

2遗传学原理 2.1通过选择取得遗传进展 选择(Selection)是一个只允许部分群体用于繁殖的定向过程.如果被选择个体的某一性状的遗传性能优于群体的平均值,那么其后代的这一性状的性能也有希望高于平均水平.选择的原理就是双亲与后代之间的遗传相似性.每一个亲本都会将其一半的基因随机地传递给后代,后代的遗传性能由双亲的遗传天性或育种值决定.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with gastrointestinal tract perforation in dogs being treated with a selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor (deracoxib). DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 29 dogs. PROCEDURE: The Novartis Animal Health pharmacovigilance database was searched for records of dogs treated with deracoxib in which gastrointestinal tract perforation was documented. Results-16 of the 29 (55%) dogs had received deracoxib at a dosage higher than that approved by the FDA for the particular indication being treated, with 25 (86%) dogs having received deracoxib at a dosage > 2 mg/kg/d (0.9 mg/lb/d). Seventeen (59%) dogs had received at least 1 other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or a corticosteroid in close temporal association (within 24 hours) with deracoxib administration (ie, immediately before or following). In all, 26 (90%) dogs had received deracoxib at a higher-than-approved dosage or had received at least 1 other NSAID or corticosteroid in close temporal association with deracoxib administration. Twenty dogs died or were euthanatized, and 9 survived. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In dogs with gastrointestinal tract perforation and that had been treated with deracoxib, perforation was most likely attributable to a number of factors. Deracoxib should only be used at approved dosages. Cortico-steroids and other less selective NSAIDs should not be administered in close temporal association with selective COX-2 inhibitors, including deracoxib. Further study is required to define this problem.  相似文献   

The Veterinary Pharmacovigilance and Medicines Information Centre is responsible for the monitoring of veterinary adverse drug reactions in South Africa. An overview of reports of suspected adverse drug reactions received by the centre during the period March 2002 to February 2003 is given. In total, 40 reports were received. This had declined from the previous year. Most reports involved suspected adverse reactions that occurred in dogs and cats. Most of the products implicated were Stock Remedies. The animal owner predominantly administered these products. Only 1 report was received from a veterinary pharmaceutical company. Increasing numbers of reports are being received from veterinarians.  相似文献   

1范围 本标准规定了鱼粉的要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输及贮存. 本标准适用于以鱼、虾、蟹类等水产动物及其加工的废弃物为原料,经蒸煮、压榨、烘干、粉碎等工序制成的饲料用鱼粉.  相似文献   

Bovine ephemeral fever in Taiwan (2001-2002)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bovine ephemeral fever (BEF), a vector-borne disease of cattle, is caused by the Ephemerovirus of the family Rhabdoviridae. In the past 40 years, Taiwan has had seven BEF epizootics, and we have previously reported the first five. This study summarizes the 2001 and 2002 epizootics; conducted case-control serologic studies on 10 herds involved in the 2001 epizootic; determined whether the recent BEF viruses have varied significantly; and discusses the relationship between epizootic patterns and possible variant BEF viruses. For mature cows that had received at least 2 doses of vaccine before the study, a negative correlation between the prevaccinated (the 3rd dose and after) serum neutralization antibody (SNA) titers and their postvaccinated peak rates was found. When prevaccinated SNA levels were at < or = 32, their postvaccinated SNA levels increased significantly faster (P<0.01) than for those at > or = 32. The glycoprotein gene of isolates from 1999, 2001, and 2002 had a 99.2-99.9% homology, without consistent amino acid variations in the neutralization sites. Phylogenetic analysis of Taiwanese isolates revealed 2 distinct clusters, the 1983-1989 and 1996-2002 isolates. Cross-neutralization tests confirmed the glycoprotein gene sequence analysis results. In conclusion, annual boosters at SNA levels > 32, at more than 2 doses, or at intervals shorter than 6 months are not advisable. The occurrence of frequent small epizootics implies the dominance of BEF virus over host immunity, but not a variant virus.  相似文献   

Sideroblastic anemia is an anemic condition characterized by chronic hypochromic anemia and the presence of large iron deposits in erythroid cells. Seven dogs with sideroblastic anemia were evaluated retrospectively. Historical, clinical, and clinicopathologic findings were reviewed to determine whether the condition was idiopathic or associated with disease conditions or drug or toxin exposure. Associated diseases were identified in 6 affected dogs and included acute hepatitis, pancreatitis, acute hepatitis and pancreatitis, inflammatory disease, glomerulonephritis, and myelofibrosis. None of the dogs had a history of recent exposure to drugs or toxins. One dog had no evidence of associated disease. Regardless of the associated disease condition, sideroblastic anemia was characterized by moderate to severe nonregenerative and frequently hypochromic anemia with prominent dysplastic features in bone marrow that were most prominent in the erythroid series. Survival varied from days to years. Identification of large numbers of siderocytes or sideroblasts in blood or bone marrow is inconsistent with a diagnosis of iron deficiency and should prompt a search for inflammatory disease conditions, including hepatitis, pancreatitis, and glomerulonephritis.  相似文献   

Surveillance plans were carried out in Italy from 1995 to 2003, with the main aim of controlling the possible circulation of low‐virulence classical swine fever viral strains. The repetition of a serological monitoring programme over several years, with constantly negative results, can prove the absence of the infection while increasing the degree of confidence. In our case, in 2003, after eight repetitions of the surveillance plan, the probability that there was at least one infected farm reached 0.006%. Therefore, on the basis of the results of the sampling carried out from 1995 to 2003, we may state that there is no endemic infection, even because of a low virulence virus, in continental Italy.  相似文献   

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