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珍珠高高梁高产栽培数学模型及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用“416-A-”最优混合设计,对珍珠高梁进行试验研究,建立以珍珠高梁产量为目标函数,以种植密度、施N量、施P2O5量、施K2O量为决策变量的高产栽培数学模型,用电子计算机进行寻优,获得珍珠高梁的最高和最佳栽培方案。1999年下半年在广西大化县进行了珍珠高梁示范376hm^2,平均产量(干粒,下同)为4624.5kg/hm^2;验证8.00hm^2最高产量为5833.51kg/hm^2;平均产量为5299.5kg/hm^2。珍珠高梁习惯(常规)栽培产量仅有39645kg/hm^2。因此,每公顷珍珠高梁模式栽培比习惯栽培增产660-1335.0kg,增幅16.6%-33.7%,每公顷增加纯收入304.5-694.5元。  相似文献   

应用 “416- A”最优混合设计, 对巴西旱稻进行试验研究, 建立以巴西旱稻产量为目标函数, 以种植密度、施氮量、施磷量、施钾量为决策变量的高产栽培数学模型, 用电子计算机进行分段寻优, 获得巴西 旱稻高、中、低优化栽培方案。1998年在广西大化县进行了巴西旱稻示范101.6hm 2 ,平均产量为3 813.0 kg/hm 2; 验证6.0 hm 2 , 平均产量为4 752.0 kg/hm 2 。而水稻常规栽培产量仅有3 550.5 kg/hm 2 。因此, 每公顷巴西旱稻比常规习惯栽培的水稻增产262.5~1 201.5 kg, 增幅7.4% ~33.8% 。每公顷增加纯收入253.5~504.0 元。  相似文献   

通过对名贵中药“三七”进行多年的高产栽培试验研究,分析出“三七”生长特征量与气象条件的关系。并采用灰色系统理论方法对多年平均产量与相关气象要素进行绝对关联度计算,从而对生长分析进行了验证。最后提出“三七”高产栽培的农业气象技术措施。  相似文献   

以浙江省慈溪市横河镇黄渭灿农户的“菱—茭—鱼”种养模式为例,较为系统地介绍了该模式的设计与布局,管理技术要点,并重点对物质和资金的产投状况,生态、经济和社会效益进行了评析。  相似文献   

土地整理中田块设计和“3S”技术应用研究   总被引:24,自引:8,他引:24  
以平阳县土地整理桃源项目区为例,运用整数规划原理建立了田块优化设计的数学模型,定量分析了田块的规模;并设计了基于“3S”技术的土地整理中应用方法  相似文献   

"3S"技术及其在退耕还林中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
退耕还林是国家为保护生态环境、治理水土流失的一项重大举措,但在广大的基层农村,还缺乏有效的技术支持手段。“3S”技术是集遥感、全球定位与地理信息系统于一体的高新技术手段,可以为退耕还林提供强有力的技术支持。就“3S”技术在梅州市退耕还林应用中的设备选用、技术路线、基本过程与方法等进行了探讨,对基层退耕还林工作的开展起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

"3S"技术是近年来发展起来的高新技术,集空间科技、计算机技术、电子技术、无线电传输技术与地理科学、信息科技及相关的一切学科于一体,目前已广泛应用于工业、农业、国防、交通、环保等领域,并且其应用范围不断得到拓展。"3S"技术在水土保持领域打下了广泛的应用基础,为水土保持工作建立了坚实的应用平台,使水土保持的实时监测成为可能。"3S"技术在水土保持行业中的应用实现了水土流失的动态监测,为水土保持的各种层次、各种范围的规划、水土保持工程设计、土壤侵蚀预报与模拟、水土流失监测、水土保持效益评估等工作提供强有力的支持。  相似文献   

在大田条件下研究了KCl分期施用对苏丹草产量及生长性状的影响。结果表明,基肥施用一定量KCl对基本苗数量影响不大,过量施用KCl则对苏丹草基本苗产生抑制作用。施钾没有导致苏丹草叶片质量比例下降。施用KCl明显提高苏丹草对蚜虫的抵抗能力,5个施钾处理所寄生的蚜虫数量平均为不施钾的27.2%。施用KCl显著增加苏丹草鲜草产量和经济效益,在钾肥用量相同时,不同施钾时期及钾肥用量分配对产量产生显著影响。在5个施钾处理中,以50%作基肥、在第2、3和4次收获后平均施用余下50%钾肥的增产效果最好,比对照增产16615kg/hm2,增产幅度达26.1%,每千克K2O增收苏丹草46.2kg;而KCl一次性作基肥施用增产效果较差。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the changes in chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll, relative water content (RWC) and forage yield of corn and sorghum under various irrigation regimes and combination treatments of barley residue, zeolite and superabsorbent polymer, an experiment was conducted over 2 years in Kerman, Iran. A randomized complete block design arranged in a factorial split was used with three replications. Two irrigation regimes of normal and drought stress based on 70 and 140 mm cumulative pan evaporation, respectively, and two plant species (corn and sorghum) as factorial combinations were compared in the main plots. Five treatments, (1) 10 t ha?1 zeolite + 4.5 t ha?1 residue, (2) 60 kg ha?1 superabsorbent + 4.5 t ha?1 residue, (3) 5 t ha?1 zeolite + 30 kg ha?1 superabsorbent + 4.5 t ha?1 residue, (4) 4.5 t ha?1 residue and (5) – control, were compared in subplots. In both plants, forage yield, potential quantum yield (Fv/Fm), chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents decreased significantly under drought stress. Chlorophyll a content, SPAD index and Fv/Fm were higher in corn than in sorghum, but RWC was higher in sorghum. Corn produced higher forage yield (62.8 t ha?1) than sorghum (49.3 t ha?1). The application of 10 t ha?1 zeolite with 4.5 t ha?1 residue increased most traits more than any of the other treatments, but the superabsorbent had no significant effect on the studied traits.  相似文献   

Abstract. Soil organic matter (SOM) controls the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil and is a key factor in soil productivity. Data on SOM quantity and quality are therefore important for agricultural sustainability. In 1990, an experiment was set up at Saria, Burkina Faso on a sandy loam Lixisol to evaluate long-term effects of tillage (hand hoeing or oxen ploughing) with or without 10 t ha−1 yr−1 of manure and fallowing on SOM and N concentrations and their distribution in particle size fractions. The field was sown annually to sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench). Ten years later, total organic C and total N, SOM fractions and their N concentrations, and sorghum yield were determined. Continuous sorghum cultivation without organic inputs caused significant losses of C and N in the hoed and ploughed plots. However, addition of manure to hoed plots was effective in maintaining similar levels of C and N to fallow plots. Without manure, SOM was mainly stored in the size-fraction <0.053 mm (fine organic matter, FOM). SOM was mainly stored in the size-fraction between 0.053 and 2 mm (particulate organic matter, POM). In plots with manure and in fallow plots, the addition of manure more than doubled POM concentrations, with levels in tilled plots exceeding those of the fallow plots, and the highest levels in manually hoed plots. Nitrogen associated with POM (POM-N) followed a similar trend to POM. Hoeing and ploughing led to a decline in sorghum grain yield. Manure application increased yields by 56% in the hoed plots and 70% in the ploughed plots. Grain yield was not correlated with total SOM but was positively correlated with total POM. This study indicated that POM was greatly affected by long-term soil management options.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the semiarid regions of sub-Saharan Africa, fertilizer recovery and nutrient release from organic sources are often moisture limited. Moreover, in these regions runoff brings about large nutrient losses from fertilizer or organic inputs. This study was conducted in the north sudanian climate zone of Burkina Faso (annual rainfall 800 mm, PET 2000 mm yr−1). We assessed the combined and interactive effects of two types of permeable barriers (stone rows and grass strips of Andropogon gayanus Kunth cv. Bisquamulatus (Hochst.) Hack .) and organic or mineral sources of nitrogen on erosion control and sorghum yield. The field experiment (Ferric Lixisol, 1.5% slope) was carried out during three rainy seasons and consisted of 2 replications of 9 treatments, in which the barriers were put along contours and combined with compost, manure and fertilizer nitrogen (N). Compared with the control plots, the average reduction in runoff was 59% in plots with barriers alone, but reached 67% in plots with barriers + mineral N and 84% in plots with barriers + organic N. On average, stone rows reduced soil erosion more than grass strips (66% versus 51%). Stone rows or grass strips without N input did not induce a significant increase of sorghum production. Supplying compost or manure in combination with stone rows or grass strips increased sorghum grain yield by about 142%, compared with a 65% increase due to mineral fertilizers. The sorghum grain yields at 1 m upslope from the grass strips were less than those 17 m from the grass strips. As stones do not compete with plants, the opposite trend was observed with stone rows. We conclude that for these nutrient depleted soils, permeable barriers improve nutrient use efficiency and therefore crop production. However, grass strips must be managed to alleviate shade and other negative effects of the bunds on adjacent crops.  相似文献   

氮磷钾不同用量对马铃薯产量和淀粉含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用311-A最优设计与田间试验方法,研究了氮、磷、钾施肥用量对马铃薯产量和淀粉含量的影响,建立了宁夏雨养农业区马铃薯产量、淀粉含量与氮、磷、钾施肥用量之间的数学模型。分析了马铃薯产量及淀粉含量试验因子的主效应和互作效应,优选了马铃薯目标产量在30000 kg/hm2时最高产量的最佳施肥量组合为氮、磷、钾(kg/hm2):267.3-139.0-82.1,最佳经济施肥用量组合为氮、磷、钾(kg/hm2):258.6-131.1-71.1;淀粉含量最高时最佳组合氮、磷、钾( kg/hm2):183.9-106.4-87.6。  相似文献   


Use of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] cultivars with partial resistance to Striga spp. and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. strigae (FOS) represents a novel strategy to control Striga. This study aimed to identify the nature of gene action controlling grain yield and yield components and to select promising sorghum crosses possessing both FOS compatibility and Striga resistance, along with good combining ability effects. One-hundred hybrids, developed from pairwise matings among 10 FOS compatible, high-yielding female lines and 10 Striga-resistant male lines, were evaluated with and without FOS inoculation. The F1s were field evaluated at three locations in Tanzania known for their severe Striga infestation, using an alpha lattice design with two replications. General (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances were significant for grain yield per plant, hundred-seed weight, plant height, flowering time and the number of Striga plants. The study demonstrated FOS inoculation to be an effective means of controlling Striga. Families 675?×?672, AS435?×?3993 and 4643?×?AS436 displaying large SCA effects for grain yield, and 4567?×?AS429, 3424?×?AS430 and 3424?×?AS436 with small SCA effects for Striga counts should be useful genetic resources for breeding and integrated Striga management.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out to assess the effect of nutrient management on soil properties and available micronutrients using Soil Test Crop Response (STCR) based targeted yield equations under a six-year old pearl millet-wheat cropping system. After six years, results showed that soil pH and bulk density decreased, while cation exchange capacity and organic carbon increased in farmyard manure (FYM) as compared to control and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) treated plots in both surface and sub-surface soil depths. Higher values of available zinc (Zn) (1.54 mg kg?1) and iron (Fe) (5.68 mg kg?1) were maintained in FYM+NPK treated plots, while higher values of manganese (Mn) (6.16 mg kg?1) and copper (Cu) (1.07 mg kg?1) were found in FYM alone at surface soil as compared to sub-surface soil. This study demonstrated the importance of application of FYM in improving soil properties and maintaining micronutrients availability in soil and their uptake by wheat for sustainable crop production.  相似文献   

Moisture deficit, poor soil fertility and lack of improved varieties constrained sorghum production in north-eastern Ethiopia. An experiment was conducted in 2002 at Kobo and Sirinka in north-eastern Ethiopia to study the possible effects of seedbed, nitrogen fertilizer and cultivar on the yield and N use efficiency (NUE) of sorghum. The experiment was carried out in a split–split plot design with seedbed (tied-ridge vs. flatbed planting) as main plots, N fertilizer (0, 40 and 80 kg N ha?1) as subplots and sorghum cultivars (Jigurti, ICSV111 and 76T1#23) as sub-sub plots, with three replications. At Kobo, the seedbed by cultivar interaction affected all parameters. Nitrogen fertilization increased biomass yield and NUE at both locations and grain yield at Sirinka. Cultivars showed different performance where ICSV111 and 76T1#23 were superior in grain yield, N uptake and concentration, N harvest index and NUE of grain (NUEg) compared with Jigurti. Thus, planting ICSV111 and 76T1#23 in tied-ridging and with N fertilization at Kobo and in flatbed and with N fertilization at Sirinka is recommended. This study revealed that tied-ridging is not a solution in all areas where moisture deficiency is a problem. Its effectiveness is affected by rainfall amount and soil type.  相似文献   

施肥对饲草高粱生长及营养品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
研究施用氮、磷,钾肥对饲草高粱生长及营养品质动态的影响结果表明,氮肥、磷肥和钾肥配合施用可大幅提高饲草高粱生物产量,增加饲草高粱植株粗蛋白质、粗纤维和粗脂肪的单位面积产出量;氮素是影响高粱生物产量的首要养分因素,其次为磷素,第三是钾素;饲草高粱植株高度以及粗蛋白质、粗纤维和粗脂肪含量的变化规律,主要取决于品种特性;施肥主要通过影响饲草高粱生物产量,对饲草高粱植株粗蛋白质、粗纤维和粗脂肪的单位面积产出量产生作用.从饲草高粱的生物产量和品质综合考虑,确定饲草高粱的适宜收割期,以开花末期至成熟中期之间为宜,过早收割饲草高粱生物产量较低,过晚收割则饲草高粱生物产量较低且品质变劣.  相似文献   

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