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Summary The intraspecific classification of cultivatedSorghum species of the ser.Bicoloria and ser.Caffra is discussed. The classification is based on studies or large living and herbarium collections as well as on the typical and authentic material; published monographs on the genus being made use of. In 8 cultivated species 70 varieties are considered, 8 of them were discovered for the first time. The data received contributed to enlarging the intraspecific systematics of a number of species presented inSnowden's monograph (1936).Parallelism in the evolution for a number of characters, i.e. homologous series, was discovered when intraspecific variability ofSorghum was investigated.The detailed study of the species and of the intraspecific taxons reveals new features of their affinity and differences and contributes to developing the phylogenetic system of the genus.As a result of the studies varieties were found out which would be of practical value for breeding work.
Spezies- und intraspezifische Klassifikation von Arten aus der ser.Bicoloria (Snowd.)Ivanjuk. etDoron. und der ser.Caffra (Snowd.)Ivanjuk. etDoron. der GattungSorghum Moench
Zusammenfassung Die intraspezifische Klassifikation kultivierterSorghum-Arten aus der ser.Bicoloria und der ser.Caffra wird diskutiert. Die Klassifikation basiert sowohl auf dem Studium umfangreicher lebender und Herbarium-Kollektionen als auch auf Typus- und Originalmaterial; publizierte Gattungsmonographien wurden genutzt. Bei 8 Kulturarten werden 70 Varietäten akzeptiert, von denen 8 zum ersten Mal gefunden wurden. Die erzielten Ergebnisse führten zu einer Erweiterung der intraspezifischen Systematik einer Anzahl der Arten, die inSnowden's Monographie (1936) aufgeführt sind.Parallelevolution für eine Anzahl von Merkmalen, d. h. homologe Reihen, wurde bei der Untersuchung der intraspezifischen Variabilität vonSorghum nachgewiesen.Die ausführliche Untersuchung der Arten und der intraspezifischen Taxa läßt neue Grundzüge ihrer Ähnlichkeiten bzw. Unterschiede erkennen und trägt zur Entwicklung des phylogenetischen Systems der Gattung bei.Im Ergebnis der Untersuchungen wurden Varietäten gefunden, die von praktischem Wert für die Züchtung sein können.

ser. Bicoloria (Snowd.) ivanjuk. et Doron. ser. Caffra (Snowd.) Ivanjuk. et Doron. SorghumMoench
ser. Bicoloria ser. Caffra. , ; . 8 70 , 8 . , (1936). , . . . . , .

A study was undertaken to know the difference/diversity between pigeonpea and its closely related wild species C. cajanifolius by studying their morphology, crossability, cytology of the hybrid between the two, and molecular studies. Studies revealed that there are at least 5–6 traits that separate the two species such as flower morphology, pod color and morphology, pod constriction, seed color and strophiole, 100 seed weight that separate C. cajan from C. cajanifolius. Molecular studies revealed that a genetic dissimilarity index value ranging from 0.81 to 0.94 exists between the two species.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of adaptation can be unraveled directly at the genome level, without regard to selectively advantageous genes or traits. Genetic variation and adaptation of polyploidy in the evolution of plants is becoming an area of intense interest. Whether hexaploid wheatgrass species has higher adaptability to altitude than tetraploid or not needs to be proofed by population genomic data. A fluorescence-based AFLP technique was used to investigate the allele share of hexaploid Campeiostachys nutans (Griseb.) J. L. Yang, B. R. Baum et C. Yen and tetraploid Roegeneria nutans (Keng) Keng as well as the genetic variation and natural selection in 22 natural populations and their association with ecological factors. Of all the AFLP bands, 84.29 % were found in common between two different ploidy wheatgrasses. In addition, we found that hexapoid C. nutans had 1.45 times the allelic frequency and more large-sized bands than tetraploid R. nutans. After genetic analyses, the next factor examined should be the effect of altitude on genetic variation. There were no significant inter-population genetic differentiations, suggesting that distance did not contribute to spatial isolation. Altitude and soil nutrient availability might play an important role in maintaining the genetic diversity. A certain percentage of positive selection loci were discovered in total genome allele. Hexaploid wheatgrass with higher ploidy numbers can show strong genetic adaptability to adverse high-altitude condition because of its complex genomic background with an additional H genome, which supports our hypothesis. Though this evolutionary process is believed to be the driving force behind sympatric speciation, we cannot forecast that hexaploid wheatgrass species will diversify into two species in the long term, but believe that diversification under local selection helps to increase the adaptability to the changes in altitude.  相似文献   

Accumulating epidemiological data suggest that Asian men have lower incidences of prostate cancer and benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) compared with American and European populations and may have benefited from their higher intake of phytoestrogens in their diet. However, how these phytochemicals affect prostatic diseases is still unclear. In this study, we isolated six lignans from a plant, Campylotropis hirtella (Franch.) Schindl., which has been used as a folk medicine for treatment of BPH in China, through bioassay guided fractionation. They were dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol (C1), 4-[(-6-hydroxy-2,3-dihydro-1-benzofuran-3-yl)methyl]-5-methoxybenzene-1,3-diol (C2), erythro-guaiacylglycerol-beta-O-4'-coniferyl ether (C3), threo-guaiacylglycerol-beta-O-4'-coniferyl ether (C4), secoisolariciresinol (C5), and prupaside (C6), where C2 was identified as a new lignan analog. Their IC50 values for inhibition of prostate specific antigen (PSA) secretion were 19, 45, 110, 128, 137, and 186 microM, respectively, from C1 to C6 in LNCaP cells. Further study showed that C1-5 down-regulated cellular PSA expression and C1-4 also decreased androgen receptor (AR) expression in LNCaP cells. Furthermore, we investigated the proapoptotic effect of C1 on LNCaP cells. The active forms of caspase 3 associated with the specific proteolysis of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) were detected, and the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 was down-regulated after the treatment with C1. These results collectively indicated that these lignans may have chemopreventive or therapeutic actions for prostate cancer through suppressing AR signaling pathway and inducing apoptosis.  相似文献   

Gymnanthemum coloratum (Willd.) H. Rob. et B. Kahn is shown to be the correct name for the species to which the name G. chapelieri (Drake) H Rob. was erroneously applied in the new Mansfeld  相似文献   

为明确西藏芥菜型油菜的性状演化与分支分类问题, 本文以67 份西藏芥菜型油菜为试验对象, 52 个形态学性状为依据, 白花菜科植物醉蝶花为外类群, 应用最大同步法, 对其进行了研究。结果表明: 芥菜型油菜的基生叶、伸长茎叶、薹茎叶和花器的性状, 均既有同期演化的, 也有非同期演化的, 有各自独特的演化规则; 西藏芥菜型油菜明显分为野生种和栽培种2 大类群, 无论是野生类群还是栽培类群中, 往往是来自于同一地区或气候相似区的材料聚在一起。表明西藏芥菜型油菜种质资源在形态演化上的相似性与其原产地的地理、气候背景密切相关。  相似文献   

The volatile composition of the essential oils from leaves and roots of Eupatorium betonicaeforme (D.C.) Baker was analyzed by GC-MS. A total of 12 compounds were identified. beta-Caryophyllene (12.4-41.7%), alpha-humulene (11.7-14.6%), gamma-muurolene (10.4-19.0%), bicyclogermacrene (15.0-17.5%), 2,2-dimethyl-6-vinylchroman-4-one (10.3-25.5%), and 2-senecioyl-4-vinylphenol (8.5-41.0%) were the most prominent constituents. The former two compounds were isolated and characterized by spectroscopic data. The essential oils and the isolated compounds were tested against Aedes aegypti larvae survival. The results obtained show that the essential oil from roots and 2,2-dimethyl-6-vinylchroman-4-one (10.3-25.5%) could be considered as natural larvicidal agents.  相似文献   

Changes in the diversity of landraces in centres of diversity of cultivated plants need to be assessed in order to monitor and conserve agrobioversity—a key-element of sustainable agriculture. This notably applies in tropical areas where factors such as increased populations, climate change and shifts in cropping systems are hypothesized to cause varietal erosion. To assess varietal erosion of staple crops in a country subjected to various anthropogenic and natural environmental changes, we carried out a study based on a comparison of the diversity of pearl millet and sorghum varieties collected in 79 villages spanning the entire cereal-growing zone of Niger over a 26 year period (1976–2003). For these two crops, the number, name and type of varieties according to important traits for farmers were considered at different spatial scales (country, region, village) at the two collection dates. The results confirmed the high diversity of millet and sorghum varieties in Niger. No erosion of varietal diversity was noted on a national scale during the period covered. Some changes were observed but were limited to the geographical distribution of certain varieties. This highlights that farmers’ management can preserve the diversity of millet and sorghum varieties in Niger despite recurrent and severe drought periods and major social changes. It also indicates that rainfed cereal cropping systems in Niger should remain to be based on millet and sorghum, while reinforcing farmers’ seed systems.  相似文献   

The competitiveness of several effective winged bean Rhizobium strains for nodulation was assessed in a glass house experiment with paired and multi-strain inoculations. The strains varied in their competitive abilities when applied as mixed inocula. The strains KUL-BH, KUL-Z3, KUL-JN and KUL-GP were more competitive than the strain RRIM 56. The strain KUL-GP was more competitive than the strain KUL-JN. The strains KUL-BH and KUL-GP had relatively high competitiveness. The multi-strain inoculum consisting of Rhizobium strains RRIM 56, KUL-BH, KUL-JN, KUL-GP and KUL-Z3 was equally effective as the single strain inoculations and thus the multi-strain inoculum could be used in field practice. The broth and the peat multi-strain inocula were equally effective.  相似文献   

High molecular weight (HMW) glutenin genes Qy and Oy were isolated and characterized. Compared with previously reported HMW genes, they showed modifications in all domains. Qy genes had an extra glutamine and 105 residues in the N terminal, two irregular tandem repeats of P–GQQGQQVYYPTAPQQ in the repetitive domain, and had the same short peptide LAAQLPAMCRLE as in x-type genes in the C-terminal. Besides these modifications, the 11?aa peptides, GSYYPGQASPQQ, conserved in the repetitive domain in all genes, were absent in Qy. Oy genes with 103 residues, had the short IPTLLS peptide found in x-type genes in the N terminal, and had unique tandem repeats of PGQGQ-RQQGYYPTSQQQ and GQQGQQ in the repetitive domain, and shared the short peptide LAAQLPAMCRLE with those of x-type genes in the C-terminal. Three of four y gene ORFs were successfully expressed in bacteria. In the phylogenetic tree based on the N- and C-terminal sequences, Qy and Oy genes clustered with y and x genes, respectively. This suggested that genes Qy and Oy were not pure y genes, but also had some characteristics of x genes. These unique structures provide new information for understanding the origin and evolution of x and y genes as well as wheat quality improvement.  相似文献   

Neglected and underutilized species often play a vital role in securing food and livestock feed, income generation and energy needs of rural population. In spite of their great potential little attention has been given to these species. Khar, Haloxylon stocksii (Boiss.) Benth. et Hook. f. (syn. Haloxylon recurvum sensu Bunge in Boiss.) (Chenopodiaceae) is a halophyte shrub naturally growing in the arid and semi-arid saline lands. The species has been used for making Saji and a number of other beneficial applications that include the use as fodder, folk medicine and plant ash as washing agent. Moreover the species is tolerant to environmental stresses, which make it suitable for cultivation in saline land of arid and semi-arid regions. One major factor hampering its successful improvement and promotion is the limited and scattered knowledge available on this species. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of H. stocksii by presenting information on species’ occurrence, ecology, uses, cultivation and ethnobotany to stimulate interest to promote its domestication and commercialization for regional and global markets.  相似文献   

Three turnip peroxidases (fractions C1, C2, and C3) were partially purified and characterized, to permit study of their feasibility for use in clinical and enzyme immunoassays. These fractions represented 20% of the initial activity, and fractions C1 and C2 were purified to homogeneity. The optimum pH was between 5.0 and 5.5, while optimum temperature ranged from 40 to 55 degrees C. The ABTS K(m) values for the two acidic fractions (C2 and C3) were 0.70 and 0.42 mM, respectively; about 5 times lower than that reported for the acidic commercial horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Fraction C3 had 4 times higher K(m) value than commercial cationic HRP. The molecular weights determined by SDS-PAGE ranged from 39.2 to 42.5 kDa. Activation energies for inactivation were 113 (C1), 130 (C2), and 172 kJ/mol (C3) which are higher or comparable to other peroxidase isoenzymes reported. Fractions C1 and C3 represent an alternative source of peroxidase because of their higher purification yield and specific activity, when compared to fraction C2.  相似文献   

Twenty-four Citrus hybrids of King (C. nobilis) and Mukaku Kishu (C. kinokuni) were examined for their flavonoid profiles of the edible part by reversed-phase HPLC analysis. Two hybrids (G-155 and G-156) contained higher amounts of natsudaidain than their parents, whereas the remainder of the hybrids had a character intermediate between those of King and Mukaku Kishu on the basis of polymethoxylated flavone composition. Principal component analysis revealed the distribution of the hybrids by quantifying 23 flavonoid contents.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was studied in pea, a C3 plant, and sorghum, a C4 plant, at various stages of growth and development. Influence of moisture stress and nitrogen application was also observed since these factors have profound influence on growth and development.

In pea, NRA was maximum at pod maturity stage and minimum at flowering stage. In sorghum plant there was gradual increase in NRA upto grain formation followed by a fall in activity at maturity.

Nitrogen treatment as nitrate and ammonia significantly increased nitrate reductase activity over control in both pea and sorghum. Treatment with potassium nitrate was found to stimulate more NRA in pea than with ammonium sulphate. In sorghum, both forms of nitrogen did not differ much in their influence on NRA.

Influence of moisture stress in reducing NRA was more clear in sorghum, a C4 plant than in pea, a C3 plant. In general, control plants recorded low NRA in both the crops when compared to nitrogen treated plants except at pod formation stage in pea.  相似文献   

杨梅生长指标与果实品质间的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确成熟期不同品种杨梅(早鲜早色和东魁)的营养生长指标与果实外观、品质性状间的相互关系,在成熟采收期,分别对杨梅7个营养生长指标、10个果实外观性状和13个果实品质性状进行测定分析。结果表明,杨梅30个性状指标的变异系数范围为2.546%~31.021%,其中维生素C(Vc)含量、果实硬度(HN)和春梢长度(BL)的变异系数较大,分别为31.021%、22.092%和15.245%。糖酸比(AS)与果实色度值L*b*C,叶片长度(LL)、宽度(LW)、厚度(LT)显著负相关,说明通过杨梅果实颜色可以预测AS,且在AS的形成过程中杨梅LL、LW和LT发挥了重要作用;叶绿素(Chl)相对含量、HN与杨梅果实多个外观品质、营养品质指标间呈显著正相关,表明在生产上可以通过提高Chl相对含量改善果实品质;杨梅BL与果实外观品质、营养品质等13个性状均为显著性负相关,证明杨梅结果枝以中短果枝为宜。本研究结果为利用营养生长指标进行优良品质性状的选择提供了一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

The genus Glycine subgenus Soja includes two species, the important crop, soybean (G. max), and its wild progenitor (G. soja), and an intermediate semi-wild type (G. gracilis). However, the origin of the semi-wild type is in dispute, from independent evolutionary processes or from sympatric hybridization, although many studies support the hypothesis of a hybridization origin. Here, we reveal conclusive evidence for the natural occurrence of sympatric hybridization between wild and cultivated soybeans leading to G. gracilis by capturing natural F1 seeds based on phenotypic and molecular signatures. The F1 hybrids occurred through pollen flow between wild and cultivated soybeans, with many heterozygous loci and similar genetic parameters compared to the maternal wild populations; while paternal soybeans showed the lowest genetic diversity. The F-statistics showed genetic differentiation of the hybrids from the paternal soybeans and maternal wild populations; the differentiation of hybrids from wild soybeans was less than that of hybrids from cultivated soybeans. Natural F1 hybrids generated various seed sizes in the offspring, suggesting that cultivar-genes introgressed into wild soybeans, and the degree of outcrossing in wild soybeans seems to be very important for gene spread, exchange and recombination in the evolution of populations.  相似文献   

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