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High temperature (HT) is the major environmental factor affecting grain starch properties of cooking rice cultivars. However, little information has been available on the effect of environmental temperature on the starch granule size distribution of rice grains. In this paper, five indica rice genotypes, including the wild type (9311) and its four mutants differing in amylose content (AC), were used to investigate the effect of environmental temperature on the starch granule size distribution, as well as its relation to AC and gelatinization properties of rice starch. Two temperature treatments (HT and NT) at filling stage were imposed to rice plants under the controlled temperature chambers. The result showed that HT increased the average diameter of starch granules and enhanced the proportion of large starch granules (LSG, D > 2.6 μm) by number, volume and surface area, respectively. However, influence of HT on GT and starch granule size distribution was relatively independent of their alteration in AC level for different rice genotypes. Therefore, HT-induced increase in the average diameter of starch granules and LSG percentage was strongly responsible for the higher starch gelatinization temperature and inferior cooked palatability of HT-ripening rice grains, which be not inherently associated with their varying AC level.  相似文献   

Maize grain starch is the major energy source in animal nutrition, and its high digestion and utilization largely depend on endosperm traits and the structure of the starch-lipoprotein matrix. The aim of this work was to determine floury and vitreous endosperm traits and its relation to starch digestibility rate. In total, kernels of 30 hybrids were manually dissected, and amylose, total zein and starch and non-starch lipids were determined in both vitreous and floury endosperm. Starch digestibility of the whole kernel was determined based on glucose released during a two-step in vitro pig model of enzymatic digestion, and starch digestibility rate was calculated according to the first-order kinetics. The vitreous endosperm of tested hybrids had higher contents of amylose (204.6 vs 190.4 g/kg), zein (63.2 vs 40.4 k/kg) and starch lipids (5.6 vs 4.9 g/kg), and lower content of non-starch lipids (7.3 vs 9.6 g/kg) than floury endosperm. Digestibility coefficients varied among hybrids, and starch digestibility rate varied from 0.73 to 1.63 1/h. Lipids in both vitreous and floury endosperm negatively correlated with the most of digestion coefficients, whereas zein correlated in vitreous and amylose in the floury endosperm (P < 0.05). Starch digestibility rate negatively correlated with all traits, except amylose content in vitreous endosperm. As a result, a linear regression model with four variables including contents of zein and starch lipids in vitreous and zein and amylose in floury endosperm can predict more than 65% variability of starch digestibility rate of tested hybrids.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the textural and rheological properties of starch gels containing different levels of iodine. The research goal is to understand the architectural organization of granules by utilizing iodine as a marker. Corn (CS), wheat (WS), potato (PS) and tapioca (TS) starch gels containing varying concentrations of iodine were prepared in a Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA). The gels were analysed by using a rheometer for small-deformation properties and also by using a texture analyser for large deformation properties following storage for 1 or 7 days. With increasing concentration of iodine, the firmness of gels decreased and the extent of decrease varied for the different starches. The extent of change in complex modulus (G*) of the gels was highest in the A-type starch, CS, but was different from WS, which is also an A-type starch. The G* for PS gels (B-type) decreased with the addition of 0.1% iodine but there was no significant difference upon increasing the iodine concentration. The G* for the C-type TS gels was lower than 15 Pa. These observations suggest a difference in the microstructure of the starch gels formed, likely resulting from differential leaching of polymers.  相似文献   

Standard maize starch (SMS), waxy maize starch (WMS) and wheat starch (WTS) were hydrothermally treated by the Instantaneous Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) process. This process consists in a short pressurisation obtained by the injection of saturated steam at fixed pressure during a predetermined time followed by a sudden pressure drop towards vacuum. The effects of DIC conditions on thermal characteristics, enzyme susceptibility, pasting (Brabender) and rheological properties of treated starches were investigated. For treated starches, an increase of transition temperatures (To and Tp), a narrowing of the width of gelatinization endotherms and a decrease of the gelatinization enthalpies (ΔH) were observed as the severity of processing conditions increased. WMS, SMS and WTS showed a significant increase in enzymatic hydrolysis after treatment. The saccharification yield showed an increase from 19% (native) to 44%, 21% (native) to 59% and 55% (native) to 79% for SMS, WMS and WTS, respectively. The study suggests that the structural modifications due to the previous DIC treatment influence the in-vitro hydrolysis and the access to the ultrastructure of starch granules; the susceptibility to hydrolysis increases from SMS to WMS and WTS. For all treated starches, the decrease in peak viscosity and in apparent viscosity was related to the processing conditions.  相似文献   

Genetically-diverse wheat samples from the Australian Winter Cereals Collection propagated in two environments were sequenced to identify puroindoline genotypes then the relationships between flour yield, genotype, starch granule size distribution and starch-bound puroindoline protein content were investigated. The Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b genotype resulted in a higher average flour yield than either the Pina-D1b, Pinb-D1a or the Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1a but the ranges of flour yields for the three genotypes showed considerable overlap. For both hard wheat genotypes (Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b or Pina-D1b, Pinb-D1a), a higher proportion of type A to type C starch granules was associated with higher flour yield and this relationship accounted for between 31% and 33% of the variation in flour yield. This result is consistent with previously reported findings for soft wheat. For the Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b genotype, increased flour yield was also associated with a decrease in starch granule-bound puroindoline protein, which accounted for 31–35% of the variation in flour yield across the two environments. The combined effect of starch granule type and associated puroindoline content accounted for 68% of the variation in flour yield within the Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b genotype.  相似文献   

Native corn (Zea mays L.) starch granules were hydrolyzed using glucoamylase at 50 °C for 1–8 h. The degree of hydrolysis over time was analyzed by the concentration of glucose released into solution. The pore sizes of hydrolyzed starch granules increased gradually with the degree of hydrolysis, as evidenced by scanning electron micrographs. It was deduced that every pore on the surface of granules was formed by hydrolysis of one enzyme molecule, so the size of pores distributed on the surface of starch granules was almost homogeneous for the same hydrolysis time. The specific surface area (SBET), porosity, adsorptive capacity and mean pore radius of porous starch granules were determined to analyze the effect of digestion time on granule properties.  相似文献   

Relationships between kernel vitreousness and proteins and starch partitioning to the floury and vitreous regions of the endosperm were monitored in a set of 13 maize inbred lines. Decrease of protein contents from the vitreous to the floury endosperms were mainly assigned to α-zeins. Using Raman microspectroscopy, we observed a protein gradient from the periphery to the center of endosperms that well fitted with the inverse relationships between vitreousness and protein content of the vitreous and floury regions. In addition, Raman microspectroscopy highlighted an increase of starch crystallinity from the periphery to the center of the maize endosperms. This agrees with the higher amylose and associated lipid contents within starches of vitreous than in those of floury endosperms. Finally, starch granules from vitreous regions displayed more channels than the floury ones. These channels contain proteins that might favor adhesion of proteins to starch granules or granule–granule contacts to form the close packing of the vitreous endosperm. Therefore transition from vitreous to floury endosperm is at least the result of both protein and starch gradients. These gradients are probably associated with metabolic gradients that have been observed during endosperm development.  相似文献   

Starch gelatinization and formation of crystalline amylose–lipid complexes during the heat/moisture treatment step in rice parboiling were studied with temperature resolved wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) using flour from Puntal (24% apparent amylose) and Jacinto (12% apparent amylose) rice samples [66, 40 or 25% moisture content (mc)]. Temperature resolved WAXS showed that the crystallinity index (CI, i.e. the relative amount of A-type crystals) of non-parboiled rice flours at 66% mc, monotonically decreased between 65 °C (Puntal) and 70 °C (Jacinto) and 90 °C (both Puntal and Jacinto). These temperatures were in agreement with the respective onset and conclusion temperatures of the M1 endotherm measured by DSC. At 40% mc, the CI decreased monotonically from 65 °C (Puntal) and 70 °C (Jacinto) until 105 °C. In DSC both M1 and M2 endotherms were present. The conclusion temperature of the M2 endotherm was higher than 105 °C. At 25% mc, the CI decreased very gradually and A-type crystals were no longer present at 145 °C. Under these conditions, no DSC endotherms were detected. No type II amylose–lipid complexes were formed during heating at 66% mc. In contrast, at 40 and 25% mc, Vh-type crystals were formed from 100 and 130 °C, respectively. Non-parboiled white rice flour had a strong A-type pattern. Mildly parboiled rice had a clear A-type, with a weak Vh-type and B-type pattern. Severe parboiling resulted in partially crystalline systems with superimposed A-type, Vh-type and B-type crystals. It was concluded that the rice variety, the combination of mc and the moisture distribution in the rice kernel and the temperature during parboiling all impact the level and the types of crystals in the parboiled rice.  相似文献   

Plant growth regulators (PGR) can be used to alleviate heat injury on the starch quality of crops. In this study, two waxy maize hybrids with exogenous cytokinin or spermine at silking stage were exposed to post-silking ambient temperature (AT; 28/20 °C) and high temperature (HT; 35/27 °C) during grain filling. Results indicated that spraying exogenous cytokinin or spermine increased the grain weight and starch content at both temperature regimes. The starch granule size, amylopectin chain length, and relative crystallinity differed between two hybrids and were affected by PGRs and temperatures. Peak viscosity decreased at HT, unaffected by cytokinin, and increased by spermine at both temperature regimes. The retrogradation percentage at HT with PGR was lower than that without PGR in both hybrids. In conclusion, spraying exogenous cytokinin or spermine at silking stage can increase peak viscosity and reduce retrogradation percentage at HT, thereby alleviating the detrimental effects of post-silking heat injury.  相似文献   

贺江  付立冬  李文阳 《玉米科学》2019,27(6):153-159
以玉米品种中单909为材料,设置2个氮素水平、3个磷素水平,分析玉米子粒的淀粉粒度分布特征和黏度参数的变化及之间的关系。结果表明,玉米子粒淀粉粒体积、表面积分布基本呈双峰曲线,数目分布呈单峰曲线;玉米子粒胚乳中绝大多数为小型淀粉粒。在不同施氮条件下,施磷60~120 kg/hm~2范围内,随着磷水平增加,玉米子粒中、小型淀粉粒体积百分比显著降低,大型淀粉粒体积百分比增加,说明磷素有利于大型淀粉粒体积所占比例的提升。随着施磷水平提高,玉米淀粉峰值黏度、低谷黏度与最终黏度显著提高。相关分析表明,玉米淀粉峰值黏度、低谷黏度与最终黏度等黏度参数与大型淀粉粒体积百分比呈显著正相关,与中、小型淀粉呈显著负相关。磷素通过影响胚乳淀粉粒度分布,即增加大型淀粉粒比例,进而提高了玉米淀粉峰值黏度等黏度参数。  相似文献   

Starch is a major component of rice grain and thus plays an important role in grain quality. For breeding rice with improved quality, the thermal and retrogradation properties of starch may be routinely measured. Since direct measurement is time-consuming and expensive, rapid predictive methods based on near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be applied to measure these quality parameters. In this study, calibration models for measurement of thermal and retrogradation properties were built from the spectra of grain and flour samples. The results indicated that both grain and flour spectra could give similar accuracy (r2=∼0.78) in determining the peak temperature (Tp) and conclusion temperature (Tc) of gelatinization. However, flour spectra (r2=0.80) were superior to the grain spectra (r2=0.73) in measuring onset temperature (To). Furthermore, the thermal properties of width at half peak height (ΔT1/2) and enthalpy of gelatinization (ΔHg), and retrogradation properties of enthalpy of retrogradation (ΔHr) and retrogradation percentage (R%) could only be successfully modeled with the flour spectra. The models reported in the present study are usable for routine screening of a large number of samples in early generation of selection in breeding programs. For accurate assay of the thermal and retrogradation properties, however, direct instrumental measurement should be employed in later generations.  相似文献   

The morphologies and microstructures of cornstarches with different amylose–amylopectin ratios (waxy: 0/100; maize: 23/77; Gelose 50: 50/50; and Gelose 80: 80/20) were studied by a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). The temperature-induced changes of the cornstarch granules in excess of water were also studied under CLSM. Acid hybridization of starch by HCl was used to enhance the difference between amorphous and crystalline ranges. It was found that the high-amylose starches (G50 and G80) were brighter than those of low-amylopectin starches (waxy and maize) under confocal laser light, and the average (decreasing) fluorescence intensity sequence of the granules was G80 > G50 > maize > waxy. Waxy and maize starches showed clear internal cavities and channels, whilst G50 and G80 had bright cores. Sharp growth ring structures can be clearly observed for low-amylose starches (waxy and maize) after acid hydrolysis. Gelatinization of all starches starts at the hilum and the adjacent of the channels, and spreads rapidly to the periphery. This work is the first time that three-dimensional images of partly gelatinized granules have been constructed and presented from different confocal images, which allows further exploration of the mechanisms of gelatinization.  相似文献   

In this study, rigid polyurethane foams were prepared using starch as the main component of polyols and their structural, thermal, and mechanical properties were investigated. The starch content in polyols was 30∼50 wt.%. The prepared polyurethane foams had a cell structure. When the starch content and -NCO/-OH molar ratio (TS4-05, TS3-07, and TS3-05) was low, polyurethane foams were not formed. To confirm the formation of a urethane linkage between -OH of the starch and -NCO of the 2,4-TDI, FT-IR spectroscopic analysis was performed. The thermal properties of polyurethane foams were analyzed by DSC and TGA. DSC thermograms showed two endothermic peaks: a sharp peak at a lower temperature and a broad peak at a higher temperature. Both peaks were shifted to higher temperature with starch content in polyols and -NCO/-OH molar ratio. Thermal degradation of polyurethane foams began at a lower temperature and ended at a higher temperature than that of starch. The impact resistance, compressive stress and modulus of polyurethane foams increased with -NCO/-OH molar ratio and starch content.  相似文献   

Starch granule-associated proteins (SGAPs) were extracted from various starches and analyzed using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) with silver staining. The SDS-PAGE results showed that granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) of approximately 60 kDa was found in most starches, except waxy-type starches. Starches exhibited the presence of proteins specific to the botanical origin, including those of 22 kDa for maize; 160 and 98 kDa for potato; 140, 115, 90, and 80 kDa for wheat. These proteins could be detected from noodles prepared with the corresponding starches. The detection of the specific proteins by SDS-PAGE may be used to identify the origin of starch incorporated in various foods and industrial products.  相似文献   

Storage retrogradation behavior and properties of sorghum, maize, and rice starches were compared to better understand the relationship of amylopectin fine structure to quality issues. Long-term changes in texture of starch gels were attributed to amylopectin retrogradation. In starch pastes aged 7 days at 4 °C, change in the storage modulus (ΔG) during heating (representing intermolecular associations) was highly and positively correlated (r = 0.93, p < 0.01) with the proportion of fraction I (FrI) long chains from debranched amylopectin. One sorghum cultivar, Mota Maradi, showed a dramatic increase in the storage modulus (G′) over the 7 day storage period that was related to its high proportion of FrI. Pastes/gels made from starches with normal (20–30%) amylose content and higher proportions of FrI long chains from debranched amylopectin tended to become firmer with more syneresis during extended storage. Both degree of polymerization measurements and previous models for amylopectin structure indicate that FrI represents long B chains of amylopectin. Cereal cultivars having amylopectin structures with lower proportion of long B chains were speculated to give improved quality products with lower rates of retrogradation and staling. This is particularly an issue in sorghum foods where products generally lack storage stability and tend to stale relatively quickly.  相似文献   

The starch granule surface is a frontline of microbial attack and defence, operating in the background of normal starch granule metabolism. Puroindoline, a wheat protein which binds starch granule surfaces, contains a unique tryptophan-rich domain likely responsible for this property, though direct evidence is lacking. To test puroindoline’s tight association, prime starch granule extracts were water-washed 8 or 20 times and residual puroindoline removed using a solution of 50% isopropanol/50 mM NaCl. We found that this solvent was consistent in the amount of protein extracted from wheat flour and washed starch, regardless of initial protein content. Relative quantification of puroindoline following water-washing was performed using dot blot. Washing more than 8 times did not further reduce puroindoline content of starch granules suggesting a strong association with the starch granule surface. To identify the tryptophan-rich domain tightly associated with the starch granule surface, a combination of in situ tryptic digestion and mass spectrometry was used. Following digestion and water-washing, 50% isopropanol/50 mM NaCl was used to remove tightly-associated peptides for identification by mass spectrometry. Using this method, we identified the tryptophan-rich domain of puroindoline directly bound to the starch granule surface of wheat.  相似文献   

Previously, starch granules of maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), and millet (Pennisetum americanum) were found to contain channels connecting the interior cavity with the outside surface, and the channels of maize starch channels were found to contain, presumably to be lined with, proteins. One objective of this study was to identify and characterize channel proteins of maize starch granules. A putative starch granule channel protein extract was subjected to 2D-PAGE. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry was used to identify the proteins. Data analysis indicated the presence of actin-like and tubulin-like (FtsZ) proteins, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large and small subunits (Shrunken2 [Sh2] and Brittle2 [Bt2], respectively), granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS), and Brittle1 (Bt1, an adenylate translocator). A combination of Western blot analysis and immunolocalization confirmed the presence of an actin-like protein within the starch granule structure. Another objective was to determine the origin of maize starch granule channels. TEM examination of maize endosperm amyloplasts that did not contain a formed starch granule revealed structures that were connected to the amyloplast membrane and extended inward to the center of the plastid.  相似文献   

Eleven maize landraces were evaluated for pozole quality. The microstructural, thermal and rheological properties of annealed starch granules determine most of the quality of pozole. Annealed starch in traditional nixtamalisation has an important role in increasing gelatinisation onset (To), peak (Tp) and final (Tf) temperatures; peak, setback and final viscosity as well as the stability of the starch granule, all of which significantly affect pozole quality. Annealed starch in Cacahuacintle nixtamal (pozole end-use) increased temperatures To, Tp and Tf by >5.2, >3.8 and >4.1 °C respectively, and narrowed the range Tf − To from 13.78 to 12.62 °C. The enthalpy was reduced from 6.76 to 5.85 J/g, while the nixtamal starch in tortilla maize landraces presented fewer annealing effects. The annealing effect in nixtamal starch seems to stabilize the starch granules and avoid their collapse, compared to native starch, as shown by the X-ray diffraction peak intensity and pattern that is similar to unprocessed maize. Starch in nixtamal changes from Type A to Type V pattern in pozole. Kernel physical parameters, although important, affected the quality to a lesser extent, with the exception of the flotation index. Cacahuacintle maize landrace showed the best quality and yield as well as a short pozole cooking time.  相似文献   

Nixtamalization of maize grain is an ancient process that until now is used for tortilla production. This thermal-alkaline process produces important changes in morphology and rheological characteristics of starch that is the major component of maize. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the morphological and rheological properties of starch brought by nixtamalization of maize using image analysis and dynamic rheometry, respectively. Nixtamalized maize starch (NS) presented granule sizes higher than starch isolated from raw maize (S) due to the partial swelling produced in the nixtamalization process. In dynamic tests during the retrogradation kinetics, an inverse effect of the temperature was observed in the re-arrangement of starch components. NS was affected due to the thermal-alkaline process presenting an annealing that provoked a reduction in its ability to develop gels. This information is important during the processing of nixtamalized maize to masa and tortilla production.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical changes that occur in sorghum starch during grain maturity. Two sorghum hybrids were grown in irrigated plots in 2008 and 2009; upon reaching the mid-bloom stage in maturity approximately 200 heads were tagged in each plot. Samples were collected beginning ten days after anthesis (DAA) until harvest. The samples were then decorticated and the starch isolated. The starch granule size distribution was greatly affected by the collection date as well as the growing season and hybrid. The samples ranged from 16.3% amylose in 10 DAA to 23.3% amylose in 35 DAA. The crystallinity of the starch decreased as the DAA approached physiological maturity (35 DAA). Starch thermal properties were also altered due to DAA, most notably the ΔH was 16.1 J/g at 14 DAA, 11.95 J/g at 35 DAA, and 9.45 J/g at 56 DAA. The unique chemical and thermal properties of the starches could allow for utilization of the starch in differing applications.  相似文献   

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