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Acute disophenol toxicosis, induced in 10 dogs by giving 33, 35, or 40 mg of disophenol/kg of body weight, was treated with the antipyretic dipyrone, lactated Ringer's infusions, or ice baths. Rectal temperature and estimates of hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, and total white blood cell count and differential count were recorded. Higher hemogram values were sometimes observed for dogs dying of the toxicosis. Toxicosis was induced in 5 other dogs which were not treated; 1 of these, given the low dose of disophenol, recovered. Two of 3 dogs (67%) treated with the antipyretic recovered, 0 of 2 (0%) given lactated Ringer's infusion recovered, and 2 of 5 dogs (40%) treated with ice baths recovered. One of the surviving dogs treated with antipyretic was given the low disophenol dose and all the other survivors were given the medium disophenol dosage level.  相似文献   

Summary The result of a field trial investiguting the anthelmintic effect of disophenol againstH. contortus in sheep raised under Asian small farming practice is reported. It was clearly shown that a single injection of disophenol suppressed the numbers ofH. contortus to very low levels for periods up to 3 months despite the presence of large populations ofH. contortus infective larvae available on pasture and herbage grasses.
Uso Del Disofenol Para El Control DeHaemonchus Contortus En Ovejas En El Oeste De Java, Indonesia
Resumen Se describen los resultados de un trabajo de campo, en donde se investigó el efecto anti helmíntico del disofenol contra elH. contortus, en ovejas criadas en minifundios.Se demostró claramente que, una sola inyección de disofenol, redujo sensiblemente el número deH. contortus por períodso de 3 meses, a peser del gran número de larves infectivas presentes en el pasto.

Le Disophenol Dans La Lutte ContreHaemonchus Contrortus Chez Le Mouton A L'est De Java, En Indonesie
Résumé Les résultats obtenus lors d'essais expérimentaux sur l'effet anthelminthique du Disophenol contreH. contortus chez des moutons élevés suivant les formules des petits élevages asiatiques sont rapportés.Il a été clairement démontré qu'une seule injection de Disophenol ramène le nombre deH. contortus à de très bas niveaux pendant une période de 3 mois en dépit de la présence de nombreuses populations de larves infectieuses deH. contortus présentes dans les pâturages et plantations fourragères.

Abstract The efficacy of lufenuron for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs was investigated. Eleven dogs with generalized demodicosis received either low-dose lufenuron (mean 13.3 mg kg-1 once a day on the first 5 days of the month) or high-dose lufenuron (mean 15.8 mg kg-1 three times a week) orally for 2 or 3 months. None of the dogs showed a decrease in mite numbers on monthly examination of deep skin scrapings. To determine levels of orally administered lufenuron in the skin (epidermis and dermis), three adult dogs were each given lufenuron orally at a mean dose of 19.3 mg kg-1 once a day for 5 days. Lufenuron was measured in samples of blood and skin collected on days 0, 1, 6, 16, 30, 44 and 60 after administering the drug. Mean skin levels of lufenuron were 10 times the corresponding blood levels. Lufenuron was ineffective as a treatment for generalized demodicosis in these dogs despite the fact that high drug levels were achieved in the skin. Résumé— L'efficacitée du Lufénuron dans le traitement de la démodécie généralisée du chien a étéévaluée 11 chiens présentant une démodécie généralisée ont reçu soit du lufeAnuron à dose faible (en moyenne 13, 3 mg kg-1, 1 fois par jour les 5 premiers jours de chaque mois) ou à dose élevée (en moyenne 15, 8 mg kg-1 fois par semaine) par voie orale pendant 2 à 3 mois. Aucun des chiens traités ne montre une diminution du nombre de parasites determine à partir de raclages cutanés profonds mensuels. Afin de déterminer les taux de lufénuron dans la peau (épiderme et derme), trois chiens adultes ont reçu chacun du lufénuron par voie orale à une dose moyenne de 19, 3 mg kg-1, une fois par jour pendant 5 jours. Le lufénuron a été mesuré dans des échantillons sanguins et cutanés à JO, J1, J6, J16, J30, J44 et J60 après administration. Les taux moyens dans la peau sont 10 fois supérieurs aux taux sanguins correspondants. Le lufénuron est inefficace dans le traitement de la démodécie généralisée en dépit des concentrations élévées dans la peau. [Schwassmann, M., Kunkle, G. A., Hepler, D. I., Lewis, D. T. Use of lufénuron for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs. (Utilisation du Lufénuron pour le traitement de la démodécie généralisée du chien.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 11–18.] Resumen Se investigó la eficacia de lufénuron para el tratamiento de la demodicosis generalizada en perros. Once perros con demodicosis generalizada recibieron o bien una dosis baja de lufénuron (medía 13.3 mg kg-1 una vez al día en los primeros 5 meses del mes) o una dosis alta de lufénuron (medía 15.8 mg kg-1 3 veces a la semana) oralmente durante 2 o 3 meses. Ninguno de los perros mostró dismunición en el número de ácaros en los exámenes mensuales de raspados cutáneos profundos. Para detectar en la piel (epidermis y dermis) los niveles de lufénuron administrado oralmente, a tres perros adultos se les administró a cada uno lufénuron oral a una dosis medía de 19.3 mg kg-1 una vez al día durante 5 días. Se cuantificó el lufénuron en muestras de sangre y piel tomadas a días 0, 1, 6, 16, 30, 44 y 60 después de la administración del fármaco. Los valores cutáneos medios de lufénuron fueron 10 veces los valores sanguineos correspondientes. Lufénuron no tuvo efecto como tratamiento de la demodicosis generalizada en estos perros a pesar de los altos niveles farmacológicos alcanzados a nivel cutáneo. [Schwassmann, M., Kunkle, G. A., Hepler, D. I., Lewis, D. T. Use of lufénuron for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs. (Uso de lufénuron para el tratamiento de la demodicosis generalizada en perros.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 11–18.] Zusammenfassung— Die Wirksamkeit von Luferunon in der Behandlung von generalisierter Demodikose wurde untersucht. Elf Hunde mit generalisierter Demodikose erhielten entweder eine niedrige (durchschnittlich 13.3 mg kg-1 täglich an den ersten fünf Monatstagen) oder hohe Dosis Lufénuron (durchschnittlich 15.8 mg kg-1 dreimal wöchentlich) oral für 2–3 Monate. Bei keinem Hund zeigte die monatliche Untersuchung von tiefen Hautgeschabseln eine Verminderung der Milbenanzahl. Um den Hautspiegel (Epidermis und Dermis) des oral verabreichten Lufénurons zu bestimmen, erhielten drei Hunde jeweils oral Lufénuron in einer Durchschnittsdosis von 19.3 mg kg-1 täglich für 5 Tage. Lufénuron wurde in Serum-und Hautproben gemessen die vor und 1, 6, 16, 30, 44 und 60 Tage nach Beginn der Medikamenteneinnahme genommen wurden. Durchschnittliche Hautspiegel von Lufénuron waren zehn Mai so hoch wie die korrespondierenden Blutspiegel. Die Behandlung der generalisierten Demodikose mit Lufénuron war trotz der hohen Medikamentenkonzentration in der Haul unwirksam. [Schwassmann, M., Kunkle, G. A., Hepler, D. I., Lewis, D. T. Use of lufénuron for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs. (Die Verwendung von Lufénuron für die Behandlung der generalisierten Demodikose beim Hund.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 11–18.]  相似文献   

Use of cisplatin for treatment of appendicular osteosarcoma in dogs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nineteen dogs were treated for osteosarcoma of the appendicular skeleton. Eleven dogs treated by amputation and adjunctive cisplatin chemotherapy had a significantly longer (P less than 0.003) median survival time of 43 weeks (range, 20 to 108 weeks) than did 8 dogs whose median survival time was 14.5 weeks (range, 8 to 46 weeks) after amputation alone. All 11 dogs given cisplatin were evaluated for signs of drug toxicosis. Transient episodes of vomiting were recorded in 9 of 11 dogs. Additional toxic effects included gradual decreases in endogenous creatinine clearance in 3 dogs and thrombocytopenia in 1 dog. On the basis of prolonged survival times and minimal adverse effects, we concluded that cisplatin has promise as an effective and relatively nontoxic agent, when combined with amputation, for treatment of dogs with osteosarcoma of the appendicular skeleton.  相似文献   

Clinical diagnosis of canine nasal mite ( Pneumonyssoides caninum ) infection is difficult due to the mite's location in the caudal nasal cavity and frontal sinuses. The current study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of milbemycin oxime in treating dogs with nasal mite infection. A prospective open uncontrolled study included 20 dogs with case histories indicating possible nasal mite infection. Inclusion criteria consisted of either nasal mites being demonstrated (group 1, four dogs), or suspicious clinical signs with no other apparent causes, combined with eosinophilia (group 2, 16 dogs). Milbemycin oxime 1 mg/kg was given orally three times at 10-day intervals. In 17 (85 per cent) dogs, clinical signs resolved completely following milbemycin therapy; within 10 days of the first treatment in 13 cases (group 1, four dogs; group 2, nine dogs) and within 14 days in four cases. In the remaining three dogs clinical signs persisted but were diminished.  相似文献   

Six dogs had perivascular extravasation of antineoplastic agents during IV administration. Treatment with 300 units of hyaluronidase injected locally in the affected site was initiated following the extravasation event. Injections were repeated weekly until signs of toxic effects within the tissues resolved satisfactorily. All dogs recovered within 6 weeks, and residual fibrosis at the extravasation sites most was considered minimal. Many chemotherapeutic agents cause severe cytotoxic reactions when extravasated during cycles of chemotherapy, resulting in tissue necrosis with ulceration and sloughing of skin during the following weeks. Surgical treatments and skin grafting are often necessary to achieve healing. The sequelae of extravasation may result in discontinuation of chemotherapy or euthanasia of the animal. Hyaluronidase appears to be a safe treatment for the adverse effects of extravasation of various chemotherapeutic agents and may be used effectively to reduce the severity of cutaneous toxicosis.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance (IR) in dogs is suspected when hyperglycemia is present despite administration of insulin doses greater than 1.0 to 1.5 UI/kg. IR is caused by increases in counter regulatory hormones concentrations (glucagon, glucocorticoids, catecholamines and growth hormone). This study was conducted to investigate the use of aglepristone (RU 46534), a P4 receptor antagonist, for the treatment of IR diabetes mellitus in bitches during the luteal phase. All animals were treated with porcine insulin zinc suspension (Caninsulin) and aglepristone (Alizin) 10 mg/kg subcutaneously at day 1, 2, 9 and 17 from diagnosis. At day 5, no significant variation in glycemia was shown. At day 12 and 20, serum glucose concentrations were significant lower (p < 0.05). From day 12 the insulin dose was reduced to 0.8 IU BID. Insulin was reduced in the following weeks and glycemia was controlled.  相似文献   

A survey of gastrointestinal parasites of dogs and humans from temple communities in Bangkok revealed that 58% of dogs and 3.4% of humans, among those sampled, were infected with hookworms utilising faecal flotation techniques and microscopy. A previously established polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-RFLP approach was utilised to determine the species of hookworms infecting dogs found positive for hookworm eggs. Single infections with Ancylostoma ceylanicum and Ancylostoma caninum were recorded in 77% and 9% of hookworm positive dogs, respectively and mixed infections with both species of Ancylostoma were recorded in 14% of dogs. A single-step PCR for the multiplex detection of Ancylostoma species and Necator americanus DNA in human faeces was developed and applied to characterise the species of hookworms in microscopy positive individuals. Single infection with N. americanus was recorded in five and A.ceylanicum infection in two, out of seven individuals positive for hookworm. This study demonstrates that humans are at risk of acquiring infection with A. ceylanicum in communities where this species of hookworm is endemic in dogs.  相似文献   

Intractable epistaxis can be a life-threatening condition. Surgical options are presently limited to ligation of the carotid artery. Extensive collateralization develops after occlusion of the carotid artery, so the benefits are likely only transient and the procedure cannot be repeated. In humans, endovascular treatment avoids many of the complications associated with surgery and has a lower recurrence rate than that associated with ligation of the internal maxillary artery. In 3 dogs with intractable epistaxis, embolization of the terminal portion of the maxillary artery was performed with polyvinyl alcohol particles and contrast slurry. Minor, self-limiting bleeding recurred in 1 dog 8 months after surgery; 2 dogs had no important complications or recurrence within a minimum 10-month follow-up time. Results indicate the feasibility of embolization of the terminal branches of the maxillary artery to control epistaxis in dogs that do not require surgery and as a useful adjunctive procedure prior to rhinotomy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate safety and efficacy of vagal nerve stimulation in dogs with refractory epilepsy. DESIGN: Placebo-controlled, double-masked, crossover study. ANIMALS: 10 dogs with poorly controlled seizures. PROCEDURE: A programmable pacemaker-like device designed to deliver intermittent stimulation to the left cervical trunk of the vagus was surgically implanted in each dog. Dogs were assigned randomly to two 13-week test periods, 1 with nerve stimulation and 1 without nerve stimulation. Owners recorded data on seizure frequency, duration, and intensity, as well as adverse effects. RESULTS: No significant difference in seizure frequency, duration, or severity was detected between overall 13-week treatment and control periods. During the final 4 weeks of the treatment period, a significant decrease in mean seizure frequency (34.4%) was detected, compared with the control period. Complications included transient bradycardia, asystole, and apnea during intraoperative device testing, and seroma formation, subcutaneous migration of the generator, and transient Horner's syndrome during the 14-day period between surgery and suture removal. No adverse effects of stimulation were detected, and most owners were satisfied with the treatment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Vagal nerve stimulation is a potentially safe approach to seizure control that appears to be efficacious in certain dogs and should be considered a possible treatment option when antiepileptic medications are ineffective.  相似文献   

The effects of pentoxifylline (10 mg kg−1 orally [PO] twice daily) in three dogs with a confirmed contact allergy to plants of the Commelinceae family are described. Pentoxifylline inhibited the development of clinical signs in all three dogs despite extensive challenge with the offending plants. The protective effect was evident after 2 days of treatment and appeared to be dose related in one dog. The immunomodulatory properties of pentoxifylline are reviewed.  相似文献   

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