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Nuclear bone scintigraphy is commonly used in the diagnosis of sacroiliac disease in horses. The aim of the present retrospective study was to determine if there was an association between radiopharmaceutical uptake pattern and radiographic appearance of the sacroiliac region in horses. Seventy-nine horses undergoing bone scintigraphy with Tc-99 m-HDP and radiography of the pelvis because of lameness or poor performance were studied. Subjective and semiquantitative methods were used to characterize and compare radiopharmaceutical uptake between horses. Ventrodorsal radiographs of the region were obtained and were evaluated. Subjectively, 70 horses (88.6%) had an abnormal uptake pattern. In nine horses, the sacroiliac region was normal (11.4%). There was no association between subjective evaluation of the scintigraphic images and semiquantitative methods. There was a significant association between radiopharmaceutical uptake and conformation (T- or Y-like form) and shape (butterfly-, wing-, leaf-, or horn-like) of the sacrum. The radiopharmaceutical uptake of the tubera sacralia was significantly higher in males (left side P =0.002, right side P =0.003). In conclusion, the conformation of the sacrum may play an important role in the scintigraphic appearance and may be the cause of increased radiopharmaceutical uptake.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the scintigraphic appearance and location of the sacroiliac joint (SI-joint) in dorsal and dorso 30 degree lateral views of the equine pelvis in a scintigram. The pelvis from 10 different horses was prepared by attaching plastic tubes along relevant margins of the bone and around the SI-joint. A radioactive solution was injected into the tubes, and scintigraphic images were acquired with a gamma camera. Five specific landmarks were identified on the left and right sides of the pelvis. There was no significant difference in the distance measurements between the left and right sides in the dorsal view. The SI-joint was roughly ovoid in shape, with its long axis angled to the midline. The most craniolateral point of the SI-joint (Y) was located at the middle (SD = 0.04) of a line drawn from the caudal margin of the tuber sacrale (TS) to the craniolateral margin of the tuber coxa (TC), which was called TS-TC. In 85% of the specimens, the long axis of the SI-joint (SILA) was located caudal to or intersecting TS-TC, and the mean angle between SILA and TS-TC was 16.4 degrees (SD = 5.6 degrees). The distance from the caudomedial point of the SI-joint (Z) to Y was 0.38 times (SD = 0.04) the length of TS-TC. The distance from the tuber sacrale to the medial border of the SI-joint (TS-X) was 0.15 times (SD = 0.02) the length of TS-TC. In the oblique view, the SI-joint appeared wider and was positioned more laterally compared to the dorsal view. The distance TS-Y increased to 0.61 times (SD = 0.046) TS-TC, but SILA/TS-TC was essentially unchanged. The mean angle between TS-TC and SILA increased to 20.9 degrees (SD = 5.6 degrees). TS-X increased to 0.31 times (SD = 0.037) TS-TC. The location of the SI-joint was very similar in all horses, which makes it possible to estimate the location of the SI-joint in a scintigram in which the tuber sacrale and the craniolateral margin of the tuber coxa are identified.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the normal percutaneous ultrasonographic appearance of anatomic structures within the equine sacroiliac region. Percutaneous ultrasonography was performed in a cranial-to-caudal direction in 10 normal adult live horses. The following structures were examined in detail: supraspinous ligament, lumbar and sacral spinous processes, thoracolumbar fascia and its caudal extension, tubera sacralia, ilial wings, dorsal and lateral portions of the dorsal sacroiliac ligaments, lateral part of the sacrum, and the lateral sacral crest. After ultrasonography, all animals were euthanized and detailed dissection of the lumbosacropelvic region was performed in six horses. Four lumbosacropelvic specimens were frozen and sectioned transversely for evaluation of cross-sectional anatomy. Gross anatomic findings were correlated with ante-mortem ultrasonographic images. On percutaneous ultrasonography, all horses had tubera sacralia with a mild-to-moderate roughened surface with occasional irregular hyperechoic mineralizations located within the apophyseal cartilage of younger horses. At the level of the tuber sacrale the caudal extension of the thoracolumbar fascia joined the dorsal portion of the dorsal sacroiliac ligament and assumed two different configurations relative to the dorsal portion of the dorsal sacroiliac ligament, with the predominant configuration of the thoracolumbar fascia located medial to the dorsal portion of the dorsal sacroiliac ligament. The less frequently encountered configuration had the thoracolumbar fascia positioned dorsal to the dorsal portion of the dorsal sacroiliac ligament. Caudal to the tuber sacrale the dorsal portion of the dorsal sacroiliac ligament and thoracolumbar fascia consolidated to form a single, fused structure with a common insertion on the sacral spinous processes. A large variability in linear fiber pattern, echogenicity (small focal hypoechoic areas), ligament height, and cross-sectional measurements was identified in the fused dorsal portion of the dorsal sacroiliac ligament and thoracolumbar fascia of normal horses. Diagnosing mild-to-moderate desmitis of the fused dorsal portion of the dorsal sacroiliac ligament and thoracolumbar fascia based solely on ultrasonography may therefore be difficult. To correlate ultrasonography with histology, samples of a fused dorsal portion of the dorsal sacroiliac ligament and thoracolumbar fascia with bilateral hypoechoic lesions were submitted for histology and revealed diffuse mild-to-moderate loss of fiber density, multifocal fibrocyte degeneration, and cartilagenous metaplasia with multifocal, mild myofiber mineralization, which was compatible with age-related changes. As controls, sections of ultrasonographically normal fused dorsal portion of the dorsal sacroiliac ligament and thoracolumbar fascia from three horses demonstrated similar but milder histologic findings, which were considered normal.  相似文献   

Back pain is common in horses, but there has been no large‐scale in‐depth study describing radiographic changes of the spinous processes, the relationship between radiographic and scintigraphic findings, and the effect of size, age, breed, or discipline. The objectives were to investigate the frequency of occurrence in horses with perceived back pain of: (1) radiographic alteration of the spinous process structure; (2) increased radiopharmaceutical uptake (IRU) in the spinous processes; and (3) to compare radiographic and scintigraphic findings; and to determine if there was breed, gender, age, bodyweight, height, or work discipline predisposition for close, impinging, or overriding spinous processes. Radiographic and scintigraphic images of the thoracolumbar spine of 604 horses were graded. A radiographic grade for each spinous process (T8–L6) was assigned (0–7). The maximum radiographic grade for each horse was defined as the highest grade assigned to any spinous process; the total radiographic grade was the sum of all grades for each horse. A scintigraphic grade for each spinous process was determined (0–3). The maximum scintigraphic grade for each horse was defined as the highest grade assigned to any spinous process; the total scintigraphic grade was the sum of all grades for each horse. Associations between radiology and scintigraphy and age, gender, breed, height, weight, and discipline were analyzed statistically. The severity of radiographic lesions of the spinous processes was associated with the severity of scintigraphic abnormalities. The caudal thoracic spine (T14–T17) was most frequently affected. There was a significant breed and age effect, with Thoroughbreds and older horses having higher total and maximum radiographic grades. The severity of the lesions of the spinous processes was significantly associated with the presence of osteoarthritis of the articular process joints. It was concluded that there is a wide range of radiographic abnormalities of the spinous processes seen in horses with or without back pain. There is an association between radiographic and scintigraphic grades of the spinous processes.  相似文献   

Radiography is the most commonly applied imaging modality in equine practice and forms an essential part of the diagnostic work-up of lame horses. Radiographic signs of musculoskeletal pathology are frequently localized at sites of soft tissue attachment, which are often not clearly visible on radiographs. Different lesions carry different prognoses and require a variety of treatments, and a good knowledge of the position of the synovial structures in the distal limb of the horse is essential for practitioners in the interpretation of radiographs. This study describes a new technique for creating three-dimensional (3D) models of the synovial structures and superimposing them onto radiographs for the purpose of teaching radiographic anatomy. A set of standard radiographs was acquired of the metacarpophalangeal and the distal interphalangeal joints of a fresh cadaver leg while the leg was positioned in a material-testing machine to mimic the weight-bearing horse. Computed tomography of the same regions was performed after injection of negative contrast medium into the joints. 3D reconstructions of the joints were created using grayscale thresholding and polynomial surface meshing in Mimics. The resulting 3D reconstructions were superimposed on top of the radiographs using Adobe© Photoshop© CS3 Extended, thus allowing the visualization of the joint anatomy in relation to the bone on all projections. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows synovial structures to be visualized on radiographs where they are normally indistinct, which will serve as a teaching aid for anatomy.  相似文献   

Radiology of the canine sacroiliac (SI) joint was investigated by obtaining ventrodorsal radiographs of cadaveric pelves and bone specimens (n = 40) marked with solder wire or radiopaque paint to demonstrate the orientation of the sacroiliac joint in various radiographic views. In the following retrospective radiographic study (n = 94 survey sacroiliac joint radiographs), central projections of the sacrum were noted to ease identification of the dorsal, middle and ventral joint components, whereas angled projections of the sacrum had advantages when assessing the cranial joint components. Radiographic assessment was already successful in juvenile dogs older than 5 months. Failure in tracing the outlines of the joint space of the sacroiliac joints is not consistent with alteration of the SI joint. Rather, it was felt that alterations would have assisted in identifying the contours of the SI joints because of an increase in mineralization.  相似文献   

The purpose of the project was to use xeroradiography to provide a reference for radiographic anatomy of the equine digit and metacarpophalangeal region. The left foredigits and metacarpophalangeal joints of a mature horse and a 30-day-old foal were radiographed, using xeroradiographic techniques. Fifteen xeroradiographs, illustrating standard projections of each area, were selected and appropriately labeled to demonstrate normal radiographic anatomy of these regions. These xeroradiographs have been used successfully for several years to teach radiographic anatomy of these areas to first-year veterinary students at North Carolina State University.  相似文献   

Radiologic findings are described in 20 horses with clinical signs of a caudal lumbar or hindlimb problem; the horses were subjected to linear tomography of the lumbosacral and pelvic regions. The cases could be divided into four groups: sacroiliac arthrosis (6 horses), lumbosacral abnormalities (3 horses), pelvic or lumbar fracture (6 horses), and no radiographic abnormalities (5 horses). Five of the six horses with sacroiliac arthrosis had spur formation, with localized arthrosis at the caudal aspect of the sacral wing and its articulation with the auricular surface of the ilium. In one horse these lesions were confirmed at postmortem examination. The sixth horse, a Standardbred trotter, had more even and widespread arthrosis of the sacroiliac joint. The three lumbosacral abnormalities were present in two horses with fusion of the L5-L6 articulation and one horse with a wider than normal sacrolumbar articulation. Linear tomography also proved to be of diagnostic and prognostic value in the evaluation of lumbar and pelvic fractures. Finally, tomography could be used to eliminate the presence of sacroiliac or lumbosacral damage in some horses that presented with clinical signs suggestive of disease of the lumbosacral or sacroiliac region.  相似文献   

The sacroiliac region in 33 clinically normal riding horses was examined with scintigraphy to determine the normal scintigraphic appearance, to evaluate a semiquantitative method used to calculate a sacroiliac joint (SI joint) ratio, and to identify factors that affect the scintigraphic appearance of the pelvis. The scintigraphic examination included dorsal views of each SI joint region and one lateral view of the urinary bladder. Two predefined areas (the SI joint and the area between the tuber sacrale and the SI joint) were evaluated subjectively by comparing the intensity in each area to the intensity in the tuber sacrale, and a semiquantitative method was applied on the images to calculate an SI joint ratio. The thickness of the muscle mass overlying each SI joint was measured by using ultrasound. A corrected ratio was calculated based on a corrected pixel count for each SI joint. Of 29 evaluated horses, 28 had normal radiotracer uptake in the SI joints and 10 horses had symmetric normal radiotracer uptake in the area between the tuber sacrale and the SI joint. The mean SI joint ratio was 0.53 on both the left and right sides, and the mean corrected SI joint ratio was 2.15 on the left side and 2.13 on the right side. Factors that affect the scintigraphic appearance of the pelvis were identified and included attenuation, radioactive urine, and muscle symmetry. The muscle thickness ranged from 8-11 cm, causing 71-82% attenuation. Radioactive urine in the urinary bladder was located ventral to the SI joint region in 16 horses, and four of these were excluded from further evaluation because of risk of misinterpretation. A visual assessment of symmetry of the horses' gluteal muscle mass was compared with the ultrasound measurements. Fourteen horses (14/33) were regarded symmetric by both techniques. Soft tissue attenuation was found to severely compromise the result and indicated that only lesions in the SI joint with severely increased radiotracer uptake can be detected with scintigraphy. Knowledge about presence of radioactive urine ventral to the SI joint region and assessment of muscle symmetry is essential for a correct subjective evaluation. Any situation with difference in muscle mass between the left and right side of the pelvis will give a false impression of increased radiotracer uptake on the side with lesser muscle mass.  相似文献   

A method of linear tomography for the pelvic region of the horse is described. A custom-built unit was employed, and exposures of 140 kV and 400 mAs for three to four seconds were required in horses weighing approximately 450 kg. Animals were anesthetized and placed in lateral or dorsal recumbency. Radiographic quality of the lateral projection was considered unsatisfactory, but on ventrodorsal tomograms taken at an angle of swing of 10° or 20° most of the anatomic structures in the lumbar spine and pelvic girdle could be identified. The height of the plane of cut varied from 30 to 300 mm, according to anatomic location, but between animals the height of each structure was reasonably consistent.  相似文献   

The complexity of the equine skull makes the temporomandibular joint a difficult area to evaluate radiographically. The goal of this study was to determine the optimal angle for a complementary radiographic projection of the equine temporomandibular joint based on a computed tomography (CT) cadaver study. CT was performed on six equine cadaver heads of horses that were euthanized for other reasons than temporomandibular joint disease. After the CT examination, 3D reconstruction of the equine skull was performed to subjectively determine the angle for a complementary radiographic projection of the temporomandibular joint. The angle was measured on the left and right temporomandibular joint of each head. Based on the measurements obtained from the CT images, a radiographic projection of the temporomandibular joint in a rostral45°ventral-caudodorsal oblique (R45°V-CdDO) direction was developed by placing the X-ray unit 30° laterally, maintaining at the same time the R45°V-CdDO angle (R45°V30°L-CdDLO). This radiographic projection was applied to all cadaver heads and on six live horses. In three of the live horses abnormal findings associated with the temporomandibular joint were detected. We conclude that this new radiographic projection of the temporomandibular joint provides superior visualization of the temporomandibular joint space and the articular surface of the mandibular condyle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide a detailed computed tomographic (CT) anatomic reference for the equine tarsus. CT examinations of the tarsal regions from four clinically and radiographically normal adult horses, which were euthanized for reasons not related to musculoskeletal disease, were included in the study. Limbs were removed at the level of midtibia, and 3-mm contiguous transverse CT images were obtained, starting at a level proximal to the tuber calcanei and continuing distally into the proximal metatarsus. Soft tissue and bone windows were used to image different anatomic features, including bones, joints, and various soft tissue components of the tarsus. Each transverse slice was compared with bone models and dissected specimens to assist in the accurate identification of specific structures. The results of the study consist of nine CT images of the equine tarsus. Each image incorporates labeled soft tissue and bone-window images, a directional compass indicating cranial (Cr) or dorsal (D) and lateral (L), and a reconstructed scout image indicating the level through which the transverse slice was made.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to evaluate a technique for contrast gastrointestinal (GI) radiography and to define the normal radiographic anatomy of the foal GI tract as demonstrated by survey and contrast radiography. GI studies were performed in five normal foals. Right lateral standing, right and left lateral recumbent, and ventrodorsal (dorsal recumbent) radiographs were evaluated. The recumbent lateral and ventrodorsal positions were preferred, although the right lateral standing position demonstrated most structures. Radiographic positions that clearly identified a specific GI region were determined. The dosage of contrast medium used (5 ml/kg of a 30% wt/vol barium suspension) was adequate to outline the GI tract. Transit times allowed evaluation of the large colon within eight hours.  相似文献   

Lateromedial radiographs of 74 stifles from foals with no stifle swelling or lameness were evaluated to determine the range of normal variation. Foals ranged in age from 0 to 25 weeks with approximately one half of the foals being younger than 11 weeks of age. Nine breeds were represented, with Standardbred and Quarter horse being the most common. Femoral trochlear ridges and patellas were graded on a scale of 1–4 from regular and well defined (1) to very irregular (4). Femoral and tibial condyles were evaluated for irregularity. Twelve stifles were evaluated at necropsy. Irregular to very irregular patellas and trochlear ridges were found in foals up to 20 weeks of age. In foals younger than 11 weeks of age, 77% of bone borders were irregular or very irregular, whereas only 23% of bone borders from foals 11–25 weeks of age had irregular borders. A grade of very irregular was found in 33% of bone borders of foals younger than 11 weeks old, whereas only 1.25% of bone borders of older foals were graded very irregular. Asymmetry in the bone borders between left and right stifle was evident in 36% of the studies, but did not vary by more than one grade. Femoral and tibial condyles were nearly all regular and well defined regardless of age. These findings suggest that obvious irregularities of the femoral or tibial condyles in foals should be interpreted as pathologic. Patellas and trochlear ridges were ranked smooth in 3% of foals younger than 11 weeks of age and in 55% of bone borders of foals 11–25 weeks of age. Obvious irregularities of the patellas or femoral trochlear ridges may be well within normal limits in foals younger than 5 months. Consistent and diagnostic radiographic studies can be obtained safely in most standing foals with little or no sedation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an anatomic reference for the channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ) using xeroradiography * and conventional radiography. The entire body of three adult fish was radiographed using standard xeroradiographic and conventional radiographic techniques. Two xeroradiographs and their corresponding conventional radiographs were selected, and the xeroradiographs labeled to illustrate the normal skeletal and soft-tissue anatomy of the channel catfish.  相似文献   

Major advantages of computed radiography are the potential reduction of dose and the possibility of postprocessing. In our study, we compared conventional radiographs to digital radiographs of the equine stifle by subjective evaluation of diagnostic quality when using a decreasing photon flux (mAs). Twelve equine stifle joints from horses of different weight and size were examined. Conventional and digital radiographs were performed identically in a caudocranial projection with the tube angled 15 degrees. A series of four radiographs was performed in each technique with an increasing photon flux starting with 2.5 mAs and going up to 5, 10, and 20 mAs. All radiographs were evaluated subjectively in a blinded fashion by seven readers in terms of contrast, bone structure, and diagnostic value and were graded using a 1-5 scale. Results from conventional and digitized radiographs were compared, and differences between the individual observers were analyzed statistically. Contrast, bone structure, and diagnostic value from digital images were rated significantly better than from conventional images (p < .001). For both techniques, a decrease in ranking was found with a decrease of photon flux. There was only slight interobserver variability. A dose reduction up to a factor of 4 compared to a 100 speed film-screen system seems to be possible without loss of information. Weight and size of the horse are not major influences.  相似文献   

We compared the information gained from computed tomography (CT) vs. radiography in horses with nonneoplastic disease of the mandible. We hypothesized that CT would provide additional diagnostic information. Medical records, radiographs, and CT images of horses with nonneoplastic mandibular disease evaluated between 1994 and 2008 were reviewed. Nineteen horses were identified; 11 had a tooth root abscess and related disease, four had a fracture of the teeth and/or mandible, and four had a nonneoplastic mass. Both CT images and radiographs allowed identification of diseased teeth that appeared clinically normal otherwise. CT allowed identification of teeth that were clinically affected but appeared normal radiographically. Parameters such as tooth pulp involvement, lamina dura destruction, presence of bone fragments, lingual and buccal mandibular bone periosteal reaction, and cortical bone destruction were more conspicuous with CT. Performing radiography and CT in horses with nonneoplastic mandibular disease provides a more complete evaluation than either technique alone. CT contributes additional information that could otherwise be overlooked with radiographs alone in horses with a mandibular fracture. CT provides ancillary information to radiographs in horses with dental infection or a nonneoplastic mass of the mandible.  相似文献   

The normal ultrasonographic appearance of the dorsal and lateral soft tissue structures and anatomic landmarks of the equine carpus useful in clinical imaging are described.
Both limbs of 5 cadavers and 5 clinically sound adult horses were imaged using a 7.5 MHz sector transducer. At the dorsal aspect of the carpus and distal radius, the extensor carpi radialis- and the common digital extensor tendon and their tendon sheaths were easily identified. These two tendons are the most prominent structures in this region. Smaller and more difficult to identify are the tendon and tendon sheath of the extensor carpi obliquus-, the lateral digital extensor- and the ulnaris lateralis muscle. The ultrasonographic appearance and course through the carpal region of the tendons and tendon sheaths mentioned are described. Other soft tissue structures examined include the lateral collateral ligament, the carpal joint capsule and the distal articular cartilage of the radius. Ultrasonographic findings correlated well with gross anatomy in the cadavers limbs.  相似文献   

This study was intended to document normal ultrasonographic appearance of the equine shoulder and anatomic landmarks useful in clinical imaging. Both forelimbs of five equine cadavers and both forelimbs of six live adult horses were used. To facilitate understanding of the images, a zoning system assigned to the biceps brachii and to the infraspinatus tendon was developed. Ultrasonography was performed with a real-time B-mode semiportable sector scanner using 7.5- and 5-MHz transducers. On one cadaver limb, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed using a system at 1.5 Tesla, T1-weighted spin-echo sequence. Ultrasonography images were compared to frozen specimens and MRI images to correlate the ultrasonographic findings to the gross anatomy of the shoulder. Ultrasonography allowed easy evaluation of the biceps brachii and the infraspinatus tendon and their bursae, the supraspinatus muscle and tendons, the superficial muscles of the shoulder, and the underlying humerus and scapula. Only the lateral and, partially, the caudal aspects of the humeral head could be visualized with ultrasound. Ultrasonographic appearance, orientation, and anatomic relationships of these structures are described. Ultrasonographic findings correlated well with MRI images and with gross anatomy in the cadavers' limbs.  相似文献   

In a two-phase study, ultrasound was used to delineate the normal sonographic anatomy of soft tissues of the equine distal limb. The study was limited to the soft tissues of the palmar surface of the limb just proximal to the fetlock joint. In the first phase, cadavers were evaluated with a B-mode ultrasound machine, † Then the limbs were radiographed and dissected to compare their gross, radiographic, and ultrasonographic appearances. In the second phase, nine normal adult horses were ultrasonographically scanned. The sonographic appearance of the normal animals was compared with that of the cadavers. Front and rear limbs of all horses had similar ultrasonographic appearances. Flexor tendons and the suspensory ligament were easily identified as having linear, uniformly intense ecogenicity. The borders of the digital sheath and of the proximal palmar pouch of the fetlock joint had a less organized and less intense ecogenic appearance than the flexor tendons and suspensory ligament, and they were poorly delineated unless distended with fluid. Ultrasonography was used in three lame horses and aided the diagnoses of synovial proliferation in the fetlock joint, tendosynovitis, and bowed tendon. Diagnostic ultrasonography was effective in identifying and characterizing soft-tissue structures of the distal equine limb. It is a valuable, noninvasive diagnostic aid.  相似文献   

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