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To determine the influence of three levels of undegradable intake protein (UIP) supplementation on metabolic and endocrine factors that influence reproduction, 23 yearling crossbred heifers (body condition score = 4.5 +/- 0.5; initial BW = 362 +/- 12 kg) were stratified by BW and assigned randomly to one of three supplements: 1) low UIP (1,135 g x heifer(-1) x d(-1); 30% CP, 115 g UIP, n = 7); 2) mid UIP (1,135 g x heifer(-1) x d(-1); 38% CP, 216 g UIP, n = 8); or 3) high UIP (1,135 g x heifer(-1) x d(-1); 46% CP, 321 g UIP, n = 8). Heifers were estrually synchronized before initiation of supplementation. Supplement was individually fed daily for 30 to 32 d, at which time heifers were slaughtered (d 12 to 14 of the estrous cycle) and tissues collected. Heifers were fed a basal diet of sudan grass hay (6.0% CP) ad libitum. On d 28 of supplementation (d 10 of the estrous cycle), no differences were observed (P > 0.10) in serum insulin or IGF-I among treatments. At slaughter (d 10 to 12 of the estrous cycle), treatments did not influence corpus luteum weight, cerebral spinal fluid leptin, or IGFBP; serum estradiol-17beta, progesterone, leptin, IGF-I, and IGFBP; or anterior pituitary content of IGFBP (P > 0.10). Follicular fluid IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-4 were greater in high-UIP heifers than low- or mid-UIP heifers on d 12 to 14 of the estrous cycle (P < 0.05). Basal serum LH concentrations and LH area under the curve (every 15 min for 240 min) did not differ (P > 0.10) following 28 d of supplementation (d 10 of the estrous cycle); however, basal serum FSH concentrations were greater (P = 0.06) in low- and mid- vs. high-UIP heifers (5.2 and 5.2 vs. 4.6 ng/mL, respectively), and FSH area under the curve was greater (P = 0.03) in low- vs. high-UIP heifers. At slaughter (d 12 to 14 of the estrous cycle), anterior pituitary LH and FSH content and steady-state mRNA encoding alpha, LHbeta, and GnRH receptor did not differ (P > 0.10) among treatments. However, FSHbeta mRNA was increased approximately twofold (P = 0.03) in mid vs. low UIP. In summary, low and mid levels of UIP supplements fed to estrous cycling beef heifers seemed to enhance pituitary expression and/or secretion of FSH relative to high levels of UIP. Moreover, high-UIP supplementation was associated with increased low-molecular-weight IGFBP compared with supplementation of low and mid levels of UIP. These data suggest that differing levels of UIP supplementation may alter pituitary and ovarian function, thereby influencing reproductive performance in beef heifers.  相似文献   

Changes in follicular and luteal structures were assessed and concentrations of estradiol and progesterone were measured in 13 Hereford X Angus suckled beef cows during resumption of estrous cycles. Transrectal ultrasonography was used to monitor follicular size, ovulation, and formation and regression of the corpus luteum (CL). The interval from parturition to first postpartum ovulation (FO) was 82 +/- 4.7 d. Serum progesterone remained low before FO. One cow exhibited standing estrus, two cows showed other signs of estrus, and 10 displayed no signs of behavioral estrus preceding FO. All cows exhibited standing estrus before the second postpartum ovulation (SO). All cows had a short luteal phase after FO, with an average interval of 8.5 +/- .2 d between FO and SO. Concentrations of estradiol in serum during the 8 d preceding ovulation were similar before FO and SO. Maximal diameter of the preovulatory follicle was similar before FO and SO. However, the ovulatory follicle was larger in diameter at 2 d (P = .02) and 3 to 8 d (P less than .005) before FO than before SO. The time from detection until ovulation was less (P = .005) for the ovulatory follicle preceding SO than for the follicle associated with FO (8.5 vs 10.2 d, respectively, SE = .4). The second-largest follicle was larger (P less than .005) in diameter during the 8 d preceding the FO than before the SO. The difference in size between the ovulatory follicle and the second-largest follicle on the day before ovulation was greater (P less than .005) preceding SO than preceding FO (8.7 vs 6.6 mm, respectively, SE = .4).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of source of energy and energy restriction during lactation on sow and litter performance were investigated in an experiment with 90 primiparous sows. At parturition, the sows were randomly assigned to diets containing either tallow or cornstarch as a major energy source. Energy intake was restricted to 8 Mcal of metabolizable energy X sow-1 X d-1 during a 28-d lactation. All sows received equal amounts of crude protein, vitamins and minerals daily, which met or exceeded standard recommendations. Sows fed the diet with tallow lost more weight (P less than .05) during lactation than those fed the diet with cornstarch. Litter size at d 28 was greater (P less than .07) for sows fed cornstarch than for sows fed tallow. However, pig and litter weights on d 14 and 28 of lactation were similar between dietary treatments. Sows were bled on d 110 of gestation and d 14 and 28 of lactation and blood plasma was analyzed for urea. A significant treatment X time interaction was found for plasma urea. Sows fed the diet with tallow appeared to catabolize more protein than those fed the diet with cornstarch. Energy digestibility was lower (P less than .01) in the diet containing tallow, but protein digestibility was not affected by source of energy. Percentages of sows in estrus by 7, 14 and 70 d post-weaning were not different between treatments.  相似文献   

Thirty-six primiparous heifers were used to determine the effect of dietary energy on postpartum interval, milk production, serum concentrations of insulin, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), growth hormone, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of neuropeptide-Y (NPY). Low-quality hay was fed during the last trimester of pregnancy to achieve suboptimal calving weight (370 +/- 5 kg) and condition score (4.0 +/- .1). After calving, cows were allotted to one of four dietary treatments that differed in metabolizable energy. Experimental diets were fed at 2.5% of shrunk body weight and formulated to provide 1.8 (low), 2.1 (maintenance), 2.4 (maintenance high), or 2.7 (high) Mcal of ME/kg DM. Daily milk production was estimated at approximately 30, 60, and 90 d postpartum. Condition score change and weight change were defined as change from calving to d 90 postpartum. As energy intake increased, condition score change (P < .001), IGF-I (P < .001) and insulin (P < .01) increased and postpartum interval decreased (P = .04). No relationship existed between postpartum interval and CSF concentration of NPY (P > .1). Condition score change was positively associated with IGF-I and insulin (r = .71, P < .001; r = .38, P = .02, respectively) and negatively associated with GH (r = -.67, P < .001). Weight change and serum concentrations of GH did not differ (P > .10) among treatments. Increasing dietary energy intake was associated with a curvilinear increase in milk yield (P = .04) and percentage milk fat (P = .03) and a linear increase (P = .04) in energy available for milk production. Greater milk yield at d 30 was associated with a longer postpartum interval (r = .34, P < .05). In conclusion, a greater proportion of net energy is partitioned to maternal tissue realimentation when cows receive high compared to low-, maintenance-, or moderate-energy diets.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight Hereford x Angus cows (4 yr of age) were used to determine the effects of pre- and postpartum dietary energy on performance and reproductive function in suckled beef cows. The experiment was designed as a 2 x 2 factorial with cows receiving either 70 (L) or 150% (H) of NRC recommended level of dietary energy before and(or) after parturition, resulting in four treatment combinations (L-L, L-H, H-L, H-H). Prepartum diets were fed for approximately 110 d, and postpartum diets were fed until either 10 d after the second postpartum ovulation or 150 d postpartum for those cows that failed to ovulate. Cows receiving low compared with high levels of energy before calving lost more (P less than .01) weight, body condition, subcutaneous fat, and longissimus muscle area before parturition and had calves with lighter (P less than .01) birth weights. Cows receiving low compared with high levels of energy postpartum lost more (P less than .01) weight, body condition, and longissimus muscle area after parturition. Low levels of energy before and after parturition decreased (P less than .01) milk production and calf weight at 70 d of age. Rates of cervical and uterine involution were unaffected by dietary energy treatments. Cows receiving high levels of energy prepartum had increased (P less than .01) mean concentrations and pulse frequency of LH in serum after parturition, and cows receiving high levels of energy postpartum had increased (P less than .05) pulse frequency of LH. Low levels of energy postpartum decreased (P less than .01) appearance rate of small (5.0 to 7.9 mm) and large (greater than or equal to 10 mm) follicles, and low levels of energy prepartum decreased (P less than .02) appearance rate of large follicles based on transrectal ultrasonography. Cows receiving high levels of energy prepartum had shorter (P less than .02) intervals from parturition to ovulation, and a higher (P less than .01) percentage of the cows that received high levels of energy postpartum ovulated by 150 d postpartum. In summary, prepartum level of dietary energy influenced birth weight and weight gain of calves, milk production, concentrations and pulse frequency of LH in serum, appearance rate of large follicles, and the interval to first ovulation. Postpartum level of dietary energy influenced milk production, weight gain of calves, pulse frequency of LH, appearance rate of small and large follicles, and the percentage of cows that ovulated after parturition.  相似文献   

Thirty beef cows, approximately 3 yr of age, were randomly assigned to be slaughtered on d 7, 14, 28, 42 or 56 postpartum. Each cow suckled one calf until slaughter. Data from cows slaughtered on d 42 and 56 were pooled and further classified as anestrous or cyclic based on the presence of a corpus luteum and elevated serum concentrations of progesterone at slaughter. Specific binding of [3H]naloxone (3H-NAL) to homogenates of tissue from hypothalamus (HYP), preoptic area (POA) and basal forebrain (BF) was assessed using multiple-point Scatchard analyses. Nonspecific binding was estimated in the presence of 10(-6) M naloxone. Separation of bound from free 3H-NAL was achieved by centrifugation at 20,000 X g. Concentration (fmol/mg original tissue wet wt) of 3H-NAL binding sites in POA tissue was higher (P less than .05) on d 28 postpartum in anestrous cows than in cyclic cows on d 42 + 56 postpartum (2.58 +/- .32 vs 1.58 +/- .10). When all anestrous cows were compared with cyclic cows, concentrations of 3H-NAL binding sites in POA tissues and in BF tissue were higher (P less than .05) in anestrous cows (anestrous POA, 2.12 +/- .17, cyclic POA, 1.58 +/- .10; anestrous BF, 2.94 +/- .41, cyclic BF, 2.19 +/- .16). Compared across brain regions for all cows, the concentration of specific binding sites for 3H-NAL was greater (P less than .01) in BF (2.5 +/- .2) than in POA (1.9 +/- .1) and greater (P less than .01) in POA than in HYP (1.5 +/- .1).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Patterns of concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), progesterone (P4) and estradiol-17 beta (E2) during an estrous cycle were compared between 15 lactating beef cows 5 to 7 years of age (young) and 15 cows greater than or equal to 12 years of age (old). Length of estrous cycle did not differ between young and old cows (P = .06). No differences due to age were found for LH. Patterns of concentrations of P4 during the first 15 days of the cycle, of FSH during days 6 through 12 and of E2 during the follicular phase differed with age (P less than .05). An earlier (P less than .025) midcycle elevation of FSH was associated with an earlier rise and greater concentration of E2 (P less than .05) during the follicular phase in old than in young cows. Differences in FSH and P4, although subtle, were consistent with an earlier or more advanced follicular development in old cows, leading to greater secretion of E2 from the preovulatory follicle.  相似文献   

The changes in the structure of nuclei and nucleoli are good markers of the changes in the activity of epithelium cells of oviducts in cows during the sexual cycle. They are manifested by the changes in the proportion of condensed chromatin and interchromatin. In the secretory as well as ciliary cells, the maximum proportion of interchromatin is recorded in pro-oestrus and oestrus, whereas in metoestrus it is the proportion of condensed chromatin that increases. Metoestrus is characterized by the segregation of nucleoli and by the formation of ring-like nucleoli which partially persist also in dioestrus and in some cells throughout the cycle. Invaginations of the nuclear membrane (which are levelled off later) occur on many nuclei at the end of metoestrus and in dioestrus. Single nuclear bodies occur in the nuclei and the frequency of the the occurrence of interchromatin granules changes. Dilation of perinuclear spaces can be observed in the secretory cells, mainly in the period of oestrus.  相似文献   

Seventeen Landrace X Large White primiparous sows that farrowed in August 1982 were fed ad libitum (AL, n = 8) or their intakes were restricted (R, n = 9) during lactation. Litter sizes were equalized after farrowing and pigs were not allowed creep feed. Pigs were weaned 23.8 +/- .4 d postpartum. On d 6, 12 and 20 postpartum, all sows were fasted for 16 h and blood samples were collected prior to feeding for analysis of plasma glucose (GLU), urea nitrogen (UN), free fatty acids (FFA), prolactin (PRL) and serum insulin (INS). On d -2, 2 and 4 from weaning, sows were fasted for 16 h and then blood samples were collected hourly from 0 to 6 postprandial for analysis of GLU, UN, FFA, PRL and INS. Serum for analysis of luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone and estradiol was collected every 6 h from 1 d before until 12 d after weaning. Samples for LH were also collected at 15-min intervals for 3 h at -18, -6, 6, 18, 78, 102, 126, 150, 240 and 480 h from weaning. After weaning all sows were fed 1.8 kg X d-1, and were checked for estrus twice daily. Daily intakes of metabolizable energy (ME) during lactation were greater in AL (12,194 +/- 465 kcal) than in R sows (8,144 +/- 90 kcal). Compared with AL sows, R sows lost more weight and backfat during lactation and had higher postprandial UN levels 2 d before and 4 d after weaning. Reproductive performance and reproductive hormones were not affected by restriction of energy, but frequency of episodic release of LH prior to weaning was greater in sows that exhibited estrus after weaning (n = 12) than in anestrous sows (n = 5). After weaning, LH and estradiol concentrations were similar between estrous and anestrous sows until onset of the preovulatory increase in estradiol in the sows that exhibited estrus. Energy intake, body condition and productivity were similar between anestrous sows and sows that exhibited estrus. On d 12 and 20 of lactation, preprandial levels of GLU were greater and FFA were lower in anestrous than estrous sows. We conclude that restriction of feed intake during lactation affected body condition and metabolism of primiparous sows, but reproductive performance and productivity were not affected. Aberrations in partitioning of energy during lactation may predispose primiparous sows to postweaning anestrus, but the mechanisms by which this occurs have yet to be defined.  相似文献   

1. Broiler chickens were fed 60–100% of recommended energy intakes to study the effects of energy restriction on protein and fat retention.

2. At an energy retention of 179 kJ/kg W 0·75 d, only protein was retained. At higher energy intakes, each increment in retention had a rather constant composition: about 85% energy in fat and 15% in protein. At lower energy intakes body fat was mobilised whereas protein was deposited.

3. The efficiencies of energy retention in protein and fat were estimated to be 0·66 and 0·86 respectively.

4. The rather constant composition of additional retained energy after additional energy supply provides an explanation for a linear relationship between energy intake and energy retention.  相似文献   

日粮类型对奶牛能量代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨日粮类型对泌乳奶牛能量代谢的影响,以进一步了解奶牛日粮能量的摄入及损失情况,本试验选用12头体重、年龄相近的中国荷斯坦奶牛为试验动物,分为3组,分别饲喂粗料为干秸秆玉米,精粗比40∶60的A组日粮及粗料均为玉米青贮,精粗比分别是40∶60和60∶40的B和C组日粮,进行了奶牛甲烷能、粪能、尿能、消化能等指标的测定。试验结果表明,B组和C组日粮粪能分别比A组日粮减少了37.69%和31.70%,能量消化率分别比A组日粮提高了16.41%和16.76%,差异均显著(P<0.05),粗料均为青贮玉米时,粪能和能量消化率随着精料比例的提高而增加,差异不显著(P>0.05);尿能显示结果为C组日粮﹥B组日粮﹥A组日粮,差异不显著(P>0.05);A组日粮的甲烷能分别比B组和C组日粮提高了24.60%和34.26%,差异显著(P<0.05),粗料均为青贮玉米条件下随日粮精料水平的增加甲烷能下降了7.19%,差异不显著(P>0.05);结果同时表明,三组日粮从粪便、尿液、甲烷途径损失的总能量占摄入总能的比例分别为51.65%、42.63%、41.05%,其中粪能占损失能的比例分别为79.84%、73.94%、76....  相似文献   

Four groups of five non-lactating and non-pregnant Belgian Blue double-muscled (BBDM) cows were used to investigate the effect of energy level (E) on digestion, and blood and urine metabolites. The energy levels of the groups, applied indoors during a 140-day restriction period, were 100%, 90%, 80% or 70% of their energy requirements (E100, E90, E80, E70) respectively. Afterwards, animals grazed on the same swards for 203 days (re-alimentation period). Balance trials were conducted at the end of the restriction period (BT1) and at the end of the re-alimentation period (BT2). Blood was sampled at the end of these trials. Diets consisted of maize silage and straw (80/20 on a dry matter basis) and a mineral-vitamin premix, fed at the appropriate E during BT1, or maize silage and a mineral-vitamin premix, fed at 125% of the maintenance requirements, during BT2. Significant increases of the digestibility coefficients were found during BT1 when E decreased, resulting in a better net energy capture of 7% for E70 compared with E100 (p < 0.05). Slightly, but non-significantly higher digestibility coefficients were observed for decreasing E during BT2. Plasma concentrations of glucose and creatinine did not differ between treatments during BT1, while differences were found for triacylglycerols and alpha-amino nitrogen. A tendency for a linear increase was observed for non-esterified fatty acids with decreasing E. Differences in blood metabolite concentrations disappeared in BT2. Urinary creatinine excretion was not affected by E, while body nitrogen loss increased linearly with energy restriction in BT1. No differences were found during BT2, suggesting that non-lactating and non-pregnant BBDM cows are able to adapt to a cyclic change of body weight and body reserves. These data show that restricted cows mobilized body fat as well as body protein. It is concluded that the qualitative aspects of metabolism during energy restriction are comparable in double-muscled cows with those in non-double-muscled animals, although the magnitude of the effects may be different.  相似文献   

In Trial 1, 26 heifers were allotted randomly to a control group or one of four groups to receive a single injection of 3,000 IU hCG on d 1, 4, 7 or 10 of an estrous cycle. Heifers next completed a nontreated cycle, and at their third estrus were reallotted to one of the five groups described previously. Estrous cycle length was extended in cycle 1 but was not altered during the nontreated cycle or in cycle 3. Administration of hCG on d 4 or 7 increased (P less than .05) mean serum progesterone (P4) over the first 16 d of the estrous cycle by .9 and .8 ng/ml, respectively. In Trial 2, 23 heifers were allotted randomly to one of two groups to receive a placebo or a single injection of 3,000 IU hCG on d 4 of an estrous cycle. Heifers were inseminated artificially at subsequent estrus. On d 4 postbreeding, treatments were repeated. Administration of hCG on d 4 of the prebreeding estrous cycle increased (P less than .05) mean P4 over the first 16 d by .9 ng/ml, whereas mean P4 over the first 16 d postbreeding was not affected by a second injection of hCG on d 4 postbreeding. Administration of hCG increased (P less than .05) first-service pregnancy rate (92 vs 55%). In conclusion, progesterone concentrations were enhanced by hCG given on d 4 or 7 of the estrous cycle, and pregnancy rate was increased when hCG was administered both on d 4 of the prebreeding cycle and d 4 postmating.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that naloxone (N), an opioid antagonist, increases concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the postpartum anestrous beef cow. However, the LH response to N was influenced by the postpartum interval. For example, a significant LH response to 200 mg of N occurred on d 42 but not on d 14 or 28 postpartum. The present study was conducted to determine the effect of different doses of N on LH secretion during the postpartum period of beef cows. Twelve cows were given 200, 400 or 800 mg of N on d 14, 28 and 42 postpartum in a Latin square design with repeat measures within cells. On d 14, serum concentrations of LH increased (P less than .01) from .5 +/- .1 ng/ml (mean +/- SE) before N to a peak of 2.0 +/- .5 and 1.4 +/- .5 ng/ml for cows given 400 and 800 mg of N, respectively. In contrast, 200 mg of N had no effect on serum concentrations of LH. On d 28 and 42 all three doses of N elevated (P less than .01) serum concentrations of LH. Therefore, a larger dose of N was required to increase serum concentrations of LH on d 14 postpartum compared with d 28 and 42. Based on these data we suggest that endogenous opioids participate in the regulation of LH secretion in the early postpartum period. The differential response to naloxone may be due to changes in endogenous opioid inhibition of LH secretion during the postpartum period.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of unrestrained females on sexual behavior of bulls. Twelve Angus bulls were used in three Latin square replicates where sexual interactions between one bull and one female were quantified for each of four 60-min tests (T1, T2, T3, and T4, respectively). All bulls received the following treatments: 1) exposure to four estrual females in sequence (A-B-C-D); 2) exposure to two estrual females in alternating sequence (E-F-E-F); 3) exposure repeatedly to one estrual female (G-G-G-G); and 4) exposure repeatedly to one diestrous female (CON). During T1, mount interactions, mounts with intromission and mounting intervals were similar when bulls were in A-B-C-D, E-F-E-F, or G-G-G-G. Fewer mount interactions, no mounts with intromission, and increased mounting intervals (P < 0.05) occurred in CON. During T2, there were more mount interactions, more mounts with intromission, and decreased mounting intervals (P < 0.05) when bulls were in A-B-C-D or E-F-E-F compared with when they were in G-G-G-G or CON. More mount interactions (P < 0.05) occurred in G-G-G-G compared with CON, but mounts with intromission and mounting intervals did not differ. During T3, more mount interactions (P < 0.05) occurred in G-G-G-G than in CON; otherwise, sexual behaviors were similar among treatments. Mounting intervals during T3 were similar among A-B-C-D, E-F-E-F, and G-G-G-G, but were all decreased (P < 0.05) compared with CON. During T4, more mount interactions, more mounts with intromission, and decreased mounting intervals (P < 0.05) occurred when bulls were in A-B-C-D compared with other treatments. Mount interactions were similar when bulls were in E-F-E-F, G-G-G-G, or CON; however, more (P < 0.05) mounts with intromission occurred when bulls were in E-F-E-F compared with G-G-G-G or CON. Mounting intervals during T4 were decreased (P < 0.05) in E-F-E-F compared with the CON treatment, whereas in G-G-G-G, they were intermediate. Mounts without intromission were not affected by female novelty or receptivity, but novel females induced more flehmen responses. In conclusion, novel, females, overall, enhanced sexual activity of bulls; however, bull sexual responses diminished after 2 h, even when a novel female was presented. Estrual females that were repeatedly paired with bulls displayed diminished sexual receptivity, but if mated females were rested for 60 min, they allowed further copulation from familiar bulls that were not sexually sated.  相似文献   

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