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水稻土有效养分与其校正系数的数学模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤有效养分校正系数是测土配方施肥中的主要参数。根据"3414"试验数据,利用Excel数据分析方法,建立土壤有效养分与校正系数之间的回归方程式。结果表明,水稻试验区土壤碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾与校正系数都有极显著回归关系,最佳数学模型为幂函数,曲线分别为yN=11.831x-0.722 8;yP=22.726x-0.956 3;yK=58.436x-1.000 5。曲线又可用二条直线描述,计算土壤有效养分校正系数。  相似文献   

长期有机养分循环利用对红壤稻田土壤供氮能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过15年的田间定位试验结合盆栽试验,研究了长期有机养分循环利用和不同化肥配施对红壤稻田土壤供氮能力的影响。结果表明,土壤有机碳、全氮、微生物生物量氮(MB-N)和土壤氮的矿化量与生物吸氮量有极显著的正相关关系,是良好的土壤供氮能力指标。长期有机养分循环利用或配合化肥施用能显著提高土壤有机碳、全氮含量和氮的矿化量,提高幅度分别为20.1%4~0.9%、0.460~.60.g/kg和55.0%(6周);明显提高土壤MB-N含量,提高幅度平均为70.3%。长期纯化肥处理对土壤碳、氮库的积累和氮的矿化量的提高作用甚微。盆栽试验表明,长期施用氮肥和氮、磷、钾肥土壤供氮量提高量极小,与长期不施肥相比提高幅度分别为2.1%和6.2%,而有机养分循环利用能显著提高土壤供氮量,提高幅度为33.7%8~9.0%。随着有机养分循环利用和NPK肥配合程度的提高,土壤供氮量提高幅度呈上升的趋势。  相似文献   



Fly ash (FA) and zeolite (Z) are known to increase nutrient retention in paddy soils through the immobilization of phosphorus (P) by FA and nitrogen (N) by Z. However, there is a possibility that the co-application of the amendments may hamper rice growth due to reduced availability of the nutrients. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the co-application of FA and Z on soil N and P availability and rice growth.

Materials and methods

Rice was cultivated in soils without the amendment (control) and with the amendment: FA alone, Z alone, and both FA and Z. Tiller number, dry matter (DM), rice uptake of N and P, and soil N and P concentrations were determined.

Results and discussion

The application of FA and Z increased N and P concentrations in the soils; however, such increased nutrient retention did not translate to DM increases. Results suggested that reduced mobility of nutrients hampered tillering in the early growth period, eventually leading to a reduction in DM accumulation at the harvest. Due to the nutrient limitation caused by FA and Z, the rice grown with both FA and Z did not survive at the harvest.


Our study shows that the application of FA and Z does not always improve rice growth due to nutrient limitation, especially in a low fertility soil. Furthermore, the co-application of FA and Z should be avoided, as the negative impact of FA or Z on nutrient limitation became more severe when FA and Z were co-amended.

Environmental pollution due to arsenic (As) has been well studied and most investigations have focused on inorganic As coming from industrial areas. However, the natural rock-borne contamination of this metalloid has been underestimated and few studies focusing on annelids have addressed the question of geogenic As distribution in earthworm biogenic structures. Our study concentrated on the earthworm drilosphere and investigated the distribution of As in surface-casts and burrow-linings. In this context, we assumed that the concentration of geogenic As should differ in biogenic structures (faeces, burrow-linings) compared to non-ingested soil. To test our hypothesis, microcosms in controlled conditions were filled with soil containing 157 mg As kg?1 from a geogenic origin. The soil was collected from a meadow in the Jura Mountains. The earthworm Aporrectodea giardi was selected because of its natural presence in the meadow and its anecic behaviour.We found that while earthworm surface-casts were enriched in carbon, nitrogen and available phosphorus compared to non-ingested soil, no enrichment was found for geogenic arsenic. The coarse sand fraction contained 3.5 times more As than silt and clay fractions but no significant difference existed between surface-casts and non-ingested soil. Iron was shown to be the main mineral bearing phase for As and predominated in the coarse sand fraction. No retention effect of organic matter on geogenic arsenic was observed. In conclusion, it appeared that geogenic As did not affect biological components and environmental aspects. These findings are particularly encouraging considering that most of the environments at an altitude of 1330 m in the Jura Mountains have exposed rocks, especially on meadows that are regularly grazed by cattle.  相似文献   

湘北丘岗地区红壤和水稻土微量元素的有效性研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文对湘北丘岗区土壤微量元素Cu、Zn、B、Mo、Mn和Fe的有效性进行了研究 .结果表明 ,该区大面积土壤缺Zn、缺B ,也有部分土壤缺Cu和Mo,而有效Mn含量较为丰富 .微量元素有效性与成土母质的关系极为密切 ,土壤 pH、有机质含量及土壤质地也是影响微量元素有效性的重要因素  相似文献   

施肥对稻田温室气体排放及土壤养分的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
【目的】农业活动引起的温室气体排放对全球变暖的影响日益得到关注,本试验研究不同施肥处理对稻田温室气体排放、 产量和土壤养分的影响,以期为农田可持续利用和温室气体减排提供依据。【方法】在长江中下游地区稻麦轮作区进行田间试验,设置不施氮肥(CK)、 当地习惯施肥(FP)、 推荐N肥(OPT)、 有机无机配施(OPT+M)、 秸秆还田(OPT+S)5个处理,采用静态箱/气相色谱(GC)法测定了稻季CH4、 N2O和CO2的排放情况,调查了不同施肥措施对稻田温室气体增温潜势以及产量,测定了土壤养分,并综合产量和增温潜势对温室气体排放强度进行分析,提出该区域稻田减排增产的合理施肥措施。【结果】 1) 不同处理CH4季节排放总量为OPT+SOPT+M FP OPT CK,排放量为99.02~143.69 kg/hm2; N2O季节排放量为FPOPT+MOPT OPT+S CK,排放量范围为0.95~3.57 kg/hm2; CO2排放顺序与CH4季节排放趋势一致,排放量为7231.64~13715.24 kg/hm2。2)根据稻季CH4和N2O季节排放量以及在100年尺度上的CO2当量计算,不同处理温室气体全球增温潜势大小顺序为OPT+SOPT+M FP OPT CK。在CK、 FP、 OPT、 OPT+M和OPT+S的全球增温潜势中,N2O占的比重分别为10.31%、 26.39%、 21.51%、 22.91% 和11.58%,CH4所占比重分别为89.69%、 73.61%、 78.49%、 77.09%和88.42%。稻田N2O的排放量很少,排放以甲烷为主,因此不同施肥措施所排放的N2O对综合温室效应的贡献远低于CH4。相对于当地习惯施肥处理,OPT、 OPT+M和OPT+S 3种优化施肥措施均在减少化肥施用量的情况下增加了水稻产量,增产率分别为3.6%、 14.3%和 8.5%,其中以有OPT+M处理增产效果最明显。3)不同施肥处理下,CO2排放强度为FP(0.56)OPT+S(0.52) OPT(0.50)OPT+M(0.49),OPT和OPT+M显著低于当地习惯施肥处理,OPT+M CO2排放强度最低。4)有机碳、 全氮、 速效磷和速效钾含量均在OPT+S处理中最高。【结论】不同施肥措施影响稻季温室气体排放,施用有机肥和氮肥均增加了CO2、 CH4、 N2O的排放,秸秆还田增加了CO2和CH4排放,减少了N2O排放。稻田减排应以减少CH4排放为主,推荐氮肥量配施有机肥为碳强度评价体系下最优处理。秸秆还田对土壤养分的改善趋势明显,虽然增加了CO2排放,但考虑到其可避免因焚烧造成大量CO2的排放,总体上依然减少了CO2的排放,但对秸秆还田的适宜量需要进一步研究。  相似文献   


A study was carried out to investigate the status of four micronutrients, iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn), and five other trace elements, cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and strontium (Sr), in paddy soils of Bangladesh. Soil samples were digested by hydrofluoric acid (HF)‐nitric acid (HNO3)‐perchloric acid (HClO4) for determination of total contents of the nine elements, while DTPA, ASI and 0.1 Mhydrochloric acid (HC1) methods were used for determination of available Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn. Total trace element contents were found to vary with physiography on which soils are distributed. In general, Ganges Tidal Floodplain soils had the highest content, whereas terrace soils had the lower content. Among the soil properties examined, clay content had a good relation with total trace element contents in the topsoil, except for Sr. Based on the variation with physiography or clay content, the nine trace elements could be grouped into six groups: Cu, Fe and Zn, Pb, Co and Cr and Ni, Mn, Sr. According to the extractable levels of four micronutrients, Bangladesh paddy soils had the medium to optimum amounts of Fe and Cu, but were deficient sporadically in Mn and extensively in Zn. It was indicated that paddy soils of Bangladesh are yet to be polluted with heavy metals.  相似文献   

不同水稻品种混作养鸭对土壤养分动态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鸭稻共作和水稻混种均可产生良好的生态效应,但能否将两项技术结合起来,即通过不同水稻品种混种与稻田养鸭的叠加,进而产生"1+12"的生态效应和生产效益,是一项值得加以实践和探讨的课题。为探明多品种水稻混作养鸭这类复合生物多样性利用模式的应用可行性,本试验设置了水稻单作常规种植(施药施肥)、水稻单作养鸭、水稻单作空白对照(不养鸭不施肥药)、水稻品种混作常规种植(施药施肥)、水稻品种混作养鸭和水稻品种混作空白对照(不养鸭不施肥药)6种种植模式开展田间试验,研究不同水稻品种混作养鸭对土壤养分动态和稻米品质的影响。结果表明:种植双季稻后,水稻品种混作养鸭处理下土壤有机质含量显著高于其他种植模式。早晚季水稻生长期间水稻品种混作养鸭处理的土壤全氮含量低于水稻品种混作常规种植处理,但均显著高于其他处理;水稻品种混作养鸭处理的土壤碱解氮含量较其他处理显著提高。各处理土壤速效磷含量以水稻单作空白对照处理的最高,总体上,混作处理比单作处理平均土壤速效磷含量高。种植双季稻后,水稻品种混作养鸭种植模式的土壤全钾和速效钾含量均高于其他处理。水稻品种混作养鸭处理的稻米出糙率、精米率、直链淀粉含量和胶稠度较其他处理高,且垩白粒率较其他处理低。综合表明,水稻品种混作养鸭模式更有利于改善田间土壤养分状况,提高稻米的品质,故此模式可为优质健康稻米生产提供新途径。  相似文献   

长期施肥稻田土壤基础地力和养分利用效率变化特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
【目的】 研究长期不同施肥措施对土壤基础地力和氮磷钾养分吸收利用效率的影响,探明土壤基础地力和氮、磷、钾养分吸收利用效率的相互关系。 【方法】 采集双季水稻种植制度下 33 年长期定位施肥试验的不施肥 (CK)、施氮磷钾肥 (NPK) 和氮磷钾肥配施稻草 (NPKS) 3 个处理的土壤,设置施肥与不施肥盆栽试验,监测水稻产量、土壤基础地力产量和基础地力贡献率、水稻氮磷钾养分吸收量、氮磷钾养分利用效率,分析氮、磷、钾利用效率对土壤基础地力贡献率的响应。 【结果】 早晚稻土壤基础地力产量和基础地力贡献率三个处理土壤大小顺序均为 NPKS > NPK > CK,NPKS 处理土壤早晚稻两季平均基础地力产量和基础地力贡献率较 CK 处理土壤分别增加 113.8% 和 93.7%,NPK 处理分别增加 100.7% 和 81.9%。在同一施肥水平条件下,早、晚稻均以土壤基础地力较高的 NPKS 处理氮、磷、钾肥偏生产力,土壤养分依存率,氮、磷、钾素收获指数较高,氮、磷、钾肥回收利用率,肥料农学效率,肥料对产量的贡献率则较低。回归分析表明,氮、磷肥回收利用率,氮、磷、钾肥农学效率,氮、钾素生理利用率均随土壤基础地力贡献率的提高呈显著或极显著降低;氮、磷、钾肥偏生产力,氮、磷、钾素土壤依存率随土壤基础地力贡献率的提高呈显著或极显著提高。 【结论】 长期施氮磷钾肥或长期氮磷钾肥配施稻草均能提高土壤基础地力,以长期氮磷钾肥配施稻草的效果更显著。在较高基础地力土壤上生产,可以在保证作物高产稳产的情况下实现减量化施肥,实现农业生产的可持续性。   相似文献   

The impact of soil erosion on the nutrient dynamics in alpine grassland soils is still an essential problem. Selecting a grass-covered hillslope in eastern Tibet Plateau, the cesium-137 (137Cs) technique was used to determine the impacts of soil erosion on soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and total potassium (TK). The 137Cs data revealed that there were distinct soil redistribution patterns in different hillslope positions because of the influences of slope runoff, plant coverage and grazing activity. For the upper slope, soil erosion first decreased downward, followed by soil deposition in its lower part. In contrast, for middle and toe slopes, there was an increasing soil erosion along a downslope transect. Across the lower slope, soil erosion showed an irregular variation. Influenced by the selective transport of water erosion, SOC, TN and TP storage decreased with increasing soil erosion in upper, middle and toe slopes. In contrast, SOC, TN and TP storage varied little with soil erosion in the lower slope. On the whole hillslope, TK storage also varied little with soil erosion due to the large amount of potassium elements derived from soil parent materials. Particularly noteworthy was the greatest storage of SOC, TN and TP in the lower slope where most obvious net soil erosion occurred, which is closely related to the humus accumulation combined with gravel separation as well as weathering and pedogenesis of parent rocks induced by soil freeze-thaw.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted from 1999 to 2002 to compare and evaluate the effects of nutrient and water regimes on paddy soil quality by investigating soil chemical and microbiological parameters. Four nutrient regimes, a control, chemical fertilizers only (CF), chemical fertilizers with swine manure (SM), and chemical fertilizers with wheat straw (WS), and two soil moisture regimes, continuous waterlogging (CWL) and alternate wetting and drying (AWD), were investigated. With SM and WS total organic carbon and total nitrogen in the paddy soil were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those with CF. A similar effect for organic amendments was observed in the soil light fraction organic C (LFOC), water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), and water-soluble organic C (WSOC). CWL, in particular when swine manure was incorporated into the paddy soil, markedly decreased soil redox potential (Eh) and increased total active reducing substances (ARS). Meanwhile, as compared to CF, SM and WS significantly (P < 0.05) increased soil microbial biomass C (MBC) and mineralizable carbon, with differences in AWD being higher than CWL. In addition, SM and WS treatments significantly (P < 0.05) improved rice above-ground biomass and grain yield, with AWD being greater than CWL. Thus, for ecologically sustainable agricultural management of paddy soils, long-term waterlogging should be avoided when organic manure was incorporated into paddy soil.  相似文献   

紫色水稻土轻组有机质的季节动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以位于重庆市北碚区西南大学试验农场(30°26′N,106°26′E)的紫色水稻土为研究对象,利用重液(NaI,密度1.8 g·cm-3)对土壤中轻组组分进行提取,对土壤中轻组有机质在整个油菜生长季的季节变化情况进行分析与讨论。结果表明:表层(0~30 cm)土壤轻组物质(LF)的含量为2.95%~5.51%,平均值为4.38%;土壤轻组有机碳含量(LFOC)和轻组氮含量(LFN)的变化范围分别为1.44~3.72 g·kg-1和0.08~0.17 g·kg-1,其平均值分别为2.79 g·kg-1和0.14 g·kg-1。LFOC具有明显的季节变化(P<0.05),其含量在油菜生长中期最高,其次是生长后期,而在生长初期最低;LFN的季节变化趋势与LFOC一致,但季节差异性不显著(P>0.05)。轻组有机碳分配比例(LFOC/SOC)的变化范围为9.21%~24.47%,具有明显的季节变化(P<0.05),其变化趋势与LFOC的季节变化一致;而轻组氮的分配比例(LFN/TN)变化范围为4.55%~12.58%,无明显的季节变化。轻组C/N比值季节变化范围为18.52~25.04,平均值为20.66,全土C/N比值的变化范围为9.04~14.36,平均值为11.66,说明轻组有机质的生物可利用性较土壤总有机质高。相关分析表明,轻组有机碳、氮含量分别与根系生物量、根系碳含量、根系氮含量呈极显著(P<0.01)或显著(P<0.05)正相关;回归分析表明,土壤轻组有机碳、氮含量变化的40%~60%可由根系生物量、根系碳氮含量决定,说明根系是调控紫色水稻土轻组有机碳、氮季节变化的主要生态因子。  相似文献   

  【目的】   稻田长期淹水所导致的土壤通气性差妨碍水稻的生长。探索增氧型复混肥对改善土壤通气状况的作用,为水稻专用肥研发提供理论依据。   【方法】   在复混肥制造过程中,添加特制的粘结剂和3.6%、4.8%、6.1%的过氧化钙制成具有增氧功能的复混肥OCF1、OCF2、OCF3。以Q681 (全两优681) 和EK1 (鄂科1号) 两种常规中稻品种为试材进行盆栽试验。设淹水 (WL)、增氧灌溉 (MBWI) 和分次增施过氧化钙 (FCP) 为对照,一次性基施OCF1、OCF2、OCF3 3个处理,在水稻主要生育期,测定土壤氧化还原电位、无机氮含量和pH,测定水稻叶片光合作用、水稻产量及氮磷钾养分含量。   【结果】   增氧措施OCF2和OCF3处理均能不同程度地提高移栽期、分蘖期、齐穗期和乳熟期土壤的氧化还原电位。与WL、MBWI和FCP处理相比,OCF1、OCF2和OCF3处理的土壤在分蘖期和齐穗期保持较高的氧化还原电位,其中以OCF2和OCF3的作用最明显;整个生育期,对照和各处理的土壤pH没有显著差异,与WL处理相比增氧型复混肥还可提高齐穗期土壤过氧化氢酶的活性。所有增氧处理均能够保持或显著提高耕层土壤铵态氮含量,其中OCF2和OCF3表现最明显。与WL处理相比,各增氧处理均不同程度地提高水稻叶片的光合速率,其中OCF3处理增幅最大,提高了11%以上,高于或显著高于增氧灌溉和分次增施过氧化钙处理 (MBWI和FCP)。OCF3处理的有效穗数、千粒重和产量比淹水灌溉WL处理分别提高25%、38%和107%,比MBWI和FCP处理提高29%~58%。   【结论】   增氧型复混肥能较长时间提高土壤通气性和土壤的氧化还原电位,有利于水稻对土壤养分的吸收利用。与分次追施过氧化钙和增氧灌溉相比,肥料制作过程中添加过氧化钙制备增氧型复混肥提高水稻土通气性的效果更好,操作更加方便,是提高水稻专用肥效益的有效途径。  相似文献   

As an essential indicator of soil quality, soil organic carbon (SOC) and its fractions play an important role in many soil chemical, physical, and biological properties. A 4-year field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different nutrient and water regimes on paddy soil organic carbon quality by measuring the major SOC fractions. Four nutrient regimes were compared: (i) control; (ii) chemical fertilizers only (CF), (iii) combined application of chemical fertilizers with farmyard manure (FYM) (CM), and (iv) combined application of chemical fertilizers and wheat straw (CS). Two soil water regimes included continuous waterlogging (CWL) and alternate wetting and drying (AWD). The total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) in paddy soil were 40–60% and 37–67% higher in the combined organic sources and chemical fertilizers treatment against the sole chemical fertilizers treatment (CF), especially under continuous waterlogging (CWL). By fractionalizing SOC, it was observed that, under the water regimes of CWL, easily oxidizable carbon (EOC), particulate organic carbon (POC), light fraction organic carbon (LFOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), and mineralizable organic carbon (MNC) in the organically treated paddy soil were significantly (P<0.05) lower, as compared with alternate wetting and drying (AWD). Especially for CM treatment, EOC, POC, LFOC, MBC, and MNC in the paddy soils under the regime of CWL were 23.5%, 32.7%, 16.3%, 56.8% and 25.1% lower than those by AWD, respectively. The proportions of EOC, POC, LFOC, MBC and MNC as a percent of TOC in the CWL were lower than those in the AWD, especially for the CM treatment. In the water regime of CWL, no significant differences were seen in the corresponding proportion of all the investigated organic fractions to soil total organic carbon (TOC) among the three fertilization treatments, whereas in the AWD, the corresponding proportions of different carbon fractions to TOC in the organic fertilizer treatments were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those in the chemical fertilizer treatment. Under continuous waterlogging, the proportion of soil water stable aggregate >250 μm (WSA) decreased by 42–45% and clay dispersion ratio (RCD) increased by 12–38%, as compared to the water regimes of AWD, when FYM or wheat straw was incorporated into paddy soil. Correlation analysis showed that, under the water regimes of AWD, WSA was significantly and positively related to EOC, LFOC and POC with the coefficients (r) of 0.822, 0.889, 0.912 (P<0.01), respectively. RCD was negatively correlated to EOC, LFOC and POC with the r=−0.796, −0.854, and −0.897 (P<0.01), respectively, under AWD. Under the water regimes of CWL, there were no significant (P<0.05) correlations between WSA as well as RCD and any organic carbon fraction except POC.  相似文献   


Phosphorus status of Bangladesh paddy soils covering the major paddy soil types was assessed in terms of parent materials and physiography. Total P concentration ranged from 172 to 604 mg kg?1 in the topsoil and from 126 to 688 mg kg?1 in the subsoil, and varied with the physiography to which the soils belonged. In most soils, the available P concentration was much higher for the topsoil than for the subsoil. The inorganic P concentration was higher than the organic P concentration, except for one soil series from the Old Himalayan Piedmont Plain, and was significantly and positively correlated with the total P concentration. Among the inorganic forms, only the concentration of Al-bound P showed a significant correlation with that of available P based on the Bray P-2 method in both topsoil and subsoil. In general, the P status was critically low in paddy soils of the terrace area. Normal growth of paddy rice in this area is expected to be difficult without application of P fertilizer.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that aggregate stability is partly caused by subcritical (i.e. mild) water repellence. We conducted both a field study at a pasture site and an incubation experiment in the laboratory to characterize the relationship between aggregate dynamics and water repellence. In the field study, we investigated 53 samples from a natural texture gradient for water repellence and aggregation. In the 3‐week incubation experiment, we added wheat straw to crushed soil material from five of the 53 soils representative of the texture gradient (a sandy loam, two loams, a silt loam and a clay loam), and followed changes in aggregate formation and water repellence. Although there was a dramatic increase (P < 0.0001) in aggregation in all the soils during incubation (the mean weight diameter increased from about 300 μm to at least 900 μm), we observed a concomitant increase in water repellence only in the clay loam soil (P = 0.0003). We found no significant correlations between water repellence and aggregation (n = 53, P > 0.05) in the field. Whereas correlation between aggregate formation and texture was weak in the incubation experiment, we found a significant correlation between aggregation and textural parameters in the field. The amount of large macro‐aggregates (> 2000 μm) was positively correlated with clay content (n = 53, r = 0.53, P < 0.001), and negatively with sand content (n = 53, r = ?0.46, P < 0.001). These results indicate that (i) microbially induced water repellence might only become apparent when enough easily decomposable substrate is available, (ii) soil texture affects aggregate stabilization rather than aggregate formation, and (iii) aggregate formation is not necessarily associated with an increase in water repellence.  相似文献   

The influence of six pesticides, applied singly or in combination, on 15N2 incorporation and C2H2 reduction in a submerged paddy soil was studied under laboratory conditions. While the application of diazinon had no marked effect, benomyl, carbofuran, parathion, nitrofen and γ-HCH, at concentrations close to recommended field application rates (5μg ?1) significantly stimulated N2 fixation. Synergistic stimulatory effects of the pesticides on N2 fixation were evident particularly in combinations of carbofuran with benomyl, nitrofen and γ-HCH. On the contrary, diazinon slightly retarded the stimulatory effect of benomyl and carbofuran. Results indicated that the differential effects of pesticides on N2 fixation could be attributed partly to fluctuations in the population of certain groups of N2 fixers in submerged soil.  相似文献   

岩石边坡植被建植初期植被特征与土壤养分动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解边坡生态防护工程植被建植初期植物特征与基质养分变化规律,依托实际工程,采用定位研究法,对3个不同坡向、坡度的边坡在人工植被建植后第1周年主要群落特征(物种、盖度和高度等)和土壤养分因子(如有机质和速效态养分元素)等每月进行跟踪测试。结果表明:1)边坡人工植被建植1周年内,植物植被的数量特征总体上存在明显的季节性变化,物种数在建植初期较多,在冬、春季物种数最低,第2年返青后逐渐增加。3个边坡存活部分盖度在冬春季平均盖度最低,到5月份随气温回升而突增,经建植周年后,平均盖度基本相同,在60%左右,群落存活部分平均高度的时间变异特征符合3次幂函数。2)3个边坡土壤速效态养分与有机质总体上在周年内有较为一致的变化趋势,但相互之间存在明显的差异,周年期末碱解氮和有效磷含量与建植初期相比有所下降,速效钾与有机质含量均高于建植初期。3)通过多元逐步回归分析,除有机质与植被群落数量特征无线性回归关系外,其余速效态的土壤元素均有一定的多元线性关系,然而边坡之间的同一土壤养分因子与植被群落特征相关指标之间的相关性差别较大,无法形成统一的解释方程,还需后续研究中综合考虑多种影响因子及其之间的交互关系。  相似文献   

In intensively irrigated rice cultivation,plant-available silicon(Si)is a crucial nutrient for improving rice productivity.As a source of Si,calcium silicate(CaSiO3)was amended to evaluate the effect of silicate fertilizer on rice production,nitrogen(N)use efficiency,and greenhouse gas(GHG)emission under alternating wetting and drying in a pot experiment using a tropical soil from a paddy field of the International Rice Research Institute(IRRI)in the Philippines.Four levels of CaSiO  相似文献   

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