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In the Amazon basin, tropical rainforest is being slashed and burned at accelerated rates for annual crops over a couple of years, followed by forage grasses. Because of poor management, the productivity of established pastures declines in a few years so that grazing plots are abandoned and new areas are deforested. Previous studies in the region report higher bulk density in soils under pasture than in similar soils under forest. The objective of this study was to detect changes in the physical quality of the topsoil of nutrient-poor Typic Paleudults in the colonisation area of Guaviare, Colombian Amazonia, and analyse the effect of soil deterioration on pasture performance. Temporal variation of soil compaction under pasture was analysed by comparing natural forest taken as control and pasture plots of Brachiaria decumbens (Stapf) grouped into three age ranges (<3, 3–9, >9 years). Evidence of soil compaction through cattle trampling, after clearing the primary forest, included the formation of an Ap horizon with platy structure and dominant greyish or olive colours, reflecting impaired surface drainage, the increase of bulk density and penetration resistance, and the decrease of porosity and infiltration rate. From primary forest to pastures older than 9 years, bulk density of the 5–10 cm layer increase was 42% in fine-textured soils and 30% in coarse-textured soils. Penetration resistance ranged from 0.45 MPa under forest to 4.25 MPa in old pastures, with maximum values occurring at 3–12 cm depth in pastures older than 9 years. Average total soil porosity was 58–62% under forest and 46–49% under pasture. Basic infiltration dropped from 15 cm h−1 in the original forest conditions to less than 1 cm h−1 in old pastures. Crude protein content and dry matter yield of the forage grass steadily decreased over time. No clear relationship between declining protein content as a function of pasture age and changes in chemical soil properties was found, but there was a high negative correlation (r=−0.81) between protein content and bulk density, reflecting the effect of soil compaction on pasture performance. After about 9–10 years of use, established grass did no longer compete successfully with invading weeds and grazing plots were abandoned. As land is not yet a scarcity in this colonisation area, degraded pastures are seldom rehabilitated.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the cationic composition in the liquid phase of a soddy-podzolic soil contaminated with Co and Cd under different pH (changed by addition of H+ ions) was studied in a long-term experiment (for 470 days). Soil solutions were extracted with vacuum samplers installed in the soil for the time of the experiment. It was shown that the concentrations of Co and Cd, as well as those of K, Na, Ca, and Mg, in the solution changed during 3–4 weeks after moistening the air-dry soil to 70% of the maximum water capacity and increased during 5–6 months after addition of H+. This indicated the low rate of the processes and reactions occurring in the soil. The addition of Co and Cd to the soil affected the interphase distributions of K, Ca, and Mg; the effect of Co was higher than that of Cd by 3–4 times. When added together, the Co increased the concentration of Cd in the soil solution by 4–6 times, and the effect of Cd on the content of Co was no higher than 1.5 times.  相似文献   

Abstract. The pH of soil samples was remeasured after storage for 20 years in the laboratory. The pH decreases were minor in acid to neutral soils (-0.3), but greater in alkaline soils (-0.63). The pH differences were statistically significant only for alkaline soils. The decreases of pH with time are probably mainly due to the decomposition of organic matter, the CO2 produced, the hydroscopic water and the presence of CaCO3.  相似文献   

Abstract. The impact of three methods of pasture improvement on soil water chemistry were studied: ploughing plus 15 t ha-1 lime c. 40 years ago, 5 t ha-1 surface spread lime c. 20 years ago and surface cultivation with 7 t ha-1 lime plus compound fertilizer 10 years ago. Soil solution was sampled using tensionless lysimeters and porous ceramic cups. Concentrations of several solutes were higher in the treated soils than a control, including solutes not added in lime or fertilizers. Calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate concentrations showed the largest increases; these were apparent in all horizons, and all treatments. Bicarbonate had become the dominant anion. Solute concentrations varied between treatments and were related to the amount of an element added rather than time since treatment. Highest mean calcium concentrations, 6.25 mg l-1 were still low compared with drainage from lowland arable soils but could have a significant impact on the calcium-poor surface waters of the uplands.  相似文献   


Some legumes are known to reduce rhizosphere soil pH which in turn usually increases soil solution P, Pli and therefore increases P uptake. In an initial experiment with a nonlegume [corn (Zea mays L.)], observed P uptake agreed closely with predicted P uptake while with a legume [alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)], observed P uptake was greater than predicted P because the rhizosphere was acidified, Pli increased, and more P was absorbed. Using a pot experiment, this investigation calculates the change in rhizosphere pH and Pli necessary to have predicted P uptake obtained with a mechanistic uptake model agree with observed P uptake. The pot experiment was conducted with alfalfa, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and Austrian winter pea (Lathyrus hirsutus) grown on Chalmers silt loam (fine‐silty, mixed, mesic Typic Haplaquolls) limed to pH levels of 5.72, 6.30, 7.22 and 8.30. Predicted phosphorus uptake at each pH level was calculated with the uptake model using the data for bulk soil. The relation of predicted P uptake to initial soil pH was determined, then this relation was used with observed P uptake to calculate rhizosphere pH. Subsequently, Pli as a function of pH was determined and used to calculate rhizosphere Pli. In this study, the calculations indicate that legumes reduced rhizosphere soil pH by 0.39 to 0.77 units and increased P availability by 20.8 to 241.7%.  相似文献   

攀西烟区紫色土pH值与土壤养分的相关分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对四川攀西烟区有代表性的30个紫色土样品的pH值、有机质及有效养分含量进行了测定。结果表明,攀西烟区紫色土的pH值在5.13~8.14范围内,有半数左右的土壤偏碱性;有机质、碱解氮、有效锌和有效锰的含量均随pH值的升高而降低,交换性钙的含量随pH值的升高而升高,而pH值与速效磷、速效钾、交换性镁、速效铜、速效硼间的相关性则不显著。烟区紫色土的有机质和碱解氮含量偏低,速效磷、速效钾含量中等,交换性钙、交换性镁含量丰富;部分pH值较高的土壤可能会缺乏铜、锌等微量元素;在不同pH值的土壤上硼营养均严重亏缺,建议生产中增施硼肥。  相似文献   

Compositional differences between soil solutions obtained by different methods have frequently been reported; variations in the soi1: solution ratio may explain these results. In this study we compared the amount and composition of phosphorus (P) in soil leachates and soil solutions from a temperate grassland soil in northeast Scotland and determined the influence of soi1:solution ratio on P fractions in soil water extracts. Leachates were collected from intact soil cores over 6 months, the cores were then destructively sampled, and soil solutions obtained by centrifuging. Molybdate reactive P (MRP) represented 71% of the total dissolved P (TDP) in soil leachates but only 54% in soil solutions. The MRP component in soil water extracts increased from 71% to 92% as the soi1:solution ratio increased from 1:15 to 1:15·4, while the dissolved organic P (DOP) component decreased from 26% to 6%. As the soil:solution ratio increased the amount of MRP extracted increased; by contrast the amount of DOP and dissolved condensed P (DCP) extracted remained constant. While the MRP component is regulated by soil sorption processes, the supply and amount of DOP and DCP is probably related to biological activity. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) extracted at wide soi1:solution ratios contained a smaller proportion of P than that extracted at narrower ratios. The results indicate differences in the behaviour of P fractions in the soil at various soi1:solution ratios and that these are reflected in the P composition of soil solution and leachate.  相似文献   

Rice plants were grown in solution culture for a period of five weeks at pH's ranging from 3.5 to 8.5. Maximum dry matter was obtained at pH 5.5, but substantial reductions in the growth of tops and roots were observed at pH's of 3.5 and 8.5. At pH 3.5, both leaves and roots were short and unhealthy. The roots were thickened with lateral root growth severely inhibited. At pH 8.5, the youngest leaves developed chlorotic symptoms with roots being coarse and discoloured.

Plant concentrations of essential elements were adequate for normal plant growth at pH 5.5. Iron concentration in plant tops substantially decreased with increase in solution pH, but a reverse trend was observed for roots. The concentrations of other elements progressively increased in plant tops and roots with increasing pH.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of winter cover crop (CC) residues on soil pH and phosphorus (P) availability. Three incubation assays were performed in pots using two CC: vetch (V) (Vicia villosa Roth.) and oats (Oa) (Avena sativa L.). Soil samples were taken from 10 sites at 0–20-cm depth. The rate of residues were 0 (D0), 10 (D1), 20 (D2), 30 (D3), and 40 (D4) g dry matter kg?1 soil and the soil sampling was after 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days of incubation. Soil pH, extractable P (Pe), and soil organic matter (SOM) and its fractions were determined. The pH increase was correlated with the rate applied (D1 < D2 < D3 < D4). No differences were found for pH comparing V and Oa residues with low residue rates. Soil pH changes were dependent from initial pH and SOM fractions in different soils across the incubation period. The multiple regression models showed that the pH changes were dependent on initial pH level and SOM fractions with a high R2 (0.81). CC residues and its quantities produced different changes on pH – especially at the beginning of the incubation – which influenced the P availability.  相似文献   

Nematode populations of seven soils with grazed pasture were sampled monthly for 12–36 months and two of the soils received irrigation; a total of 46 nematode genera were identified from the 13 site-years. Diversity, evenness, richness and similarity of the faunae were assessed. Diversity was not related to pasture productivity and evenness was negatively correlated with the abundance (16–44%) of the dominant genus. Genera present were 21–35, but varied from 21 to 27 in one soil during 3 yr. In this group of soils under pasture Czekanowski's similarity coefficient showed replicated sampling within a soil generally yielded nematode faunae more similar to each other than to faunae in other soils, while analysis of variance showed genera to be more influenced by site than month.  相似文献   

The influence of soil pH on the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition of the microbial community was investigated along the Hoosfield acid strip, Rothamsted Research, UK - a uniform pH gradient between pH 8.3 and 4.5. The influence of soil pH on the total concentration of PLFAs was not significant, while biomass estimated using substrate induced respiration decreased by about 25%. However, the PLFA composition clearly changed along the soil pH gradient. About 40% of the variation in PLFA composition along the gradient was explained by a first principal component, and the sample scores were highly correlated to pH (R2 = 0.97). Many PLFAs responded to pH similarly in the Hoosfield arable soil compared with previous assessments in forest soils, including, e.g. monounsaturated PLFAs 16:1ω5, 16:1ω7c and 18:1ω7, which increased in relative concentrations with pH, and i16:0 and cy19:0, both of which decreased with pH. Some PLFAs responded differently to pH between the soil types, e.g. br18:0. We conclude that soil pH has a profound influence on the microbial PLFA composition, which must be considered in all applications of this method to detect changes in the microbial community.  相似文献   

水稻秸秆燃烧对土壤有机质组成的影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究生物质(水稻秸秆)燃烧行为对土壤有机质含量和组成的影响,探讨不同燃烧次数下土壤中胡敏酸(HA)、富里酸(FA)、水溶性有机质(DOM)的含量和结构特征的变化情况。结果表明:土壤有机碳的变化仅在土壤表层几厘米以内,随燃烧频次增加土壤有机碳含量减少量增加,而水溶性有机质及组分则呈现不断增加的趋势。不同来源土壤的腐殖物质对生物质燃烧作用的响应不同,3种供试土样中腐殖物质随不同次数同强度秸秆燃烧并未呈现较一致的变化趋势,但每一种土壤的HA和FA含量及HA/FA、E4/E6值均随燃烧频次的增加呈现规律性的升高或者降低,而且FA含量的变化是影响HA/FA值大小的主导因素。此外,通过红外光谱图可知,随燃烧频次增加,FA中芳香性成分和含脂肪族C—OH、C—O物质增加,而HA由于本身芳香缩和度高而无明显变化。  相似文献   

Phytoextraction of soil Cd and Zn may require reduction in soil pH in order to achieve high metal uptake. Reducing the pH of high metal soil, however, could negatively affect soil ecosystem function and health. The objectives of this study were to characterize the quantitative causal relationship between pH and soil biological activities in two Zn and Cd contaminated soils and to investigate the relationship between metals and soil biological activities under low pH. Soils were adjusted to five or six different pH levels by sulfur addition, followed by salt leaching. Thlaspi caerulescens was grown for 6 months, and both the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil biological activities were tested after harvest. Reducing pH significantly lowered soil alkaline phosphatase activity, arylsulphatase activity, nitrification potential, and respiration. However, acid phosphatase activity was increased with decreasing pH. The relationship between soil biological activities and pH was well characterized by linear or quadratic regression models with R2 values ranging from 0.57 to 0.99. In general, the three enzyme activities, nitrification potential, and the ratio of alkaline phosphatase to acid phosphatase activity were very sensitive indicators of soil pH status while soil respiration was not sensitive to pH change. The rhizosphere soil had higher biological activities than non-rhizosphere soil. The negative effects observed in the non-rhizosphere soil were alleviated by the rhizosphere influence. However, rhizosphere soil after 6 months phytoextraction showed lower nitrification potential than non-rhizosphere soil, probably due to substrate limitation in our study.  相似文献   



Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas which is mainly produced from agricultural soils through the processes of nitrification and denitrification. Although denitrification is usually the major process responsible for N2O emissions, N2O production from nitrification can increase under some soil conditions. Soil pH can affect N2O emissions by altering N transformations and microbial communities. Bacterial (AOB) and archaeal (AOA) ammonia oxidisers are important for N2O production as they carry out the rate-limiting step of the nitrification process.

Material and methods

A field study was conducted to investigate the effect of soil pH changes on N2O emissions, AOB and AOA community abundance, and the efficacy of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), at reducing N2O emissions from animal urine applied to soil. The effect of three pH treatments, namely alkaline treatment (CaO/NaOH), acid treatment (HCl) and native (water) and four urine and DCD treatments as control (no urine or DCD), urine-only, DCD-only and urine + DCD were assessed in terms of their effect on N2O emissions and ammonia oxidiser community growth.

Results and discussion

Results showed that total N2O emissions were increased when the soil was acidified by the acid treatment. This was probably due to incomplete denitrification caused by the inhibition of the assembly of the N2O reductase enzyme under acidic conditions. AOB population abundance increased when the pH was increased in the alkaline treatment, particularly when animal urine was applied. In contrast, AOA grew in the acid treatment, once the initial inhibitory effect of the urine had subsided. The addition of DCD decreased total N2O emissions significantly in the acid treatment and decreased peak N2O emissions in all pH treatments. DCD also inhibited AOB growth in both the alkaline and native pH treatments and inhibited AOA growth in the acid treatment.


These results show that N2O emissions increase when soil pH decreases. AOB and AOA prefer different soil pH environments to grow: AOB growth is favoured in an alkaline pH and AOA growth favoured in more acidic soils. DCD was effective in inhibiting AOB and AOA when they were actively growing under the different soil pH conditions.  相似文献   

Understanding of tillage effects on soil chemical properties and cations in soil solution dynamics is essential for making appropriate land-management decisions. Measurements were made after more than 25 years of different tillage treatments: conventional tillage (CT) and conservation tillage, which includes no-till (NT) and minimum tillage (MT). pH and bulk density did not show important changes but exchangeable cations and cations in soil solution were affected by depth and different tillage. The highest concentration of exchangeable Ca2+ and Mg2+ was found in NT, decreased in MT and the lowest concentration was found in CT (mean values were 26.0, 24.4 and 23.3 cmolc kg?1 for exchangeable Ca2+ and 4.2, 3.7 and 3.3 cmolc kg?1 for exchangeable Mg2+ in NT, MT and CT, respectively). In addition, the highest concentration of exchangeable Na+ was found in NT, decreased in CT and the lowest concentration was found in MT. However, the highest concentration of exchangeable K+ was found in MT. A significant depth effect was observed for cations in soil solution: Na+ increased with depth whereas K+ and Ca2+ decreased with depth. This study aims to demonstrate the effect of tillage on the distribution and concentration of certain chemical soil properties.  相似文献   

The concentration and balance of nutrients in both the hydroponic or soil solution has been evaluated with relevance to tomato productivity. Yields of 200 mt/ha have been produced in greenhouse, hydroponic culture in a 9 to 10 month period. Yields of more than 100 mt/ha of field grown tomatoes have been produced in Florida in a 4 to 5 month period. Within the limitations of either culture, it is possible per unit of time to provide the nutrients required to produce equivalent yields. It is most significant that field grown tomatoes in Florida can be grown with minimal management and at a fraction of the cost of those grown hydroponically. The validity of the Florida fresh market tomato industry is based on the production efficiency of the field culture. There are annually 16,000 ha of tomatoes grown in Florida, perhaps less than 40 ha grown in hydroponic cultures.  相似文献   

龙山县植烟土壤 pH时空变异与影响因子研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究龙山县植烟土壤 pH时空变异特征与其影响因子,分别于 2000与 2015年在龙山烟区采集土壤样品 191和 300个进行土壤 pH与各指标的测定,利用描述性统计、地统计学、相关分析、多重比较、逐步回归与等样本平滑回归对该地区土壤 pH的时空变异与其影响因子进行了研究。结果表明:从描述统计来看 15年间龙山县植烟土壤 pH均值由 6.32变为6.03,降幅为4.64%,极低(<5)的样本增加了19.05%,偏低(5.0~5.5)的样本增加了 1.1%,适宜(5.5~ 7.0)的样本降低了 19.45%;从时空变化来看,pH在 5.0~ 6.0范围的区域大幅增加,6.0~ 7.0范围的区域大幅减少,总体呈酸化趋势,但有小部分区域 pH呈碱化趋势,有两级分化现象。由相关分析与逐步回归分析得出土壤交换性钙、交换性镁为土壤 pH酸化的外在控制因子,有效硫与碱解氮为土壤酸化的外在致酸因子,土壤粘粒为土壤酸化的内在致酸因子,海拔也对 pH有重要影响。  相似文献   

Experiments performed on sandy loamy gleyic soddy-podzolic soil at the Vezaiciai Branch of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture showed that, after liming to specified pH levels at the annual surface application of mineral fertilizers to pastures, the greatest change in the pH KCl and P2O5 and K2O accumulations occurred in the upper (0-to 5-cm) layer of the plow horizon, which indicated the important role of grassing systems in hampering the migration of nutrients.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cationic proportions (K/Ca/Mg) in the nutrient solution on fruit quality (quality attributes and antioxidant content) using a high-pigment, 'Lunarossa', tomato cultivar and a standard tomato cultivar ('Corfù') grown in soilless culture. Treatments were defined by a factorial combination of three nutrient solutions having different cationic proportions and two indeterminately growing round tomato cultivars. A high proportion of K in the nutrient solution increased the quality attributes (fruit dry matter, total soluble solids content) and the lycopene content of tomato fruit, whereas a high proportion of Ca improved tomato fruit yield and reduced the incidence of blossom-end rot (BER). The highest total antioxidant activity was observed in the treatment with a high proportion of Mg in the Lunarossa cultivar. The high-pigment hybrid has provided a higher antioxidant content (lycopene and alpha-tocopherol content) than the commercial hybrid, but it was more susceptible to BER and consequently less productive.  相似文献   

为解决东北黑土区因不合理耕作导致的土壤结构性状变差及有机碳含量下降的问题,该研究于2015年开始,在黑龙江省哈尔滨市东北农业大学向阳试验基地开展。设置免耕+秸秆还田(NTS)、免耕(NT)、翻耕+秸秆还田(CTS)、翻耕(CT)4种处理,于2018、2019年采集土样,研究免耕措施及秸秆还田对东北薄层黑土区0~10、>10~20 cm土壤团聚体稳定性、土壤有机碳含量、各粒径团聚体内有机碳含量的影响。结果表明:2018和2019年0~10、>10~20 cm土层NTS处理>5 mm水稳性团聚体百分比含量及平均重量直径显著高于其他3种处理,NTS及NT处理土壤有机碳含量显著高于CTS及CT处理(P?<0.05),4种处理各粒径水稳性团聚体有机碳含量峰值总体出现在1~2 mm处,NTS及NT处理>5、2~5、1~2 mm有机碳贡献率整体高于CTS及CT处理。研究表明,免耕与秸秆还田有利于薄层黑土坡耕地耕层土壤团聚体稳定性的提高和各粒级下团聚体有机碳的积累,与其他3种处理相比,免耕+秸秆还田效果更佳。  相似文献   

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