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Products from liver were studied for the content of lipolytic microorganisms during production and storage. Lipolytic microorganisms were found in all samples of the products. Their occurrence ranged from 10(4) to 10(7) organisms per g. In finished products and in products stored at a refrigerator temperature their numbers were much lower (10-10(4) per g). Some samples were free from them. The isolated colonies of lipolytic microorganisms were included in the genera Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Achromobacter. The acidity number was in correlation with the number of lipolytes in products before thermal processing and in stored products.  相似文献   

Liver products were studied for the content of proteolytic microorganisms during production and storage. Their number was at the lowest level in products of thermal processing (10(5) per g on the average). Storage at a refrigerator and room temperature increased this level to the average values of 10(6) to 8.10(6) per g. Isolated colonies of proteolytic microorganisms were included in the following genera: Pseudomonas, Aeromonas, Escherichia, Alcaligenes, Bacillus and Staphylococcus. The content of ammonia was studied at the same time; ammonia was found to be in correlation with the numbers of proteolytes in the raw material and in the stored products.  相似文献   

The responses of the field strains and type strains of Mycoplasma hyorhinis are compared in epi-immunofluorescence, in growth-inhibition tests, and growth-precipitation tests. The type strains, together with the field strains, could be definitely identified by direct and indirect epi-immunofluorescence. In indirect epi-immunofluorescence, all rabbit antiserums against the strains of Mycoplasma hyorhinis tested by us always gave positive cross reactions with all the tested strains of Mycoplasma hyorhinis. On the other hand, in the growth-inhibition cross test and growth precipitation cross test, the type strains of Mycoplasma hyorhinis always reacted positively only with the homologous antiserums, whereas the heterologous reactions were mostly negative or dubious. The clearly positive epi-immunofluorescent reactions with serums against any strain of Mycoplasma hyorhinis suggest that this method is more suitable for the identification of Myocplasma species than the other two tests studied.  相似文献   

Penetration values for the superficial (cutaneous) part of bacon in the raw state were smaller than the deeper (subcutaneous) part, because of the high connective tissue content of the superficial part. The course of the curve of penetration in relation to temperature varied within the range of 1 to 60 units in cutaneous bacon, and up to 90 units in subcutaneous bacon; penetration values increased with increasing temperature. Penetration values for the superficial and deep parts of smoked bacaon were similar to those of unsmoked bacon.  相似文献   

Digestibility trials were performed to study the suitability of mixtures made up of treated soybean and whey powder for replacing skim milk powder. Three different milk replacers were used, the replacers T-18/II and T-18/III containing Plyllac preparations manufactured by different technologies. When using the T-18 preparation with 18% fat content it was found that the protein source may contain 25% Plyllac preparation and 11% sweet whey powder. In two cases, at the age of 5 and 7 weeks, the digestibility of the crude protein in the T-18/II preparation was found to deteriorate significantly. For this reason, the authors suggest this milk replacer to be used from the 5th week of life. Trials were performed with 3 milk replacers (lactine preparations) containing Plyllac preparations of different manufacturing technology (35%), treated soybean (10%) and sweet whey powder (10%). It was found that the use of Plyllac preparations, i.e. of treated soybean in larger amounts causes the nutrient digestibility, mainly that of crude protein, to be significantly lower at the age of 3 and 5 weeks than that at the age of 7 to 9 weeks. No significant differences were found in the digestibility of the various Plyllac preparations manufactured by different technologies. The milk replacer lactine is recommended for use from the 5th week of life on.  相似文献   

Investigations were performed regarding the length of rest, sucking and feeding and the daily rhythm of these activities in calves kept with their mothers on pasture or in stables and the motility of the calves. Length of rest and feeding in breeding calves kept in groups and length of rest and sucking in breeding and fattening calves (automatic feeding and bucket feeding) were examined too. The examinations were performed starting from the morning feeding to the end of the day over a period of appr. 10.5 to 12 hours. During this time, calves 2--4 weeks of age ran about 550,7 m, 6--8 weeks of age 423.7 and 10--12 weeks of age 388.1 m. The length of sucking under automatic feeding conditions was comparable to the datas obtained from calves kept with their mothers. Bucket feeding took 2--4 minutes regardless whether rubber teats were used or not. Fattening calves in groups or single showed feint sucking or licking activities of 70.0 and 114.0 minutes/day respectively, breeding calves 39.8 and 20.8 minutes/day resp. Feint sucking in connection with a deficit of real sucking was observed regularly under bucket feeding conditions but only in those cases of automatic feeding, where the calves pushed each other aside from the feeding facilities. Feint rumination was observed in all fattening calves when kept strawlessly and lasted for about 31 minutes/day. Neither the feint rumination nor the feint sucking ever reached physiological lengths. Both behavioural patterns may be important in regard to animal welfare considerations of special maintenance conditions.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital, allobarbital, and pentobarbital in the doses of 40 and 80 mg per 1 kg body mass were applied intramuscularly to groups of the cockerels of the WL breed at the age of two days, one, two, and six weeks (each group had ten birds) and to eight-week-old WL cockerels in groups of five birds. The methods of clinical observation and repeated determination of the response of the animals to sonic stimuli and contact stimuli, and the evaluation of the quality of some reflexes (particularly the spontaneous position of the body and the correction of the lateral position) were used for the study of suppression evoked by the applied barbiturates. Sleep occurred first after the application of pentobarbital (sooner in younger age groups). The latest beginning of sleep was observed after phenobarbital; in the latter case, sleep was hard to evaluate because it was not very deep. The time of sleep had the longest duration after allobarbital (only in the eight-week-old sleep was longer after pentobarbital), and the shortest after phenobarbital; there were also differences in the duration of sleep between the age groups of birds. The pentobarbital dose of 80 mg kg-1 of body mass killed birds in the three youngest age groups )in the two-day-old it killed nine of ten birds, in the one-week-old eight of ten birds, and in the two-week-old two of ten birds). The differences in the effectiveness of the applied barbiturates in two doses per unit of body mass were related to the age of the animals, even in the cases of the shortest age intervals between individual groups. Very high interspecies differences ensue from a comparison with the doses of these barbiturates usually applied to man.  相似文献   

我国人均禽蛋、禽肉消费量在过去10年间增长51%和60%,呈持续快速增长趋势。禽类产品已成为继猪肉之后最重要的动物蛋白源,对提高国民生活水平发挥了重要的作用。近年来,水禽业快速发展,水禽肉被越来越多的消费者所接受。鸭肉性凉味甘,鲜嫩肥美,深受消费者青睐。“无鸭不成宴”已成为许多地区约定俗成的消费习惯。我国鸭的饮食文化可谓历史悠久、流派多样、种类丰富。这一点,从鸭的菜肴中就可以看出来。  相似文献   

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