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A field experiment was conducted with wetland rice (Oryza sativa cv. IR-36) in a sandy clay loam soil (Entisol) to study the effect of inoculation with a soil-based mixed culture of four diazotrophic cyanobacteria,Aulosira fertilissima, Nostoc muscorum, N. commune andAnabaena spp., on the N-flux in inorganic NH4 ++NO3 ?+ NO2 ?), easily oxidizable, hydrolysable and non-hydrolysable forms of N in soil during vegetative growth periods of the crop. Effects on grain and straw yield and N uptake by the crop were estimated. The effects of applying urea N and N as organic sources, viz.Sesbania aculeata, Neem (Azardirachta indica) cake and FYM, each at the rate of 40 kg N ha?1, to the soil were also evaluated. Inoculation significantly increased the release of inorganic N, evidenced by its increased concentrations either in soil or in soil solution. However, such increases rarely exceeded even 4% of total N gained in different froms in the soil system by inoculation during the vegetative growth stages of the rice plant, when the nutritional requirement of the plants is at a maximum. Most of the N2 fixed by cyanobacteria remained in the soil as the hydrolysable form (about 85%) during this period. Inoculation caused an insignificant increase in grain (8%) and straw (11%) yield, which was, however, accompanied by a significant increase in N uptake by the grain (30%) and an increase in total uptake of 15.3 kg N ha 1. Such beneficial effects of inoculation varied in magnitude with the application of organic sources, with farmyard manure (FYM) being the most effective. Application of urea N, on the other hand, markedly reduced such an effect.  相似文献   

Summary A greenhouse experiment was conducted with wetland rice (Oryza sativa cv. IR-50) in a clay-loam soil (Fluventic Eutrochrept) to study the effect of cyanobacterial inoculation a mixed culture of Aulosira fertilissima, Nostoc muscorum, Nostoc spp., and Anabaena spp., applied at the rate of 0.15 g (dry weight pot-1 or 43 kg ha-1) on acetylene reduction activity in soil and the root system (excised root), and the grain and straw yield. The effects of applying P (40 kg ha-1), N (60 kg ha-1), and P+N to the soil were also evaluated. Cyanbacterial inoculation significantly increased (more than 200% on average) photo-dependent acetylene reduction activity in soils, particularly where the indigenous activity was considerably low, i.e. under unfertilized and N-fertilized conditions. The effect of inoculation was prominent at the maximum tillering and grain formation stages of the crop. This inoculation benefit was, however, marginal in P-applied soils (P and P+N), where the indigenous activity was stimulated more than threefold. The inoculation led to a remarkable increase in root-associative acetylene reduction activity after the maximum tillering stage of the crop, particularly with applied N but for other treatments this inoculation effect was not significant. Cyanobacterial inoculation also increased the grain and straw yield of the crop when N was not applied. The grain and straw yield was significantly correlated with the acetylene reduction activity in flooded soils and in the root system during the tillering and maximum tillering stages of rice growth, respectively.  相似文献   

水稻籽粒碳氮代谢与品质性状间遗传相关性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究分析水稻籽粒C、N代谢与稻米主要品质性状间遗传相关性结果表明,水稻籽粒C、N代谢与稻米主要品质性状间有一定遗传相关性,提高可溶性糖含量,则糖氮比显著提高,糙米长、千粒重和直链淀粉含量显著降低;提高全N含量可能显著提高糙米厚和直链淀粉含量,而糖氮比、糙米长和千粒重随之显著降低;随糖氮比的提高,糙米厚、千粒重和直链淀粉含量将显著降低。种子、细胞质和母体植株3套遗传体系同时对成对性状的遗传相关性起作用,且各遗传体系在不同成对性状间的作用效果各异,可溶性糖含量与糙米宽、可溶性糖含量与糙米厚、全N含量与糙米长、全N含量与糙米厚等成对性状间遗传相关性主要受种子直接效应的控制;而可溶性糖含量与糙米长宽比、可溶性糖含量与千粒重、可溶性糖含量与直链淀粉含量、全N含量与糙米宽、全N含量与糙米长宽比、糖氮比与糙米宽、糖氮比与糙米厚等成对性状则以母体植株效应为主。  相似文献   

不同化感潜力水稻品种对低钾的生理与分子响应   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
选择国际公认的化感水稻品种“P1312777”和非化感水稻品种“Lemont”为材料,在K元素为5mg·L^-1(低K)和40mg·L^-1(正常K)2个水平的营养液中培养,通过水稻形态学指标(根长、株高、根冠比和生物量)、生理生化指标(SOD、POD、CAT、根系活力及植株中N、P、K含量),评价不同化感潜力水稻品种对低K胁迫的生理响应,并采用实时荧光定量PCR(Realtime Fluorescent Quantitative PCR,FQ-PCR),分析了低K胁迫下水稻根和叶中与N、P、K吸收利用相关的12个关键酶的基因表达差异。结果表明,低K促进了化感水稻“P1312777”根的生长,根冠比加大,生物量增加,但对株高的影响不显著;而该条件下非化感水稻“Lemont”的上述指标均受到不同程度的抑制。低K对两种水稻的保护酶系(SOD、POD、CAT)和根系活力均有一定程度的抑制作用,植株中N、P、K含量降低,但非化感水稻“Lemont”受抑制的程度远大于化感水稻“P1312777”。FQ-PCR检测结果表明,低K胁迫下两种水稻根、叶中的12个关键酶的基因均呈现上调表达,而化感水稻“P1312777”的基因表达上调倍数均明显大于非化感水稻“Lemont”。低K胁迫下两种水稻品种的形态学差异、生理与分子响应均表明,化感水稻“P1312777”比非化感水稻“Lemont”具有更强的适应K匮乏的能力。  相似文献   

Summary A pot experiment was conducted to compare the yields from five commercially cultivated varieties (Bas-198, Bas-370, Bas-Pak, Bas-385, and IR-6) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and to establish the relative significance of soil N and fertilizer N (15N-labelled ammonium sulphate) in affecting crop performance. Another aim was to study the interaction of fertilizer N and soil N as influenced by different rice varieties. Among the five varieties tested, Bas-Pak gave the maximum dry matter and N yield. The N-use efficiency (percentage of applied N taken up by the plants) of different varieties ranged between 33.7 and 43.7%, Bas-Pak being the most efficient. Significant losses of fertilizer N occurred from the soil-plant system. The maximum N loss (52.1% of applied N) was observed with IR-6 and the minimum loss (39.2%) with Bas-Pak. A substantial increase in the uptake of soil N following the application of fertilizer and an interaction between the two N sources were observed with all varieties except Bas-385. The interaction was attributed to greater root proliferation following the application of fertilizer. It was concluded that a varietey with greater potential to use soil N is likely to give a better yield and that, of the two N sources, the availability of soil N was more important in determining the yield performance of different varieties of rice.  相似文献   

稻草覆盖还田对水稻氮素吸收和氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以杂交稻“天优998”为材料, 设置覆盖还田和不还田2种稻草还田处理, 4种氮肥处理, 进行了连续2年的田间试验, 研究稻草还田对水稻氮素吸收和氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明: 稻草还田显著促进了水稻对氮素的吸收, 其总吸氮量比稻草不还田处理增加13.7%~20.3%, 但对不同生育阶段吸氮量占总吸氮量的比例影响不大。与稻草不还田处理相比, 稻草还田处理的水稻在分蘖中期(MT)、穗分化始期(PI)和抽穗期(HD)叶片叶绿素含量显著提高[实地养分管理(N1)的MT时期除外]。稻草还田可提高氮肥吸收利用率(RE)、农学利用率(AE)和氮肥偏生产力(PFP)。两年平均, 稻草还田处理的RE比稻草不还田处理提高8.23个百分点, 相对提高23.4%, 达极显著水平。AE、RE、PFP与MT~PI期间的吸氮量呈正相关, 其中AEPFP达极显著水平。RE与HD~MA期间的吸氮量呈极显著正相关。在MT施氮、促进MT~PI期间的氮素吸收对提高AE、REPFP有重要意义。创造条件增加抽穗后的氮素吸收, 对于提高RE、减少氮肥损失和面源污染至关重要。  相似文献   

采集浙江杭州郊区富春江沿岸镉(Cd)污染水稻土,选择前期试验筛选的对土壤Cd钝化效果良好、可显著降低稻米Cd的4种调理剂,开展室内培养试验和温室盆栽试验,探讨不同调理剂种类(袁梦YM、祝天峰ZTF、天象一号TX1、永清YQ)、用量(推荐用量、3倍推荐用量)和调理剂与生石灰配施对污染水稻土Cd的稳定效果及对水稻生长和糙米Cd含量的影响。室内培养试验结果发现,添加调理剂能使土壤pH显著升高,落干条件下土壤pH增幅较淹水条件下更为明显;施用推荐用量调理剂,土壤硝酸铵提取态Cd显著下降,调理剂推荐用量+生石灰处理较调理剂推荐用量处理下降更为显著;总体上,同一调理剂3倍推荐用量处理下硝酸铵提取态Cd降幅更大,表明硝酸铵提取态Cd受土壤pH影响显著,且YM、TX1调理剂对硝酸铵提取态Cd的降低效果较好。盆栽试验结果显示,施用石灰和商品调理剂均可实现水稻稳产或增产,并显著降低水稻糙米Cd含量,与调理剂施用后土壤Cd有效性降低相一致。含钙、能调节土壤pH并辅以有机质和养分的复合调理剂因兼具养分作用,对水稻稳产增产、糙米Cd含量降低更为有效。  相似文献   

The productivity of upland rice in Japan as well as in the world is low and unstable owing to scarce and unpredictable rainfall. The objective of this study was to examine whether agronomic methods could enhance grain yield of upland rice. Four field experiments were conducted from 2001 to 2003 in Nishitokyo, Japan, under upland conditions with different water supplies, in order to quantify the effects of deep tillage combined with deep placement of manure (50-cm depth), straw mulch (6 t ha−1), or their combinations on the growth and grain yield of rice. Mulch kept surface soil moisture higher than without mulch even at reproductive stage, and it increased yield to the greatest extent under the most favourable conditions with much rainfall before heading (i.e., 2003). Deep tillage with deep placement of manure induced deep root proliferation and higher nitrogen uptake, increasing biomass production, and panicle number, and consequently grain yield was enhanced under the two lowest yielding environments with less rainfall before heading. Rice plants with deep tillage with deep manure application without mulch tended to have lower leaf water potential and higher diffusion resistance during drought, and negative effects on grain filling and harvest index in some experiments compared with the control. When deep tillage with deep placement of manure was combined with mulching in two experiments in 2002 and 2003, grain yield always enhanced compared with the control (P < 0.10, 6.0 t ha−1 versus 5.4 t ha−1 on average), suggesting their synergetic mechanisms for yield increase and stabilization. The results showed that deep tillage or mulching can improve grain yield of rice under drought-prone rainfed upland conditions in a temperate climate on an Andosol, and their combination had more consistent and greater positive effects.  相似文献   

水稻籽粒灌浆的发育遗传与分子生态特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从发育遗传生理和分子生态学角度, 综述了近年来国内外研究水稻籽粒灌浆的现状与存在的问题。提出了水稻籽粒发育与物质充实涉及信号传递与多基因调控及其与环境互作的分子生态学过程。强、弱势粒由于基因时空表达模式和功能蛋白作用方式的不同, 导致不同粒位胚乳细胞发育程序、籽粒灌浆速率和干物质重的明显差异。已有研究结果表明, 强势粒发育灌浆早、充实快, 具有明显的遗传稳定性; 而弱势粒发育灌浆起步晚, 充实度较差, 易受环境调控。通过分子遗传改良和分子生态调节是改善弱势粒胚乳细胞健康顺利发育, 实时启动灌浆充实, 提高结实率和千粒重, 最终实现高产的两条有效途径, 已成为世界各国优先研究的领域。本文认为籽粒灌浆为何存在一个滞育期(stagnant phase), 强弱势粒在这一发育阶段基因表达和功能作用为何存在差异是值得深入研究和回答的科学问题。  相似文献   

【目的】施用小分子有机酸钾是促进水稻生长和提高水稻产量的重要措施之一。本试验研究了3种小分子有机酸钾在不同浓度下对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,为促进水稻增产及研发新型肥料增效剂提供理论依据。【方法】以水稻种子‘临稻21’为试验材料进行了种子萌发试验和水培试验。以不含钾盐处理为空白对照 (CK),供试钾盐包括硫酸钾 (IOS)、甲酸钾 (OSA)、乙酸钾 (OSB) 和丙酸钾 (OSC),设两个K+浓度分别为0.25和0.50 mmol/L。将种子置于25℃培养箱中,培养至两叶一心时,转入含有不同浓度钾盐的营养液中进行12 h光照/12 h黑暗、25℃恒温处理,至水稻幼苗长到四叶一心时,测定幼苗生长、根系形态和光合特性。【结果】1) 小分子有机酸钾促进了水稻种子提早萌发,培养48 h后,当K+浓度为0.25 mmol/L时,OSA-1和OSB-1较IOS-1水稻发芽率显著提高35.6%和37.8%;当K+浓度为0.50 mmol/L时,OSA-2和OSB-2较IOS-2水稻发芽率显著提高34.0%和27.7%;2) 与IOS相比,OSA-1、OSA-2和OSB-1显著促进了水稻幼苗叶片的宽度和鲜重的提高,并使水稻幼苗根重、总根长、根表面积和根体积显著提升;3) 与IOS处理相比,OSC处理提高了水稻幼苗叶片叶绿素含量,OSA和OSB处理显著提高了水稻幼苗叶片净光合效率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率;4) 施用小分子有机酸钾能够提高水稻幼苗根系活力,进而促进了水稻幼苗对钾素的吸收,OSA-2和OSB-2处理幼苗全钾含量较IOS-2显著提高19.6%和28.3%。【结论】与硫酸钾相比,甲酸钾、乙酸钾和丙酸钾3种小分子有机酸钾处理可促进水稻种子提前萌发,促进水稻幼苗的生长、光合效率的提高以及对钾素的吸收,以0.25 mmol/L甲酸钾 (OSA) 的促生效果最好。  相似文献   

根区一次施氮提高水稻氮肥利用效率的效果和原理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
我国水稻氮肥施用量大,农民习惯氮肥表面撒施,氮肥通过氨挥发以及径流等途径损失严重,造成经济损失和环境污染。农村劳动力缺乏,土地流转迅速,省时省力、节肥高效的施肥方式亟待探索和推广。大田条件下,在环太湖水稻高施氮区,比较常规氮肥用量下(225 kg/hm2)的农民习惯分次施用(40%︰30%︰30%分次施用)与根区一次施用(偏根系5 cm,土表下10 cm穴施)两种施肥方式对水稻产量及氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明不种植水稻的前提下,习惯施氮处理表层土壤NH_4~+-N最高,自表层向下逐渐降低,各层养分均随时间推移而下降。根区一次施氮可显著提高施肥点周围土壤中的NH_4~+-N含量及其贮存时间,施肥后30,60和90 d,根区施氮处理NH_4~+-N最高值分别达到542.6、412.1和39.8 mg/kg。且根区一次施氮处理施肥点周围土壤高NH_4~+-N含量至少可保持60 d。种植水稻后,相对习惯分次施氮而言,根区一次施氮显著提高水稻分蘖数、各器官的氮含量、氮积累量及氮肥利用效率。根区一次施氮处理水稻氮积累量高达196.7 kg/hm2,相对习惯施氮增加34.9%。氮肥表观利用率分别达到59.8%(差值法)和42.5%(15N标记法),相对习惯施肥分别增加22.6和30.6个百分点。肥料氮损失由分次施用的73.0%下降到29.7%。根区一次施氮显著增加肥料养分在土壤中的贮存时间,降低肥料养分损失的风险,提高水稻氮肥利用效率,是一种节肥高效的施肥方式,值得进一步研发施肥机械和推广应用。  相似文献   

Based on the fact that Fe toxicity which is usually characterized by leaf oranging and low yield can be obviously subdued by application of Si or Mn due to counteraction.between Fe and Si or Mn.A pot experiment was conducted with four treatments of CK,Si,Mn and Si Mn to further study the effect of combined application of Si and Mn on rice growth on red earths.Water-soluble SI,Fe and Mn were measured.and electron probe was used to study Si,Mn,Fe and Ca in root cross sections.Combined application of Si and Mn could increas water-soluble Si and Mn but reduce water-soluble Fe,thus being favorable for correctiong Fe toxicity.Electron probe study showed obvous differences of Si,Fe,Mn,and Ca in rice roots between CK and the other three treatments.The combined applicatioin of Si and Mn could reduce leaf oranging and improve rice growth.The Si Mn treatment had a higher plant height,lower number of oranging leaves and a 25.0% higher rice yield than CK and showed a better effect on rice growth than the treatment of sole Si or Mn.  相似文献   

Summary A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the changes in different organic fractions of soil N after application of N fertilizer as organic N alone or in combination with inorganic N. The decrease in the amount of hydrolysable NH4 + and amino-acid N was positively related to mineral-N production, grain yield and N uptake, but changes in the amount of amino sugars were not related to these three parameters. The non-hydrolysable N fraction was negatively related to grain yield and N uptake. The average mineral-N production during incubation was highly correlated with both grain yield and N uptake.  相似文献   

以大穗型水稻‘金恢809’为试验材料,设置前氮后移(施氮量的30%作基肥,30%作蘖肥,30%作穗肥,10%作粒肥)及传统氮肥(施氮量的40%作基肥,30%作蘖肥,30%作穗肥)施用两种处理,并采用双向电泳技术分析了水稻生育后期根系对前氮后移调控的蛋白响应机制。通过构建的不同氮肥处理下水稻开花后15 d根系蛋白2-DE电泳图谱,并结合MALDI-TOF/MS分析,共成功鉴定到57个出现差异表达的蛋白,其中40个在前氮后移处理下上调表达,17个下调表达。依据其蛋白功能可以归为12类,主要涉及信号转导,氨同化,胁迫与防御,糖酵解,三羧酸循环,氨基酸代谢、蛋白合成及折叠等代谢途径。研究发现水稻生育后期根系GTP结合的核蛋白、GDP解离抑制因子、液泡型H+-ATP酶亚基C会响应氮肥的调控而出现表达变化,并将信号传递到电压依赖性离子通道蛋白、液泡型ATP酶亚基C以及膜联蛋白p35,进而调节根系细胞间物质运输与信息的传递。本研究结果还表明,前氮后移的施肥方式,通过适当增加水稻生育后期氮肥的施用,调节根系糖类转换、糖酵解及三羧酸循环相关蛋白的表达,增加了根系ATP的供应;通过增强根系中清除过氧化氢系统及防御相关蛋白的表达,延缓了根系的衰老;通过上调谷氨酸脱氢酶、天冬氨酸转氨酶和谷氨酞胺合成酶的表达丰度,促进了根系对土壤中氮元素的吸收与转运。研究结果对于进一步明确水稻根系响应氮素调控的分子生态特性具有重要的理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

We compared the effects of adding different forms of nitrogenous fertilizers on the production of CH4 in soil and on CH4 emission from rice plants, Urea and diammonium phosphate gave the highest rates of CH4 production from the soil and emission through rice plants, followed by (NH4)2SO4. NaNO3 was the least effective. The effects of micronutrients like Mo, Ni, or B were more prominent than those of Fe, Mn, Zn, V, or Co. It is concluded that CH4 emission from rice paddies is influenced by both macro- and micronutrients, through effects on both microbial methanogenesis in soil and elimination through rice plants as a consequence of the effects on plant growth.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌对镉胁迫水稻苗期生长与镉积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稻米重金属污染是人们广泛关注的严重问题,微生物钝化是阻遏环境重金属进入生物循环的有效途径之一。为了解铜绿假单胞菌对苗期水稻镉污染的缓解效应,本文以无镉处理为对照,通过添加20μmol×L~(-1)镉的水培试验,研究了铜绿假单胞菌、载体A(硅藻土,粒径1~3 mm)、载体B(硅藻土,粒径3~6 mm)、载体C(活性炭,比表面积1 000 m~2×g-1)以及铜绿假单胞菌与载体制备的菌剂A、菌剂B和菌剂C对水稻生长、镉含量及镉积累量的影响。结果表明,20μmol×L~(-1)镉处理显著抑制了水稻根长、株高的生长和干物质积累,添加菌液及菌剂A、B、C后,水稻生长状况得到显著改善,总生物量比镉处理(0.523 g×株~(-1))提高38.5%~67.3%,以菌剂B处理的水稻生物量最高。水稻根、茎鞘、叶以及地上部镉含量显著降低,其中添加菌剂A、菌剂B、菌剂C及活性炭处理的水稻地上部镉含量分别比镉处理(101.3 mg×g~(-1))下降45.9%、47.9%、59.9%和59.9%,迁移系数降低16.7%、25.0%、33.3%和33.3%,富集系数减少48.1%、48.8%、58.8%和60.9%。添加活性炭、菌剂A和菌剂C处理的水稻单株镉积累量降低18.2%、9.5%和24.3%,添加菌剂B以及依次含有56.4 mL、45.3 mL、28.4 mL菌悬液的菌液A、菌液B和菌液C处理,其镉积累量依次增加15.0%、30.4%、14.9%、16.9%,说明菌株通过提高作物生物量增加了镉积累。综上,铜绿假单胞菌可显著促进镉胁迫水稻的生长,降低水稻的镉含量,抑制镉的迁移,降低水稻镉的有效性;菌剂A、B、C表现出良好的镉钝化能力,表明铜绿假单胞菌可为环境镉污染的生物修复提供新菌株。  相似文献   

采用种子数量性状遗传模型分析食用稻米重金属积累特性遗传相关性的基因型与环境互作结果表明,Hg、As、Cr、Cd和Pb 5个重金属积累特性间的基因型协方差均为正向。各遗传体系中成对重金属积累特性间均呈不同程度的正向或负向遗传协方差和环境互作协方差。  相似文献   

Puddling as well as no-puddling for growing transplanted and direct seeded rice, respectively, have their disadvantages as well as advantages on the physical condition of the soil and yield of rice. The soil that is more susceptible to changes in structure is easy to puddle. However, what should be the extent of puddling is not well established. Generally, farmers have a tendency to create a very fine puddle that actually may not be required. Keeping in view the current global emphasis on conservation of resources as well as reduction of the production cost to improve the economic gain of farmers, this study attempted to find out the influence of varying intensities of puddling on the soil physical condition and rice yield (cv. IR 36) in a Vertisol of central India. The study was conducted over two cropping seasons during year 2000 and 2001. Three puddling intensities i.e. no-puddling (P0), and puddling by four (P1) and eight (P2) passes of a 5 hp power tiller were evaluated.

The aggregate mean weight diameter (AMWD) of soil (0–15 cm depth) for P0 remained almost unchanged till harvest. At 15 days after puddling, AMWD in P1 and P2 compared to P0 was less by 45 and 59% in the first year and by 60 and 69% in the second year, respectively. These values at harvest changed to 22 and 46% in the year 2000 and 28 and 43% in the year 2001, respectively. Soil bulk density (BD) and penetration resistance (PR) increased significantly from transplanting to harvest in puddled soil, but in unpuddled soil significant increase in PR only at the surface 0–7 cm layer was observed. Higher intensity of puddling favoured more soil wetness at harvest, as the puddled soil maintained 25% more water than P0. Compared to P1, P2 showed an increase of 4.3, 10.3 and 7.7% in length, width and depth of cracks, respectively, while the increase in P1 over P0 in the same order was 35, 23.5 and 13.3%, respectively. Thus, crack dimensions (length, width and depth) were larger under high intensity of puddling. Water loss through seepage plus percolation was significantly higher in P0 as compared to P1 and P2 and the higher intensity of puddling reduced the losses more. The grain yield of P2 was slightly higher than P1 but both were significantly above P0. Higher grain yield resulted in 46 and 49% more water use efficiency under P1 and P2 than P0, respectively. This 2-year study has shown that puddling beyond P1 i.e., four passes of a 5 hp power tiller may not be required to obtain higher yield or other benefits in Vertisols having similar hydrology to that reported here. Puddling only to the required level will also deteriorate less the soil physical condition as compared to more intense puddling. The unpuddled direct seeded rice maintained the soil in a better physical condition but the yield was significantly lower in relation to the puddled ones.  相似文献   

再生稻根干物质量及根系活力与产量的相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对不同施N水平、不同品种再生稻根干物质量及根系活力与产量的相关性研究结果表明 ,再生稻头季稻产量与根系干物质量及根系活力密切相关 ;再生稻再生分蘖的生长发育依赖于头季稻残留的根系 ,再生季稻穗数及产量与头季稻成熟期和再生季稻齐穗期的根系机能呈极显著线性正相关 ,并与芽肥施用量呈抛物线形相关  相似文献   

为比较入侵植物与本地植物对土壤微生态影响的差异, 探索外来植物入侵的土壤微生物学机制, 本研究通过同质园试验, 比较分析了2种入侵菊科植物(紫茎泽兰、黄顶菊)和2种本地植物(马唐、猪毛菜)对土壤肥力和微生物群落的影响, 并通过盆栽反馈试验验证入侵植物改变后的土壤微生物对本地植物旱稻生长的反馈作用。同质园试验结果表明: 2种入侵植物和2种本地植物分别对土壤微生态产生了不同的影响, 尤其是紫茎泽兰显著提高了土壤有效氮、有效磷和有效钾含量,紫茎泽兰根际土壤中有效氮含量为39.80 mg·kg-1,有效磷含量为48.52 mg·kg-1。磷脂脂肪酸指纹图谱结果表明, 2种入侵植物与2种本地植物相比, 较显著增加了土壤中放线菌数量, 而紫茎泽兰比其他3种植物显著增加了细菌和真菌数量。盆栽结果表明: 黄顶菊生长过的土壤灭菌后比灭菌前旱稻株高增加113%, 紫茎泽兰也使旱稻的株高增加17%。由以上结果可知, 紫茎泽兰和黄顶菊可能通过改变入侵地土壤的微环境, 形成利于其自身生长扩散的微生态环境从而实现其成功入侵。  相似文献   

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