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The objective of the study was to evaluate the utilization of biofloc meal as a feed ingredient in enhancing the growth and health status of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) juvenile. The study consisted of two experiments, that is digestibility and growth experiments. The digestibility of two biofloc meals produced with two different carbon sources, that is tapioca and molasses, were assessed in the digestibility experiment. Whereas the effect of four dietary treatments with different levels of biofloc meal, that is 0%, 5%, 10% and 20%, on the fish growth performance, feed utilization, immuno‐haematological response, antioxidant status and robustness against environmental stress were evaluated in the growth experiment. The results showed that the digestibility of dry matter, protein, lipid and phosphorus of biofloc grown using molasses as the carbon source were remarkably higher than that grown using tapioca (p < 0.05). The inclusion of biofloc meal in the diets at 10% and 20% resulted in higher feed intake, fish growth and final biomass and protein efficiency ratio, and lower feed conversion ratio (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the red blood cells counts, phagocytic, lysozyme activities and antioxidative capacity were significantly enhanced in the fish provided with diet containing 20% biofloc meal (p < 0.05).The fish survival following salinity stress test was higher in the treatments with biofloc meal at 10% and 20% inclusion levels. In conclusion, dietary inclusion of biofloc meal could improve the growth performance and health status of African catfish juvenile and an inclusion level of 20% could be recommended.  相似文献   

Understanding the major causes of growth variation is crucial for the success of fish farming since its reduction contributes to maximize production efficiency, reduce food waste and improve water quality. The growth variation observed in aquaculture has been associated with the establishment of social hierarchies. However, some studies suggest that this variation may not be mainly a consequence of social hierarchies but mainly a result of inherent (genetic) differences. This study investigates the magnitude of individual responses, independently of group effects (fish housed individually), in growth efficiency and feeding behaviour of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822). Despite the low variation in initial body weight (6.5%) and cumulative feed consumption (7.5%) over the experimental period, catfish exhibited high variation in final body weight (18.1%), specific growth rate (17.2%) and feed conversion ratio (27.9%), suggesting that individual variation in growth efficiency is important in determining growth rate. This individual variation may be related with individual differences in protein/fat deposition since faster growing fish deposited more protein and less fat than slower growing fish. Pronounced individual differences in feeding behaviour (reaction towards feed and time spent eating) were also observed and correlated with individual differences in growth efficiency. Fast eaters were the fast growers. We suggest that the growth variation observed in African catfish may be inherent and that the use of grading to increase uniformity should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Four distinct forms of native gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) and two newly designed analogues were tested for their in vivo activity to induce ovulation in African catfish. The effects of these peptides on ovulatory parameters were compared with those of carp pituitary and [d ‐Ala6, Pro9‐NEt]‐mammalian GnRH analogue (mGnRHa), two tested ovulation‐inducing agents in African catfish. Assessment of ovulation was carried out by determining the ovulation ratio and the relative quantity of egg produced. From the results of the experiments, the order of potency of the native GnRH peptides is summarized as chicken GnRH‐II (cGnRH‐II) >salmon GnRH (sGnRH) >mammalian GnRH >chicken GnRH‐I (cGnRH‐I). Chicken GnRH‐II was as potent as mGnRHa while cGnRH‐I was totally ineffective. The new d ‐Orn6‐cGnRH‐II and d ‐Orn6‐sGnRH with a substitution at position 6 with d ‐isomer residue were as potent as the most extensively used mGnRHa, indicating that the position 6 modification might be more crucial than the substitution at the C‐terminal. On the basis of our results, the potential use and incorporation of cGnRH‐II and sGnRH for the development of more generic spawning induction therapies are suggested.  相似文献   

An 8-week feeding trial was conducted in a recycling water system at 28±1°C to investigate carbohydrate to lipid ratio (CHO:L ratio) in African catfish Clarias gariepinus (12.32±0.04g). Five isonitrogenous (40% crude protein) and isoenergetic (20kJg–1 gross energy (GE)) fishmeal based diets with varying carbohydrate to lipid (CHO:L g/g) ratios of 0.74, 1.13, 1.66, 2.47 and 3.42 for diets 1–5, were tested, respectively. The diets containing a fixed protein to energy ratio (P:E ratio) of 20-mg proteinkJ–1 GE were fed to triplicate groups of 20 fish (per 30-L tank). Fish were fed 5% of their body weight per day adjusted fortnightly. Diet 1, containing 14% carbohydrate and 21% lipids with a CHO:L ratio of 0.74 produced the poorest (P<0.05) growth rates, feed and protein efficiency. Increasing carbohydrate content in the diets to 27% concomitant with a reduction in lipid content to 16% with a CHO:L ration of 1.66 of diet 3 significantly improved (P<0.05) growth rates, feed and protein efficiency. A further increase in dietary carbohydrate up to 38% and a decrease in lipids levels to 11% with a CHO:L ratio ranging from 1.66 to 3.42 (diet 3 – 5) did not significantly improve the fish performance. Apparent net protein utilisation (ANPU) of fish fed diet 4 was higher (P<0.05) than for diets 1–3 but did not differ from diet 5. Higher lipid deposition (P<0.05) in whole body and liver were observed with decreasing dietary CHO:L ratios as increasing lipid levels. Whole body protein and liver glycogen content, digestive enzyme activities (protease and lipase) and histological examination of intestine and liver of fish fed varying CHO:L diets did not show any discernible changes among the dietary treatments. However intestinal -amylase activity increased (P<0.05) with increasing dietary carbohydrate levels. This study revealed that African catfish can perform equally well on diets containing carbohydrate ranging from 27 to 38% of the diet, with lipid content ranging from 16 to 11% or at CHO:Lg/g ratio of 1.7–3.4.  相似文献   

Semen of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), was investigated with respect to its cellular composition, sperm cell density, maturation grade, motility and fertility. Storage conditions were tested, whereby sperm viability was assessed by measurement of the motility after activation and by fertility tests. Testicular semen differed in its composition, i.e. the sperm density and numbers of spermatids, according to the maturity grade of the testis. Two semen types could be distinguished: semen type I was characterized by high sperm densities and low numbers of spermatids and semen type II had lower sperm densities and higher numbers of spermatids. Two semen types did not differ in motility and fertility (when adjusted for differences in sperm density). During storage, the sperm viability was influenced by the sodium concentration of the storage medium, temperature, membrane stabilizers as bovine serum albumen (BSA) or hen egg yolk, antibiotics and oxygen. Semen viability was maintained best when it was diluted at a ratio of 1:5 in storage solution (150 mmol L?1 NaCl, 2.5 mmol L?1 KCl, 1 mmol L?1 CaCl2, 1 mmol L?1 MgSO4, 20 mmol L?1 Tris (pH 8.5) and 0.5% BSA or 0.5% hen egg yolk) and stored at 4 °C. Oxygen gassing and addition of antibiotics (1 mg mL?1 gentamycine sulphate) to the storage solution affected the two semen types in different ways. Antibiotics had no effect on type I semen, but had a positive effect on type II semen. Oxygen gassing had a positive effect on type I semen but a negative effect on type II semen.  相似文献   

Quality differences of testicular semen of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, and their influence on fertilization and hatching success were investigated. In accordance with an earlier study, two semen types of the African catfish were distinguished according to testicular maturity stage. Semen type I derived from males with white mature testes whereas type II semen derived from males with grey, partly mature testes. Semen volume, sperm cell concentration and seminal plasma pH was significantly higher in type I semen than in type II semen, while sperm motility was similar. Similar fertilization percentages were obtained with semen type I and semen type II. However, the hatching percentage was higher and the percentage of deformed hatched larvae was lower for type I semen. There were significant (P<0.01) positive correlations between sperm motility and fertilization percentage, seminal plasma pH and hatching percentage and a negative correlation between seminal plasma pH and percentage of deformed larvae. Therefore seminal plasma pH and sperm motility are useful to predict semen quality of the African catfish.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted in a recycling water system at 28 ± 1 °C to investigate protein to energy ratio (P/E ratio) in African catfish Clarias gariepinus (10.9 ± 0.04 g). Six fishmeal‐based diets of two protein levels (330 and 430 g kg?1), each with three lipid levels (40, 80 and 120 g kg?1) resulted in P/E ratios ranging from 15.5 to 21.3 mg protein kJ?1 gross energy (GE) were fed to 20 fish (per 30‐L tank) in triplicate. Fish were fed 50 g kg?1 of their body weight per day adjusted fortnightly. Significantly higher (P < 0.05) growth rates and feed conversion efficiency were evident in fish fed with higher protein diet. The highest growth rate was found by fish fed 430 g kg?1 protein, 21.2 kJ?1 GE with a P/E ratio of 20.5 mg protein kJ?1 GE. Significantly indifferent (P > 0.05) values of protein utilization were found in‐between the both (higher and lower) protein diets. Higher lipid deposition (P < 0.05) in whole body and liver was observed with increasing dietary lipid level at each protein diet and as higher (P < 0.05) for the lower protein diets. Liver glycogen tended to decrease with increasing gross energy at each protein diet and higher protein diet showed comparatively lower values (P > 0.05). Digestive enzyme activities (protease and lipase) and histological examination of intestine and liver of fish fed varying P/E diets found no significant differences in response to experimental diets. The study reveals that African catfish C. gariepinus performed best the diet containing 430 g kg?1, 21.2 kJ g?1 and 20.5 mg protein kJ g?1 GE protein, gross energy and P/E ratio, respectively.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess whether high‐pressure injection of air into the brain of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) could render the animal unconscious and insensible immediately and permanently. In the study, 48 African catfish with a live weight of 900–1900 g were restrained and equipped with EEG and ECG electrodes and then stunned. The catfish were stunned mechanically using a captive needle pistol. The pressure to shoot the needle was 8 bar and that to inject the air was 3 bar for 1.5 s. The catfish behaviour was observed during and after stunning. τ and δ waves and spikes, which precede a stoppage in brain activity as measured on the EEG, were used as indices for the measurement of immediate induction of unconsciousness and insensibility In 23 of 42 fish, an iso‐electric line was observed after an average of 13.4 s, while in the remaining fish the τ and δ waves and spikes remained on the EEG during the recording period. In all cases, the ECG showed an irregular heart rate with fibrillation and extra systolae. Moreover, the configuration showed ischaemia. Before the captive needle stunning, free‐swimming fish (n=7) explored the tank for an average of 21±12 s before lying down at the bottom. After stunning, they showed clonic uncoordinated swimming movements. The movements stopped after an average of 38±50 s. In another group (n=7) that was stunned and subsequently placed in ice water, clonic cramps were observed in two out of seven animals. When taking into account the number of animals with a reliable EEG (n=42) and using 95% confidence intervals, it was concluded that at least 93% of the catfish were effectively stunned using a correctly positioned captive needle pistol. Furthermore, it is recommended to immobilize the stunned fish by chilling, as the post‐stun clonic cramps may hinder gutting and filleting.  相似文献   

The nitrite threshold concentration in rearing water of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) was assessed. African catfish with an initial mean (SD) weight of 219.7 (57.8) g were exposed to an increasing range of water nitrite from 6 (Control) to 928 μM nitrite for 28 days. Mean (SD) plasma nitrite concentrations increased from 5.0 (3.6) to 32.5 (12.6) μM at 928 μM ambient nitrite. The increase in nitrite was accompanied by gradual increase in plasma nitrate from 41.6 (28.4) μM to 420.2 (106.4) μM. Haematocrit, haemoglobin, methemoglobin, plasma concentrations of cortisol, glucose, lactate, osmolality, gill morphology and branchial Na+/K+‐ATPase activity were not affected. Feed intake, final weight, SGR, FCR and mortality were not affected. We advise not to exceed a water nitrite concentration of 43 μM (0.6 mg L?1 NO2?‐N) to prevent the risk of reduced growth and feed intake in African catfish aquaculture.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine the effect of dietary cation-anion difference (CAD, Na++K+-Cl, mEq kg –1) on acid-base balance, food consumption and growth of juvenile African catfish, Clarias gariepinus. Four dietary CAD levels (-100, 100, 500, 700 mEq kg–1) were established by altering levels of NaHCO3, CaCl2 and NH4Cl in the diets. The group fed the diet of excess anions (CAD: -100 mEq kg–1) had low food consumption and growth rate. Food consumption and growth increased linearly with an increase in dietary CAD within the range -100 to 700 meq. kg–1. Blood pH was not significantly influenced by dietary CAD. A quadratic relationship between Na+, Cl and CAD level in plasma and dietary CAD was found. Body composition of fish and nitrogen/energy utilisation efficiency differed between dietary CAD treatments. The results suggest that dietary CAD influence acid-base regulation and thus the energy costs for maintaining homeostasis. The increased food intake and growth performance of C. gariepinus at higher CAD levels may be related to a reduced maintenance costs for homeostasis.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to evaluate the effects of biofloc system application at different fish density on the nursery production performance and the robustness of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) against Aeromonas hydrophila and salinity stress. An economic analysis was also performed to determine the most optimum fish density in biofloc‐based African catfish nursery production. African catfish with an average body weight of 0.96 ± 0.04 g and average body length of 4.20 ± 0.46 cm, respectively, were distributed in 12 units of circular plastic‐lined tanks (1,020 L). The experiment consisted of four treatments in triplicates, that is, a control without carbon source addition at a density of 4 fish/L, and three biofloc treatments at different densities, that is, BFT4 (4 fish/L), BFT6 (6 fish/L) and BFT8 (8 fish/L). Tapioca flour was used as the organic carbon source in biofloc systems and was added at an estimated C/N ratio of 10. Housing the fish in biofloc systems resulted in higher fish growth, more efficient feed utilization, higher fish robustness against A. hydrophila infection and salinity stress, as well as higher profitability of nursery production. Increasing the fish density resulted in higher mortality. However, higher number of fish produced and lower feed conversion ratio were observed in the treatments with higher density (6 and 8 fish/L). In conclusion, the application of biofloc technology at a density of 8 fish/L could be recommended to increase the production and profitability of African catfish nursery culture.  相似文献   

The nitrate threshold concentration in rearing water of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) was assessed. Female African catfish with an initial mean (SD) weight of 154.3 (7.5) g were exposed to 0.4 (Control), 1.5, 4.2, 9.7 and 27.0 mM nitrate for 42 days. Mean (SD) plasma concentrations of nitrate increased from 71 (29) to 6623 (921) μM at the highest ambient nitrate level. Mean (SD) plasma nitrite concentration ranged from 1.2 (0.5) to 7.9 (9.0) μM. Haematocrit, plasma concentrations of non‐esterified fatty acids (NEFA), cortisol, glucose, lactate, osmolality, gill morphology and branchial Na+/K+‐ATPase activity were not affected. Feed intake and specific growth rate were significantly reduced at the highest nitrate concentration. We advise not to exceed a water nitrate concentration of 10 mM (140 mg L?1 NO3‐N) to prevent the risk of reduced growth and feed intake in African catfish aquaculture.  相似文献   

In African catfish the dopamine agonist apomorphine (APO) stimulates in vivo growth hormone (GH) release. The present study demonstrates that the potency of APO to stimulate plasma GH levels is affected by the nutritional status of the fish. The effect of starvation on APO induced GH release was investigated in sexually mature and immature catfish. Administration of APO clearly stimulated plasma GH levels in mature catfish that had been starved for 3 and 5 weeks, while no effect could be observed prior to starvation. This increased responsiveness to the GH stimulating action of APO was also demonstrated in fasted immature fish, though it was only evident in fish starved for a prolonged period (19 days or more). The importance of the duration of the starvation period suggests that the enhanced responsiveness is the result of physiological adaptations to starvation rather than an acute effect of food deprivation.  相似文献   

The value of toasted Mucuna utilis seed meals was investigated in this study by evaluating the nutritional profile and the utilization of the processed seeds in isonitrogenous (35% CP) and isocaloric diets (17 kJ g?1) for African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822). Toasting the M. utilis seed significantly reduced the levels of tannins, phytate, trypsin, and hemagglutinin in the seeds. However, protein, gross energy, arginine, histidine, and valine were increased (P ≤ 0.05). The processed seed was then used to formulate five experimental diets by progressively increasing its inclusion (by 50 g kg?1) from zero up to 200 g kg?1. A sixth diet was also formulated with raw M. utilis included at 200 g kg?1 to determine the efficacy of the processing method applied in this study. Fifty fingerlings of C. gariepinus (2.02 g ± 0.08) stocked in 18 hapas measuring 1 × 1 × 1 m3 were then fed the diets for 56 days. The growth of C. gariepinus fingerlings was significantly improved by the addition of the toasted M. utilis seed meal. However, fish fed the diet containing 200 g kg?1 of raw M. utilis had poor growth with higher mortality (35%). Estimation of the feeding cost using the diets revealed reduction in production cost of fish with the inclusion of toasted M. utilis seed meal. It was concluded that toasting significantly improved the nutritional quality of this unconventional feedstuff, allowing better utilization at up to 200 g kg?1 inclusion level in the diet of African catfish C. gariepinus.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of feed particle size on gastric evacuation and growth of fingerling African catfish, Clarias gariepinus . Fish (0.97 ± 0.07 g) held in 40-cm diameter tanks at a stocking density of 5 fish L–1 (25 fish per tank) were presented with one of four sizes of food particles (1, 1.5, 2 and 3 mm diameter). Gastric evacuation rate could be described by an exponential function with small feed particles being evacuated more rapidly: values of 0.076, 0.054, 0.047 and 0.029 were observed for fish fed 1 mm, 1.5 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm food particles, respectively. Growth rates were highest for fish fed the 1.5 and 2 mm pellets. Based on these findings, recommendations are made on the optimum food particle size for C. gariepinus fingerlings.  相似文献   

Juvenile African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), of mean initial weight 15 g, were fed practical diets containing fresh or rancid oil (1:1 cod liver:corn oil) supplemented with either 20 or 100 mg all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate per kg dry diet, at 0.03 × body weight per day for 8 weeks. After this time, catfish had grown by at least four times in body weight. Significant ( P < 0.05) inter-treatment differences in final body weight were noted. Clarias fed low-tocopherol: oxidized-oil diets performed least well with regard to growth, though elevated dietary vitamin E partially abrogated this effect. Growth of fish fed fresh-oil diets did not benefit from increased dietary α-tocopherol content. Muscle, liver, plasma, heart and spleen all responded significantly ( P < 0.05) to dietary vitamin E dose. Inclusion of oxidized oil in catfish diets decreased tissue α-tocopherol concentration. Hepatic α-tocopherol concentration (μg α-tocopherol per g liver) was observed to be lowered by 90% by the rancid oil diets. When fish previously fed fresh-oil diets were switched to oxidized: low-tocopherol diets, hepatic α-tocopherol concentration was significantly ( P < 0.05) lowered within 2 weeks. The results highlight the importance of dietary oil quality in modulating tissue α-tocopherol concentrations in African catfish.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the effects of common carp and the African catfish on growth and reproduction of the native tilapia Oreochromis shiranus in Malawi. The study was done from 1 May to 1 October 2018 at the National Aquaculture Centre (NAC), Zomba. Four triplicated treatments were used: O. shiranus + carp (T1), O. shiranus + catfish (T2), O. shiranus + carp + catfish polyculture (T3) and O. shiranus monoculture (T4). Fish were stocked at uniform density of 0.8 fish/m2. Data collection was done once every month. Results showed that O. shiranus mean weight gain (%), specific growth rate (% body weight/day), average daily gain (g fish?1 day?1) and condition factor (g/cm3) were highest in T3 and lowest in T1 and T4 treatments. T3 had better water quality regime and higher tilapia biomass than T1 and T4 treatments. Tilapia fry production (no. fry pond?1 day?1) was highest in T4 but did not significantly differ (p > .05) between T2 and T3 treatments. It is concluded that the farming of common carp in aquatic ecosystems containing the African catfish may not adversely affect growth and reproduction of O. shiranus and that the polyculture of the African catfish, common carp and tilapia can be adopted to mitigate the potential adverse effects of carp on the environment and improve tilapia growth.  相似文献   

Dietary histidine requirement of fry African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (2.57 ± 0.02 cm; 0.22 ± 0.03 g) was quantified by feeding casein–gelatin-based isonitrogenous (40% crude protein) and isocaloric (17.90 kJ g−1 gross energy) amino acid test diets with graded levels of histidine (0.25%, 0.30%, 0.35%, 0.40%, 0.45% and 0.50% dry diet) in eighteen 80 L indoor circular aqua-coloured troughs provided with the flow-through system for 12 weeks. Maximum absolute weight gain (2.66), best feed conversion ratio (1.29), highest protein efficiency ratio (1.94), protein retention efficiency (34%) and energy retention efficiency (70.4%) were achieved at 0.40% dietary histidine. Broken-line and non-linear regression models were adopted to assess dietary histidine requirement for C. gariepinus . When analysed using broken-line regression model these parameters were also best at 0.40% dietary histidine corresponding to 1.0% protein, respectively, whereas using second-degree polynomial regression analysis, histidine requirement was obtained at 0.42%, 0.41%, 0.40%, 0.41% and 0.41% of dry diet, corresponding to 1.05%, 1.02%, 1.0%, 1.02% and 1.02% protein respectively. Based on the broken-line and second-degree polynomial regression analyses of the growth and nutrient retention data, optimum histidine requirement of fry C. gariepinus was found to be in the range of 0.40–0.42% dry diet, corresponding to 1.0–1.05% of dietary protein.  相似文献   

The development of chyme characteristics and the in vivo digestion of crude protein (CP) were assessed in response to different dietary sources of non‐protein energy. African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) were fed a starch or fat diet for 28 days, and faecal CP apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) was determined by a marker method. After the consumption of a single meal, chyme was collected from four compartments of the gastrointestinal tract and viscosity, dry matter (DM), CP and marker concentration were measured. Replacing dietary fat by starch resulted in a lower faecal CP ADC (< 0.05), even though CP originated from the same dietary ingredients. A higher inclusion level of starch led to a higher viscosity of chyme in the stomach, but a lower DM content, compared to the fat diet (< 0.05). Gastric evacuation was delayed in starch fed fish, likely due to the high viscosity of chyme. After evacuation of chyme into the proximal intestine, no significant differences in chyme characteristics were observed between diets (> 0.05). Changes in macronutrient composition can alter the environment in which CP digestion takes place. We suggest that for the formulation of highly digestible diets, the entire feed matrix needs to be considered, rather than single ingredients.  相似文献   

Cage‐pond integration system is a new model for enhancing productivity of pond aquaculture system. A field trial was conducted using African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in cages and carps in earthen ponds. There were four treatments replicated five times: (1) carps in ponds without cage, (2) tilapia at 30 fish m?3 in cage and carps in open pond, (3) catfish at 100 fish m?3 in cage and carps in open pond, (4) tilapia and catfish at 30 and 100 fish m?3, respectively, in separate cages and carps in open pond. The carps were stocked at 1 fish m?2. The cage occupied about 3% of the pond area. The caged tilapia and catfish were fed and the control ponds were fertilized. Results showed that the combined extrapolated net yield was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the catfish, tilapia and carps integration system (9.4 ± 1.6 t ha?1 year?1) than in the carp polyculture (3.3 ± 0.7 t ha?1 year?1). The net return from the tilapia and carps (6860 US$ ha?1 year?1) and catfish, tilapia and carps integration systems (6668 US$ ha?1 year?1) was significantly higher than in the carp polyculture (1709 US$ ha?1 year?1) (P < 0.05). This experiment demonstrated that the cage‐pond integration of African catfish and Nile tilapia with carps is the best technology to increase production; whereas integration of tilapia and carp for profitability.  相似文献   

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