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Chlorine stable isotope compositions (delta37Cl) of 22 mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) correlate with Cl content. The high-delta37Cl, Cl-rich basalts are highly contaminated by Cl-rich materials (seawater, brines, or altered rocks). The low-delta37Cl, Cl-poor basalts approach the composition of uncontaminated, mantle-derived magmas. Thus, most or all oceanic lavas are contaminated to some extent during their emplacement. MORB-source mantle has delta37Cl 相似文献   

We measured the spin state of iron in ferropericlase (Mg0.83Fe0.17)O at high pressure and found a high-spin to low-spin transition occurring in the 60- to 70-gigapascal pressure range, corresponding to depths of 2000 kilometers in Earth's lower mantle. This transition implies that the partition coefficient of iron between ferropericlase and magnesium silicate perovskite, the two main constituents of the lower mantle, may increase by several orders of magnitude, depleting the perovskite phase of its iron. The lower mantle may then be composed of two different layers. The upper layer would consist of a phase mixture with about equal partitioning of iron between magnesium silicate perovskite and ferropericlase, whereas the lower layer would consist of almost iron-free perovskite and iron-rich ferropericlase. This stratification is likely to have profound implications for the transport properties of Earth's lowermost mantle.  相似文献   

The transition zone of Earth's mantle is delineated by globally observed discontinuities in seismic properties at depths of about 410 and 660 kilometers. Here, we investigate the detailed structure between 410 and 660 kilometers depth, by making use of regional stacks of precursors to the SS phase. The previously observed discontinuity at about 520 kilometers depth is confirmed in many regions, but is found to be absent in others. There are a number of regions in which we find two discontinuities at about 500 and 560 kilometers depth, an effect which can be interpreted as a "splitting" of the 520 kilometer discontinuity. These observations provide seismic constraints on the sharpness and observability of mineralogical phase transitions in the mantle transition zone.  相似文献   

First-principles molecular-dynamics simulations show that over the pressure regime of Earth's mantle the mean silicon-oxygen coordination number of magnesium metasilicate liquid changes nearly linearly from 4 to 6. The density contrast between liquid and crystal decreases by a factor of nearly 5 over the mantle pressure regime and is 4% at the core-mantle boundary. The ab initio melting curve, obtained by integration of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, yields a melting temperature at the core-mantle boundary of 5400 +/- 600 kelvins.  相似文献   

The 660-kilometer discontinuity, which separates Earth's upper and lower mantle, has been detected routinely on a global scale in underside reflections of precursors to SS shear waves. Here, we report observations of this discontinuity in many different regions, using precursors to compressional PP waves. The apparent absence of such precursors in previous studies had posed major problems for models of mantle composition. We find a complicated structure, showing single and double reflections ranging in depth from 640 to 720 kilometers, that requires the existence of multiple phase transitions at the base of the transition zone. The results are consistent with a pyrolite mantle composition.  相似文献   

Tomographic imaging indicates that slabs of subducted lithosphere can sink deep into Earth's lower mantle. The view that convective flow is stratified at 660-kilometer depth and preserves a relatively pristine lower mantle is therefore not tenable. However, a range of geophysical evidence indicates that compositionally distinct, hence convectively isolated, mantle domains may exist in the bottom 1000 kilometers of the mantle. Survival of these domains, which are perhaps related to local iron enrichment and silicate-to-oxide transformations, implies that mantle convection is more complex than envisaged by conventional end-member flow models.  相似文献   

Rates of cation diffusion (magnesium, iron, and nickel) have been determined in olivine and its high-pressure polymorph, wadsleyite, at 9 to 15 gigapascals and 1100 degrees to 1400 degreesC for compositions that are relevant to Earth's mantle. Diffusion in olivine becomes strongly dependent on composition at high pressure. In wadsleyite, diffusion is one to two orders of magnitude faster than in olivine, depending on temperature. Homogenization of mantle heterogeneities (chemical mixing) and mineral transformations involving a magnesium-iron exchange will therefore occur considerably faster in the transition zone than at depths of less than 410 kilometers.  相似文献   

We applied global waveform tomography to model radial anisotropy in the whole mantle. We found that in the last few hundred kilometers near the core-mantle boundary, horizontally polarized S-wave velocities (VSH) are, on average, faster (by approximately 1%) than vertically polarized S-wave velocities (VSV), suggesting a large-scale predominance of horizontal shear. This confirms that the D" region at the base of the mantle is also a mechanical boundary layer for mantle convection. A notable exception to this average signature can be found at the base of the two broad low-velocity regions under the Pacific Ocean and under Africa, often referred to as "superplumes," where the anisotropic pattern indicates the onset of vertical flow.  相似文献   

Shim SH  Duffy TS  Shen G 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2001,293(5539):2437-2440
Unexplained features have been observed seismically near the middle (approximately 1700-kilometer depth) and bottom of the Earth's lower mantle, and these could have important implications for the dynamics and evolution of the planet. (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite is expected to be the dominant mineral in the deep mantle, but experimental results are discrepant regarding its stability and structure. Here we report in situ x-ray diffraction observations of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite at conditions (50 to 106 gigapascals, 1600 to 2400 kelvin) close to a mantle geotherm from three different starting materials, (Mg0.9Fe0.1)SiO enstatite, MgSiO3 glass, and an MgO+SiO2 mixture. Our results confirm the stability of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite to at least 2300-kilometer depth in the mantle. However, diffraction patterns above 83 gigapascals and 1700 kelvin (1900-kilometer depth) cannot presently rule out a possible transformation from Pbnm perovskite to one of three other possible perovskite structures with space group P2(1)/m, Pmmn, or P4(2)/nmc.  相似文献   

Post RL  Griggs DT 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1973,181(4106):1242-1244
Recent information from experimentally deformed dunite coupled with a reanalysis of data on the Fennoscandian postglacial rebound suggest that the rheological behavior of the upper mantle is distinctly non-Newtonian, and that the shear strain rate is proportional to the shear stress raised to about the third power.  相似文献   

Water in Earth's Mantle: The Role of Nominally Anhydrous Minerals   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Most minerals of Earth's upper mantle contain small amounts of hydrogen, structurally bound as hydroxyl (OH). The OH concentration in each mineral species is variable, in some cases reflecting the geological environment of mineral formation. Of the major mantle minerals, pyroxenes are the most hydrous, typically containing approximately 200 to 500 parts per million H(2)O by weight, and probably dominate the water budget and hydrogen geochemistry of mantle rocks that do not contain a hydrous phase. Garnets and olivines commonly contain approximately 1 to 50 parts per million. Nominally anhydrous minerals constitute a significant reservoir for mantle hydrogen, possibly accommodating all water in the depleted mantle and providing a possible mechanism to recycle water from Earth's surface into the deep mantle.  相似文献   

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