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玉米豫玉22雄性不育"三系"的选育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以C型不育胞质为背景 ,A61 9为强恢复源 ,采用回交转育的方式 ,完成了豫玉 2 2的雄性不育三系配套。不育系的不育株率高达 99.8%以上 ,育性稳定 ;恢复系的恢复度高达 5级 ;恢复性杂交种的可育株率达99 %以上 ,散粉结实正常 ,其它形状与N豫玉2 2基本一致 ,符合目标要求 ,可单独投入生产使用。  相似文献   

陈海龙 《种子科技》2003,21(6):364-364
玉米杂交种能否增产或增产幅度大小,不单取决于品种本身,还与亲本自交系的纯度及制种质量密切相关。利用雄性不育系生产玉米杂交种,是提高杂交种纯度,减少用工,降低成本的有效手段。特别是在麦收与玉米去雄争劳力的西北等地区,可缓解劳力紧缺的状况。因劳力紧缺和气候等因素人工去雄往往不及时、不彻底,造成大量自交株,影响杂交种的质量。而利用雄性不育系制种可以完全克服上述缺点,保证获得优质的杂交种。我场多年实践证明,利用雄性不育系制种省时、省工、增产,制种产量和大田产量较其正常可育类型增产3%~5%。在利用玉米雄性不育系制种中,…  相似文献   

庄兆金 《种子科技》2001,19(2):94-95
MNF,即模拟菜园自生麦苗栽培法,播期虽比常规精量播种提早15-20d,但通过冬前肥水猛攻,培育出基本符合n叶与n-3叶节位分蘖同伸关系的极多蘖冬前壮苗,再辅之以垅沟保护,麦苗可以安全越冬,从而发挥小麦个体生长优势,提高种子单粒生产能力,即繁育系数。  相似文献   

通过论述小白菜的播种技术、定植过程、管理方法以及采种过程,总结出小白菜胞质雄性不育系繁育技术。  相似文献   

1 提纯复壮的主要措施 1.1 严格掌握品种的典型性 考查、评选的基本标准,以群体的总体表现为主,对播始历期、株高、主茎叶片数、株型、叶型、穗型、粒型及不育系的不育性、柱头外露率、包颈度、开花习性,保持系的保持力、花粉饱满度等质量性状作重点考查,对遗传力低的性状作一般考查。……  相似文献   

研究探索了高山特殊气候环境和生产条件下低成本马铃薯原种繁育的关键技术措施,初步解决了当前马铃薯原种网棚扩繁成本过高、脱毒马铃薯种植面积上升缓慢等问题,填补了高纬度、高海拔露地马铃薯原种繁育的空白.  相似文献   

玉米C型雄性不育的应用是提高种子纯度质量,降低种子生产成本的一种有效方法,本研究通过多年大量的田间试验,先后鉴定(调查)了T、C、S群(型)不育胞质的育性表现,结果选定C型不育胞质的Cb37为基础材料,对很多自交系进行不育系的转育和恢复系的筛选工作,先后育成3个组合,完全实现了C型不育化三系配套技术生产杂交种子,不需要掺合常规杂交种,直接应用于大面积生产,经多年多点推广种植表明,不仅种子纯度质量高,而且恢复散粉株率在96%以上。转育成功的不育系CB107、CV8112、CM丹1511不育株率稳定在99.6%~99.8%。  相似文献   

毛朝军 《种子世界》2000,(10):31-31
小麦“一圃制”生产原种的技术程序、可概括为“单粒点播、分株鉴定、整株去杂,混合收获”。  相似文献   

高质量的亲本种子是生产高质量杂交玉米种子的基础.亲本种子纯度越高,其异质基因频率越低,表现型就越趋于一致,配制的杂交种质量就越好,优势也就越强,产量就越高.而亲本种子纯度除决定于制种技术以外,主要受源头种子育种家种子纯度的影响.只有用高质量的育种家种子加上采用科学的繁育措施,才能繁育出高质量的制种亲本.本文分析了影响亲本种子纯度的原因,论述了如何从育种家种子抓起,提高玉米亲本种子质量的措施.  相似文献   

简述了玉米雄性不育的类型及特点,不育系、保持系和恢复系的选育方法,对玉米种质改良及种子生产具有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

Development of a cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterile line of soybean   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The F1 of N8855 x N2899, a cross between two cultivars of G. max (L.) Merr., was found to be male-sterile. After it was back-crossed with the recurrent parent N2899 for four successive generations, a cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterile line and its maintainer line, designated as NJCMS1A and NJCMS1B, respectively, were obtained. NJCMS1A was stable in male sterility with 98.29% plants being male-sterile at 0% pollen germination, while its female fertility was normal. The pollen abortion of NJCMS1A occurred at the binucleate stage. Then the vacuolation and disintegration of cytoplasm became further pronounced in NJCMS1A pollen. In addition, the abnormal phenomenon of 2 ∼ 3 styles surrounded by 20 ∼ 30 stamens was found in a few flowers of some male-sterile plants at BC1F1 and BC2F1. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

通过对以温敏亚麻雄性不育系1S为母本配制的6个杂交组合F1、F2代主要农艺性状和产量性状杂种优势的测定和分析,结果表明:不同杂交组合F1、F2代在株高和工艺长度上的平均优势均表现为负向超父本优势,而各产量性状上的平均优势均表现出很强的正向超父本优势;但与F1代相比,F2代平均优势明显下降。产量性状构成因素平均优势大小顺序为:单株产量>单株果数>千粒重>每果粒数。不同组合间F1、F2代杂种优势表现差异较大,其中1S×黑亚15号组合产量性状的超父本优势最强,F1、F2代均表现出很强的杂种优势。  相似文献   

玉米制种技术规程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为提高制种产量,获得优质种子,总结近年制种实践,拟定以下制种技术.技术的关键是种子自然成熟、提高授粉结实率、保证种子质量和提高制种产量四个问题.  相似文献   

提高杂交玉米种子质量的对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,杂交玉米种子质量滑坡现象严重。在大田玉米生产上,杂种优势常常因种子质量低劣而得不到充分利用,用种户与种子生产单位因质量问题引起的纠纷时有发生,既影响了农民的  相似文献   

由于单倍体只具有每一对同源染色体及等位基因中的一个,遗传基础单一,单倍体染色体的加倍,相当于同质结合,可得到遗传上稳定、纯合,性状不分离的二倍体纯系。玉米单倍体育种技术能有效地提高选育效率,加快育种进程。与其他玉米常规育种选系技术相比,在自交系纯化方面具有不可替代的优越性。本文简要介绍该项技术在玉米自交系选育中的应用过程,为进一步科学有效地利用提供操作依据。  相似文献   

T. J. Zhao  J. Y. Gai 《Euphytica》2006,152(3):387-396
Most of the cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterile (CMS) lines of soybean were developed only from a limited cytoplasm sources and performed not as good as required in hybrid seed production, therefore, to explore new male-sterile cytoplasm sources should be one of the effective ways to improve the pollination and hybridization for a better pod-set in utilization of heterosis of soybeans. In the present study, total 80 crosses between 70 cultivated and annual wild soybean accessions and three maintainers (N2899, N21249, and N23998) of NJCMS1A were made for detecting potential new sources with male-sterile cytoplasm. The results showed that in addition to the crosses with N8855.1 (the cytoplasm donor parent of NJCMS1A) and its derived line NG99-893 as cytoplasm parent, there appeared three crosses, including N21566 × N21249 and N23168 × N21249, with male-sterile plants in their progenies. According to the male fertility performance of backcrosses and reciprocal crosses with the tester N21249, the landrace N21566 and annual wild soybean accession N23168 were further confirmed to have male-sterile cytoplasm. Accordingly, it was understood that the source with male-sterile cytoplasm in soybean gene pool might be not occasional. The results also showed that the genetic system of male sterility of the newly found cytoplasm source N21566 was different from the old cytoplasm source N8855.1, while N23168 was to be further studied. Based on the above results, the derived male-sterile plants from [(N21566 × N21249) F1 × N21249] BC1F1 were back-crossed with the recurrent parent N21249 for five successive times, and a new CMS line and its maintainer line, designated as NJCMS3A and NJCMS3B, respectively, were obtained. NJCMS3A had normal female fertility and stable male sterility. Its microspore abortion was mainly at middle uninucleate stage, earlier than that of NJCMS1A and NJCMS2A. The male fertility of F1s between NJCMS3A and 20 pollen parents showed that 7 accessions could restore its male fertility and other 13 could maintain its male sterility. The male sterility of NJCMS3A and its restoration were controlled by one pair of gametophyte male-sterile gene according to male fertility segregation of crosses between NJCMS3A and three restorers. The nuclear gene(s) of male sterility in NJCMS3A appeared different from the previously reported CMS lines, NJCMS1A and NJCMS2A. The development of NJCMS3A demonstrated the feasibility to discover new CMS system through choosing maintainers with suitable nuclear background.  相似文献   

玉米杂交种制种技术总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了适应种子产业市场化发展需求,满足大田生产用种,扭转玉米籽种多年依赖外调且种源难以保证的被动局面,保障市场供给和农民用种安全.从1999-2002年,在山西省安泽县和川镇进行了为期三年玉米制种技术的探索,并取得一定经验.  相似文献   

卢卫山 《种子》2000,(2):78
玉米种子冷检验的目的是评估在湿冷条件下玉米种子的潜在发芽能力。1 材料:1.1 规格约为200mm×270mm×100mm、带有盖子的冷冻用塑料硬盒。1.2 未经消毒的混合沙土。混合比例沙∶土为2∶1。土壤须取自种植过玉米的地块。注意不能用施过除草剂的土壤。土壤用1/4英寸(约6mm)的网眼筛子过筛,除去碎石块,然后置于室温下2~3周。取两份建筑用细沙与一份过了筛的土壤充分混合备用。2 步骤2.1 取约550ml体积的沙土混合物放入塑料盒中,铺平,在表面整齐置放100颗玉米种子,置放种子时应轻压,使之与沙土接触良好。然后用混合沙土覆盖种子,厚度约10…  相似文献   

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