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T.Z. Dawes 《Pedobiologia》2010,53(4):241-246
This study examines changes in the abundance and diversity of soil macroinvertebrate taxa and soil water storage across different disturbance treatments in a tropical savanna woodland in northern Australia. Nine plots representing three habitat disturbance treatments (uncleared savanna woodland; 25-year-old regrowth following past clearing; cleared areas) were sampled for macrofauna using soil pits in April 2003. Sub-surface soil moisture (0-0.4 m) was measured at 0.1 m intervals over the 2002/2003 wet season. Termites represented 55% of total individuals sampled. Abundance of soil macrofauna was greatest in uncleared plots and lowest in cleared plots, with the latter treatment also having the lowest taxon diversity. Mean abundances of termites, earthworms and ants were greatest in uncleared treatment plots. Five termite species from four genera were present, with Microcerotermes nervosus constituting 47% of termite species identified. Of the wood-, grass- and polyphagous-feeding termites present, wood-feeding species were restricted to uncleared treatment plots and grass-feeders to regrowth treatment plots. A shift in termite nesting habits from epigeal to hypogeal was observed from uncleared to cleared treatments. Soil water storage was lowest in the dry season and highest during the monsoon, and varied significantly across habitat disturbance treatments at the start and end of the wet season. Cleared plots were least effective in the capture of the first wet season rains, and uncleared treatment plots showed the greatest capacity to retain soil water during the transition from wet to dry season. The negative effects of habitat disturbance on soil water storage may have been partially mediated by the observed changes in soil macrofauna, especially termites.  相似文献   

Soil-engineering organisms (earthworms, termites and ants) affect the soil and litter environment indirectly by the accumulation of their biogenic structures (casts, pellets, galleries, crop sheetings nests…). An enzymatic typology was conducted on six types of biogenic structures: casts produced by two earthworms (Andiodrilus sp. and Martiodrilus sp.), a nest built by a soil-feeding termite (Spinitermes sp.), crop galleries built by another soil-feeding termite (Ruptitermes sp.) and soil pellets produced by two species of leaf-cutting ant (Acromyrmex landolti and Atta laevigata) and an control soil from a natural Colombian savanna. A total of 10 enzymes (xylanase, amylase, cellulase, α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, β-xylosidase, N-acteyl-glucosaminidase, alkaline and acid phosphatases and laccase) were selected to characterize the functional diversity of the biogenic structures. Our results showed that (i) Martiodrilus casts were characterized by a broad enzymatic profile that was different from that of the soil. (ii) A. laevigata pellets and termite structures had a profile broadly similar to the soil only with some enzymes (iii) Andiodrilus casts had an enzyme profile very similar to that of the soil. These results suggest that the functional diversity of these structures is related to differences between species and not to differences between taxonomic groups. For the first time, we evaluated differences in enzyme typology between biogenic structures collected on the same site but produced by different organisms. These differences suggested species dependent pathways for the decomposition of organic matter.  相似文献   

Determining soil quality indicators by factor analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil quality indicators (SQIs) can be used to evaluate sustainability of land use and soil management practices in agroecosystems. The objective of this study was to identify appropriate SQI from factor analysis (FA) of five treatments: no-till corn (Zee mays) without manure (NT), no-till corn with manure (NTM), no-till corn–soybean (Glycine max) rotation (NTR), conventional tillage corn (CT), and meadow (M) in Coshocton, Ohio. Soil properties were grouped into five factors (eigenvalues > 1) for the 0–10 cm depth as: (Factor 1) water transmission, (Factor 2) soil aeration, (Factor 3) soil pore connection 1, (Factor 4) soil texture and (Factor 5) moisture status. Factor 2 was the most dominant, with soil organic carbon (SOC) the most dominant measured soil attribute contributing to this factor. For the 10–20 cm depth, factors identified were: (Factor 6) soil aggregation, (Factor 7) soil pore connection 2, (Factor 8) soil macropore, and (Factor 9) plant production. At 10–20 cm depth, Factor 6 was most dominant with SOC the most dominant measured soil attribute. Management × sample and slope position × sample interactions were significant among some factors for both depths. Overall, SOC was the most dominant measured soil attribute as a SQI for both depths. Other key soil attributes were field water capacity, air-filled porosity, pH and soil bulk density for the 0–10 cm depth, and total N and mean weight diameter of aggregates for the 10–20 depth. Therefore, SOC could play an important role for monitoring soil quality.  相似文献   

Previous feeding experiments have shown that soil-feeding termites (Termitidae: Termitinae) preferentially mineralize the peptidic component of synthetic humic acids, but nothing was known about the mechanism involved in digestion. Here, we studied the hydrolysis of humus-stabilized peptides in gut extracts of Cubitermes orthognathus by measuring the release of radiolabel from 14C-peptide-labeled synthetic humic acids. Gut extracts exhibited proteolytic activity over a wide pH range (from 4 to 12) with a maximum at about pH 8. The highest activity was located in the gut section containing the midgut and the extremely alkaline (up to pH 12) mixed segment. Chemical hydrolysis at in situ pH (up to pH 12) was negligible. Proteolytic activity in the hindgut fluid was generally relatively low, but alkaline proteases dominated in the anterior hindgut. When compared to other alkaline proteases, the proteolytic activity of gut extracts had a higher alkali-stability and tolerance to humic acids than subtilisin and an alkaline protease of Streptomyces griseus. Gut extracts also hydrolyzed the peptidic component of synthetic humic acids more efficiently than the commercial enzymes. Together with previous results, this study strongly supports the hypothesis that soil-feeding termites mobilize and digest the peptidic component of organic nitrogen in soil humic substances by a combination of proteolytic activities and extreme alkalinity in their intestinal tract.  相似文献   

杨奇勇  杨劲松  姚荣江 《土壤》2011,43(6):998-1003
针对目前黄淮海平原盐渍土改良区存在的土壤盐渍障碍问题,以该区域典型县域禹城市为研究对象,综合运用GIS和非参数地质统计学的指示克立格法,对县级和镇级两个采样尺度下0~20 cm耕层土壤盐分的空间变异性进行了分析,并给出了土壤盐分满足一定条件的概率分布图.结果表明,两个采样尺度下土壤盐分均不符合正态分布且都存在特异值,但...  相似文献   

 We performed feeding trials with the soil-feeding termite Cubitermes orthognathus using soil spiked by uniformly 14C-labeled preparations of cellulose, peptidoglycan, protein, and bacterial cells (Bacillus megaterium and Escherichia coli). When incubated in soil for 8 days in the absence of termites, cellulose and peptidoglycan showed low mineralization rates (0.5% and 0.2%, respectively). However, when termites were present, their mineralization rates strongly increased (21.6% and 30.6%, respectively). The mineralization rate of protein was 12.4% in the control soils and increased to 36.2% in the presence of termites. Mineralization of bacterial cells in control soils occurred in two phases (rapid mineralization during the first 4–5 days and stabilization thereafter). When termites were present, the rates of mineralization of bacterial cells increased and the stabilization phase was abolished. In all cases, radiolabel accumulated in the termites and the solubility of the labeled compounds located in the gut increased strongly. Mineralization was accompanied by transformation of residual carbon from the humic acid fraction to the fulvic acid fraction during gut passage. High-performance gel permeation chromatography demonstrated a strong shift in the size distribution of the residual carbon from high-molecular-weight towards low-molecular-weight molecules in the gut of termites and an accumulation of small molecules in the termite bodies. The present study provides strong evidence that structural polysaccharides of plants and bacteria and microbial biomass are carbon and energy sources for soil-feeding termites. Received: 29 May 2000  相似文献   

基于全排列多边形图示指标法的土壤肥力质量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤对于植物生长和土地生产力极其重要,了解和掌握土壤肥力质量有助于认识土壤环境状况,并有效和合理地利用土地。当前,土壤肥力质量评价有许多种方法。本研究将全排列多边形图示指标方法引入土壤肥力质量评价,并以吉林省黑土为例,从土壤养分、结构和环境3方面建立评价指标体系和分级标准,将具有代表性的13个野外定点采样的测试数据进行评价,同时与可拓评价法、改进的人工神经网络法的评价结果进行对比分析,验证了本方法的可行性。结果表明:研究区内选取的13个样点,肥力质量均为Ⅲ类级别,肥力质量中等;针对不同样点所存在的限制因素,可提出土壤改良与改善的对策,G3、G7和G8样点的土壤需要增施磷肥,G4、G10和G14样点的土壤应注意耕作制度和改良土壤结构。与其他评价方法比较发现,全排列多边形图示指标法用于土壤肥力质量评价是可行的,评价结果一致性高,仅在3个或1个样点的评价结果不一致。全排列多边形图示指标法简便易懂,方便编程实现参评因子量化处理,避免主观随意性。此方法是土壤肥力质量评价的新方法,可为其他地区或土壤类型的土壤肥力质量评价提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Soil organic matter and the abundance of subterranean termites were measured at 89 locations spaced at 30-m intervals from the bottom to the top of a small desert watershed. There was no correlation between soil organic matter content and topographic position on the watershed. Analysis by autocorrelogram demonstrated that the soil organic matter content was randomly distributed on the watershed. There was a highly significant negative correlation between termite abundance and soil organic matter, r=–0.97. Soils characterized by horizon in soil pits within each vegetation type (soil type) showed some relationships to erosion-deposition areas on the watershed, with surface organic matter contents varying between 3.4% in the playa basin where termites were absent to 0.4% in a sparse shrubland on erosional soils. In the northern Chihuahuan Desert, subterranean termites appear to be responsible for most of the variation in soil organic matter.  相似文献   

In these last decades, the awareness that soil is a very important resource for humans has noticeably increased. Many actions and initiatives to promote soil governance, aiming at sustainable soil management and soil security have been undertaken by several national and international institutions and in many countries. Analysis of the changes of soil perception over the centuries allows highlighting a perfect harmony between the evolution of soil awareness and the level of knowledge and technology achieved by humans during their history and evolution. Notwithstanding these many achievements, soils continue to be scarcely considered in politics and society. We suggest some thoughts and reflections that could lead to an up-to-date and effective definition of soil that directly focuses the public attention on its economic value. In our opinion, soil economic value could be the only aspect that truly attracts the attention of politicians and administrators, which could increase soil awareness and encourage soil sustainability, security and Sustainable Development Goals and finally promote soil governance.  相似文献   

To improve the sustainability and environmental accountability of the banana industry there is a need to develop a set of soil health indicators that integrate physical, chemical and biological soil properties. These indicators would allow banana growers, extension and research workers to improve soil health management practices. To determine changes in soil properties due to the cultivation of bananas, a paired site survey was conducted comparing soil properties under conventional banana systems to less intensively managed vegetation systems, such as pastures and forest. Measurements were made on physical, chemical and biological soil properties at seven locations in tropical and sub-tropical banana producing areas. Soil nematode community composition was used as a bioindicator of the biological properties of the soil. Soils under conventional banana production tended to have a greater soil bulk density, with less soil organic carbon (C) (both total C and labile C), greater exchangeable cations, higher extractable P, greater numbers of plant-parasitic nematodes and less nematode diversity, relative to less intensively managed plant systems. The organic banana production systems at two locations had greater labile C, relative to conventional banana systems, but there was no significant change in nematode community composition. There were significant interactions between physical, chemical and nematode community measurements in the soil, particularly with soil C measurements, confirming the need for a holistic set of indicators to aid soil management. There was no single indicator of soil health for the Australian banana industry, but a set of soil health indicators, which would allow the measurement of soil improvements should include: bulk density, soil C, pH, EC, total N, extractable P, ECEC and soil nematode community structure.  相似文献   

The Weighted Coenotic Index (WCI) is a single value that unifies total abundance, dominance structure, species richness and ecological weightings, e.g., habitat preferences and positions of species in the r/K continuum. Studies with simulated species assemblages have shown that ecological weightings and dominance structure are major components of the index; the ecological weightings must be related to the group of organisms studied and to the scope of the investigation. The WCI is a relative measure that needs a reference (control) site in each investigation for a conclusive interpretation. Compared to several diversity indexes, the WCI has a much better discriminant ability because it includes ecological weightings and a log-normal dominance structure. This index has been applied to published data from several field studies using protozoa (testate amoebae, ciliates) and earthworms. The results show that the WCI is an appropriate tool to measure changes and to monitor recovery processes in disturbed ecosystems. The index should be calculated separately for each systematic (indicator) group (e.g., ciliates, nematodes, mites) because the information will be more detailed and an overall index could, for instance, mask a high value for one group, such as ciliates, in conjunction with a low value for another group, such as nematodes. The WCI has been developed on a protozoological background owing to the authors' familiarity with this field. Mathematically and practically it is also applicable to other groups of soil and freshwater organisms.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to identify soil parameters potentially useful to monitor soil quality under different soil management and crop rotation systems. Microbiological and chemical parameters were evaluated in a field experiment in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil, in response to soil management [no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)] and crop rotation [including grain (soybean, S; maize, M; wheat, W) and legume (lupin, L.) and non-legume (oat, O) covers] systems. Three crop rotation systems were evaluated: (1) (O/M/O/S/W/S/L/M/O/S), (2) (O/S/L/M/O/S/W/S/L/M), and (3) (O/S/W/S/L/M/O/M/W/M), and soil parameters were monitored after the fifth year. Before ploughing, CO2-emission rates were similar in NT and CT soils, but plough increased it by an average of 57%. Carbon dioxide emission was 13% higher with lupin residues than with wheat straw; decomposition rates were rapid with both soil management systems. Amounts of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen (MB-C and MB-N, respectively) were 80 and 104% higher in NT than in CT, respectively; however, in general these parameters were not affected by crop rotation. Efficiency of the microbial community was significantly higher in NT: metabolic quotient (qCO2) was 55% lower than in CT. Soluble C and N levels were 37 and 24% greater in NT than in CT, respectively, with no effects of crop rotation. Furthermore, ratios of soluble C and N contents to MB-C and MB-N were consistently lower in NT, indicating higher immobilization of C and N per unit of MB. The decrease in qCO2 and the increase in MB-C under NT allowed enhancements in soil C stocks, such that in the 0–40 cm profile, a gain of 2500 kg of C ha−1 was observed in relation to CT. Carbon stocks also varied with crop rotation, with net changes at 0–40 cm of 726, 1167 and −394 kg C ha−1 year, in rotations 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Similar results were obtained for the N stocks, with 410 kg N ha−1 gained in NT, while crop rotations 1, 2 and 3 accumulated 71, 137 and 37 kg of N ha−1 year−1, respectively. On average, microbial biomass corresponded to 2.4 and 1.7% of the total soil C, and 5.2 and 3.2% of the N in NT and CT systems, respectively. Soil management was the main factor affecting soil C and N levels, but enhancement also resulted from the ratios of legumes and non-legumes in the rotations. The results emphasize the importance of microorganisms as reservoirs of C and N in tropical soils. Furthermore, the parameters associated with microbiological activity were more responsive to soil management and crop rotation effects than were total stocks of C and N, demonstrating their usefulness as indicators of soil quality in the tropics.  相似文献   

Ecological indicators are taxa that are affected by, and indicate effects of, anthropogenic environmental stress or disturbance on ecosystems. There is evidence that some species of soil macrofauna (i.e. diameter >2 mm) constitute valuable biological indicators of certain types of soil perturbations. This study aims to determine which level of taxonomic resolution, (species, family or ecological group) is the best to identify indicator of soil disturbance. Macrofauna were sampled in a set of sites encompassing different land-use systems (e.g. forests, pastures, crops) and different levels of pollution. Indicator taxa were sought using the IndVal index proposed by Dufrêne and Legendre [Dufrêne, M., Legendre, P., 1997. Species assemblages and indicator species: the need for a flexible asymetrical approach. Ecological Monographs 67, 345-366]. This approach is based on a hierarchical typology of sites. The index value changes along the typology and decreases (increases) for generalist (specialist) faunal units (species, families or ecological groups). Of the 327 morphospecies recorded, 19 were significantly associated with a site type or a group of sites (5.8%). Similarly, species were aggregated to form 59 families among which 17 (28.8%) displayed a significant indicator value. Gathering species into 28 broad ecological assemblages led to 14 indicator groups (50%). Beyond the simple proportion of units having significant association with a given level of the site typology, the proportion of specialist and generalist groups changed dramatically when the level of taxonomic resolution was altered. At the species level 84% of the indicator units were specialist, whereas this proportion decreased to 70 and 43% when families and ecological groups were considered. Because specialist groups are the most interesting type of indicators either in terms of conservation or for management purposes we come to the conclusion that the species level is the most accurate taxonomic level in bioindication studies although it requires a high amount of labour and operator knowledge and is time-consuming.  相似文献   

长期施用畜禽粪便对土壤生物化学质量指标的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李江涛  钟晓兰  刘勤  张斌  赵其国 《土壤》2010,42(4):526-535
采用两种母质发育的,长期施用畜禽粪便和化肥的稻麦轮作土壤作为供试土壤,探讨了施用畜禽粪便对土壤微生物组成、微生物生物量及活性、土壤酶活性等生物化学质量指标的影响。研究结果显示,与施用化肥比较,长期施用畜禽粪便显著提高了土壤细菌和放线菌数量(+72%和+132%)、土壤微生物生物量碳、氮(+89%和+74%)、土壤基础呼吸速率和微生物商(+49%和+45%),但降低了土壤真菌的数量(-38%)。土壤脲酶和转化酶活性也表现为长期施用畜禽粪便土壤高于施用化肥土壤。由于受土壤pH值强烈影响,土壤微生物代谢商(qCO2)和土壤磷酸酶活性没有表现出明显的变化规律。回归分析结果显示,长期施用畜禽粪便改变土壤活性有机碳含量和理化性质是导致土壤生物化学质量指标变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites (Isoptera, Macrotermitinae) play an important role in tropical ecosystems in modifying soil physical properties. Most of the literature regarding the impact of termites on soil properties refers to termite epigeous mounds. In spite of their abundance and activity in African savannas, few studies deal with the properties of underground nest structures (fungus-comb chambers) built by subterranean Macrotermitinae termites. We tested whether these termites significantly modify the soil physico-chemical properties within their nests in a humid tropical savanna and whether these effects are different for two termite species with differing building behaviour. Termite-worked soil material was collected from fungus-comb chamber walls of two widespread species: Ancistrotermes cavithorax, which builds diffuse and ephemeral nests and Odontotermes nr pauperans, which most often builds concentrated and permanent nests for a comparatively much longer period of time. Neither species influenced soil pH but both significantly modified soil texture and C-N content in their nest structures. A strong impact on clay-particle size was also detected but no significant differences in clay mineralogy. Thus Odontotermes has a greater effect on soil properties, that could be explained by its building behaviour and the concentration in space of its nest units. Therefore, spatial pattern and life-span of fungus-comb chambers should be an important parameter to be considered in the functional role of subterranean Macrotermitinae termites in the savanna.  相似文献   

The use of indicator taxa for conservation planning is common, despite inconsistent evidence regarding their effectiveness. These inconsistencies may be the result of differences among species and taxonomic groups studied, geographic location, or scale of analysis. The scale of analysis can be defined by grain and extent, which are often confounded. Grain is the size of each observational unit and extent is the size of the entire study area. Using species occurrence records compiled by NatureServe from survey data, range maps, and expert opinion, we examined correlations in species richness between each of seven taxa (amphibians, birds, butterflies, freshwater fish, mammals, freshwater mussels, and reptiles) and total richness of the remaining six taxa at varying grains and extents in two regions of the US (Mid-Atlantic and Pacific Northwest). We examined four different spatial units of interest: hexagon (∼649 km2), subecoregion (3800-34,000 km2), ecoregion (8300-79,000 km2), and geographic region (315,000-426,000 km2). We analyzed the correlations with varying extent of analysis (grain held constant at the hexagon) and varying grain (extent held constant at the region). The strength of correlation among taxa was context dependent, varying widely with grain, extent, region, and taxon. This suggests that (1) taxon, grain, extent, and study location explain, in part, inconsistent results of previous studies; (2) planning based on indicator relationships developed at other grains or extents should be undertaken cautiously; and (3) planning based on indicator relationships developed in other geographic locations is risky, even if planning occurs at an equivalent grain and extent.  相似文献   

王诚楠  张伟东  王雪峰  洪毅 《土壤学报》2015,52(5):1135-1143
在2013年对大连市大魏家镇海水入侵污染区域进行了土壤理化性质和线虫群落调查,在此基础上,应用线虫多样性指数和功能类群指数研究海水入侵土壤盐渍化以及不同土地利用方式对土壤线虫群落结构的影响。研究期间共鉴定出土壤线虫30科48个属。其中食细菌类群的比例最高,共17属,占总数42.81%;其次为杂食/捕食类群,共9个属,占总数25.26%。优势属为Plectus。结果显示:海水入侵已造成该地区土壤盐渍化;土壤盐分与线虫生态指数SR、f/b、NCR、PPI、MI、PPI/MI、PP%、FF%、BF%和OP%存在显著的相关关系;土地利用方式、土壤盐分对线虫群落的生态指数影响显著,是影响该地区土壤线虫群落结构的主要因素。通过开展土壤线虫对海水入侵土壤盐渍化响应的研究,为促进沿海受海水污染区土壤生态系统的健康发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Soil degradation associated with tillage is a major problem in Uruguayan agriculture. Either rotation of crops with pastures (ROT) or no-till (NT) cropping have been proposed as alternatives to minimize the impact of agriculture on soil quality. The combined impact on soil properties of ROT and NT has not been evaluated. In this study, we report results of the first 12 years of a long-term experiment established on a clay loam soil in western Uruguay. The objective was to determine the influence of conventional tillage (CT) and NT on systems under continuous cropping (CC, two crops per year) or ROT (3.5-year annual crops/2.5-year pastures). Soil samples taken at the beginning of the experiment in 1994 and in 2004 were analyzed for organic carbon (SOC), total organic carbon (TSOC) and total nitrogen content (STN), and for water-stable aggregation (WAS). Soil loss and erodibility indicators were studied using microrain simulator. With 12 years, the cumulative carbon (C) inputs of aboveground biomass were similar between tillage, but C input in CC was 50% higher than ROT. This difference was explained because 84% of the pastures dry matter was consumed by animals. Nevertheless we estimated a higher below ground biomass in ROT compared to CC systems (24.9 Mg ha−1 vs. 10.9 Mg ha−1). NT presented 7% higher SOC than CT (0–18 cm) with no differences between rotation systems. While all treatments declined in STN during 12 years, ROT had 11% and 58% higher STN and WAS than CC systems, with a large impact of the pasture under CT. Runoff and erosion were minimized under NT in both rotations systems. Thus, including pastures in the rotation, or switching from CT to NT improved soil quality properties. The expected benefit of combining NT and ROT will likely require more years for the cumulative effect to be detectable in both C input and soil properties.  相似文献   

Soil degradation is a major source of ecological dysfunction in both natural and agricultural landscapes. Termites are key mediators of tropical soil structure and function, but there has been little experimental evaluation of their potential in soil rehabilitation. This study investigated if termite activity can be used as a tool to improve the properties and function of degraded soil in tropical Australia, through mulch addition. A 2 × 2 randomised block design was used, with mulch (bare [B] or mulched [M] plots) and termiticide (termite [T] or non-termite [NT] plots) as factors. Over 4.5 years I tested the hypothesis that the MT plots would show greatest increase in (i) soil macroporosity, (ii) total soil surface carbon and nitrogen, (iii) litter decomposition, (iv) soil water storage and (v) plant cover, and (vi) greatest reduction in soil strength. MT treatment plots showed a 46% and 45% increase in soil macroporosity and plant cover, respectively, and a 25% reduction in soil strength compared with MNT plots. Compared with B treatments (BT, BNT), macroporosity and plant cover were 98% and 60% higher, respectively and soil water storage increased by up to 15%. Termites contributed to 58% of litter loss in MT plots over the transitional/dry season period. Mulching doubled soil carbon and nitrogen levels. This research demonstrates termite-mediated processes can be initiated and maintained in degraded soil, thereby improving soil structure and key ecosystem functions. Termites may represent a valuable biological resource for promoting tropical soil restoration, through incorporating techniques that promote their activity into tropical soil rehabilitation management.  相似文献   

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